Jin Kai's Audience Hall - Xiangguo

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Post by Phailak »

The man twists his mouth, frowning, revealing a facial expression for the first time.

"I understand your situation is difficult, but what the Marquis is asking is reasonable. No harm can come to your men, none at all in this undertaking. Should your Lord never come back, the Marquis' support can go a long way to helping you restore order in Changshan. I know this places you in a difficult position, it is why I warned you about reading the letter. I will report to my master to the best of my abilities, but I doubt he will come here, he is just as busy as you are running the whole administration of Yan and Zhou Guo plus coordinating the many armies."

The man bowed, for the third time hoping to be dismissed.
Big Grizzy
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Post by Big Grizzy »

Jin Kai nodded. "Military aid is just not something I can give right now. With the state in the disarray that it is in, I can't mobilize troops." Jin Kai turned his head slightly towards the door instead of the diplomat and shouted, "Dun!"

A young man in the attire of a guard and a confident air about him stepped through the door. "Yes, Father?"

A small smile of pride came onto Kai's face when he saw his son. "Master Lin and I are finished now. Do you know where Captain Quan took his entourage?"

"He said he was going to take them to Master Ma's tea house."

"Ah, very good. There is little soldiers can do to get in trouble there. Please escort Master Lin there."

"Of course." He then bowed to Huan. "If you would follow me."
Ma Yan's tea house was a very well respected local establishment, frequented by a wide variety of people and kept in very good order. The owner greeted Jin Dun and Lin Huan at the door. "Ah, young master Jin, what can I do for you this evening?"

"This is Master Lin Huan, an envoy from Yan. His entourage was brought here by Captain Quan."

"Ah yes, they are in the Autumn Room. They have just been served."

"Thank you Master Ma." Dun was obviously familiar with this establishment as he walked confidently through the main room and moved aside a curtain on the right. Inside this ornately decorated room, covered in reds and gold, was Captain Quan Yao and Lin Huan's escort.

Quan Yao put his tea down. "That was fast."
Jin Sui (23)

"Jin Kai have already gain the thrust of the population in Changshan!!!"
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Post by Phailak »

Huan Jin bowed.

"Thank you for your hospitality to these men. I can stay while you finish your tea, I am in no hurry to return home. Our business was quick simply because circumstances do not permit us to have much leeway, it was a yes or no type of thing."

The envoy wondered if he was interrupting the bond soldiers sometimes had in these situations and briefly wondered if he should wait outside, but decided against it, waiting for the men to be ready to leave.
Big Grizzy
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Post by Big Grizzy »

Quan Yao nodded at the envoy and turned back to the soldiers around the table. "Like I was saying, Jin Kai is a great guy and all, but the Prefect's disappearance has him feeling tight as a drum. My guess is that the Prefect went and got himself dead somehow, but we haven't been able to find anything on our patrols that would give us any clue about it. None. Either we are dealing with professional assassins here, or he is purposefully hiding from us."

Jin Dun snapped at Yao from his position beside the envoy. "Captain, your place is not to discuss internal matters with these men. They do not need to know my father's mental state, nor your suppositions about what happened to Lord Prefect Xiong." His fierce look then broke into a smile as he seated himself at the table with the soldiers. "The fact that my father is being driven mad by paperwork or that a guy little older than me has most likely gone to get himself some tail is not big news. Dun then poured himself a cup from the pot in the middle of the table before turning around to look at the envoy. "If you don't have to leave for a while, come have a cup Master Lin."
Jin Sui (23)

"Jin Kai have already gain the thrust of the population in Changshan!!!"
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Post by Phailak »

The envoy smiled, seeming unsure about his place around the men.

"That is most generous, I believe I would enjoy some tea."

He joined the men there, disappointed he had failed in his missive for the Marquis. He sighed.

"Ah! Despite my efforts, I cannot seem to secure my Lord's objectives. On my last visit in Zhao, to see King Wu Chen to collect the reward for the rebel, I was excused prematurely because of the war. Lord Xiong is unavailable here while your father it seems is burdened to handle the management of two cities by himself, which in turn complicates my work. It seems I am destined to mission of failure, it is a bad omen for my next visit with King Xia."
Big Grizzy
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Post by Big Grizzy »

Jin Kai poured a cup for the envoy and slid it across the table to him. "My father is just a little stressed because this whole mess the young prefect made has just fallen into his lap. We just joined him officially in the past few weeks. You should be able to see how that can complicate things. Don't worry though, your master's plan to fight Tian Dan is not ruined yet."

He chuckled. "I know you didn't say it specifically out loud, but it was obvious to anyone with a brain that was his intention. His move into Jibei last month was stopped by Cai Xingzhe siding with the King of Qi against you. My father refuses to move the troops not because of anything you have done Master Lin, but because he doesn't think he can. What if I was able to get those troops ready for you?"
Jin Sui (23)

"Jin Kai have already gain the thrust of the population in Changshan!!!"
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Post by Phailak »

Huan stopped the cup just as he was about to sip.

"You can? That would change things considerably I believe, you have my attention of course, how would you manage such a feat?"

The cup forgotten, Huan's attention was completely focused on the young man.
Big Grizzy
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Post by Big Grizzy »

Dun smiled wide. "My father loves your lord almost like a son. It would not be hard to convince him to mobilize the men for him if he thinks it is possible and truly beneficial to both Lak and his people. My uncles are both skilled in troop movement, so getting the troops actually moving shouldn't be difficult. Here is my proposal for getting him morally behind it. If we deliver Jibei into Lak's hands, he relinquishes control of Zhou Guo to my father. This would do two things. First, it would give my father the ability to fulfill the promise he made to protect the people of Changshan. Second, it would ease his mind about his former student's mindset. There is much ill spoken of Lak in the streets. This could be a chance to change the people's minds."
Jin Sui (23)

"Jin Kai have already gain the thrust of the population in Changshan!!!"
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Post by Phailak »

"I see. That is a steep price to pay for what you would be contributing towards our plans. You do realize how many ressources Zhou Guo yields for the Marquis, gold or men? Your perception of my Lord might be justified to your eyes, but the people feel safe with him in charge. Still, it is not for me to decide, I will convey upon him your offer."

Finally sipping the tea, he smiles, it's good.
Big Grizzy
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Post by Big Grizzy »

Jin Dun nodded. "I have a good idea of what Zhou Guo contributes to your Lord, but this would not be a major loss to him if he has Jibei. Also it would allow him to refocus on expanding south without the inconvenience of having a city cut off from his lands, which, even if it is an ally between, is not an efficient way to govern. "
Jin Sui (23)

"Jin Kai have already gain the thrust of the population in Changshan!!!"