The Gray Snake of the North

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Drug Lord
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The Gray Snake of the North

Post by TheRudeDude7 »

There are many in this world that are ambitious - and Chang Changli was not such a man. He was a coward, and was content to being ruled over by other warlords as long as he stayed safe. Before, he had the protection of Gongsun Zan, paying tribute to his lord.
But times changed, and that protection could no longer be given. Known as a famous coward, the warlords all around him eyed his small village. In particular, the armies of Yang seemed to be gathering quite fiercely. In the blink of an eye, the foot soldiers marched onto Changli.
In a moment of desperation, Chang Changli quickly paid tribute to his southwest aggressors, becoming, to a certain extent, their vassals. Warlords nearby began to call Yan Yang the "Gray Snake of the North" due to his fast and violent movements.

The Gray Snake of the North currently resides in Changli, deciding what his next moves should be.
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