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Dev diary V6

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 2:02 pm
by Phailak
So the civil system is complete, a bit simplistic and more traditional than what I originally envisioned but it will do for now.

Will be adjusting the remaining tools over the next couple of weeks to reflect the changes to single player mode and the new civil system. Work on storyline and I guess launch.

List of things to do:

X Remove traces of V5 from active forums and move to archive

X Clean up rules with planned changes

X Update resource management tool to be able to spend / use the new resources though there always was gold, soldiers, armaments, spy points and npc points, they will be used differently. So gold was really only used for armaments before, now it will act more like an asset to get the other 4, boost personal equipment and give to other players (there will be some guidelines and RP required for this to avoid players giving all their money away of course)

X Update battle management to include use of spy points. Idea here is to compliment using resource management spy points in a specific way (steal resources from a player for example) by adding a section to attacks where you can specify covert operations and how many spy points you invest in them. Defense can also specify spy points to defend against covert attacks. Each action will have a base chance of success based on stats, influenced on differential of spy points applied. No idea if this will work well, be abused or useless, we'll adjust if needed.

X Update map tool to reflect the new storyline

X Finish and publish storyline

X Create accounts for GMNPCs as well as their stats and data

- Determine launch date, spread the word.

- Launch :mrgreen: