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Gong Gong
Posts: 416
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Post by Gong Gong »

Yes, another RTK Sim. However, this one i feel is different from the rest.

I have been making this for the past few days and i need some help, so i'm asking if anyone wishes to help me please sign up and PM me.

Thanks !
Gong Fugui (龚富贵) zi Laoshan (老山), male (60)
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Arkain Hibiki
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Post by Arkain Hibiki »

A Sim based on the Dune movies and books. Very in depth, and I strongly advise everyone to take a look, especially those that have an intrest in a future setting. Ruler signups just ended, so player signups should open soon.
Tie Yi Tianshi
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Post by Ashikaga » ... hp?act=idx

Vini Vedi Vici is a very open Roleplaying game where you take actions and what not as you wish but they must be realistic, these actions are moderated by pretty much everyone. The game started in 1850 and is now heading for 1855 (Each week is one game year). You choose a country and roleplay it and all the people. You may alter the course of your country forever. You may do as you please, if you don't like your current king than you can have him die of mysterious causes and put in someone who you totally made up (Though it is more likely a historical figure from that region). Their are not many nations left to claim so hurry in check out the site and see how you like it.

- Big things going on.
WWI (In my opinion) really being called the Franco-Prussian War.
The Sides are -
France, Spain, Great Britan vs. the German Confederation (Lead by Prussia, Bavaria, and now Austria)
The US supports the French and allies although is currently in Civil War. Mexico supports France as well but can't muster a proper force to fight.

Railroad spanning from Europe to China (Started a while back). Lead by France.

Suez Canal (Canal through Eygpt linking the Med. Sea with Red Sea)

Hurry down as good nations are becomeing hard to find. Here is a list of Claimable nations from the game.

The Papacy
Various little German States
All of South America
The Netherlands
Saudi Arabia

Semi-Subordinate to other nations:
Kingdom of Hawaii (French-British-US influence)
Protectorate of Liberia (US)
Egypt (Technically Ottoman, strong British influence)

Subordinate Nations:
Ireland (UK)
Canada (UK)
Australia (UK)
Guyana (UK)
South Africa (UK)
Algeria (France)
French Guiana (France)
Kingdom of Romania (Russia)
Kingdom of Bulgaria (Russia)
Kingdom of Albania (Russia)
Kingdom of Bosnia (Russia)
The Grand Duchy of Crete (Russia)
Surinam (Netherlands)
Indonesia (Netherlands)

- inactive Nations are also claimable. The Ottoman Empire might be up for grabs soon.
"When you enter the theater, please walk to the end of the row filling in all available seats. Stopping in the middle is distinctly unpatriotic"
- Sam the Eagle

Luanti Maodun, Bandit in Changshan
Bennie Bogo Bear
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Post by DisasterPieces »

Anyhow...this is open know...In the first turn...
We have some cool rulers and everything...Join now During the start!!!
It's in the British Isles during 1349, Medieval sim.
Last edited by DisasterPieces on Thu Jul 27, 2006 2:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
Talwaar, 29, Gold: 100
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Post by Bonaparte »

Cybernation is a nation simulator that lets make your own country. If you come, be green, and go on the forums to join the Grand Global Alliance. (GGA) I'm the vice chancellor of this great alliance, and we need more active people. If you come, and tell me who you are, and you're from one of the sim games that I play, then I'll give you a nice amount of money. Well, see you all there!!!
Deng Yue, 40
Military Administrator II, Civil Administrator II, Diplomat II, Politician II
Items: Horse (+1 Speed, E), Ring of Changsha (+3 Charisma, E)
Chronic Liar

Post by Chronic Liar »

A sim based on the War of the Eight Princes period in the Jin Dynasty. It is just reopening and the old rules are being thrown out. So come and lend a hand in development if you would like to help out. Also looking for a dedicated staff:
The Eight Princes
Gong Gong
Posts: 416
Joined: Fri Jun 24, 2005 2:00 pm

Post by Gong Gong »

Well, here is a Sim that myself and Sima Yi have been creating for the past weeks. It is not a sim like so many others, for it is not about RTK or even a fantasy sim - But sort of a real life sim.

It is based around the game Dead or Alive, how did we do it?..Here is the link and find out for yourself..

Also it is not fully finished as staff must look over everything, but we are accepting staff applications.
Gong Fugui (龚富贵) zi Laoshan (老山), male (60)
49 - 48 - 70 - 92 - 64
Skills: Civil Administrator III, Diplomat I, Engineer III, Politician I, Propagandist I, Saboteur I
Zhu Ding Jun
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Post by Zhu Ding Jun »

Chronicles of Destiny is a new forum that Slick and Jorge just created. It features some new improvements, such as a huge selection of weapons and even different kinds of troops to customize your army, a system of facilities that lets you improve upon your kingdom like in the ROTK games, an in-battle dueling system in addition to the old dueling system which will be used outside of battle, within tournaments and within practice duels, that will allow duels to go really quick in battle and prevent "trick duels" or cheap things along that line, and a 'free kingdom' type of gameplay that enables anybody to build their own empire, so long as they have a following of at least two subordinates and go to the capital to ask for territory from the Emperor.

The game will have at least one completely unbiased battle moderator (Slick, as he will not be joining any kingdom and will simply roleplay the figurehead Han Emperor) and should be quite an interesting game: three roleplayers (Justin, Jesse and Steve) have already emerged on the site and expressed interest in creating kingdoms. If you want some action, then Chronicles of Destiny will not fall short on it. Besides the many corrupt landlords out to conquer, many of the initial kingdoms will be born on the Central Plains, or on the borders of it, thus making the game be quite competitive among player kingdoms. Additionally, I have several "Han expansionist" campaigns planned for the game in case there is ever a lack of war and action within the game. In these campaigns, players will fight players and outside enemies and be able to add things like Taiwan, Korea, Southern Vietnam, the Northwest barbarian confederations, etc. to their mighty nations.

So in short, this site is probably going to rock. Join up!
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Post by Redbird »

a fun RP site based on DnD and Fantasy. Pretty much original save a few things borrowed from mythology or Wizards. Come join! Ruler sign ups should be 6th of August!
Sun Yuying
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Liu Tai
Posts: 201
Joined: Fri May 27, 2005 2:41 pm

Post by Liu Tai »

Chaotic Romance is my final attempt at a Romance of the Three Kingdoms sim. If it fails, you could say that I'll be taking out the trash. Anyway, I'm opening the site for OOC chatting and staff applications. Rule-wise, I'm not revealing my work to the public, yet. I plan on having some previews on the site as soon as I get further along, I'll tell you that right now. So come on down, check us out.