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Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 12:07 am
by Arkain Hibiki
Lenwu was tired of this mission already. He was hoping to lead troops against the local bandit menace, or even against a larger target, like maybe a city. Being sent to fetch someone.... He shook these thoughts off with some difficulty, intending to do a good job, even if it was a crappy job he was doing good. Walking into the town, Lenwu took little note of the common folk, or there seemingly fearful expressions. Riding to the local smithy, as he WAS after a blacksmith, Lenwu took a deep breath to prepare himself, before stepping in.

Captain Lenwu "I need some information, and I was wondering if you could help."

Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 1:00 pm
by Redbird
Arkain Hibiki wrote:Lenwu was tired of this mission already. He was hoping to lead troops against the local bandit menace, or even against a larger target, like maybe a city. Being sent to fetch someone.... He shook these thoughts off with some difficulty, intending to do a good job, even if it was a crappy job he was doing good. Walking into the town, Lenwu took little note of the common folk, or there seemingly fearful expressions. Riding to the local smithy, as he WAS after a blacksmith, Lenwu took a deep breath to prepare himself, before stepping in.

Captain Lenwu "I need some information, and I was wondering if you could help."
The smithy was bustling with activity. Daiyu was putting the finishing touches on the ancestral sword she was making for Tianshi, the head smith was working on various pieces of armor for the town guard, and the assistants ran about filling the coal bins and keeping the place clean. Daiyu turns and smiles at the man. "Greetings sir. What can we do for you today?" She wipes her hands on her apron and walks over to the man.

Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 10:17 pm
by Arkain Hibiki
Lenwu doesn't immediately look at the speaker, and waves his hand nonchalantly.

Captain Lenwu "I am on orders to find a blacksmith from Zhao, a female at that. Named Daiyu, I think. Probably not here, and this is all a waste of time, but orders are orders. So, have you seen her?"

Lenwu finally turns to look at the speaker, and freezes, his eyes widening. Not possible, that he would already have completed his mission. Probably the wife of the local smith, or maybe a daughter. Yeah, thats more likely.

Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 10:45 pm
by Redbird
Arkain Hibiki wrote:Lenwu doesn't immediately look at the speaker, and waves his hand nonchalantly.

Captain Lenwu "I am on orders to find a blacksmith from Zhao, a female at that. Named Daiyu, I think. Probably not here, and this is all a waste of time, but orders are orders. So, have you seen her?"

Lenwu finally turns to look at the speaker, and freezes, his eyes widening. Not possible, that he would already have completed his mission. Probably the wife of the local smith, or maybe a daughter. Yeah, thats more likely.

Daiyu chuckles as she sees the look on the man's face and his ramblings about it being a waste of time. She smiles and holds out her hand. "I would be Kong Daiyu, the blacksmith. Might I ask you who sent you to find me?"

Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 10:56 pm
by Arkain Hibiki
Captain Lenwu "Lord Tianshi of Zhao"

Lenwu takes her hand without even thinking about it, trying to buy time to think. What was he going to do now? He found her, and now what? Did he tell her to head on over to Lord Tianshi's camp? Ask her? He felt like pulling his hair out in frustration. Here he was, on a mission, and didn't even bother thinking through what he would say to her when he found her. She wasn't supposed to be in the first placed he looked... Shaking his head slightly, Lenwu popped off with the first thing that came to his mind

Captain Lenwu "Lord Tianshi dispatched me to check on your progress. And to find a doctor. There wouldn't happen to be a doctor in this town too, would there?"

Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 11:10 pm
by Redbird
Arkain Hibiki wrote:Captain Lenwu "Lord Tianshi of Zhao"

Lenwu takes her hand without even thinking about it, trying to buy time to think. What was he going to do now? He found her, and now what? Did he tell her to head on over to Lord Tianshi's camp? Ask her? He felt like pulling his hair out in frustration. Here he was, on a mission, and didn't even bother thinking through what he would say to her when he found her. She wasn't supposed to be in the first placed he looked... Shaking his head slightly, Lenwu popped off with the first thing that came to his mind

Captain Lenwu "Lord Tianshi dispatched me to check on your progress. And to find a doctor. There wouldn't happen to be a doctor in this town too, would there?"
She shook his hand and laughed softly. She was glad that Lord Tianshi had sent someone for her, and was definitely enjoying the man he sent. He seemed intelligent, but had problems wording what he needed to say properly. No matter, he was a soldier and he was sent to do a duty and managed to do it right the first time instead of having to look through the entire village.

"And who might you be? His sword is done and I was wondering whether he would return or send someone to retrieve me." Chuckling softly again, she gives him a big smile. "It so happens that I am a doctor. " Turning her voice a bit more serious "Is Lord Tianshi alright? Let me get my things and we shall leave posthaste. I hope it isn't too serious."

She turns to the blacksmith and bows. "Thank you so much for allowing me to use your facilities while I shopped for items to go to my smithy back home. I must leave as someone is in need of my doctoring. I shall definitely send you a care package for all the things you have done for me over the past couple of months. " She gathers up the ancestral sword, wraps it gently, grabs Lenwu's hand again and pulls him with her. "We must move quickly! My stuff is in the inn. We can grab it all and leave as soon as possible." She continues to ramble as she pulls Lenwu along to the inn.

Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 12:14 am
by Arkain Hibiki
Captain Lenwu "Buh...Huh...Wuh....Inn?!"

Things were moving way to fast for the young man. He was barely a man after all, and here this strange women was dragging him off to an inn. What was her plan for him? Why where his men just watching with these strange smiles on their faces? Lenwu tried to remember what some of the older men in Tianshi's army had said about women, and all he could remember where snippets of information that would probably get him kicked very hard. He did not want to get kicked by a blacksmith, so he cast about frantically for something, anything to say that would help this situation make sense. Finally, he managed to gasp out the one thing he could think of

Captain Lenwu "What?!"

Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 12:29 am
by Redbird
Arkain Hibiki wrote:Captain Lenwu "Buh...Huh...Wuh....Inn?!"

Things were moving way to fast for the young man. He was barely a man after all, and here this strange women was dragging him off to an inn. What was her plan for him? Why where his men just watching with these strange smiles on their faces? Lenwu tried to remember what some of the older men in Tianshi's army had said about women, and all he could remember where snippets of information that would probably get him kicked very hard. He did not want to get kicked by a blacksmith, so he cast about frantically for something, anything to say that would help this situation make sense. Finally, he managed to gasp out the one thing he could think of

Captain Lenwu "What?!"
Daiyu wasn't even thinking clearly as she grabbed the young soldier and dragged him down the street with her. She was rambling on about the things she had to get and didn't fully realize what she was doing until they got to the inn. She stopped mid-stride and looked up at him. 'I am SO sorry! I just wasn't thinking. All I was concerned with was getting to Lord Tianshi as fast as possible! I didn't hurt you did I??" She starts looking him over and then backs away as she gets closer to him. She blushed furiously and turns her head, looking at the door to the inn. "Ahem...*she clears her throat a bit* I will go retrieve my things. If you wouldn't mind terribly, could you retrieve the mahogany horse in the stable that answers to the name of Ming and bring him here please? "

Daiyu then turns and rushes into the inn, blushing and babbling to herself as she moves quickly to her room. 'Stupid...STUPID...what is WRONG with you?? Dragging a perfectly good soldier around like some kind of meat! He must think you are crazy! Yea...good way to give a first impression. What he must THINK of me!! "I" don't even know what to think of me!! I MUST calm myself and try to fix things...but how the hell do I do that?? He must think I'm a trollop...just grabbing him like that..." She continues to rant at herself as she packs her things and moves back downstairs. She hopes that by now he has gotten Ming from the stable and that she can just load up the horse, get on it, and follow the man and his unit back to Lord Tianshi. 'Oh My God!!' she thinks...the UNIT! She sighs and just goes to meet her fate. This was NOT a way to show off her skills!!

She exits the inn and looks about, waiting for Lenwu to return.

Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 4:51 am
by Arkain Hibiki
Lenwu was very, very sure his brain had actually stopped working. He kept trying and trying to think of something to say. Even something to do would have been nice. Nothing. He must have stood there a good two or three minutes just staring at the inn door while the soldiers snickered to each other. One of them even went and got the horse from the stables, convinced the captain would be unable to do much of anything. An old, grizzled sergeant walked up to Lenwu, and shook his head before clasping him on both shoulders hard enough to draw him out of his daze.

Sergeant Chin "As a soldier, I have this to say. Ready to move out Captain. As a man with much experience, I have this to say. Son, you are one hopeless kid."

Laughing, the sergeant rejoined the troops as they formed up to leave, many grinning openly at Lenwu. Lenwu himself stared after the sergeant, and was just getting ready to join the troops, when he suddenly gasped

Captain Lenwu "The horse!"

Turning, he ran off towards the stables as the men looked at each other for a moment. A flurry of movement followed as coins changed hands, going to the sergeant. He grinned at the other troops and winked, dropping the coins into a pouch at his waist.

Sergeant Chin "The captain's still just a kid. Could probably hold his cool in the face of an impending cavalry charge, but one girl gets a little physical with him, and poof. All that confidence blown away like leaves in a typhoon. So, any one else wanna bet on what he does next? Two taels say he tries to organize us to go searching for 'the thief'"

The troops all look away, not wanting, or unable, to take up the bet. Chin laughs again, glad he decided to come along on this mission. Boring work looking for this young girl of a smith, but profitable. And with the added bonus of a good laugh at the captain's expense. Been a good day so far, and if things keep going the way they are, will be an even better night.

Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 2:23 pm
by Redbird
Arkain Hibiki wrote:Lenwu was very, very sure his brain had actually stopped working. He kept trying and trying to think of something to say. Even something to do would have been nice. Nothing. He must have stood there a good two or three minutes just staring at the inn door while the soldiers snickered to each other. One of them even went and got the horse from the stables, convinced the captain would be unable to do much of anything. An old, grizzled sergeant walked up to Lenwu, and shook his head before clasping him on both shoulders hard enough to draw him out of his daze.

Sergeant Chin "As a soldier, I have this to say. Ready to move out Captain. As a man with much experience, I have this to say. Son, you are one hopeless kid."

Laughing, the sergeant rejoined the troops as they formed up to leave, many grinning openly at Lenwu. Lenwu himself stared after the sergeant, and was just getting ready to join the troops, when he suddenly gasped

Captain Lenwu "The horse!"

Turning, he ran off towards the stables as the men looked at each other for a moment. A flurry of movement followed as coins changed hands, going to the sergeant. He grinned at the other troops and winked, dropping the coins into a pouch at his waist.

Sergeant Chin "The captain's still just a kid. Could probably hold his cool in the face of an impending cavalry charge, but one girl gets a little physical with him, and poof. All that confidence blown away like leaves in a typhoon. So, any one else wanna bet on what he does next? Two taels say he tries to organize us to go searching for 'the thief'"

The troops all look away, not wanting, or unable, to take up the bet. Chin laughs again, glad he decided to come along on this mission. Boring work looking for this young girl of a smith, but profitable. And with the added bonus of a good laugh at the captain's expense. Been a good day so far, and if things keep going the way they are, will be an even better night.
Daiyu looks up at the goings-on when she steps outside the inn. She shakes her head as she watches Lenwu run off and money change hands between the soldiers. So sad that they are picking on the boy, but that seems to be a typical thing, especially between soldiers. She looks at the older gentleman and smiles.

"Having a bit of fun at the Captain's expense?That's not very nice you know. But then again, neither was my dragging him here. " She laughed with a slight blush to her cheeks. "I must apologize for my, uhh...rather erratic behavior earlier. I am just concerned about Lord Tianshi. Might I ask where your Captain has just run off to? points to Ming "It is obvious someone already got my horse, so what is he doing? Or did I scare him that much?" She stands there blushing a bit more. "Would someone care to retrieve him so we might go to Lord Tianshi and tend to his wounds?"