Lin Xin's Audience Hall - Panyu

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Lin Xin
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Post by Lin Xin »

Kaori wrote:A covered palanquin made its way inconspicuously through the streets of Panyu, keeping to the side of the road and yielding to most other traffic. Few people on the street gave it any attention but those who did were startled to find a pair of luminous eyes staring back at them through the cloth. Rin snickered at a rather large man's reaction to seeing her and was rewarded with a sharp tug on her ear. She made a pained squeak and turned to glare at her Grandfather.
"That was mean, you can just say something you know," He remained silent and continued to read over a letter, or some kind of financial record. Rin wasn't sure. She huffed and returned to the window, laying her hand on her cheek.

The Palanquin came to a halt outside a tall wooden gate and Rin watched her Grandfather lift himself from the seat before turning to offer her a hand. She shielded her eyes with a hand against the bright sun and stepped gingerly to the ground, favoring her right foot. Her left foot was rapped in cloth to cover a nasty cut she'd gotten after losing her sandles in Wei. She wore a starkly beautiful gown which had been ripped and covered with cloth to hide the damage. her hair, which usually fell haphazardly around her eyes was set into an intricate braid and she wore a deep red, jade embroidered amulet around her neck.

As Rin followed her Grandfather to stand in front of the gate she took a moment to smell the water nearbye. She'd never seen anything larger than a river and tried to imagine what it would look like.

Sun Bai noted his granddaughters reverie and frowned. He was a tall thin man with a stern face. His posture spoke of military service and his hair was tied into a long gray braid to match his beard. Bai craned his head to look at the watchtower and shouted with an air of command in his voice

"I am Sun Bai, here on behalf of Sun Rin to see the Marquis, open the gates" Rin started at the barked command and wondered at her Grandfather for being so bold. She fidgeted nervously and began to wish he hadn't come. It was fairly likely he'd say something she would regret.
The guards snapped to attention, as usual, upon the approach of the strangers. The Shift Commander appeared from the doorway shortly and bowed low. "Welcome to Panyu Master Sun," he said formally before turning to Run. "And to you as well Lady Sun."

Straightening back up, he nodded to the guards to fetch a female servant while stating apologetically, "I hope you won't object to a cursory search before we allow you to enter the Audience Hall. It's an unfortunately necessary procedure to ensure the safety of our lord."

((TK, feel free to jump in at anytime.))
Lin Xin (32 M) 82-25-61-77-51 Civil Admin II, Diplomat I, Discipline II, Military Admin II, Politician I, Volley I, Wall I
Location: Linjiang
Wife: Lee Ling Da (30 F) 75-52-62-70-52 Artisan II, Faze I, Haste I, Military Administrator I, Sortie I
Sister: Lin Jia (29 F) 30-72-61-64-72 Challenge I, Diplomat I, Doctor I, Engineer I, Faze I, Instructor I
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Location: Liang

Post by Trendkill »

Lin Xin wrote:The guards snapped to attention, as usual, upon the approach of the strangers. The Shift Commander appeared from the doorway shortly and bowed low. "Welcome to Panyu Master Sun," he said formally before turning to Run. "And to you as well Lady Sun."

Straightening back up, he nodded to the guards to fetch a female servant while stating apologetically, "I hope you won't object to a cursory search before we allow you to enter the Audience Hall. It's an unfortunately necessary procedure to ensure the safety of our lord."

((TK, feel free to jump in at anytime.))

Just as the guards were ready to begin searching the gates are opened as a procession of some two hundred soldiers prepare to take their leave of the city. At the head of these soldiers, and sitting atop a horse, is a strapping young man carrying a sword and brandishing a safe passage decree from the Marquis. His clothing and armor is simple, though his face conveys a man of strong character, and judging by the many scars about his person he appeared to be a veteran warrior. From atop his steed he bows to the gate guards and says to them, "I have orders from Lord Lin to travel to Yong, these are my documents." He then looks to the group of strangers apparently seeking permission to enter, and smiles as he nods his head to them in greeting.

((Sorry it took me so long. :lol: ))
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Post by Kaori »

Sun Bai snorted derisively and flicked his braid across his shoulder. Foreigners were all the same. Bai cleared his throat and gestured to his granddaughter who gingerly stepped forth.

"Of course. I would be gravely insulted if you considered us so benign." Rin cringed at the old man's tone and dearly hoped it wouldn't be cause for more stringent security. She smiled helplessly at the guard, hoping to distance herself from her Grandfather before they actually met someone she hoped to befriend.

A sharp nudge at Sun Bai's elbow caught his attention "Please don't say anything mean"
Sun Rin 15
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Post by Trendkill »

Kaori wrote:Sun Bai snorted derisively and flicked his braid across his shoulder. Foreigners were all the same. Bai cleared his throat and gestured to his granddaughter who gingerly stepped forth.

"Of course. I would be gravely insulted if you considered us so benign." Rin cringed at the old man's tone and dearly hoped it wouldn't be cause for more stringent security. She smiled helplessly at the guard, hoping to distance herself from her Grandfather before they actually met someone she hoped to befriend.

A sharp nudge at Sun Bai's elbow caught his attention "Please don't say anything mean"
The man on horseback watches the elderly man and the attractive young lady conversing momentarily as a flash forms on his face. Looking down at the document, then to the pair, he smiles and shakes his head in embarrassment. "Excuse me, but you wouldn't happen to be of the Sun family would you? Lord Lin mentioned that I would be escorting a woman of peerless beauty who's smile could topple nations."
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Post by Kaori »

((OOC) sorry TK, I didn't see your first post)

A sharp nudge at Sun Bai's elbow caught his attention "Please don't say anything mean" Bai inclined his head to say something curt but was interrupted by a loud ruckus. The pair turned to watch the massive gate swing open, giving way to more soldiers than Rin had ever seen. Bai took quick note of their posture and weapons comparing it to some ancient memory of his own time, while Rin goggled. She had to physically restrain herself from touching one of the weapons and did so only just.

"I have orders from Lord Lin to travel to Yong, these are my documents." It wasn't until he spoke that Rin noticed the tall man at the head of the column. He was fit, like most soldiers, and scarred. Rin found her eyes tracing the lines in his face and arms, imagining how he might have gained them. Before she realized it her eyes had become as wide as saucers and a firm hand on the scruff of her neck jolted her back to reality.

"his men are fit, and well equipped"
Rin frowned at the uncharacteristic muttered compliment and wondered if it had been for her benefit or just an observation. Perhaps it was an officer's habit. She saw the man on the horse smile and nod and had the irrational urge to hide behind her grandfather's robe but she returned the gesture. Being around so many soldiers was beginning to make her feel small and insignificant and she wondered if perhaps one day people would see her that way.

"Excuse me, but you wouldn't happen to be of the Sun family would you? Lord Lin mentioned that I would be escorting a woman of peerless beauty who's smile could topple nations." Rin took a moment to register the statement. Several moments actually. At first she had been surprised to be named by a stranger but as he went on Rin found herself wondering who he could be describing. after around three seconds of uncomfortable silence the cogs in her brain solved the equation and her face turned from peach, to pale, to pink, to scarlet and this time she really did hide behind her grandfather. 'Did he really just say that?...about me?' One bright eye peeked out behind his shoulder and she inwardly cursed herself for being so childish.

Sun Bai almost laughed aloud at Rin's reaction to praise and wondered if his lessons in humility had been too thorough. 'you'll need to get use to that soon enough.' He turned to the Rider and smirked sizing him up and beginning to form an impression.

"You have a silver tongue friend" Reaching backward, Bai shifted a struggling Rin around his body held her firmly in front of him, one hand on each shoulder "We are indeed the Sun family of Feiqui, I am Bai, and this-" he said patting her head mockingly, " Rin."

Rin tried hard to appear as though she'd allowed herself to be moved though, in fact, she'd used every ounce of her strength to avoid it. Her Grandfather was ridiculously strong. She tried to say something but only managed to squeak. It wasn't often you were told your smile could topple nations.

Mustering her calm, she tried again. "...Hello...I'm Rin. Umm, nice to meet you?"
Sun Rin 15
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Post by Trendkill »

Kaori wrote:"You have a silver tongue friend" Reaching backward, Bai shifted a struggling Rin around his body held her firmly in front of him, one hand on each shoulder "We are indeed the Sun family of Feiqui, I am Bai, and this-" he said patting her head mockingly, " Rin."

Rin tried hard to appear as though she'd allowed herself to be moved though, in fact, she'd used every ounce of her strength to avoid it. Her Grandfather was ridiculously strong. She tried to say something but only managed to squeak. It wasn't often you were told your smile could topple nations.

Mustering her calm, she tried again. "...Hello...I'm Rin. Umm, nice to meet you?"
Liao watched with subdued interest as the two reacted to his query and, upon being introduced to Lord Sun, dismounts his horse and bows respectfully before the noble father of such a rare daughter. "Please forgive me Lord Sun, had I known who you were, I would have greeted you properly, and in a manner befitting one of your proud lineage and reputation," he says in a sincere tone.

"I am called Liáo, and my family name is that of Hán. I was commissioned by my master, Marquis Lin Xin, to personally escort you and your daughter, and was setting out at this very moment as you can see. We had a few unexpected delays hinder our preparations, but that is of course no excuse," he admits with much regret.

"I beg of you not to let my poor leadership abilities be held against my sovereign, for he is the standard by which great commanders are measured by, that I assure you. I was charged with the task more for my skills as a warrior," he adds imploringly.

Distracted entirely by his error, Liáo failed to acknowledge the young lady again until after he had expressed his regrets properly to Lord Sun first. Turning to Rin he introduces himself to her respectfully before turning to the procession of harden soldiers behind them. With a wave of his his hand flags are flown which signal the men to line up, rank and file, along the pathway on which they previously were standing, thus creating an alley of armor, shields, and spears, leading in the direction of the Audience Chambers.

Now smiling he says finally, "Lord Lin will be surprised I'm sure, but either way he expressed an interest in meeting you both, as soon as you arrived. If you wish I shall escort you to him personally," and adds, "for it would truly my pleasure to do so."
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Post by Kaori »

Sun Bai nodded with a slight smirk in recognition of Liao's introduction, and Rin thought she saw his chest puff almost imperceptibly with pride. The Man seemed almost overly apologetic and she had an odd urge to apologize in return for being early.

"Of course not, from the look of your men your leadership is far from poor, Liao of Han. The fault is ours for our impatience" Rin almost gaped at her Grandfathers tone. She had been sure he would be a liability but he seemed almost beyond civil with this General. Wondering once again if it was a military nostalgia that had overtaken him, Rin made a note to use flattery on the old man more often.

As the column of soldiers split, Rin's eyes widened in awe of the display of discipline. She inclined her head to see Bai's approving gaze and tried to move away, slightly uncomfortable with having him directly behind her. His grip on her shoulders however, remained iron tight.

"Lord Lin will be surprised I'm sure, but either way he expressed an interest in meeting you both, as soon as you arrived. If you wish I shall escort you to him personally," and adds, "for it would truly my pleasure to do so."
mouth still hanging slightly open, Rin found herself nodding unconsciously and a sharp pain on her left shoulder served as a reprimand. Bai grinned inwardly at his Granddaughter's lack of self control and locked eyes with Han Liao. He repeated Rin's nod in a more dignified fashion.

""It would be our pleasure for you to lead us in, wouldn't it Rin?"

"Umm, yeah- I mean yes, it would"
Sun Rin 15
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Post by Trendkill »

Kaori wrote:""It would be our pleasure for you to lead us in, wouldn't it Rin?"

"Umm, yeah- I mean yes, it would"[/b]
Liao smiled, relieved that his error had been forgiven, and promptly proceeds to lead them to the Audience Chambers where, after a quick announcement to the gate guards, they are brought before the Marquis. He bows low before declaring to the assembled officials, "Please inform the Marquis that Lord and Lady Sun have arrived."
Lin Xin
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Post by Lin Xin »

The guards recognize the trusted officer of Xin and opens the door to the Marquis' public office. Xin looked up as the guests were announced and nearly sprang from his seat.

"Ahhh, welcome," he exclaimed as he walked around his desk to approach the three. Looking at Lioa, Xin said with a twinkle in his eye, "My, Liao, when I assigned you the task of escorting our honored guests here, I had no idea it would be this fast."

Turning towards Bai, Xin bowed low at the experience general saying, "It is an honor to meet you Lord Sun," before turning to Rin with a bow as well. "And you as well Lady Sun."

"Please take a seat and make yourselves comfortable," he continued gesturing the two Suns and Liao towards some comfortable chairs as a servant entered with tea and treats, pouring hot Yue tea into four cups before exiting out of the side door.
Lin Xin (32 M) 82-25-61-77-51 Civil Admin II, Diplomat I, Discipline II, Military Admin II, Politician I, Volley I, Wall I
Location: Linjiang
Wife: Lee Ling Da (30 F) 75-52-62-70-52 Artisan II, Faze I, Haste I, Military Administrator I, Sortie I
Sister: Lin Jia (29 F) 30-72-61-64-72 Challenge I, Diplomat I, Doctor I, Engineer I, Faze I, Instructor I
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Post by Kaori »

Rin cringed at her own stammering speech and felt very foolish. She'd been here for less than an hour and was already sounding like a child. She felt a squeeze on her shoulder and turned to see her Grandfather's reassuring look. Bai held his gaze for a moment before inclining his head in the direction that Han Liao had begun to lead them. She sighed and turned back toward the General, wondering just how stupid she must have seemed to him. It was a few seconds before a strong push from behind knocked her off balance and started her feet moving forward.

As the pair were escorted through the grounds, Rin craned her head to take in every stone and battlement. Her mind began to wander with stories of battles and adventures taking place right before her eyes. Sun Bai found his eyes drawn to every soldier he passed, assessing their equipment as he would spy on an enemy. He had to remind himself sternly that he was retired, the wars were over, and his nation had lost.

Entering the Audience Chamber's exterior, Rin was surprised to see a large number of people dressed in court attire. She had been imagining what this room would look like since she'd received the letter and had decided on a mile long empty corridor leading to an enormous throne of silver and ivory. She was slightly disappointed.

"Please inform the Marquis that Lord and Lady Sun have arrived."
Han Liao's voice jolted Rin out of her reverie. She turned to watch the guards open a strong door and padded along behind Liao into the Marquis' Public Office.

Rin looked around for a moment for the Marquis' throne and wondered if this was the final room after all, the only person she could see was a fairly young man sitting behind a desk, most likely the secretary or advisor. She was somewhat surprised when he jumped up from his seat and watched him with a peculiar stare as he walked around the side of desk towards her.

"My, Liao, when I assigned you the task of escorting our honored guests here, I had no idea it would be this fast."
Impressed that the man had enough authority to give assignments to generals, Rin looked him over and decided he seemed somewhat out of place. The man was tall, as tall as the first one and around the height of her Grandfather. His wide shoulders and muscular frame seemed at odds with the lifestyle of a court assistant. Looking him up and down, she decided that he would seem more at home on the battlefield than in an office. His voice had the confidence of a Prince and Rin thought he might make a good leader someday. Her eyes moved to the man's face and Rin was shocked to see two deep scars running through his eye and forehead. She turned immediately toward Han Liao and back wondering if their was anyone in this place who didn't have battle wounds.

The Man turned first to her Grandfather, and then to her, bowing to each in turn. Rin was still wondering how long it would be before they could meet Lin Xin and in her distraction, she failed to notice the depth and respect of her Grandfather's bow, her own was polite at best.

"Please take a seat and make yourselves comfortable,"
Sitting herself down in one of the indicated chairs, Rin thanked the servant for her Tea and kicked her feet impatiently. When it seemed like nothing was going to happen she couldn't hold her tongue any longer.

"Umm, Excuse me, but when are we going to see the Marquis? He is here isn't he?" Rin felt the fine hairs on her neck rise with the incredulous gazes focused on her. She shifted in her seat but continued bravely. "I know he must be busy, but I really wanted to meet him."
Sun Rin 15
Doctor I, Spy I, Yueshu II, Faze II, Haste, Jeer.
127 gold