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Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 7:59 pm
by lutai
Lurking Tyranny wrote:
lutai wrote:
Ma Rai bowed to show his respect to Zhai Cang."My lord it is a honor to be in your presence,and I have came here today to talk about the certain bandit attacks upon the people of Chang Shan have you heard of them and if you did what could you do to stop them?".He asked with concerned face.
"I have heard of them. Wretched creatures one and all." Zhai Cang said calmly. He walked over to one of the arrow slits and stared out of it. "I can only do so much. Though I am the lord of this castle and the city it overlooks, I am not the only hand of power. There are some among the gentry who have profited from the attacks of these bandits, as well as those who ply their trade. I would be lying if I said I am not well invested in the trade routes."

"What I can do is try to send out patrols to trap or arrest them should they try to cross over into Zhao or Jibei from my watchtowers. That is the best I can do. If they flee into Yan, I say let them, that place is a cesspool of banditry already."

Rai smiled as he knew that this man cared for his people, and would like to see the bandits brought to justice."My lord what if you and I send a petition to the regional city lords of Chang Shan, asking to rid this province of these awful bandits before they could destroy another town which is my home of Kuailang and save many other villages from destruction.And if you heard what happened to the town of Xuwu, which my half-brother Ma Liang held in his control along with my older half-brother Ma Shensun it was burned and destroyed. And my elder brother meet a untimely end by the bandit lord which I hear is named Zang Kai who controls a village in Chang Shan,but don't get me wrong I am not blinded by vengeance I only want to kill the bandit to clear my family's name of the disgrace my brothers have befallen on it.And to bring peace to our land of Chang Shan, all I need is your help to get the lords together so will you help me lord Zhai?".

Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 12:10 pm
by Lurking Tyranny
lutai wrote: Rai smiled as he knew that this man cared for his people, and would like to see the bandits brought to justice."My lord what if you and I send a petition to the regional city lords of Chang Shan, asking to rid this province of these awful bandits before they could destroy another town which is my home of Kuailang and save many other villages from destruction.And if you heard what happened to the town of Xuwu, which my half-brother Ma Liang held in his control along with my older half-brother Ma Shensun it was burned and destroyed. And my elder brother meet a untimely end by the bandit lord which I hear is named Zang Kai who controls a village in Chang Shan,but don't get me wrong I am not blinded by vengeance I only want to kill the bandit to clear my family's name of the disgrace my brothers have befallen on it.And to bring peace to our land of Chang Shan, all I need is your help to get the lords together so will you help me lord Zhai?".
"I will... see what can be done." the governor said softly. "I will write this letter, though I do not know what good it will do. We can hope that others will take up the cause and end this bandit's existance for us. It may take time before I here word from the other lords of Changshan. I... will write this letter." Zhai Cang said with a little hesitance. He sounded like he feared the response such a letter would get.

Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 3:48 pm
by lutai
Lurking Tyranny wrote:
lutai wrote: Rai smiled as he knew that this man cared for his people, and would like to see the bandits brought to justice."My lord what if you and I send a petition to the regional city lords of Chang Shan, asking to rid this province of these awful bandits before they could destroy another town which is my home of Kuailang and save many other villages from destruction.And if you heard what happened to the town of Xuwu, which my half-brother Ma Liang held in his control along with my older half-brother Ma Shensun it was burned and destroyed. And my elder brother meet a untimely end by the bandit lord which I hear is named Zang Kai who controls a village in Chang Shan,but don't get me wrong I am not blinded by vengeance I only want to kill the bandit to clear my family's name of the disgrace my brothers have befallen on it.And to bring peace to our land of Chang Shan, all I need is your help to get the lords together so will you help me lord Zhai?".
"I will... see what can be done." the governor said softly. "I will write this letter, though I do not know what good it will do. We can hope that others will take up the cause and end this bandit's existance for us. It may take time before I here word from the other lords of Changshan. I... will write this letter." Zhai Cang said with a little hesitance. He sounded like he feared the response such a letter would get.
Rai continued to smile and bowed again to Zhai put his right hand into his left."Thank you lord Zhai, and do not worry nor fear I shall put all of my power in helping you in this I swear on my family's name".He said with a ambitious tone

Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 6:52 pm
by Lurking Tyranny
lutai wrote:
Lurking Tyranny wrote:
lutai wrote: Rai smiled as he knew that this man cared for his people, and would like to see the bandits brought to justice."My lord what if you and I send a petition to the regional city lords of Chang Shan, asking to rid this province of these awful bandits before they could destroy another town which is my home of Kuailang and save many other villages from destruction.And if you heard what happened to the town of Xuwu, which my half-brother Ma Liang held in his control along with my older half-brother Ma Shensun it was burned and destroyed. And my elder brother meet a untimely end by the bandit lord which I hear is named Zang Kai who controls a village in Chang Shan,but don't get me wrong I am not blinded by vengeance I only want to kill the bandit to clear my family's name of the disgrace my brothers have befallen on it.And to bring peace to our land of Chang Shan, all I need is your help to get the lords together so will you help me lord Zhai?".
"I will... see what can be done." the governor said softly. "I will write this letter, though I do not know what good it will do. We can hope that others will take up the cause and end this bandit's existance for us. It may take time before I here word from the other lords of Changshan. I... will write this letter." Zhai Cang said with a little hesitance. He sounded like he feared the response such a letter would get.
Rai continued to smile and bowed again to Zhai put his right hand into his left."Thank you lord Zhai, and do not worry nor fear I shall put all of my power in helping you in this I swear on my family's name".He said with a ambitious tone
The lord bowed his head to Rai and then spread his arms out wide. "If that is all, then may the heavens smile upon you and serve both our interests." the governor said sanctimoniously. "You are dismissed."

He brought his hands together in two quick claps and shortly after the escorts appeared in the chamber to lead Rai down to the lower levels of the fortress and out of the small keep.

Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 11:20 pm
by Jun Shan
Xiao Gau wrote:
Jun Shan wrote:The group followed behind the scouts as they traced Zang Kai's mob back to his village. Jun halted his men a good distance from the village but still within sight knowing that Kai would soon come to him if he was a man of any kind of worth. "What now Sir?" the grisled officer asked "We wait" was all Jun said by way of reply.
-=The wait was short. Only a few hours has passed before a small force of men, their faces hidden behind masks of red burlap, approached the camp. Comprised of different families, some of Chinese stock while others claimed more barbaric roots, the disparate patrol was non-the-less united in purpose.

As the group neared Jun's camp, one man broke away from the rest. Tall and burly, this one wore a red sash around his hips in addition to his mask. The casual way he carried his spear bespoke a familiarity of use with the weapon and a lack of fear from his surroundings. Hailing the sentries of the camp, he calls out.=-
"You've been following us. Pretty brave.. but pretty stupid. What do you want?"
None of the men in the camp moved or seemed to notice at all that anyone had approached. After a minute a voice rang out from no where in particular. "Many things..."

Jun stood out of a group of men and strode to stand before the man with the spear. "But on this day, in this place, it is slaughter I seek." His fingers were stained with ink. He handed a letter to one of his men. "Deliver this for me..."

He turned and looked at the man again. "To put it simply I come to join Zang Kai."

Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 3:56 pm
by Xiao Gau
Jun Shan wrote:None of the men in the camp moved or seemed to notice at all that anyone had approached. After a minute a voice rang out from no where in particular. "Many things..."

Jun stood out of a group of men and strode to stand before the man with the spear. "But on this day, in this place, it is slaughter I seek." His fingers were stained with ink. He handed a letter to one of his men. "Deliver this for me..."

He turned and looked at the man again. "To put it simply I come to join Zang Kai."
-=The rough bandit surveyed the forces arrayed in the camp, considering their general strength. Shifting, he thumps the butt of his spear into the ground. Spitting out a glob of something nasty close to Jun's boots, the 'leader' fixes him a hard stare.=- "So, you want to be a Red Mask, huh? And you expect us to take you to Kai... like this.. with nothing to show. A few hundred ragtag troops? And you think you've got the strength to revel in the slaughter that the Red Masks dispense?"

-=He considered for several minutes, trying to think of something.=- "Prove your worth. Decimate one of the northern villages; slaughter everyone and bring back the spoils. Then we'll take you to Kai.. if you survive."

Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 5:54 pm
by Jun Shan
A bright feral grin split across Jun's face, it was a smile that looked like it had no place on a man with his features, the smile of a who was just asked to do something he would greatly enjoy.

"I thought you would never ask." Turning his head slightly but never taking his eyes off of the man before him. "Men... Let's go take a walk..." At his word all of them stood in unison and quickly broke camp while Jun remained right where he was.

After a few shorts minutes the men were ready and a man approached them and stopped beside Jun looking at the bandit for a moment before giving a grunt of disgust and turned. "The men are ready." Jun Grinned "Good, we head north."

With that they turned and mounted up leaving without a single look back, an air of determination hanging almost visibly over the group.

Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 2:22 pm
by lutai
Ma's leave Chang Shan

After thinking about it Ma Rai decided that it was time to leave,from the province he was raised in.He told his father this plan and said it was near impossible to rule Chang Shan, but his father had him beaten and told to leave his sight.But soon after Ma Rai decided that there would be need of a new head of the Ma household.He called his father to the family's courtyard at midnight to say how sorry he was to his father and to think of a new plan on how to take Chang Shan. so his father agreed to the late night meeting but being ill-aware that Rai had recruited fine troops to assassinate his father.

The moon was full and Ma Junshu was waiting for his son Rai, it was quite as the wind brushed the leaves of the trees the smell of death hovered upon Junshu and his guards but before anyone would notice it.A whistle from a arrow was heard and hit one of Junshu's guards in the neck as blood spewed out and the over all shock of fear appeared on Junshu's face Rai's assassins came from the near by bush's and attacked and professionally killed Junshu's guards as the assassins were to make their final blow onto Junshu.

"STOP!,I'll handle this"

Rai came from the shadows looking different from his mourning attire, and looked more like a cold-blooded assassin.

Ma Junshu:"Son thank heavens you are here!,you must save me from these ruffians".

Rai had disgust towards his father seeing him shiver like a coward.

"Silence you insolent fool!,you are not seeing the big picture here my dear father.I was running things in our family in Kuailang more than you did in your entire life!, and you dare have me beaten and make me look like a fool in our household.I'm going to kill you father, and there is nothing ... wait there is one more thing".He said while grinning evilly."Brother Liang and brother Shensun were alive all this time and you know what one of them died at the battle of Xuwu, and you know who that was it was elder brother Shensun your first born the one you left out int he real world to suffer like senseless animal.Now that is covered time for you to go meet brother"He brought he blade up and swung it towards his father


A slash was heard as Junshu's blood was splattered,across the ground and Rai's blade was soaked in blood."Clean up the trash men and send it to Zang kai and attach a message to my father body making it a example that this will happen to him when we return.Also prepare to leave this province for good".Soon after Rai took his mother and other family members and started to make their way to the province of Di.

Two men of Ma Rai's,had left a big box which had Ma Rai's father in.In front of the village, which had a scroll on top of it that read.

This is a message from the Ma Clan of Kuailang, we are moving from this province but we shall be back and the present in this box will represent what we will do to your boss Zang Kai and any followers once we return.And we have another friendly note we would like to give you,we have asked a petition to be signed by all of the lords of Chang Shan to get rid all of you pesky bandits so until then I hope you have a not so wonderful day thank you!

Rai wrote his own message to Liang

Dear Liang,

I am moving the family to the province of Di, but do not worry we shall return to Chang Shan one day and have a huge army behind us to take Chang Shan so until then try to get a city of your own.Also father died of illness.

Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 11:37 pm
by Arkain Hibiki
Tianshi set at the temporary base he had set up in one of the villages under his jurisdiction...Xunliu I think the people had called it. It was May, and he was eagerly awaiting the coming month, wondering what that smith had been able to do to recreate his ancestral blade. If the work was of proper quality, he would of course be willing to provide more work for her, and he was sure she would appreciate the money he was paying. Sighing, he winced as his injuries pulled at his awareness again, despite his best effort to forget them. He had hoped they would heal on their own, but he was likely going to have to see a doctor soon. His mood suddenly sour, Tianshi turned in his seat to observe one of his captains, before coming to a decision.

Tie Yi Tianshi "Captain Lenwu, I have a mission for you. There is a young blacksmith, a women at that, who I would like to talk to. Take a small detachment of men and go track her down. Start in the cities and towns...Tianshi checks a map on the table before him Kuailang is the closest. Start there and see if you can find her. When you do, tell her I wish to speak with her concerning the progress of my weapon. Afterwards, find me a doctor. And I expect a real doctor, not some con artist, or I won't be the only one in this village in pain, understand?"

The young captain lept to his feet and saluted, pleased to be able to help, even if it was only a retrieval mission.

Captain Lenwu "At once, Lord Tianshi. You he pointed to one of the soldiers lounging about gather a dozen men and meet me at the north gate in half an hour. Pack provision for an extended journey. I'm going to ask any of the locals if they may have seen her. Dismissed"

Tianshi observed the man with thinly veiled amusement. He was an able leader, he supposed, but he had his priorities slightly off. Lenwu should have been gathering the men, to ensure he had the most capable for the job, while he had other men question the villagers. It would be faster, and allow for more questions to be asked. Still, Tianshi didn't mention any of this, not wanting to undermine the captain's authority...yet.

Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 12:18 am
by Redbird
Arkain Hibiki wrote:Tianshi set at the temporary base he had set up in one of the villages under his jurisdiction...Xunliu I think the people had called it. It was May, and he was eagerly awaiting the coming month, wondering what that smith had been able to do to recreate his ancestral blade. If the work was of proper quality, he would of course be willing to provide more work for her, and he was sure she would appreciate the money he was paying. Sighing, he winced as his injuries pulled at his awareness again, despite his best effort to forget them. He had hoped they would heal on their own, but he was likely going to have to see a doctor soon. His mood suddenly sour, Tianshi turned in his seat to observe one of his captains, before coming to a decision.

Tie Yi Tianshi "Captain Lenwu, I have a mission for you. There is a young blacksmith, a women at that, who I would like to talk to. Take a small detachment of men and go track her down. Start in the cities and towns...Tianshi checks a map on the table before him Kuailang is the closest. Start there and see if you can find her. When you do, tell her I wish to speak with her concerning the progress of my weapon. Afterwards, find me a doctor. And I expect a real doctor, not some con artist, or I won't be the only one in this village in pain, understand?"

The young captain lept to his feet and saluted, pleased to be able to help, even if it was only a retrieval mission.

Captain Lenwu "At once, Lord Tianshi. You he pointed to one of the soldiers lounging about gather a dozen men and meet me at the north gate in half an hour. Pack provision for an extended journey. I'm going to ask any of the locals if they may have seen her. Dismissed"

Tianshi observed the man with thinly veiled amusement. He was an able leader, he supposed, but he had his priorities slightly off. Lenwu should have been gathering the men, to ensure he had the most capable for the job, while he had other men question the villagers. It would be faster, and allow for more questions to be asked. Still, Tianshi didn't mention any of this, not wanting to undermine the captain's authority...yet.

For a few months, Daiyu stayed up in Kuailang, working on Tianshi's weapon and helped out the village blacksmith. She loved helping out people and the ancestral sword was coming out more beautiful than she had imagined. She hoped that Tianshi was happy with it, but really had no doubts he would be. She also helped out with her doctoring being as the village only had one and one doctor is never enough, especially with villages being invaded constantly now. She enjoyed it in Kuailang and was seriously contemplating staying put. She decided to stay at least a couple more weeks and make her decision at the end of that time.