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Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 5:25 pm
by GoGo the Monkey
it would have been a 9/10 if it wasn't for the terrible spawn points. more often than not i spawn and before i can move i get cut down by MG or Sniper fire
Okay, i'm going to give a little input. But i'm not saying the spawn system doesn't suck....

I've come to the conclusion that while this does happen, it can be prevented. I've found is that this event usually happens when a team simply camps and gets flanked from all sides. The spawn system will usually put you around a team mate, who are probably dying. But with your death and spawn, then their death, you both end up in the same spot you were before. This happens especially when your entire team is in that area. The best bet when your in a situation like this (..and your team is probably losing) is to book it for another part of the map.

The game never intentionally spawns you in a conflict. Though they might spawn you right next to one, in case you want to get back in it. I've tried this on a few of the smaller maps simply by running it in a circle. I think one of the key failures in their spawn system would have to be the 'near the conflict' part. Mainly because that area usually becomes the battle ground or the teammate between your spawn and the guy(s) who killed you dies. So the other team takes the right direction, you pop up, dead. I tried this on the airfield map and noticed they kept spawning me by/behind the downed planes because snipers were firing on my team there. Yes, they were stupid enough to keep going in that direction. We were eventually pushed out of that spot by a pincer (tunnels and some coming straight from the building) and got pushed back to the original respawn. Where they simply headed I ran in the other direction.

I suppose when all is said and done, if you spawn near where you died....don't run back in that direction. Unless the team your stuck with is good enough to hold a spot, your screwed.

..on a random note, XBL Gamertag is KaGoGo.

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 7:25 am
by Ranbir
Left 4 Dead has best spawn system ever.

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:45 am
by blackjack4124
That Duke Nukem game must be due soon, if Chrono Trigger's getting released in Australia.

That American to English translation took the best part of a decade and three consoles. Didn't realise it was so difficult.

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 8:27 am
by bain_nick
At PalGN (a reliable site that keeps up to date with the Australian release dates, and makes sure that each one is updated when the new info is out) they had this
PS3 Duke Nukem Forever 24/12/2020 Rumour

Nice little joke there :P

Re: Other Game Discussion

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 1:15 pm
by Jin Shi
I've been playing this game for awhile, it's pretty fun, thought I should recommend it to you all.

"eRepublik combines both social networking and strategy into a single massively multiplayer online game where players can participate in a variety of activities. Citizens of the New World can be employees, own businesses, form political parties, vote in elections, become party presidents, members of Congress or country presidents, write newspaper articles and even go to war as citizens of virtual versions of real life countries. The game has very few visual elements and is primarily text-based in nature.
Upon joining a citizen picks which virtual country he wishes to join. Each of these countries is named after an actual country in the real world, and is located similarly. The citizen then seeks employment at a company within that country, and is allowed the opportunity to train as a soldier for that country. Training, and working at a company is done on a daily basis by a simple click of two buttons. One of the main drawing points of the website is that it takes a mere "14 minutes a day" to participate.
eRepublik Gold is a fictional currency used in the eRepublik World. It is the main reference point for all the local virtual currencies (examples: USD, GBP) and it is used to buy additional features (such as companies) within the New World. It can be obtained freely by reaching certain levels or achievements."

Join here:

Re: Other Game Discussion

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 8:43 am
by Shinpusan
I have also been playing eRepublik, and it is pretty interesting. What ecountry do you live in Jin Shi?

Re: Other Game Discussion

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 3:25 pm
by Xiang Zhuang
I used to play lots of different video games. Then I got World of Warcraft. Now all I play is World of Warcraft.

Well, not really :) My computer actually blew up on me while I was playing it. Did not know those sorts of things really happened. Apparently the fan cooling the motherboard died and I didn't notice until it was too late.

Recently, then, I've been playing some random things. Fable II was pretty fun, although most of the unique neat things about it aren't really worthwhile to repeat. Maybe the easiest game I've ever played to rack up XBox Live achievements, though. Playing some Warriors Orochi 2 right now. The only other time I played it was shortly after I got it, and I did not really play many of the new characters then. I got excited about playing Gracia, because she seemed neat, but wow, is that hard. She has the least range of any warriors series character I have ever seen, and find myself constantly being attacked by the person I am supposed to be attacking mid-combo. Getting her move list filled out helps, but still.

I'm also playing a bit of Oblivion at the moment. Trying to do the forced leveling thing where you more or less don't "waste" levels. So far, so good, although it is tedious to pump out a few levels of something dumb like Acrobatics or Athletics to get your +5 to stat. It is probably the easiest that the game has been for me so far, without putting the difficulty down all the way (heh, heh).

Whenever I get money again, I'm either going to fix the computer or get a PS3, I think. I have wavered on it a lot, but the price decrease recently makes it appealing, and I seem to think they are getting some fairly good games in the next 12 months. At least, I hope so. I don't think I would go out and get a 360 at this point, especially since I live with somebody who has one.

Re: Other Game Discussion

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 11:24 am
by Galagros
I haven't had time for any games recently. Well, I hosted a LAN party a few weeks ago, but we just played warcraft 3 mods like DoTA, battle tanks, etc. all day. Between work, classes, and being really sick the past week I've been busy.

I am about to buy a new computer though, which makes me very happy! I'm still amazed I talked my wife into it. :D

Current machine:
-ASRock A780GXE/128M AM2+/AM2 AMD 780G ATX AMD Motherboard
-AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000 3.1GHz Socket AM2 Dual-Core Processor
-nVidia GeForce 9600 GT 512MB video card
-4GB (2x2GB) SDRAM DDR2 1066 (PC 8500)

New machine:
-MSI 770-C45 AM3 AMD 770 ATX AMD Motherboard (still looking at MBs -- I really like the one I have now, but it can't use Phenom II)
-AMD Phenom II X4 955 3.2GHz Socket AM3 Quad-Core Processor
-nVidia GeForce GTX 275 896MB video card
-4GB (2x2GB) SDRAM DDR3 1333 (PC3 10666)

Re: Other Game Discussion

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 11:30 pm
by Kymvir Raemiz
PS3's are evil, XZ.


Nice machine, Galagros.

Re: Other Game Discussion

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 5:57 am
by Ranbir
Why not get more RAM?