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Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 7:24 pm
by Jun Shan
Jun and arrived at the head of his band of men to a scene of glorious slaughter, the town of Xuwu had been completely burned to the ground and much of the buildings still smouldered but the smell failed to cover the stench of day old corpses, the carrion birds were already picking away at the half charred bodies and the already bloating corpses.

As he sat upon his horse surveying the carnage his scouts approached "The best we can gather a large group of men, most likely Kai's mob, came from that direction..." the man pointed off in the distance. "And a group roughly half it's size went back... I venture he took a beating and went back to lick his wounds."

Jun grinned and nodded "Then let's go, the sooner we join him the faster we can begin the slaughter." With that he and his men set off once more leaving the bloody monument to battle of Zang Kai's in his wake.

Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 7:54 pm
by Jun Shan
The group followed behind the scouts as they traced Zang Kai's mob back to his village. Jun halted his men a good distance from the village but still within sight knowing that Kai would soon come to him if he was a man of any kind of worth. "What now Sir?" the grisled officer asked "We wait" was all Jun said by way of reply.

Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 11:50 pm
by jonny duck
For Ma Ren

Upon leaving the Audiance Hall, Liang stepped outside to see a man stood in front of the guards. Wary of strangers since the bloodletting began, and in no mood to be caught up in any more trouble, he walked briskly down the steps. As he drew level with the stranger, he stopped and turned his head to look him in the eyes.

"If you have any intentions to speak with the Governor, come back another day. His mood is somewhat soured."

Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 7:11 am
by lutai
@Jdck (and its not Ma Ren it's Ma Rai

Ma Rai smiled and started to chuckle."Haheheh, is that any way to greet your little brother, heh...I guess father shall be sad to know what happened to our big brother Ma Shensun because you couldn't keep him alive".Rai said coldly, knowing that his words are sharper that any knife.

Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 8:02 am
by jonny duck
So this was the bastard child he had heard rumors of. Although he had not confided the information in Ma Shensun, he had found out from a merchant of a man matching the description of his father and that he had a son, a skilled fighter by all accounts. He looked the youngster straight in the eyes, every moment filled with contempt and disgust.

"So you are the whelp that he spawned, the son of a drunk, the son of a man who willingly abandons his children."

Liang spat on the ground at Rai's feet.

"I care little for what that man thinks. He gave up any right to us the moment he left. Shensun was no brother of yours and neither am I."

Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 9:25 am
by Xiao Gau
Jun Shan wrote:The group followed behind the scouts as they traced Zang Kai's mob back to his village. Jun halted his men a good distance from the village but still within sight knowing that Kai would soon come to him if he was a man of any kind of worth. "What now Sir?" the grisled officer asked "We wait" was all Jun said by way of reply.
-=The wait was short. Only a few hours has passed before a small force of men, their faces hidden behind masks of red burlap, approached the camp. Comprised of different families, some of Chinese stock while others claimed more barbaric roots, the disparate patrol was non-the-less united in purpose.

As the group neared Jun's camp, one man broke away from the rest. Tall and burly, this one wore a red sash around his hips in addition to his mask. The casual way he carried his spear bespoke a familiarity of use with the weapon and a lack of fear from his surroundings. Hailing the sentries of the camp, he calls out.=-
"You've been following us. Pretty brave.. but pretty stupid. What do you want?"

Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 2:15 pm
by lutai
jonny duck wrote:So this was the bastard child he had heard rumors of. Although he had not confided the information in Ma Shensun, he had found out from a merchant of a man matching the description of his father and that he had a son, a skilled fighter by all accounts. He looked the youngster straight in the eyes, every moment filled with contempt and disgust.

"So you are the whelp that he spawned, the son of a drunk, the son of a man who willingly abandons his children."

Liang spat on the ground at Rai's feet.

"I care little for what that man thinks. He gave up any right to us the moment he left. Shensun was no brother of yours and neither am I."
Rai glared at Liang with a blood curdling stare, he didn't like how he was treated by his brother."How dare you speak to me in such a tone, I'm guessing your forgetting the rumors that I have killed many men for the tasks our father has given me in order for our family to come on top. And I and our father know the truth on why you two where put in the real world alone when you were just children, but before I will tell you I will need your services to make that damned bandit pay for the disgrace he has placed on our family by defeating you in Xuwu and killing our elder brother".He was not in the mood for persuading his brother or wanting to deal with at all for that reason but he decided to give him a choice."So..will you help me get our family's revenge or shall I do it on my own?",he just waited for his brother to give him a answer.

Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 5:07 pm
by jonny duck
"Pah, you talk of family as if you were part of ours. The only family I had was Shensun. Neither you nor my father have any right to claim to be my family. The guilt I bear for Shensun is my own and none can share it. However this bandit must be brought to task before he can burn any more villages and towns. Do you have a plan?"

Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 7:26 pm
by lutai
jonny duck wrote:"Pah, you talk of family as if you were part of ours. The only family I had was Shensun. Neither you nor my father have any right to claim to be my family. The guilt I bear for Shensun is my own and none can share it. However this bandit must be brought to task before he can burn any more villages and towns. Do you have a plan?"
Rai glared even more,"But you and our brother share the same name, and in this province Ma is one of the powerful household's in the province of Chang Shan. Just having our clan name disgraced by bandits after your defeat in Xuwu reflects off you,me,older brother,father,mother and all of our related family members in Dai and Chang Shan.And it is our duty to kill these bandits but a seeing our current situation now our forces have been weakened and we need a city...I will need you to take this city of Quni in any way you ca, but do you have a plan to do so my brother because I sure as hell don't besides me killing the lord of the city".
He said that last part softly towards Liang.

Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 6:58 am
by jonny duck
"The Lord of this city would chew you up and spit you out while his guards laughed. But this is not the place to talk about such plans. I have lodgings in the city where we can talk more."

Liang led the way through several alleys until they reached his quarters. It was the top room of a tall shack of a building. The drains leaked and the plaster was falling away from the walls but it was all he could find at such short notice. He kicked a seat towards his half brother and sat down on a bench by the window.

"The Governor of this city is a talented warrior and his men are loyal to him. He has had any of the aristocracy murdered or driven out. The only way I can see to remove him from power would be to start a rebellion against him. As for the leader of the Red Scarves, he is able to draft many men. Still, I have had scouts out in the land, and they tell of another man with an army who has entered the province and seems to be intent on battling the Red Scarves. You may demand honor for our family and attempt to kill this man yourself but it is better to allow others to bleed for you."