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Re: Chu Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 9:06 pm
by Seewichai
[暗兵] - Gathering

Qian Yen rubbed her temple after hearing the familiar sinister laugh. It came from a female blind berserker in her team. Xia Mo is blind but prized for her fighting skills by Qian Yen. Although losing the sight in both eyes, Xia Mo fought like as if she could see clearly as the bright blue sky. Do not belittle Xia Mo for her uncanny humor, for she would have no qualms in tearing her prey apart, pieces by pieces. Even her ferocity unsettled Qian Yen at times.

Turning her head to face another of her liuetenants, Shan Dian and heard what his comments, "Then it is good then, I am glad that my trust was no being misplaced. So far does anyone have any comments or suggestions of what to do next? Anyone of you heard any of our brothers at the stronghold are coming to join us here, at the meeting point?"

Re: Chu Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 9:19 pm
by jiangbao
Po Huai made his way to the rallying point. The man, which is really stretching the truth and coming in late.

He said "Sorry sorry, huge regulatory problems. Trying to set up a shop in Chu right now. Pending regulatory requirements such as santiation checks. Now a days, horses live a better life than humans."

He said to no one in particular. That is if anyone cared.

Re: Chu Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 9:25 pm
by Seewichai
[暗兵] - Gathering

Qian Yen sighed... the youngest member of her [暗兵] and perhaps the most innocent one among them. Qian Yen was still thinking how did she picked him among the many men that her father has back in the stronghold. Qian Yen grinned as she recalls how she saw Po Huai managed to sabotage the enemies infrastructure, supplies at ease. Also, with the advantage of his youth and innocent look, he could raised propaganda easily with the common folks. Turning a piece of white paper into black and black back to white.

"Po Huai, we just got here. I hope you are not feeling bad about me asking you to setup a shop. We need some form of cash cow to keep funding our expenses. Unfortunately."

Re: Chu Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 9:28 pm
by jiangbao
"Oh no. What do I want, money. what do i want more, even more money. What do i want most. Money money money. If there is nothing I want more is money. No money, no talk. Heck I will not even listen." Po Huai said "So what the next deal around. Who going to be dead next or burnt or poisoned or something."

Smelling himself, he said "One thing I know is horse do take a dump and often!"

Re: Chu Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 9:45 pm
by Seewichai
[暗兵] - Gathering

Qian Yen used her fingers to press the bridge of her nose between her eyes. Po Huai at times are more scary than her. Nobody can simply tell he is only a 16 year old but his greed for wealth is rather unsettling. As long at Qian Yen keeps a strong rein on Po Huai, everything will be fine. If not... she would pity the world and the poor people that Po Huai comes in contact with.

"We stopped here for some reasons, Po Huai. First is to wait for any of our brothers coming and also to plan our future. As agreed, we had came to Chu where that strong Hegemon General Xiang Yu is based in. Do we want to offer our service to him or to Liu Bang or anyone."

Re: Chu Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 10:11 pm
by jiangbao
Seewichai wrote:[暗兵] - Gathering

Qian Yen used her fingers to press the bridge of her nose between her eyes. Po Huai at times are more scary than her. Nobody can simply tell he is only a 16 year old but his greed for wealth is rather unsettling. As long at Qian Yen keeps a strong rein on Po Huai, everything will be fine. If not... she would pity the world and the poor people that Po Huai comes in contact with.

"We stopped here for some reasons, Po Huai. First is to wait for any of our brothers coming and also to plan our future. As agreed, we had came to Chu where that strong Hegemon General Xiang Yu is based in. Do we want to offer our service to him or to Liu Bang or anyone."
"Xiang Yu, Liu Bang? Er why don't we toss a coin and decide. I do not really care, heck we can make you big honcho too. Just make sure we get paid. Say I was planning on introducing memberships for those who come and buy more horses. Today, Chu, tomorrow China. Imagine every city, there is a Turf Club." Po Huai said.

"I be rich, millionaire, billionaire. By then I buy myself a city!"

Re: Chu Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 10:13 pm
by Cao Chao
Radical Dreamer wrote:"I see," Ranzhen neutrally replied. "Still, Master, even if they are but for ceremony they are better than the common man. They also benefit from having a General such as yourself drilling them." He smiled pleasantly, finally returning to standing upright. "I am positive they will be up to snuff in no time."

"Forgive me, though, Sir. I have been quite remiss in my introductions. May I have the honor of your name?"
"You think I'm unimportant enough to be training the Emperor's guardsmen?" asked Ji Bu angrily, rounding furiously upon the man. From the rising angry tone from his voice, it was clear that he felt insulted by Ranzhen's words. "I am Ji Bu, one of the Hegemonic King's five ranking commanders. We only serve directly under him and answer to no one else. Such mundane matters as providing training for these ceremonial guardsmen is overseen by Master of Instruction, Lü Chen."

Re: Chu Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 10:29 pm
by Kakirot83
OneEyedDrgn wrote:...What? was all Zhuwen could think. Perhaps Tai's words would have some significant meaning to an intelligent man, but Zhuwen was not one of those. He was beginning to think that the woman may have been off her rocks and there were a few screws loose in her head. He rubbed his chin, observing Tai back as she observed him. No matter, freaks were sometimes better in bed. Walking next to the girl, he placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Okay, so you want to go for a walk, and you want dinner, but no action. Normally I'd refuse, but since you're so damn beautiful, I'm just going to pretend it isn't a one-sided deal. And you don't think I'm good enough for you at the moment, but I might be in the future? Good enough for me!" It was probably not what Tai meant, but Zhuwen assumed it was.

"So then, why don't we go walk outside the village, where it's less noisier, less smelly, more peaceful? You can tell me more about... Errr... Rabbits and all that while we're walking. And don't worry, I'm not the type of guy to force women on me, that's just for savages."
Tai smiled at this man. At least he was honest about his intentions, and what he wanted form life. It was more than most people could say, and even if he wasn't the brightest, it seemed to work for him.

He had his own way of reading into things, and maybe in some way, that could count for something. Maybe given some time, he could be useful to the world, but for now, she'd settle for being useful for now.

"Outside the city sounds good, people here have too strong an aura about them. But it's not rabbits we'll talk about I should think......."

She turned to face him finally, and took her arm and intertwined it with his, taking hold of his hand and leaning against him.

"Lead the way, possible King of Blood."

Re: Chu Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 10:33 pm
by Radical Dreamer
"You think I'm unimportant enough to be training the Emperor's guardsmen?" asked Ji Bu angrily, rounding furiously upon the man. From the rising angry tone from his voice, it was clear that he felt insulted by Ranzhen's words. "I am Ji Bu, one of the Hegemonic King's five ranking commanders. We only serve directly under him and answer to no one else. Such mundane matters as providing training for these ceremonial guardsmen is overseen by Master of Instruction, Lü Chen."
Sensing that he had made a major gaff, Ranzhen recoiled in dramatic surprise. "Master Ji Bu? Forgive me, my lord! I did not dare to dream I was addressing someone so much my better." Dropping to his knees, even in his fine robes, the young man tried his best to mitigate this disaster. "Your servant begs forgiveness; I am a poor child from the farthest corner of the Great King's lands. I am unaccustomed to seeing living legends that I have long heard about and I have not learned any faces."

"I do not mean to further insult, my lord, but the Imperial Guard were figures to be admired by common folk such as myself, being so physically close to the Great King and the Emperor. I meant no offense with my ignorance."

Re: Chu Provincial Roleplay

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 10:49 pm
by Seewichai
[暗兵] - Gathering

Qian Yen blinked her eyes unbelievingly, Po Huai indeed the Lu Buwei reborn. "Well... I do not want to be any bigger than what I am now, too much hassle and restrictions if I am to be someone like what you said. Remembered how my father used to squeeze his own balls? Whenever he wanted to kill one of his men for insolent or whatever that is. But he cannot since he is the chief and have to be tactful in his dealings with his own men." Qian Yen laid back on the chair as the waiter brings up the mutton and wine on the table. "How fast can you start the horses business and will you be able to supply everyone here with a horse as well?"