OOC: sorry, been busy lately.Zhudi wrote:Wendigo61
As the stranger was talking to the guard, Aramaki stepped out from behind a pillar. He stepped forward and looked closely at the new arrival. Taking out a sketch from his pocket, he looked at the stranger before looking down again. The motion was repeated several times before he nodded.
"Bai Du Rong, it is good to see you. My name is Dai-suke Ara-maki. Brother Lao Wangzi has informed me of your impending arrival. It is good to have you here in our kingdom. Do you have any questions for me? If, not please come this way, I will show you your quarters." Aramaki begins to lead the new recruit off if he does not have any further questions.
Recruited. Post in the OI.
seemingly startled by the voice, Bai Du Rong turned and bowed.
"Oh. not Amaki? I'm sorry. Well, lead on."