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Post by nstroud »

Im thinking of one but im not going to tell you. You'll have to guess.
Prefect Huang Fu
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Post by KDS »

:: doesn't feel like guessing ::

Of course, the obvious pick would be one of the low officer/ruler ratio kingdoms... but I have to say, they are protecting themselves pretty well.
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Post by Tom »

Its not just about officers though, its also about location, resource management and comprehension of battle rules (with a good understanding of tactics aswell :wink: )
Xiahou Liang, 35
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Post by nstroud »

or if someones got a major grudge against someone else.
Prefect Huang Fu
GoGo the Monkey
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Post by GoGo the Monkey »

Bah, grudges don't help anything! When you're annoyed/mad/pissy. You just become irrational. Which in turn leaves you open to very easily spotted ordeals. Especially in battle, which isn't good!

The first ruler to fall. Hmm..I say if Pi Xie I believe it was. Goes and actually holds together that alliance he is trying to make. It might just be one of the NPC kingdoms. more NPC's to bother us. Well, ones in power atleast.
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Post by Tom »

Jao Tiang, with all these alliances he's bound to get back-stabbed by someone regretting signing an alliance with him :P Sorry Jao, I had to say it!
Xiahou Liang, 35
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GoGo the Monkey
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Post by GoGo the Monkey »

Not if he is smart and does the backstabbing himself! But, I suppose that depends on how he'll play his PC.
Cao Chao
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Post by Cao Chao »

Tom wrote:Jao Tiang, with all these alliances he's bound to get back-stabbed by someone regretting signing an alliance with him :P Sorry Jao, I had to say it!
Or me refusing to serve as you and Kyung's northern buffer.
Jao Tiang
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Post by Jao Tiang »

Indeed. Well, I'm certainly hoping nobody backstabs me, that would uhh...hurt.
Jao Tiang (26) 66-95*-42-74-44 Escort III, Jianshu II, Maraud II, Pierce II
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Post by Tom »

Cao Chao, you know thats not going to happen. Think of it as a pyramid, if one moves away we all fall down.

Jao, your increasing the likehood with all the alliances. Come on I dare you to make an enemy of Chen She or the Qin Administration. :wink:
Xiahou Liang, 35
Ruler of Wuzhong
Dash, Inspire II, Lure, Manoeuvre, Rally, Reactive Defence, Wedge, Scout