Other Game Discussion

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Post by Pyro »

Yup, GOTY has two expansions. Both a very fun. The main quest in Tribunal however sucks considering you spend the entire time endlessly dungeon crawling in sewers only to run into Lichs, gangsters and a whiny Bosmer who pesters you near to where you first get the quests, which can all kill a Lv15 char in one hit -_- Hell I struggled against them when I went thought it again with a Lv25.

Bloodmoon's main quest rules though. Mainly because you aren't doing constant dungeon crawls and mainly because you don't need an insanely overpowered character to enjoy it.
Zhao Ji (15)
Stats: 33-92*-36-74-77
Skills: Challenge I, Cover I, Doctor, Faze I Intimidate II, Maraud I, Raid I, Yueshu II
Gold: 125
"When I started here, all there was was swamp. Other kings said I was daft to build a castle on a swamp, but I built it all the same, just to show 'em. It sank into the swamp. So, I built a second one. That sank into the swamp. So, I built a third one. That burned down, fell over, then sank into the swamp, but the fourth one... stayed up!"
Zi You de
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Post by Zi You de »

I got GOTY. Now to finish my blasted Telivanni fortress, kill me some more of them assasins (1k+ gold for thier armor), and then scour the new mods...after becoming a vampire...with mods.
Any suggested mods ?
Any tips for a level 10(ish) Dark elf short-blade,light armor, destruction/restoration mage type person ?
Dai Mu Male, 27
Challenge I, Charge III, Gongshu II, Maraud II, Qiangshu III

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Post by Galagros »

I had trouble in the sewers of Mournhold with a level 35.... :(
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Brother Dun
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Post by Brother Dun »

I started Mournhold at level 10... left Mournhold at 35 or so... >.>

While it is difficult, it helped to be a custom class, lots of destruction/conjuration skill and awesome skill with a long sword. You get the best couple of long blades in the game at mournhold if you ask me... >.>
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Post by fire_i »

If you ask me... you can easily clear Morrowind without bothering with any magic at all, except maybe -some- Restoration and Alteration spells.

And yes, those two swords were pure <3. Much more than Chrysamere.

And so was that mace you got after clearing Bloodmoon - mace which I used with my character, BTW. I killed EVERYTHING in a single hit with it except Dagoth Ur, Vivec and the girl God whose name I forgot. :lol:

Which is why you don't need magic except if you seek challenge. :P
Kong Huang,
Completely dead!
And a character from the PREVIOUS version, too! Kicks ass.
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Post by Pyro »

Almalexia? I never liked her so I gacked her the moment I finished the Mournhold MQ. Oh and Mysticism. I always take that as a Major. Mark, Recall, Telekenisis, the two interventions and the absorb spells are the most useful spells in the game.
I got GOTY. Now to finish my blasted Telivanni fortress, kill me some more of them assasins (1k+ gold for thier armor), and then scour the new mods...after becoming a vampire...with mods.
Any suggested mods ?
Any tips for a level 10(ish) Dark elf short-blade,light armor, destruction/restoration mage type person ?
Three things you could do. Since you have short blade and light armour you could join the Thieve's Guild. Thier missions are pretty fun. That or you could go into the Mage's Guild or Imperial Cult. All three are great factions that give some very nice loot and don't need a super character to finish. The Bal Molagmar and Oracle quests (Theives Guild and Imperial Cult respectively) are some of the most fun quests in the game IMO.
Zhao Ji (15)
Stats: 33-92*-36-74-77
Skills: Challenge I, Cover I, Doctor, Faze I Intimidate II, Maraud I, Raid I, Yueshu II
Gold: 125
"When I started here, all there was was swamp. Other kings said I was daft to build a castle on a swamp, but I built it all the same, just to show 'em. It sank into the swamp. So, I built a second one. That sank into the swamp. So, I built a third one. That burned down, fell over, then sank into the swamp, but the fourth one... stayed up!"
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Post by fire_i »


Huuuuh... Pyro? Gacking Almalexia is, like, THE goal of Tribunal's main quest.


I never took Mysticism as a major simply because all of Almsivi Intervention, Mark, Recall, Divine Intervention and Soul Trap are common scrolls. I remember having Mark and Recall as spells once, but my Mysticism level hardly exceeded 20 and it was neither a primary nor secondary skill (Training can be good!). You don't need much more than that for Mark and Recall, especially at high levels, when you got plenty of mana: even if you fail 3 or 4 times, you'll still be able to cast these spell without problem. They're not like those combat spells which, when they fail, can put you in danger.
Kong Huang,
Completely dead!
And a character from the PREVIOUS version, too! Kicks ass.
Zi You de
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Post by Zi You de »

Well, my old charecter went kaput with my computer. Which sucks, because I lost evreything (had to re-format).
Now I am playing as a nord/ heavy armor/ long blade type.

Kickin' butt and taking names. Namely, "outlander".

As for magic, I have some destruction and alchemy. That is all.

I normally keep an enchanted soultrap weapon (it is cheap, about 1.5k gold to get the soultrap spell and get a weapon enchanted with it, if you have a soul) so that I do not have to cast soultrap all the time. Otherwise, with the interventions, I either win or die. Generally speaking, win, as I'm still alive.

as for mark and recall, well, I found a amulet of recall, and mark cant be that hard to cast... (right ?)
if so, I'll just kill some people, sell thier stuff, and enchant items ! Har har har.
Dai Mu Male, 27
Challenge I, Charge III, Gongshu II, Maraud II, Qiangshu III

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Post by fire_i »

Yeah, I found that amulet too. It's pretty useful, especially when you make someone enchant another with mark. :P It's fun not to have to wear those amulets all the time.

That's what I did at the end of the game... although I did use scrolls most of the time, out of laziness.

A soultrap weapon is probably useful too, especially if it's light.

I had a Heavy Armor/Blunt Weapon Norse myself! Don't Norse goons rock? :P
Kong Huang,
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And a character from the PREVIOUS version, too! Kicks ass.
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Post by Ashikaga »

Morrowind is one of the best games out their!

My computer was "clensed" of every thing so I had to start my chars over. I have a Nord/knight/ Heavy armor and axe. I joined the Imperial Legion, which I am currently a Knight Errant, three more ranks to go! These quests now are easy, except when I lose my way and end up fighting out a whole Daedric ruin. Man these upper level Imp. Legion quest always seem to take you straight passed, through, or in one of those ruins. And thier always filled with Orcs in full orcish armor (which is very strong and valuable) and Demoras and Demora lords (which are pretty hard to kill with a lvl 10 Knight). My last quest for the legion was to get that maidens token, I had to swin across a huge body of water twice. I left tons of dead dreughs and slaughter fish in my path.

I dont use magic at all except a soul trap spell. Since my sign is the tower, I dont really need high lock pick skills, yet. And since im a nord Ice attriochs (or whatever) can barely hurt me :D
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