Public Dueling!

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Little Lady Xia
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Post by RuffRydeR »

I've never seen it either.

Hamstring horse deals so little damage that, unless you were really tough, and you had a bad opponent, you would get your butt kicked by the time it succeeds thrice (which is my estimate as to how many times it needs to succeed to pull off a dismount)...

I've only seen twice before the KO happened.

So yeah.

But the speed bonuses do get removed.

And frighten horse does remove ALL horse bonuses. You're still treated as mounted though.
Lei Anshui (21), Chief Aide
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Post by Ashikaga »

Anyone want to beat up on a Gm?
"When you enter the theater, please walk to the end of the row filling in all available seats. Stopping in the middle is distinctly unpatriotic"
- Sam the Eagle

Luanti Maodun, Bandit in Changshan
Jack Flack
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Post by Jack Flack »

Ashikaga wrote:Anyone want to beat up on a Gm?
I can! And it's not even your GMship! I'm an equal oppurtunity beater upper!
Chen Wei, 20, Male
61, 110*, 47, 95*, 60
Instructor I, Intimidate II, Qiangshu III, Challenge II, Yueshu III, Smith I, Trainer I
Axe (+8 Might), Billhook (+1 Might), Helm (+4 Might), Horse (+3 Speed, +2 Attack), Crossbow, Fa Tie's Man Breast Plate (+4 Might), Li Ning's Treatise on Good Table Manners (+8 Judgement), Li Ning's Treatise on Priorities (+7 Judgement)

Duel Record: 16-0
Little Lady Xia
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Post by RuffRydeR »

ready to run, if necessary...=P :lol:
Lei Anshui (21), Chief Aide
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Post by Ashikaga »

Very well, I ask that you do not use your mount so that my defeat is not as swift!
"When you enter the theater, please walk to the end of the row filling in all available seats. Stopping in the middle is distinctly unpatriotic"
- Sam the Eagle

Luanti Maodun, Bandit in Changshan
Jack Flack
Posts: 228
Joined: Thu Jul 31, 2008 7:27 am

Post by Jack Flack »

Ashikaga wrote:Very well, I ask that you do not use your mount so that my defeat is not as swift!
Oh! Didn't realize you didn't have one! Sure, I can do that!
Chen Wei, 20, Male
61, 110*, 47, 95*, 60
Instructor I, Intimidate II, Qiangshu III, Challenge II, Yueshu III, Smith I, Trainer I
Axe (+8 Might), Billhook (+1 Might), Helm (+4 Might), Horse (+3 Speed, +2 Attack), Crossbow, Fa Tie's Man Breast Plate (+4 Might), Li Ning's Treatise on Good Table Manners (+8 Judgement), Li Ning's Treatise on Priorities (+7 Judgement)

Duel Record: 16-0
Game Master Emeritus
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Location: GO USA! USA Olympic Gold Fan Club

Post by Ashikaga »

Very Well, Tactics away, Time to D-D-D-D-D-Duel!
RuffRyder of course.

And lose
"When you enter the theater, please walk to the end of the row filling in all available seats. Stopping in the middle is distinctly unpatriotic"
- Sam the Eagle

Luanti Maodun, Bandit in Changshan
Posts: 774
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Post by NightForever »

Willing to duel to anyone either on horse or on foot.
Shangguan Wei (21) | 90-91-21-78-22 | Charge II, Delay II, Instructor II, Qiangshu II, Raid I, Yueshu II
Little Lady Xia
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Post by RuffRydeR »

Chen Wei vs Luo Anguo

Bout 1:

Round 1:
Lu Anguo HP: 88 Might: 88
Chen Wei HP: 96 Might: 96

Lu Anguo lands the attack.(5)
Lu Anguo's quick shot fails to cancel Chen Wei's intimidate attempt.
Chen Wei attempts to intimidate Lu Anguo.
Chen Wei fails to intimidate Lu Anguo.
Chen Wei fails to hit with the attack!

Round 2:
Lu Anguo HP: 88 Might: 88
Chen Wei HP: 91 Might: 96

Lu Anguo lands the attack.(4)
Chen Wei attempts to land a crippling strike on Lu Anguo!
Chen Wei's crippling strike fails to land on a vital point.
Chen Wei lands the attack.(7)

Round 3:
Lu Anguo HP: 81 Might: 88
Chen Wei HP: 87 Might: 96

Lu Anguo lands the attack.(4)
Chen Wei attempts to land a crippling strike on Lu Anguo!
Lu Anguo injured during attack - reducing might by 7
Chen Wei lands the attack.(7)

End of Bout 1:
Lu Anguo HP: 74 Might: 81
Chen Wei HP: 83 Might: 96

Bout 2:

Round 1:
Lu Anguo HP: 74 Might: 81
Chen Wei HP: 83 Might: 96

Lu Anguo lands the attack.(4)
Lu Anguo's quick shot fails to cancel Chen Wei's intimidate attempt.
Chen Wei attempts to intimidate Lu Anguo.
Chen Wei succeeds!
Chen Wei unleashes a critical blow!
Chen Wei lands the attack.(15)

Round 2:
Lu Anguo HP: 59 Might: 63
Chen Wei HP: 79 Might: 96

Lu Anguo lands the attack.(2)
Chen Wei lands the attack.(10)

Round 3:
Lu Anguo HP: 49 Might: 63
Chen Wei HP: 77 Might: 96

Lu Anguo fails to hit with the attack!
Chen Wei lands the attack.(9)

End of Bout 2:
Lu Anguo HP: 40 Might: 63
Chen Wei HP: 77 Might: 96

Bout 3:

Round 1:
Lu Anguo HP: 40 Might: 63
Chen Wei HP: 77 Might: 96

Lu Anguo lands the attack.(2)
Chen Wei unleashes a critical blow!
Chen Wei lands the attack.(18)

Round 2:
Lu Anguo HP: 22 Might: 63
Chen Wei HP: 75 Might: 96

Lu Anguo lands the attack.(2)
Chen Wei lands the attack.(13)

Round 3:
Lu Anguo HP: 9 Might: 63
Chen Wei HP: 73 Might: 96

Lu Anguo fails to hit with the attack!
Chen Wei unleashes a critical blow!
Chen Wei attempts to land a crippling strike on Lu Anguo!
Chen Wei lands the attack.(12)
Chen Wei wins!
Lu Anguo attempts to retreat, but is captured!

End of Bout 3:
Lu Anguo HP: -3 Might: 63
Chen Wei HP: 73 Might: 96

Chen Wei has VICTOLY!
Lei Anshui (21), Chief Aide
Challenge I, Gongshu II, Haste II, Intimidate II, Yueshu II
Posts: 713
Joined: Mon Jul 07, 2008 10:31 am

Post by GreenFabre »

London wrote:I would like to duel with GreenFabre!

"Huangfu Chu attempts a swift pass attack on Kijo Akki."
Wah, no fair, you used a horse lo~
I told you NO horse in the first place ;p

*erases 1 loss*
That fight doesn't count, let's duel again lo~!
/me sends evil tactics to rr lo~

@rr - thx, yah, akki is working on it lo~ *goes back to hunting at pt's*
Kijo Akki
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