OOC Thread V4

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Li Dao Wen
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Re: OOC Thread V4

Post by Li Dao Wen »

I'm of the opinion that the handful of loyal Warlords' players should at least receive the privilege of developing our characters to the fullest possible level before the fat lady sings. Is there any possibility that the staff might reconsider the no-PT part of the phase? Forget civil phases, and forget KTs. We just want the PTs to continue.

Perhaps install PT's in between military phases (like, two RL days to do one)? Maybe five? As long as there's people interested in the Sim, why make it hard for them? There's got to be some sort of solution to this, IMO, poor option. I realize that the staff is probably so busy with other things, but see above. Bel is willing to run PT's, and as long as one of our good staff members is willing to do so, why not have them for everybody's sake?

I admit I'm being selfish here. There's still so much I wanted to do with my character; I wanted XLR to get the chance to be king, to be the best warrior out there, and all sorts of other yabba jabba stuff. I realize that this is a hopeless, pathetic plea, but really. I've almost totally abandoned the other sim -and not just SimRTK, but EVERY other sim I was playing simultaneously before this version- in favor of Warlords, and I'm still loving this game, this version.

EDIT: Five. At least five PTs more, for the loyal fanbase. Just so we can mop up our unfinished businesses, like the good ol' smiths who want to make +12 weapons and those developing level three skills. Pretty please? Allow us to end this game with the satisfaction of having achieved our goals.
Shang Yu, strategist and miser


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Xiang Zhuang
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Re: OOC Thread V4

Post by Xiang Zhuang »

So I drop in and look around, and see Charlemagne is back! And then see the sim is falling on its sword (again).

This reminds me of v3, when Charlemagne became an admin and lead the last charge, and then the sim died.

And of v2, when Charlemagne was by far the most active PC ruler left, and the game went into it's end thingy, i.e. dying.

Cannot forget about v1, when Charlemagne's giant anti-NPC coalition's demise synced with the close of the sim.

Thus, Charlemagne is the Harbinger of Doom.

((No, I'm not here and no, I'm not doing things. Don't have time. Have too many women.))
Fáng Ai (防哀) hao Aishī (皚獅, White Lion), Duke of Yan (Yan Gong)
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Re: OOC Thread V4

Post by Krimzon »

I'm really not a fan of this endgame mode, now. I mean, situations have just started to get interesting so why cut them off from developing? Chu has just been taken, the balance of power between Han, Sai, Nanyang, and Linjiang has shifted... a King has been captured... Liang is in a state, Xiang Yu has new objectives... perhaps he will have revenge on Tian Rong? Shi Tong looks like to be finally moving with Sporkzilla at the helm, Wei hasn't really moved en masse and are perhaps preparing for something? Wu could potentially regain its former lands. It's all about to kick off!

There's still all to play for. With the fall of Chu loyalties will be tested and new factions will perhaps spring up. Maybe Lu Chen will make more of a public appearance? Fan Zeng could perhaps stir into activity? Will Ma Dieu be able to hold Chu with his current forces? How long can Yin survive against Henan, Zhao, or now even Qi? Will the prisoners in her audience hall ever be released? Will Liang endure the coming wars? With a change in leadership, where will Wu look to next? There is no clear defining winner, yet.

There's SO much going on. It's just a great shame just to end it like this. There's so much potential going to waste here. It's only been a game year... sure, this mode's concept is pretty good and all but it's way too early in my opinion.
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Re: OOC Thread V4

Post by Phailak »

PTs maybe, we'll consider it, but KTs are definately out
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Re: OOC Thread V4

Post by BJR »

Ah, well. I suppose I picked a bad time to become active this game, lol. Maybe next game... :P
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Re: OOC Thread V4

Post by ann »

Xiang Zhuang wrote:
((No, I'm not here and no, I'm not doing things. Don't have time. Have too many women.))
Magazines do not count!
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Re: OOC Thread V4

Post by Belial »

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Re: OOC Thread V4

Post by Mardagg »

I know you have all been waiting for this too, I will say it here first:

I AM YOUR NEW EMPEROR!!! :mrgreen:

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Re: OOC Thread V4

Post by Charlemagne »

I am the Harbinger of Doom. Get used to it.

That being said, I had a huge post here last night and lost it, because the buttons on my Evo were too small and I fat-fingered something. That being said, I will do my best to sum up here:

1. To imply that this decision has anything to do with the NBA season, or staff laziness, or commitment to other hobbies is absurd. We all have other hobbies, jobs, classes, families, etc, and the game has always gone on before.

2. We accept that some decisions are unpopular. We know we can't make everyone happy. The staff does it's best. We don't ask for praise or credit, and we sure get less of both than we ever do complaints.

3. The game has to end eventually. New games will begin. Other things will develop. Player activity will come and go. The map was just to big, and we want a conclusion we can all live with. It's not so bad.

All those things being said, the staff is in discussion. If there is an update to the endgame announcement, we will let you know as soon as decisions are reached.

Thank you all, and XZ, I'll be waiting to roll your character.
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Re: OOC Thread V4

Post by Belial »

Make sure you remember to post your PTs! The turn change is tomorrow!
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The Hero of Xianyang, The Incorruptible Lu Chen, and the Glorious Emperor Kang!
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