OM Adjustments

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Rue Goung
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Re: OM Adjustments

Post by Rue Goung »

ann wrote:Please see the Turn Results! you had damage from a cart while on patrol. Not sure about the charisma - will work on tracking that down.
no i see that, but my base might is 70...why is it 69 now? as well i have two items but non of them are equiped.
Brother Dun
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Re: OM Adjustments

Post by Brother Dun »

Civil Administrator is now level 2. Been studying it the last 3 months! >.>

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Re: OM Adjustments

Post by bain_nick »

Si Ari Lei should now have Diplomat III, has she has studied it 4 out of the last 5 months.
Si Ari Lei 45-50-58-80-81, Civil Administrator II, Diplomat III, Engineer II, Politician II, Public Planner II

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Re: OM Adjustments

Post by ShamsTron »

Please note that Zheng Nu should be in Qi, not Liang. Here are lasts two months PTs to show. ... 17#p164417 ... 34#p167134
Zheng Nu (38) 73-84*-63-50-47 Decoy II, Instructor II, Maraud III, Military Administrator I, Smith II
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Re: OM Adjustments

Post by Mikal »

General Broadcast concerning my officers who invaded Liang last turn:
As they sacked the city they and the force should be back in Qi.
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Zhefu, 37, Male
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Tzar DwL
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Re: OM Adjustments

Post by Tzar DwL »

Qiao Sen has Civil Administrator III Starting Month of Study being in January and ending in April.
Also, Might is 22 and 24 with my daggers equipped.
Qiao Sen zi Dazai | Bio
|| 37-24*-91*-91*-56 || Civil Administrator III, Doctor I, Engineer I, Politician I, Propagandist II, Public Planner II
Li Dao Wen
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Re: OM Adjustments

Post by Li Dao Wen »

Xun Jiang's charisma is now up to 55 (equipped helmet +3 Might, +2 Charisma found in PT :)).
Shang Yu, strategist and miser


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Re: OM Adjustments

Post by ann »

Rue Goung - please see the response in the turn thread. I cannot figure out your stat increases without items though I cannot see where the item bonuses would be coming from either. IF you can shed some light on the stats you claimed in the turn I can straighten this out.

Brother Dun - Fixed

Bain_Nick - fixed

ShamsTron - Fixed

Mikal - let me know if some particular issue arrises from this in your admin comm thread. Otherwise they'll get reassigned when you use them.

Tzar Dwl - Fixed

Li Dao Wen - fixed
Coral Serpent
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Re: OM Adjustments

Post by Choso »

Cheng Dang had a level 1 injury but was doctored by Rue Ruen via PT, and should at full power.
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Re: OM Adjustments

Post by ann »

You were still in the OM with a 25% injury when I applied the doctoring. FIxed it.
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