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Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 6:59 pm
by nurgles_herald
I'm known as nurgles_herald on simrtk and HoC: Japan, most prominently. My real name is Walker; it was my grandmother's maiden name, so if you are used to Walker being a last name, I don't really blame you. Turning 17 in April, living in the middle of somewhere, Pennsylvania. I'm a history addict and a quizbowl player on the highschool team. The rest of my studies I go at in a fashion I think some would describe as apathetic, but I consider liesurely. I used to consider myself a writer, but recently I've thought about education. I'm also a haunt on wikipedia; I've been reading articles there religiously for the past two years, but I am yet to create an article on my own or make any serious revisions.

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 8:14 pm
by SunCe360
Yay! 1st Post!

Hello, my name is Christian (Chris). I am 14 years old, and I live in sunny and hot Florida (EST, 305 4 LIFE!). I am Puerto-Rican. I am in the 10th grade, I am taking English II, Geometry, AP World Geography/History (Social Studies) and Chemistry as my core courses, and Spanish, Psycology/Ethics, Commulative Law and Computer Skills as my electives. I plan to go to a decent university to earn a Associates in Law and a Masters in Psycology, mainly Child Psycology, or Neurology (haven't decided yet, stiil have time!). My hobbies are net RPGs (duh duh) video games, hanging with my friends, listening to music, watching good movies and watching reality shows. I play field hockey as my sport. I found out about the RTK book through DW4. I did a search on it and up came the one and only Kongming's Archives. I went into the website database and found SimRTK. There I found my love of role-playing. I love my DW games, and he fact that I got to play as if I was a real member of an army back then really captured my interest. There, I was directed to other sites (this being one of them) and found sims about other eras that captured my attention (Warring States being the most important one). 305 4 LIFE!

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 9:06 pm
by Radical Dreamer
Guess I should post here, eh? Anyway, I'm LordGato over at HoC, Gaara at HoI, and Greed at RTKrpg. I'm also the author 'Dreamer of All Things Radical' at, so check that out. I'm currently 'Gaara' on the IRC channel so wave to me if you see me.

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 9:29 pm
by ShamsTron
My real name is Shams Eddine Ben Amor and I am currently 18 and live in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada. The two names I go by in games are normally Mi Win and Dokan so if you seen those names you already know me. I have a general interest in strategy games and management. If you want to know more about me we can always talk it up. :)

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 11:39 pm
by Naurek
My name is Donovan. I am 28 (29 in June) and have a wife, two kids, two dogs, two cats and four fish. I administer another sim called Heroes of Chaos, and like to mess around with programming when I am not working at my job. This is the only sim I am playing on.

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 1:47 am
by TheNovak
My name's Ed! Good to meet ya. I'm 22, I enjoy RPing when I have the time, and I'm generally a pretty nice guy. I've played a couple of other sims, including ongoing involvement with the uber Kurushima Clan in Heroes of Chaos, but I always kinda gravitate towards being second-in-command. This time, I'm giving leadership a shot...well, actually, I just want to govern my little town and mind my own business. I'm not particularly ambitious :)

Looking forward to interacting with you all, and hopefully either guiding Xiahou Rai to fame and legend, or chilling in my little town and watching the rest of ya kill eachother.

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 2:10 am
by Redbird
Im Redbird, aka Rumiko from the various sims..HoC, ROTK, HoI, simRtK...etc. I live with my husband Greywolfe and my brother in law Tao Min Kia/Alicar Devont. Yes..TMK is my BROTHER in law..NOT my husband. Oceanna and Ishy Julu are friends that come over at various times. I also have 2 beautiful children ages 12 and 13...I'll let ya'll decide how old I am ;).

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 4:52 am
by Zhou Fai
I'm Zhou Fai... some of you might remember me from such films as... wait... thats Troy McClure... nevermind

I played in HoC: China, back when there WAS a Heroes of Chaos China... I served under Aaron and he made me come over here and play here, so he could watch me die and suffer in retribution for all the times I stole his clothes while he was showering :P

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 5:32 am
by Ranbir
I'm Ranbir.

I'll eventually open my entire life to you as time goes on. I'm not a very secretive person.

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 6:40 am
by Kablizzy
Greetings, and Good Evening, and all that.

Ya'll know me. And if you don't, well... Read on.

I'm The Blizz. I staff a handful of forums (A handful being anywhere between four and seven), moderate a couple others, and peruse about a dozen on top of that.

...Which explains why I'm not terribly active in any of those places anymore. This place has been abuzz today, so I figured I've jump over and lend my support. I have massive respect for any game that goes into a second version, most don't make it out of the starting gates, and I most certainly know how difficult it is to manage something on the scale of a sim. So, for providing this place for us (Active or not), yadda yadda, thanks for the beer.

Those of you who don't know anything about me by know should ask your local Admin for more information. Money says they know where to find me. ;)