Qi Provincial Roleplay

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Re: Qi Provincial Roleplay

Post by Mikal »

antlan87 wrote:"You owe your life to a forienger?" Asked a surprised Zetie Pi. He nearly asked how he could live with such shame when it occured to him that perhaps it would be best to learn of the circumstances surrounding the incident first. "Forgive my outburst, but I was... surprised that someone at our station could owe such a thing. If possible, could you tell me how that came to be? It is a rather unusual thing to occur after all." Not to mention there are a few benefits one could have with foreigners in their employ, thought Zetie Pi.
Zhefu chuckled unselfconsciously.
"Of course. In my youth I was a bit of an... adventurer. Good with a sword, and daring, I traveled the land, and outside of it, in search of fame and riches. I found some, but also found my share of misfortune. One day the Heavens decided that perhaps I needed to be humbled.

"I had taken shelter under a tree during a storm. Lightning struck it, setting it afire. I was horribly burned, and would have died, if not for Lucius....

"Ah Lucius. A man who cared not for race. A truly civilized man in any sense of the word. He and his band saved me, took me to a healers. I promised to repay him for saving me one day. He and his band left. The next time I saw him was on his deathbed," he said, his voice filled with sadness at the memory.

"His final request was to take in his band of exiles, these Romans, and to help them find their place in our land. How could I refuse such an offer? If not for him, I would not be here."

He then spoke quietly, so that only Pi could hear.

"And they have their uses. They are all militarily trained, in one way or another. Their arts are foreign to us, and thus foreign to those who would oppose my goals. I would rather resolve things peacefully, but sometimes iron is needed. And I believe much iron will be needed before my journey is over, unfortunately."

He looks to Pi.

"But, I believe you have an idea of such things. I see the hunger in you, the hunger for change. Perhaps you would be willing to aid me, in return for suitable rewards?"
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Re: Qi Provincial Roleplay

Post by King Tao »


Baihu heard shouting over by one of the tables. He recognized the voice and language quickly and sighed. He picked up his pace and walked over to the table where Alexandrus was and started speaking in latin to the man, "Mens vestri factum! we're in presentia of optimus quod abde socius!" He was obviously not pleased by the actions, but he didn't feel happy about his fellow westerners acting uncivily infront of the xenophobic Middle Kingdom residents. He lowered his voice to a hush and said, "Nos postulo oro suum lingua in publicus... Narro latin in secretum..." BaiHu regained his posture and walked back towards his adopted father.

(("mind your tongue! we're in the presense of nobles and possible allies!" and "we need to speak their language in public... speak latin in private..."))
Kung Fang 78-71-35-68-28 Charge 2, Cover 2, Encourage 1, Raid 1, Support 2, Volley 1, Wall 1

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Re: Qi Provincial Roleplay

Post by TGC »

antlan87 wrote:"You owe your life to a forienger?" Asked a surprised Zetie Pi. He nearly asked how he could live with such shame when it occured to him that perhaps it would be best to learn of the circumstances surrounding the incident first. "Forgive my outburst, but I was... surprised that someone at our station could owe such a thing. If possible, could you tell me how that came to be? It is a rather unusual thing to occur after all." Not to mention there are a few benefits one could have with foreigners in their employ, thought Zetie Pi.
Niu Penghu, Gongzhu's uncle and Zhefu's Brother-in-law, had only heard Pi's comment and a few bits of Zhefu's reply while he was greeting a few of the guards he had drank with before, but he decided to jump into the conversation nonetheless. Speaking calmly and on a friendly tone, Penghu slowly made his way towards his brother-in-law while speaking his mind. "Foreigners can be used as fodder, if they truly have no other use, but if their loyalties to our land and ideals are truly as strong as any other man under heaven, who are we to shun them from atop the tower of our own ego?" He extended his hands to shake Zhefu's. "Bohhu Deehess,", he struggled to say in butchered latin. "Zhefu.", he then chuckled. "I will never understand your passion for their tongue, however, brother!", he exclaimed before turning to Zetie Pi and extended his hands to shake his. "And well met, friend. I am Niu Penghu, my apologies if I were rude and interupted you."
Last edited by TGC on Fri Aug 13, 2010 11:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Qi Provincial Roleplay

Post by Mikal »

"I have a passion for all tongues. Our people are focused inwards. Our wall keeps us from looking at the possibilities possessed if one is more... open-minded." he chuckles.

"After all, exotic beings are unknowns. And unknowns are very useful."
The Wiseman Cometh...
Zhefu, 37, Male
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Re: Qi Provincial Roleplay

Post by alexoren »

Alexandrus still growling glanced over at Baihu. "Nos shouldn't exsisto tip toeing inter illa fossor. Nos should vis lemma curvo ut nostrum mos" (We shouldn't be tip toeing around these fools. We should force them to bow to our will!.) After speaking finally realizing that this idiot wouldn't ever listen to him. He turned away and looked at the nuisance of a young girl. "what....what do you want from...me?" He said with multiple stutters and pauses as he tried to remember the words.

Xiao Meili giggled lightly and shrugged. She reached up at him and poked Alexandrus upon the tip of his nose. "You are funny!" She turned about and looked at the other western man. "ummm You seem to know this guy right? What is his name? He won't tell me." she said as she looked again at Alexandrus and made a pouting face.
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Re: Qi Provincial Roleplay

Post by antlan87 »

Ah, so that is why he wears the mask then, and his attitude to these... Romans thought Zetie Pi. It was the last part of what Zhefu said that drew his attention in the end. "And what are these goals of yours exactly? I need to know what they are, so that I know if I could take part in them, let alone profit from it. Still, I am at least open to hearing what you have to say first."
Magistrate of Qufu, Zetie Pi, Com: 46, Mgt: 19, Int: 84, Jud: 97*, Cha: 52, Civil Adimistrator III, Doctor I, Engineer II, Jeer I, Politician I, Public Planner II
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Re: Qi Provincial Roleplay

Post by Tong »

Having wandered around the area long enough, Shi decided it was finally time to move to this "meeting" ot the "enclave" and see just what kind of people were gathered here. Seeing the people would likely give him a good idea as to just what kind of work they'll be having him do. He wanted to gauge how well he was getting paid with what kind of work he predicted he would have. Make sure the values matched. While he was here, it probably wouldn't hurt to find his way to his boss either.

With this thought in mind, Shi began to wander around the area, trying to find either this Naihu guy or the apparent leader of the "enclave"
King Tao
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Re: Qi Provincial Roleplay

Post by King Tao »

alexoran wrote:Alexandrus still growling glanced over at Baihu. "Nos shouldn't exsisto tip toeing inter illa fossor. Nos should vis lemma curvo ut nostrum mos" (We shouldn't be tip toeing around these fools. We should force them to bow to our will!.) After speaking finally realizing that this idiot wouldn't ever listen to him. He turned away and looked at the nuisance of a young girl. "what....what do you want from...me?" He said with multiple stutters and pauses as he tried to remember the words.

Xiao Meili giggled lightly and shrugged. She reached up at him and poked Alexandrus upon the tip of his nose. "You are funny!" She turned about and looked at the other western man. "ummm You seem to know this guy right? What is his name? He won't tell me." she said as she looked again at Alexandrus and made a pouting face.
Baihu stopped and turned to face the girl. After a few seconds, Baihu said, "His name is Alexandrus... Good luck... pronouncing it..." He turned back around and walked over to his wife, but then saw some familiar face, the face of the mercenary he recruited. He walked over to Fa Shi and said, "Welcome to the banquet... our leader... is the man in the mask..."
Kung Fang 78-71-35-68-28 Charge 2, Cover 2, Encourage 1, Raid 1, Support 2, Volley 1, Wall 1

Kung Xian

[02:36] <TGC> I never thought I'd ever say that but, thanks, KT.
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Re: Qi Provincial Roleplay

Post by alexoren »

Meili looked over at Alexandrus and made a strange face at him. "Alexa-what?" She slightly tilted her head to the side as she looked at him.

Alexandrus sighed. "Alexandrus Brutus Publius.....is...name." He continued to glare at the girl with irritated eyes.

Meili shrugged "I'm not even going to try......we need to give you a proper name....ummmmm....." she walked about him in a circular fashion and examined him closely. "hmmmm.........oh Weiqi! What do you think?" Alexandrus who still wasn't a fan of losing his culture sighed lightly as his eyes began to not be as angry. "fine..."

Meili giggled with glee as she lept up and hugged Alexandrus. "yay Weiqi." Alexandrus coughed loud from his cold when she attacked him with a hug.
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Re: Qi Provincial Roleplay

Post by Tong »

After some time wandering around, Shi found the strange man who had employed him. Seeing now the man was clearly from the west, as were a few others. This meant there would be pains when communicating....

Fa Shi:Leader is the man in the mask? Hm...and why would your leader be gathering so many people?
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