Away/Return thingy

Moderator: Game Masters

Posts: 79
Joined: Tue Jun 07, 2005 9:18 pm
Location: Where ever you aren't, thats for sure!

Post by Taemore »

Sorry guys, but I have to leave again. Will be back next Sunday.
Zhu Xun, 27, male
76, 93*, 66, 40, 80
Confuse I, Trainer I, Charge I, Challenge I, Duelist I, Saboteur I, Ambush!
Gold-0. Teehee. I'm broke.
Aggressive B-Duelist Package
Items: *Sword (mgt+2), Horse (spd +1), Armour (mgt +1)
Zing: Random horse I found. Yay!
If you need to contact me, or just want to talk, my MSN messenger and E-mail is:
Guan Pei
Posts: 76
Joined: Tue Jun 07, 2005 11:19 pm
Location: Pretty Pei

Post by Guan Pei »

I'm off to Hawai tomorrow, yay! I'll be back sometime next weekend. I may be able to hop on occasionally though.
Guan Pei (Zhongxing), age 33
30-53-47-77-96* (5% Injury)
Merchant II, Planter II, Rancher II, Spy II
Wei Dynasty King of the Silver Tongue
Gold: 325
Posts: 584
Joined: Sat Jun 11, 2005 10:43 pm
Location: TEAM PEPSI

Post by fire_i »

Woohoo, I'm back!

Computer still not repaired, though. *Grumbles*
Kong Huang,
Completely dead!
And a character from the PREVIOUS version, too! Kicks ass.
Guan Pei
Posts: 76
Joined: Tue Jun 07, 2005 11:19 pm
Location: Pretty Pei

Post by Guan Pei »

Guan Pei wrote:I'm off to Hawai tomorrow, yay! I'll be back sometime next weekend. I may be able to hop on occasionally though.
Guan Pei (Zhongxing), age 33
30-53-47-77-96* (5% Injury)
Merchant II, Planter II, Rancher II, Spy II
Wei Dynasty King of the Silver Tongue
Gold: 325
Posts: 181
Joined: Sat Jun 04, 2005 11:54 am
Location: plowing the fields to plant wheat

Post by fallen_saint »

I will be going to a wedding... :roll: so Thursday-Monday I will not be near a computer... :cry:
Name: Qian Xiahou
Age: 30
stats: 82-70-62-60-76
skills: Military Administrator, Gonshu, Civil Administrator, Politician, Qiangshu, Raid, Wall, Assemble, Instructor
Zhu Dun
Posts: 454
Joined: Fri Jun 24, 2005 11:27 am
Location: * Blueprint does a Cassandra Rose in Dr.Who and snogs ZD for no apparent reason

Post by Zhu Dun »

Not here from 11th to 29th august.
Shu Ga Da Di, 28
Diplomat II, Jeer I, Politician II, Rally II, Spy I

Also starring as his two skanky hos, E Zi Ho and Jun Ki Hor!

nurgles_herald wrote:Zhu Dun has, quite possibly, the best character concept known to man.
Tian Long wrote:[17:00] <TianLong> Thats the greatest thing ever in the history of sims
Cao Chao
Posts: 4006
Joined: Sun May 22, 2005 5:14 pm
Location: That which is unknown and unseen always commands the greatest fear.

Post by Cao Chao »

Back from vacation. FEAR ONCE AGAIN THE 17 CHA GENERAL!
Posts: 1282
Joined: Fri May 27, 2005 3:43 pm
Location: Posting from Beautiful Chapel Hill

Post by Royalspork »

2 day vacation
Today at 5PM to late sunday night
The only reason I list this is because it is tax month time
Posts: 1116
Joined: Sat Jun 04, 2005 4:34 pm
Location: The Recruiter

Post by Bonaparte »

I will be gone tomorrow till the 28th. Tell me if Hua Li gets killed.
Deng Yue, 40
Military Administrator II, Civil Administrator II, Diplomat II, Politician II
Items: Horse (+1 Speed, E), Ring of Changsha (+3 Charisma, E)
Jin Mei
Posts: 137
Joined: Wed Aug 17, 2005 3:10 am

Post by Jin Mei »

I will be gone from tomorrow (sunday) until the 28th.