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Post by Trendkill »


In the wake of the great Patternfall war Amber strives for peace, or so some would lead others to believe. Under the banner of the newly crowned King Random stability would seem to be the order of the day, however, there are those that lurk in the Shadows of infinity, awaiting their chance to usurp this new found control.

The AmberRPG is running, with active players, and several quests. A basic Points system allows for broader character concepts with nearly unlimited avenues for a player to explore. Either jump in to the action within the halls of Castle Amber as one of the powerful elite who can control the fabric of reality and traverse dimensions, or vie for control over the Courts of Chaos as a Logrus Master. Players can be multi-dimensional Sorcerers or powerful Trump artists who can create artifacts that allow them to travel to people or places.

Come join the elaborate universe that is Amber and begin the epic journey that has already begun to captivate and inspire players.
Monkey Nuts?
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Post by UMCorian »

Kingdom Hearts Sim -

I usually don't plug Sims, but this is a good one and could use some more active people. I stumbled across it on the SimRTK Website boards.

Basic storyline is takes place just after Kingdom Hearts II. You can roll a Heartless, a Nobody or a Keyblader. Basically, it's a rules lax Sim where mechanics are judged based on writing talent/RP of the person in question. Advancement is done by questing/RPing, not personal turns.

The staff is active, and very open to PCs changing the root of their overall plot. I rolled an Organization Member named Neriax. In my first week, I nearly had a duel with the leader of the Nobodies for leadership of the remnent Organization XIII, and now am on a mission with 3 other Nobodies to kidnap Kairi from Destiny Islands - all my ideas, which is just great, as I love determining the direction of my characters.

I'm having a blast with it so far. Here's the link: check it out.

"He who masters both order and chaos will inherit the world."
Hua Liang, Age 26
55 ~ 32 ~ 105* ~ 77 ~ 48
Confuse II, Civil Administrator II, Engineer II, Public Planner II
Lu Kuang

Post by Lu Kuang »

A Game Review blog brought to you by Team Ranbir© Inc. (Ran and I)
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Post by Trendkill »

Check out Battle of the Caesars,

It's a Sim based on ancient Europe. Players can create historical characters or fictional ones, from almost any culture. Romans, Greeks, Spartans, Mongols, and others are all available. Players needed, staff currently running sign-ups.
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Post by t4lruum »

Last edited by t4lruum on Tue Nov 23, 2010 1:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Li Fa;92-22-34-64-69/Assemble II, Discipline II, Military Administration II, Politician II, Rally I, Wall II
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Post by YoungBoy »

Jin De wrote:Check out Battle of the Caesars,

It's a Sim based on ancient Europe. Players can create historical characters or fictional ones, from almost any culture. Romans, Greeks, Spartans, Mongols, and others are all available. Players needed, staff currently running sign-ups.
Just bringing this back to attention.

Now that Warlords is over, try expanding your Roleplaying resume by playing a European one, which is still great for RP and has lots of interesting ways to make, and play, a character - or you could even be one of the historical figures (I'm pretty sure Xerxes is still up for grabs for you Kingdom-running lovers out there :wink: )
Deng Xu, 22
Civil Administrator I, Entrench II, Public Planner III, Trainer III, Volley I
Dr. Dewst
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Post by Dr. Dewst »

If there are any twisted metal fans out there, I'm trying to create a fansite/forum. If you'd like to help, come to
Baron Samedi
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Post by Baron Samedi »

I'm involved in SimRTK, a Romance of the Three Kingdoms sim.

I'm also involved in one called Battle of the Caesars. Pretty similar except it uses historical figures. This one needs a few more guys.

I'm also in another one called SimSuperHeroes 5: Genetic Nightmare. It's really cool so if you have the desire to be a hero or a villian, you should sign-up. ... hp?act=idx
Cao Chao
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Post by Cao Chao »

I've started a blog on Chinese military history and other stuff: Warring China

First post is up.
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Joined: Wed Nov 29, 2006 7:00 pm

Post by Chizel »

Set in a medieval style. It's easy to play.
Shen Yi (16) Gold: 25 89-95*-56-51-58
Items: Hei Jian (Melee, Might +1)
Skills: Enrage, Raid, Instructor, Jianshu, Flank, Formation
1600 Horsemen with bronze armor. Drill=65
Brother by oath: Qing Huang