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Cloud Strife
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Post by Cloud Strife »

With a variety of nations to choose from, rules to govern nation development, and the opportunity to play one of this most promising national based sims in years; Cycles of Change is right for you! ... hp?act=idx
Name: Ji Qing, Male (Born 228 B.C.) [18-58-106*-42-79]
Items: Book + 7 INT "Sān Mín Zhǔyì", Book + 7 INT "A Song of Ice and Fire"
Skills: Confuse II, Decoy II, Jeer II, Public Planner II

Post by Kimche »

Hello Everyone!

Some of you know this site already, but some of you may have never heard of it. It is called Commodoree. It was developed by JCH, a member of this community, and it is loosely based on the computer game Port Royale 2. Everyone starts with a ship and a crew, then the rest is up to you! You can join up with others to form a bigger convoy to explore the land, be a trader, or become a pirate! Or you can gain enough power to take down a town and become a mayor! There are countless opportunities, not only mechanically, but through RP as well.

We've had a previous start to this game about a year ago, however, it didn't last long because it was way too complicated. This time around, JCH deliberately shorten the rules, especially the Town development. He refocused the game from a "development" game to an "exploratory" game, making it a lot more fun without too much hassle.

If you're interested, check out the above link and read the rules. Only five chapters of them! We've already started and the game's first turn is over. It's already full of duels and naval battles. Come join us!
Posts: 50
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Post by Chizel »

This is a great game. It also doesn't need a lot of attention to begin with.
Shen Yi (16) Gold: 25 89-95*-56-51-58
Items: Hei Jian (Melee, Might +1)
Skills: Enrage, Raid, Instructor, Jianshu, Flank, Formation
1600 Horsemen with bronze armor. Drill=65
Brother by oath: Qing Huang
Liu Tai
Posts: 201
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Post by Liu Tai »

An associate of mine has, apparently, created a new sim that has a somewhat interesting concept. I'm not sure how to describe it, so I'll let you lot take a look, and see if it's worth joining.

Silveras... No, not the player Silvera, it's just what the site's called.

It's new, it's shiny, and it requires members. Show up and join!
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Post by Ashikaga »


A revival of a site made in '06. The Game is based in 1815 right after Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo. Nations have been restored and the world is recovering in it's wake. The great powers of the world are open for grabs and anything is possible. Lead your nation from obscurity to power or from power to world domination in a great game of strategy and diplomacy.

This is a turn based game where you spend the points of your nation to maintain your forces, provide services for your people, or found new colonies.

Staff is needed as the site has just restarted, War Mods, Realism Mods and Economic Mods are wanted.

The World is up for grabs!
"When you enter the theater, please walk to the end of the row filling in all available seats. Stopping in the middle is distinctly unpatriotic"
- Sam the Eagle

Luanti Maodun, Bandit in Changshan
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Post by Trendkill »


Come one, come all, the game shall begin. Whether your a fan of the novels or an avid role-player seeking new frontiers in gaming, all are welcome here.

Conflicts are resolved by a mix of roleplay and stat values, No Dice are used in this system. Players are given PTD and free reign to design their characters however they wish (pretty much). Check us out. Players, Moderators, and GM's needed. We currently have active players involved in rich, detailed RP, though more are always welcome.
(Special note: Moderators are needed to play NPC's. Sign Up soon to get a good one. :wink: ))
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Post by Tom »

Simdomain is has gone through another makeover:

We have now completely revamped Simdomain in order to make things a lot easier and hopefully improve the services Simdomain offers.

For those who don’t know Simdomain is free ad-less forum host for those looking to create either a board for their personal use or to create a simulation role playing game. Simdomain has been going for a good few years now and has a few established games on there (such as WoTD, RTKRPG, The Eight Princes – newly moved et al). Anyone can register for a forum which the server administrators will be more than happy to setup and help you with. Although we don’t have the time to create your game and rules for you, we will help with any technical aspects of running the board like fixing errors, updating it etc, etc.

So please feel free to visit @
Site Registration is now open!
Xiahou Liang, 35
Ruler of Wuzhong
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Post by Ranbir »

Howdy folks.

I have been, for a while now, mulling over and working on creating, in some way, a plausible simgame set in space. I am in the belief I have achieved that.

Welcome to Generic Sci-fi Sim

The snag is, right now, the galaxy is empty. Humans are all by their lonesome. This does, however, offer the great opportunity to populate the galaxy how we see fit. If you have some strange and lovely ideas for an alien race, I'd love to hear it.

Failing that, I'll just be cheap and imitate well known aliens already established in several works of fiction.

Mechanically, the work is done. With just minor polishing to be had after the aesthetic are complete. (races, fancy items and all that hoohah)

The general aspect(since the game is open to whatever setting chosen right now) is expansion(most likely with war) and exploration(which could lead to war!)

Other aspects are fairly light. As it stands, there are no PTs but, again, depending on circumstances it can be slotted in. Another aspect the game will be quite 'light', that is in 'domestic development' although still important (simwise, I suppose you could say I've taken a page from warlords) No merchant 'companies' yet, for players atleast.

I'll be posting more information as things get finalised.

What is available right now is a place to give input on what you feel should be in a scifi system. Hopefully, what's been designed, should be able to accomodate it(within reason).

Thank you.
Whenever righteousness declines and unrighteousness increases I make myself a body; In every age I come back, to deliver the holy, to destroy the sin of the sinner, to establish righteousness.
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Post by KDS »

WotD Storyline wrote:It is 189 AD, known also as the first year of Zhaoning, and the Han Empire, which has stood for almost four hundred years, is crumbling. During the reign of Han Huan-di, corruption and abuse of power became regular occurances in the Imperial Capital and especially its Court. Huan-di himself had been installed as the Son of Heaven through the abuse of power, done by one Grand Marshal Liang Ji, who later would be ousted from power by the Son of Heaven and through his supporters, namely the eunuchs of the Court. It was through that instance that the eunuchs and attendants of the Imperial Court first gained a taste of power that was so richly desired. Eventually, Xiao Huan-di rode the Jade Dragon into the Nine Springs and the Marquess of Jieduting, known now as Han Ling-di, was installed as the Son of Heaven.

It would be through Ling-di’s ineffective use of power that the eunuchs of the Imperial Court became more and more powerful and affluent with each passing day. Filial and just officials such as Dou Wu and Chen Fan were eliminated or exiled while the corrupt and the unfilial were promoted to high and powerful ranks and given lofty titles for a lofty price. Eventually, a group of Eunuchs, known as the Ten Attendants, had risen to such power that they virtually held the Imperial Court in the palm of their hands. It was even whispered that their leader, Zhang Rang, was called a foster father by Han Ling-di.

The people of the land knew of the corruption in the Imperial Court mostly because they felt it every time the Court’s Tax Collectors would increase the amount of gold taels to fill his own pockets or to fill the coffers of the Attendants. The time was right for rebellion and several would soon come, most prominently from a group of brothers named Zhang, who led hundreds of thousands of angered peasants against the Imperial Court. The rebels were distinguished by the yellow scarves that they wore during their revolt and thus the rebellion was called the Yellow Scarves Rebellion.

The Ten Attendants knew nothing of war and thus Grand Marshal He Jin, a former butcher turned Imperial Official after his sister became the Empress of Han Ling-di, was put in the forefront and issued a command to put an end to these rebellions. The campaigns were successful, though a heavy price was paid and rumors of the escape of the brothers continue to the present. The Yellow Scarves were largely defeated, though remnants of their rebellion continue to pester government officials in the present day. In the northwest, in the uncivilized areas of Liang, Ma Teng and Han Sui rose up in rebellion against the Court at the same time as the Brothers Zhang. The semi-barbarian rebels were appeased however, and Ma Teng himself was made an Imperial official.

After the major rebellions were put down, Han Ling-di increased the levy of taxes once again and sold Imperial offices to help to pay for the cost of the wars and the corruption of the officials of the Court. At the suggestion of Liu Yan, an Imperial Relative, Han Ling-di increased the powers given to the regional governors of cities, effectively allowing for each to administrate their lands as to their will. Liu Yan asked for, and received, permission to head to Cheng’du where he must now deal with Zhang Lu, a former officer of his who turned traitor and Leader of the Five Pecks of Rice cult, and was the sole rebel who had obtained "official" independence from the Empire and who based his administration in the historical birthplace of the Empire, Han Zhong.

Other officials would obtain their own seals of government as well. Civil official Han Fu was given the city of Ye while the famed general Gongsun Zan and his family administrated the city of Ji. Liu Biao, another Imperial relative, was given the land of Xiang Yang while the rebel turned Imperial official Ma Teng was made the official administrator of Xi Liang. Still, shades of rebellion were always present and, in the city of Wu, a man by the name of Yan Baihu has sent out “proclamations” declaring himself the "King of Wu."

In the Capital, however, the chaos was beginning. Now Han Xiao Ling-di has rode the Jade Dragon himself and the Attendants, in an attempt to gain even more power for themselves, attempted to enthrone their choice for the Imperial Robes. However, Grand Marshal He Jin was able to head off the eunuchs and place his relative, the Marquess Shi, on the Throne as the current Son of Heaven. The stage was set for an internal war and the eunuchs struck first by assassinating He Jin with a false edict. Little did they know that He Jin had earlier called upon his allies to assist him in his cause and that one such ally, the Imperial General Dong Zhuo, had heeded the call all too well. The Attendants were quickly eliminated though rumors claim that several and evaded the bloody sword and ax and Dong Zhuo immediately set himself up as Prime Minister of the Han. Rumors of the man's harsh rule has already started to spread beyond the walls of the Imperial Capital.

The time is ripe for men to distinguish themselves now in this, an era of chaos. New lords have been seen to be rising to power in several of the Empire’s cities. Soon, many capable and some incapable individuals will be roaming the lands in search of a lord to serve. Along with the established lords of the land, the stage is set for what will no doubt prove to be one of the most frenzied times in the history of the land. The only question to ask one’s self is, “Are you prepared to follow the Way of the Dragon?"
Posts: 1387
Joined: Fri Jun 10, 2005 11:19 am
Location: Somewhere In Ji Province...

Post by KDS »

I'm proud to announce that the current game of Way of the Dragon has now officially begun! That's right! Your character can be rolled at this time. Go out into the world of Ancient China and have yourself a grand old time!