Fei Lak's Audience Hall - Shanggu

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Post by Phailak »

KongMing wrote:
Yu Dai turns to Cong Che and hands him his sword.

He scowls at the guards, "apparently honour has forsaken these lands," as he submits to the search. There are no weapons on his person.

Cong Che waits outside the building.
Yu Dai was admitted inside. Passed the double doors waited Liang Feng as well as Ma Dieu and Liu Kang, Fei Lak's nephew. The guard introduced Yu Dai, to which the Prefect bowed and introduced the officers present.

"Master Yu, I am glad you were able to attend this meeting. I know we were supposed to meet some months back but you had another engagement. As I have told you then, we are very interested in your services. Your experience with support warfare and your natural abilities to administer an army or location are key to our future plans. Plus, your reputation for honor and strategy have since made you a priority for us. Since then, we have acquired a city can now afford to pay you a monthly salary of 50 gold and perhaps a rank once we can assign you a location."

Lak waited for a response as everyone's attention was braced on Yu Dai
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Post by KongMing »

Yu Dai was admitted inside. Passed the double doors waited Liang Feng as well as Ma Dieu and Liu Kang, Fei Lak's nephew. The guard introduced Yu Dai, to which the Prefect bowed and introduced the officers present.

"Master Yu, I am glad you were able to attend this meeting. I know we were supposed to meet some months back but you had another engagement. As I have told you then, we are very interested in your services. Your experience with support warfare and your natural abilities to administer an army or location are key to our future plans. Plus, your reputation for honor and strategy have since made you a priority for us. Since then, we have acquired a city can now afford to pay you a monthly salary of 50 gold and perhaps a rank once we can assign you a location."

Lak waited for a response as everyone's attention was braced on Yu Dai
Yu Dai bows before Fei Lak and speaks:

"Forgive me Lord Prefect for my delay. It took me some time to decide what course of action I should take. Cong Che had his reservations, but I believe that you are a man of action and not of words. I believe that only through conquest will peace be restored and you are the one to do it. As I explained (rather embarrassingly) to your guards, I have 1800 horse men that I am willing to commit to you and your cause of peace."

Yu Dai remains bowed awaiting the Prefect's reply.
Yu Dai
Entrench II, Cover II, Aid II, Instructor II
Personal Army: 1800 Horses and leather armor (70)
Cong Che 67-72-60-48-78 Challenge II, Decoy II, Entangle I, Saboteur I, Intimidate I
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Post by Ashikaga »

Phailak wrote:
Lak spread his hands in understanding.

"Well that is a very noble undertaking, you may of course inform his majesty that we welcome any bonds of friendship we may forge. Is there any expectations from his Majesty in regards to the north?"

The Prefect was not naive, he knew he lacked the experience needed to delve into a meaningful conversation with diplomats. It seemed he would have to learn quickly.
Yao nodded, he stroked his beard slightly in thought. Choosing his words carefully Yao continued, "You are a man who wishes what is best for his people and to secure peace in the North? If so, we may need to talk."
"When you enter the theater, please walk to the end of the row filling in all available seats. Stopping in the middle is distinctly unpatriotic"
- Sam the Eagle

Luanti Maodun, Bandit in Changshan
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Post by Phailak »

KongMing wrote: Yu Dai bows before Fei Lak and speaks:

"Forgive me Lord Prefect for my delay. It took me some time to decide what course of action I should take. Cong Che had his reservations, but I believe that you are a man of action and not of words. I believe that only through conquest will peace be restored and you are the one to do it. As I explained (rather embarrassingly) to your guards, I have 1800 horse men that I am willing to commit to you and your cause of peace."

Yu Dai remains bowed awaiting the Prefect's reply.
Lak nodded.

"It is done then, an attendant will show you and your officer to your quarters, we will intergrate your men into the army. Welcome Yu Dai to the Coalition of Yan."

OOC: You have been accepted into our forces, you should have PH access already (where it says on the Forum index Fei Lak's Planning Hall), post your officer information here: http://www.simwarlords.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1869 and also post in this thread that you are giving your 1800 (70) men with horses and leather to the kingdom as well as having your NPC join us: http://www.simwarlords.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1901
Ashikaga wrote:
Phailak wrote:
Lak spread his hands in understanding.

"Well that is a very noble undertaking, you may of course inform his majesty that we welcome any bonds of friendship we may forge. Is there any expectations from his Majesty in regards to the north?"

The Prefect was not naive, he knew he lacked the experience needed to delve into a meaningful conversation with diplomats. It seemed he would have to learn quickly.
Yao nodded, he stroked his beard slightly in thought. Choosing his words carefully Yao continued, "You are a man who wishes what is best for his people and to secure peace in the North? If so, we may need to talk."
Lak nodded.

"I am a man that has firm beliefs in what he believes is the right course of action for his people. Peace in the north is important to us, you have my attention."

The Prefect was indeed listening.
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Post by Bradums »

Phailak wrote:OCC: Sorry to introdude LDW, I'll move it along since I'm actually here tonight.

The guards under Liang Feng did a light search and let the man through. He was escorted to the hall where Lak was as always knee deep in reports and papers, arguing numbers over with Ma Dieu. He stopped immediately when he saw his guest arrive.

"Xia Mei, please get us some wine and food, we have a guest."

The Prefect turned to Bei Baorong.

"Master Bei, I am very honored that you have decided to visit me. If you give me but a moment, we can share a cup of wine and I hope discuss future plans for Yan. Your arrival gives me hope we can come to an understanding and forge a strong base out of this province."

The Prefect seemed over excited, hardly letting his guest say a word. When the wine did arrive, he insisted Baorong have a seat and a drink, Lak's cup already held to his mouth.

"I am being rude in my excitement. Please join me and tell me of your expectations."
Accepting the cup of wine, Baorong was a bit surprised. Considering he had taken a town and a village from this man, Fei Lak was being oddly nice.

"My, uh...expectations?" the young commander echoed, not sure of how to answer, "Well...I guess I expect to be put to good use. I make it a point not to involve myself in politics or any of the more irritating facets of warfare. I simply wish to lead men into battle and watch over those put under my protection - be they soldiers or civilians. In return, I'd like decent pay, a place to live, and a shiny rank, if possible in the future."

For one not ready for the question, he answered easily enough.

"I'll give back Tuying and Beizhou - that is, the town and village I conquered from you - if you agree to employ me. I'm a leader, not a ruler...so they'd be better off under one of your ministers or something," Baorong added.
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Post by Phailak »

Bradums wrote:
Accepting the cup of wine, Baorong was a bit surprised. Considering he had taken a town and a village from this man, Fei Lak was being oddly nice.

"My, uh...expectations?" the young commander echoed, not sure of how to answer, "Well...I guess I expect to be put to good use. I make it a point not to involve myself in politics or any of the more irritating facets of warfare. I simply wish to lead men into battle and watch over those put under my protection - be they soldiers or civilians. In return, I'd like decent pay, a place to live, and a shiny rank, if possible in the future."

For one not ready for the question, he answered easily enough.

"I'll give back Tuying and Beizhou - that is, the town and village I conquered from you - if you agree to employ me. I'm a leader, not a ruler...so they'd be better off under one of your ministers or something," Baorong added.
Lak nodded, he seemed please at the turn of events. He frowned a bit at the word conquered and paused on it to let it roll in his mind.

"Those two possessions would be welcome additions of course, though our true desire is to see the end of the conflict in Yan so we may concentrate on other venues."

Something was present in the Prefect's voice, a small hint of power or untold ambition.

"You see Master Bei, while I have the utmost respect for commanders of your stature, without which I could do very little in this world, I believe it might be important for you to understand that people such as I are also important. If you back track the events since the start of the war with Master Li Lang and look at it from my side of the story, you might notice that the path to where we are now was a careful laid out plan. When Li Lang sought to take my village, I was already on my way to claiming a town. When he came after the towns I had secured he was once more a step behind as we took Shanggu and Ji in one swoop. These cities we now still hold despite his attacks and a single mercenary force sent against him almost captured him and completely stopped his attack on Shanggu without one lost life and today we find ourselves in the position that we are in now. I do not say this to boast or to argue with you the meaning of conquering when no battle was actually fought for that village or town, to argue victories and defeats, I state this to show you that a commander can do only so well as what he is ordered to do."

Lak smiled, not in triumph but in hopes his message would be understood.

"Despite Li Lang's faults and inexperience, he was a man of great talent at assembling men under his banner. I recognized this immediately. I believe that if you join us, you will be an important piece to the foundation we wish to build in Yan. It is my belief that without you, Li Lang's forces would of been scattered to the Heavens as soon as the first engagement, that is why I will grant you what you have asked for if you are willing to help me in our ambitions. What say you Commander, may I receive the same respect from you that I have for you?"

Lak lifted his cup in a toast, he knew his speech might sound too boastful, but Bei Baorong's respect was very important if they were going to build a strong force together. This man had an army with him, some important possessions in Yan and a fine reputation, Lak had to gamble a bit.
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Post by Bradums »

Raising an eyebrow, Baorong remained silent for a moment as he stared at Fei Lak. Putting the cup to his lips, the cavalier took a long drink of the wine before setting it down and taking a deep breath.

"I see you're a little defensive about losing the village and town," he noted, sighing, "Don't be. I never said it was something to be embarrassed about, nor was I boasting. I knew what you were doing by leaving Beizhou and Tuying, and to be honest, I was disappointed. Without a battle, there was no honor or glory to be had...just a village or town that I had no interest in governing."

Shrugging, the warrior added, "But it was a good move on your part, as far as overall strategy. I may be a warrior, but I'm no club-swinging barbarian. I understand tactics and strategy, and I acknowledge yours."

His little speech over, the silver cavalier looked into his cup of wine in a trance of thought. He had been taught to fight Fei Lak, so naturally, it was a bit strange to walk in and offer the guy two reasonably important holdings in Yan, as well as putting his trusted army in his hands. After all, speechmakers like this usually had a way of screwing over the people they flattered once they got what they wanted...

But hey...'trust' wouldn't hurt. 'Respect' was easy enough. Maybe 'liking' would come later.

"Consider my services and respect yours, then. As well as Tuying, Beizhou, and the two-thousand strong men under my banner," Baorong declared, raising his cup.
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Post by Phailak »

Bradums wrote:Raising an eyebrow, Baorong remained silent for a moment as he stared at Fei Lak. Putting the cup to his lips, the cavalier took a long drink of the wine before setting it down and taking a deep breath.

"I see you're a little defensive about losing the village and town," he noted, sighing, "Don't be. I never said it was something to be embarrassed about, nor was I boasting. I knew what you were doing by leaving Beizhou and Tuying, and to be honest, I was disappointed. Without a battle, there was no honor or glory to be had...just a village or town that I had no interest in governing."

Shrugging, the warrior added, "But it was a good move on your part, as far as overall strategy. I may be a warrior, but I'm no club-swinging barbarian. I understand tactics and strategy, and I acknowledge yours."

His little speech over, the silver cavalier looked into his cup of wine in a trance of thought. He had been taught to fight Fei Lak, so naturally, it was a bit strange to walk in and offer the guy two reasonably important holdings in Yan, as well as putting his trusted army in his hands. After all, speechmakers like this usually had a way of screwing over the people they flattered once they got what they wanted...

But hey...'trust' wouldn't hurt. 'Respect' was easy enough. Maybe 'liking' would come later.

"Consider my services and respect yours, then. As well as Tuying, Beizhou, and the two-thousand strong men under my banner," Baorong declared, raising his cup.
Lak sealed the toast by taking the first sip.

"Ha! This is exciting news. I believe all of Yan should be ours by next month, we should hold some banquet so everyone can meet everyone else and celebrate. We will prepare the troops this month and perhaps the next and then we shall make our presence known outside of Yan my friend. We will build on our foundation of respect so it may develop into friendship, I can see that very clearly."

The smile Lak displayed did not mask his joy in any way, after months of struggle they finally seemed on the edge of accomplishing their first true goal.

OOC: Welcome :D Post your officer info here: http://www.simwarlords.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1869
and PA info here: http://www.simwarlords.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1901, I'll try to absorb your army this turn, if I can't for financial reasons, I'll do so next turn and you'll remain a PA for one more month but you'll get your salary for this month no matter what. PH access granted
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Post by Bradums »

Phailak wrote:Lak sealed the toast by taking the first sip.

"Ha! This is exciting news. I believe all of Yan should be ours by next month, we should hold some banquet so everyone can meet everyone else and celebrate. We will prepare the troops this month and perhaps the next and then we shall make our presence known outside of Yan my friend. We will build on our foundation of respect so it may develop into friendship, I can see that very clearly."

The smile Lak displayed did not mask his joy in any way, after months of struggle they finally seemed on the edge of accomplishing their first true goal.

OOC: Welcome :D Post your officer info here: http://www.simwarlords.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1869
and PA info here: http://www.simwarlords.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1901, I'll try to absorb your army this turn, if I can't for financial reasons, I'll do so next turn and you'll remain a PA for one more month but you'll get your salary for this month no matter what. PH access granted
Taking a drink from his wine, Baorong smiled and said, "A banquet would be great. So would uniting Yan, but the banquet seems more accessible. Although, if you have men you want me to lead, the former seems pretty accessible, as well."

Hm...banquets and battles. Two benefits the young cavalier liked most in a job. Maybe now that he was a part of something bigger, life would be better than ever. Bigger armies to lead, finer titles, greater glory, and more chances to test himself for a better cause.
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Post by Ashikaga »

Yao was pleased that he now had a base from which to negotiate. This man was concerned for his people, and through that would not wish for reckless war against a vastly superior opponent. Laughing internally at the folly of anyone resisting Wu Chen, he continued speaking to the lord. "For the sake of the people of the north we wish to establish good relations with you for we may have future claims to the lands north of Zhao and we do not wish to fight a war in the North when a peace can be maintained."
"When you enter the theater, please walk to the end of the row filling in all available seats. Stopping in the middle is distinctly unpatriotic"
- Sam the Eagle

Luanti Maodun, Bandit in Changshan