Ying Fusu's Audience Hall - Nanzheng

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Kymvir Raemiz
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Post by Kymvir Raemiz »

Ying Fusu looks somewhat taken aback by the news that Rui Jiao Jin was a woman, but something else seems to be bothering him as Lao spoke. When Lao finished speaking Fusu leaned forward.

"Chancellor Daisuke? Your organization confuses me. You use a lofty title, but have no men of rank or Mandate with the power to grant such honors. And you speak of you needing no title, but I cannot tell if you lead this organization or this Daisuke does. A man with the ability to rule, even should it be the meanest of villages, should do so by example and virtue. Does none among your number claim leadership?"
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Post by VoShay »

"Let me make it more clear. They choose to lead what they lead. Rui Jiao Jin is the noblest of us, and leads by exmaple and virtue, yes, but she does not do much of anything in the day to day running of the Prefecture. Daisuke Aramaki runs the Prefecture, implementing her ideals and making them real. Perhaps there is some confusion in title. We call him colliqually chancellor, since as the Prefect's chief leuteniant, he fulfills that role. He is the District Manager in charge of Chencang to refer to his offical position, Your Majesty. I am the Leader of the Brotherhood of Xiyue. We are an apolitical organization, in that we directly control no territory, though our members do. We have members with terrtiory in Changsha, Hann, Di, Wei, and of course, Yong. We seek to unite China all under one banner, Your Majesty. Think of me as the man who has flitted all over China to make sure all these men are united in One Vision, One Purpose. To reunite the Middle Kingdom under a man of true worth. Under you, Your Majesty."
Guan Yin She

Excerpts about Fine American Products- Twinkies: There is something about eating a Twinkie that just lets the world know you're not too keen on self-respect. Maybe it's because under "expiration date" Hostess just prints "LOL."
Kymvir Raemiz
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Post by Kymvir Raemiz »

Ying Fusu nods, though the expression on his face still shows a little skepticism.

"Very well then. It is good that you and your . . . group have come to pay your respects to me as your leige lord. I will need men of vision and ability beside me when I take the throne once more. There will be no less than five dukes in my administration when the Empire is settled. Perhaps one of these positions will be filled by you."

Ying Fusu cocked his head, "Is there something else you wish to speak of?"
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Location: "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."---John 8:32

Post by Zhudi »

Ying Fusu's Headquarters in Xianyang

As the Chencang Expeditionary Army began its withdrawal back into Yong, the main highway leading out of the province was packed solid with soldiers, horses, and supply wagons. A cloud of dust followed after the withdrawing army, spreading out for miles as the weary, but elated soldiers made their trek back to their homes in Chencang.

From somewhere in this mass of men, traveled a smaller detachment of mounted soldiers in the opposition direction. They carried with them the banners of the Haozhi Expeditionary Army, and they made their way into the city of Xianyang to the headquarters of King Ying Fusu.

Once they arrived at the headquarters, the soldiers dismounted and one of its members walked up and removed his traveling hood and cloak. Daisuke Aramaki signaled to two of his traveling companions. They stepped forward and joined Aramaki at the front as he addressed the attendant on duty, "Greetings, I am Daisuke Aramaki, District Manager of Chencang. These are my chief lieutenants, General Dai Mu and Doctor Ai Zhou. We wish to be admitted to an audience with the King."
Ma Zhudi, Guardian of the South

Also portraying...
Sha Zukang (61), Changsha's Chief Foreign Minister
"We will do the business at any cost...through whatever means available. One inch of the territory is more valuable than the life of our people. We will never concede on that."
Kymvir Raemiz
Posts: 8067
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Post by Kymvir Raemiz »

Zhudi wrote:Ying Fusu's Headquarters in Xianyang

As the Chencang Expeditionary Army began its withdrawal back into Yong, the main highway leading out of the province was packed solid with soldiers, horses, and supply wagons. A cloud of dust followed after the withdrawing army, spreading out for miles as the weary, but elated soldiers made their trek back to their homes in Chencang.

From somewhere in this mass of men, traveled a smaller detachment of mounted soldiers in the opposition direction. They carried with them the banners of the Haozhi Expeditionary Army, and they made their way into the city of Xianyang to the headquarters of King Ying Fusu.

Once they arrived at the headquarters, the soldiers dismounted and one of its members walked up and removed his traveling hood and cloak. Daisuke Aramaki signaled to two of his traveling companions. They stepped forward and joined Aramaki at the front as he addressed the attendant on duty, "Greetings, I am Daisuke Aramaki, District Manager of Chencang. These are my chief lieutenants, General Dai Mu and Doctor Ai Zhou. We wish to be admitted to an audience with the King."
The headquarters of Ying Fusu were a series of pavillions set up in the courtyard of the once mighty Imperial Palace, which lay in a pile of blackened rubble nearby. Hundreds of soldiers were already at work hauling rubble from the ruins under the skilled direction of Meng Tian.

Ying Fusu, dressed in his armor, stood with his hands clasped behind his back and accompanied by a dozen lesser officers and guards. He was watching the construction when Daisuke Aramaki arrived and he waved for the attendants to bring Daisuke and his two lieutenants forward after he heard his words. Turning he gave Daisuke a piercing look and frowned.

"So you are the District Manager of Chencang, yes? One of those Xiy. . . Xif . . . fellows Brother Lao spoke about? Welcome to Xianyang, the Imperial Capital. Or what is left of it."
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Post by VoShay »

"If it pleases Your Majesty." He said, his voice gracious. "I live only to serve, and see to it that you are Emperor, and my men are rewarded for their work. If you choose to reward me for this, I will be both honored and gracious." He looked to Meng Tian. "The only thing remaining to be spoken of is that I need a way to connect my Yong forces with the ones in Han and Changsha. We plan to settle the Linjiang region. If Your Majesty knows how he wishes to let us do this, or if he will have Supreme Comander Meng Tian contact me with it, I will be very happy. That is my only current concern."
Guan Yin She

Excerpts about Fine American Products- Twinkies: There is something about eating a Twinkie that just lets the world know you're not too keen on self-respect. Maybe it's because under "expiration date" Hostess just prints "LOL."
Posts: 647
Joined: Tue Jul 15, 2008 4:05 pm
Location: "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."---John 8:32

Post by Zhudi »

Ying Fusu
Ying Fusu wrote:One of those Xiy. . . Xif . . . fellows Brother Lao spoke about?
A brief look of confusion passed across Aramaki's face as he heard these words. Xiy. . . Xif . . . fellows? What was the King refering to?
Ying Fusu wrote: Welcome to Xianyang, the Imperial Capital. Or what is left of it."
Upon seeing King Fusu and listening to his greeting, Aramaki bowed deeply at the waist in greeting with both of his hands locked together in front of him like a ball and socket. "Greetings your majesty, I am Daisuke Aramaki, the District Manager of Chencang and am currently the caretaker of Prefect Jin's kingdom during her convalescence. It brings me great pleasure to see you returned to your Imperial Capital. I hope that the Chencang Expeditionary Force was useful to you in your campaign to take this city."

"But before we continue, let me present a personal gift that I have brought for your majesty." He waved to one of his assistants who removed a silk covered package from the back of one of the horses and brought it over to Aramaki. He took the silken bundle and slowly opened up the package revealing a twelve inch diameter (at the longest point) elliptical shaped polished silver mirror. He presented it to Ying Fusu, holding it in a way that Fusu could see his own reflection, but taking care to avoid reflecting the sunlight into his face.


"I have personally commissioned the crafting of this mirror from one of the best artificer's in Chencang. Please accept this gift from myself to you."
Ma Zhudi, Guardian of the South

Also portraying...
Sha Zukang (61), Changsha's Chief Foreign Minister
"We will do the business at any cost...through whatever means available. One inch of the territory is more valuable than the life of our people. We will never concede on that."
Zi You de
Posts: 650
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Post by Zi You de »

Zhudi wrote:mirror
Dai Mu stood behind Daisuke, curiously looking over his shoulder at the presented gift. He was careful of his footing to not fall and perhaps cause a great blunder, but the curious object nevertheless earned his curiosity. He then leaned back to a standing position, mentally twiddling his thumbs.
Dai Mu Male, 27
Challenge I, Charge III, Gongshu II, Maraud II, Qiangshu III

"Zi You de has the best stat line ever. : P "
Kymvir Raemiz
Posts: 8067
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Post by Kymvir Raemiz »

((I'll respond to Zhudi after something is cleared up.))
VoShay wrote:"If it pleases Your Majesty." He said, his voice gracious. "I live only to serve, and see to it that you are Emperor, and my men are rewarded for their work. If you choose to reward me for this, I will be both honored and gracious." He looked to Meng Tian. "The only thing remaining to be spoken of is that I need a way to connect my Yong forces with the ones in Han and Changsha. We plan to settle the Linjiang region. If Your Majesty knows how he wishes to let us do this, or if he will have Supreme Comander Meng Tian contact me with it, I will be very happy. That is my only current concern."
Ying Fusu shrugs, "I will have Meng Tian speak with you at a later date about connecting with those forces. I would have you, however, explain what sort of forces you have here in Han? I was not aware of anyone other than my armies and those in the care of Liao Qian, a vassal of mine."
Posts: 1606
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Post by VoShay »

"Ah, my pronunciation has faltered from all my time outside of China, Your Majesty. I tried to say Hann. A influential man there and a few others will soon control a city, and be helping us against your disgraced brother and the King of Chu when the time comes."
Guan Yin She

Excerpts about Fine American Products- Twinkies: There is something about eating a Twinkie that just lets the world know you're not too keen on self-respect. Maybe it's because under "expiration date" Hostess just prints "LOL."