"Of course, Your Highness," replied Xiang Liang, inclining his head politely. He rose quickly to his full height and thanked the King for his hospitality. He took a seat and ate slowly and respectfully, remembering his manners.ann wrote:The King smiled slowly though his eyes narrowed slightly. He said, "You and your family are well known in Chu and your service here will mean a great deal to the soldiers and people of Chu."
He motioned for Xiang Liang to rise and had wine and a tray of roasted meats brought in.
"I understand you have men camped outside the city. Shall we have accomodations made ready for them in the city's garrison?"
"The men encamped outside the walls are only a few hundred retainers of the Xiang family," he replied, after washing down some beef with wine, "I am looking to purchase an estate in this city or in one of the other holdings of the reestablished Kingdom of Chu. I can house my retainers there, unless Your Highness wishes them housed in the barracks like any other soldier."