Lin Xin's Audience Hall - Panyu

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Post by Trendkill »

Kaori wrote:"Really it's both. I know that I'm young, no one lets me forget it." She smirked and gave Liao a meaningful look. "But my life can only be meaningless if I ignore my dreams. If I stay inside the castle walls I'll grow old and die peacefully with a few friends and a respectable life behind me. But that isn't enough for me." Rin locked eyes with Liao and her voice lowered to a whisper. "and I know it isn't enough for you either. I can see it in your eyes. I need to do something amazing and I know I won't die until I have. If I fail I went out trying. What could be better than that?"
His gazed remained fixed as Rin spoke, his eyes locked on hers. He did not mean to be so direct but knew of no other way. A smile slowly forms at the corner of his mouth as she compares her drive to his own, an observation that he could not deny. Crossing his arms at his chest he then nods his head slowly, impressed by the maturity of her answer, and says, "Then it would be an honor to one day see you attain these ambitions."
Lin Xin
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Post by Lin Xin »


The guards looked at each as the they saw the man struggle up the street. When they saw him collapse, both rushed forward to see if the man required assistance. If allowed, the guards will lend support as Shift Commander Wen emerged with a jug of water.

"Good day to you. Looks like you've traveled quite a distance to speak with the Marquis," Wen said as he offered Zhi some water. "Let's get you cleaned up and rested before being presented, shall we?"


Kaori and TK

Xin smiled at Rin's answer. Though there is danger in unrestrained passion, hers seems to be grounded in reasoning and understanding...remarkable for one so young.

Standing, Xin bowed to both guests as he said, "Well, in these uncertain times, opportunities are there for the taking. Though the strength of the Qin has waned greatly, the two princes look to tear this country apart with their sibling rivalry. It would honor me greatly to have people of honor, courage, and intellect such as you and your grandfather to assist me. So what do you think? Can you call this place home?"
Lin Xin (32 M) 82-25-61-77-51 Civil Admin II, Diplomat I, Discipline II, Military Admin II, Politician I, Volley I, Wall I
Location: Linjiang
Wife: Lee Ling Da (30 F) 75-52-62-70-52 Artisan II, Faze I, Haste I, Military Administrator I, Sortie I
Sister: Lin Jia (29 F) 30-72-61-64-72 Challenge I, Diplomat I, Doctor I, Engineer I, Faze I, Instructor I
Fun Gao
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Post by Fun Gao »


While standing outside Lin Xin's audience hall in Panyu, Fun Gao stared upward at the noon day sun. The flaming orb's sharp rays elicited a burning sensation in his eyes, causing green orbs to float across his field of vision. Happily he reveled in the pain and took joy in seeing the verdant spheres compete with the vision of the guards standing in front of him. Moving towards the guards and shaking his head from side to side laughing: The sun in the sky is bright, its rays burn and sears those who stand underneath its presence. Does the light of your lord likewise scorch the skin on your flesh, leaving on it the marks of his illuminance, or does he reserve such treatment only for his enemies? He he he!!!

His face became serious: I have come to see your lord. Please inform him that the Sage of Songshan Mountain has heard of the scintillating propeties of his reign and wishes to see for himself whether Lin Xin is truly 'the light that shines down from heaven.'

Fun Gao laughs hysterically, chanting: I fear not the fire, I laugh at the flame. / If I become burnt, only I am to blame.

If asked to be disarmed, he will laugh and claim truthfully that he has no physical weapons, telling the guards that the most dangerous weapons in the world are a sharp tongue and a cunning mind. He will then allow himself to be searched.
Last edited by Fun Gao on Sat Sep 13, 2008 11:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Kaori »

A warmth spread through Rin from the core out to her fingers and toes. She couldn't hold in a smile and her eyes danced with pride seeing first Han Liao and then the Marquis not only take her seriously but actually admire the fire in her spirit that had been burning since before she could remember. It was more validation than she could have hoped for and when Lin Xin asked her if she wanted to stay she was almost bursting with excitement. She opened her mouth but hadn't formed the first word before her Grandfather's barking laugh reverberated off of the walls giving her a sinking feeling.

The old man looked incredulously at the Marquis an amused grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. He hadn't spoken for some time and he relished the surprised look that had overtaken his Granddaughter.

"You weren't expecting me to be part of the package were you?" Letting out a long slow chuckle Sun Bai glanced around the room for just long enough to appear as though he expected a response before continuing. "My Honorable Marquis I'm far too old to be running off at the beck and call of a man of less than half my years. No I'm only here for the girl."

He reclined in his chair with a tired sigh and the air of an elder about to tell a long and unnecessary story. "I had hoped that I'd be giving Rin away in a marriage to a distinguished man of Qin but you've heard for yourself what the girl wants for her life. She's as stubborn as a mule and as feral as a wild horse. What man would be willing to train her? No, finding a marriage for her is beyond me." He looked directly into Lin Xin's eyes as he spoke. His own carried a mixture of sadness and bemusement that all parents carry when parting with their young.

"I've accepted that I won't be able to give her away as a bride. All I can do now is give her to you, and hope that that will suffice.
Marquis Lin Xin of Yue. I, Sun Bai of the old Qin hereby hand over Sun Rin, my Granddaughter, into your protection. May it cause you less strife than it has me."

Rin sat in a shocked silence. Her emotions were conflicted between the excitement of the moment and the realization that she would have to say goodbye to her old man. As she listened to him indulge the last honor he would have as Patron of Sun, Rin wanted to say something but couldn't. Instead she took hold of Bai's sleeve and held it tightly, looking to the Marquis with muted expectation
Sun Rin 15
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Post by TheCity »

Lin Xin wrote:TheCity

The guards looked at each as the they saw the man struggle up the street. When they saw him collapse, both rushed forward to see if the man required assistance. If allowed, the guards will lend support as Shift Commander Wen emerged with a jug of water.

"Good day to you. Looks like you've traveled quite a distance to speak with the Marquis," Wen said as he offered Zhi some water. "Let's get you cleaned up and rested before being presented, shall we?"
Zhi nodded and grabbed the water jug from the man, downing a large portion of it ravenously. He let out a thoroughly-refreshed sigh and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, giving the jug back to the guard and saying, "Right, that was much needed, thank you."

He paused for a moment, considering whether it would be appropriate to make himself presentable before meeting with this Lin Xin. Normally he wasn't one to care for such things, but this time around he figure he could at least clean the sweat off his face. A man can't look too ragged in the presence of a Marquis, after all.

Assuming the guards lead him somewhere to get cleaned up, Zhi would follow and take the time to gather himself, wash his face and make himself a bit more presentable.

At the end of his rest he was still wearing only the meager robes he had traveled with, and his hair remained a bit wild, but either way he alerted one of the guards to the fact that he was ready to meet with Marquis Lin Xin.
Qin Zhi (24) 80-95*-41*-59-60
Challenge II, Charge II, Intimidate, Raid, Rupture, Qiangshu III
Lin Xin
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Post by Lin Xin »

Fun Gao

The guards snap to attention as the man approaches. Shift Commander Wen appears shortly and momentarily stood in awe as Gao wove his words that rhymed. "Who speaks in rhymes?" Wen thought to himself until he remembered the man had identified himself as a Sage. Those silly sages.

"Welcome to Panyu Master Sage of the Songshan Mountains," he said, bowing respectfully. "We will gladly escort you to see the Marquis once we have conducted a search for hidden weapons."

After quickly and efficiently patting the sage down, an administrator led him to Xin's public office. It was a decent sized room that help only a handful of assistants and administrators and several guards posted along the wall. The Marquis, himself, was sitting behind his desk, which is centered along the back wall, facing the main entrance into the room.

Xin looks up and smiles at the entering Gao. "Welcome to Panyu Master Sage. Would you like some tea and dessert? How can I help you today?"



Looking at the elder Sun, Xin smiled sadly. "Master Sun," he began hesitantly, "I did have hopes that you would be willing to stay in a purely advisory role. Your experience would be invaluable to the younger members of this growing force. Of course, I cannot force you nor can I request of you something that do not wish to give, but know that you are more than welcome to stay in Yue as an honored guest and family of an officer of Yue. Also, thank you for entrusting the safety and protection of your granddaughter to me."

Turning to Rin, Xin sad smile turned to genuine brightness. Beaming, he said, "Welcome to Yue, Rin. While I believe you will see adventure aplenty, I have a responsibility to your grandfather for your safety."

"Thus, I believe it'll be mutually beneficial," continued Xin as he turned to glance at Liao, "if the good Master Han here can show you around as you get acquainted with the area these first few days. What do you say Liao?"

(Sun Rin has joined Yue! Post in OI and PH access will be granted. Welcome!)



Wen looked at the disheveled man. "At least he's not caked with dirt and sweat anymore," he thought with a shrug. Zhi was allowed to carry his spear but was searched for any hidden weapons. Shortly, a civil administrator came to escort to the public office (see description above :P).

"Good day stranger," said the Marquis as he stood to greet the guest. "My men say you've traveled far and to excuse your appearance today. As a man who used to travel the lands, I completely understand." Leaning close, as if about to divulge a secret, Xin whispered, "Truthfully, I prefer the dirt and grime over silk and pomp any day, but let's just keep that between us eh?"
Lin Xin (32 M) 82-25-61-77-51 Civil Admin II, Diplomat I, Discipline II, Military Admin II, Politician I, Volley I, Wall I
Location: Linjiang
Wife: Lee Ling Da (30 F) 75-52-62-70-52 Artisan II, Faze I, Haste I, Military Administrator I, Sortie I
Sister: Lin Jia (29 F) 30-72-61-64-72 Challenge I, Diplomat I, Doctor I, Engineer I, Faze I, Instructor I
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Post by TheCity »

Lin Xin wrote:TheCity

Wen looked at the disheveled man. "At least he's not caked with dirt and sweat anymore," he thought with a shrug. Zhi was allowed to carry his spear but was searched for any hidden weapons. Shortly, a civil administrator came to escort to the public office (see description above :P).

"Good day stranger," said the Marquis as he stood to greet the guest. "My men say you've traveled far and to excuse your appearance today. As a man who used to travel the lands, I completely understand." Leaning close, as if about to divulge a secret, Xin whispered, "Truthfully, I prefer the dirt and grime over silk and pomp any day, but let's just keep that between us eh?"
Zhi let his spear hang loosely between his thumb and forefinger, the butt anchored firmly on the ground. He looked around for a moment, eyes following a busy attendant winging in and out of the room.

He flashed a slight smile at Marquis Lin's comment, not quite knowing what to think of it. He figured silk might be more comfortable, but had no silk on him so really didn't care to think about it. He was dressed in what he was dressed in.

"I did travel quite a way," He responded, "About as far as one can travel, I guess, without running headlong into a barbarian army."

The situation was a bit strained for Zhi. He really didn't know what to say. This marquis asked him to come all this way, what did he want? But instead of saying anything, Zhi simply looked at the Marquis, intent on letting him say what he wanted.
Qin Zhi (24) 80-95*-41*-59-60
Challenge II, Charge II, Intimidate, Raid, Rupture, Qiangshu III
Lin Xin
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Post by Lin Xin »


Xin chuckled a bit as he motioned for Zhi to take a seat. Attendants brought in tea and some desserts, setting them on a table.

"Well," he began saying slowly, "I am called Xin of the Lin family, Marquis of Yue. With whom do I have the pleasure of speaking with today?"
Lin Xin (32 M) 82-25-61-77-51 Civil Admin II, Diplomat I, Discipline II, Military Admin II, Politician I, Volley I, Wall I
Location: Linjiang
Wife: Lee Ling Da (30 F) 75-52-62-70-52 Artisan II, Faze I, Haste I, Military Administrator I, Sortie I
Sister: Lin Jia (29 F) 30-72-61-64-72 Challenge I, Diplomat I, Doctor I, Engineer I, Faze I, Instructor I
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Post by TheCity »

Zhi took the seat offered him and slowly began to drink the tea. It was quite hot, but still very good. He had not treated himself to tea any time in the past few days. He listened to the Marquis and responded in kind.

"I am Zhi, of the family Qin. It is nice to meet you, Marquis."

He wasn't quite sure where to go from there, and so resumed his silence in order to allow the Marquis to lead the conversation.
Qin Zhi (24) 80-95*-41*-59-60
Challenge II, Charge II, Intimidate, Raid, Rupture, Qiangshu III
Lin Xin
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Post by Lin Xin »


Smiling, Xin sat down in his seat facing the warrior. "Ah, yes, I remember sending a letter quite recently Master Qin. Thank you for coming to Yue."

"Now," he continued, "you must be wondering why I would seek one such as you. Well, as my responsibilities grow, the requirement for able and talented officers to aid me grows as well. In fact, just recently, I've pledged to help thousands of refugees streaming here from the west, trying to escape the wars being fought by the two selfish Princes of Qin. It is times like these that heroes are made and heroes are who the people turn to in their darkest days."

Pausing to take a sip of tea as well, Xin smiled before concluding. "And I believe with your strength and skills on the battlefield, you will have the opportuntity to prove you are worthy to bear that title."
Lin Xin (32 M) 82-25-61-77-51 Civil Admin II, Diplomat I, Discipline II, Military Admin II, Politician I, Volley I, Wall I
Location: Linjiang
Wife: Lee Ling Da (30 F) 75-52-62-70-52 Artisan II, Faze I, Haste I, Military Administrator I, Sortie I
Sister: Lin Jia (29 F) 30-72-61-64-72 Challenge I, Diplomat I, Doctor I, Engineer I, Faze I, Instructor I