Ying Fusu's Audience Hall - Nanzheng

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Post by VoShay »

"We would be overjoyed to contibute all of our forces to secure Sai, and take it from the treacherous Ying Huhai and Li Peng." He said, still obwing. "We will happily serve the true Qin. We only desire a route to connect our forces here with those in Hann and Changsha. Soon we will hold all thep rovinces on the Western and Southern border, and we will be able to assist His Majesty in retaking all of China."
Guan Yin She

Excerpts about Fine American Products- Twinkies: There is something about eating a Twinkie that just lets the world know you're not too keen on self-respect. Maybe it's because under "expiration date" Hostess just prints "LOL."
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Post by ZhangCo »

ann wrote:Meng Yi motioned for an attendant to assist Liao Qian to kneel on a mat on the floor near a low table. He said, "Early reports indicated as much Lord Liao. You should rest. Your injury will not heal otherwise."

He indicated that the attendant should warm some wine to fortify his guest and then thought about how to handle the situation. After a moment he said, "The King of Qin must decide how the situation should be redeemed. Drink this wine and rest a moment and then I will accompany you to speak with him."

He took some wine for himself and said, "The populace seemed dedicated to Nenzheng Ma?"
Liao Qian took the wine, and glared at it for a moment before taking a long sip from it. "I'm sorry. I'm not used to getting my ass kicked like that. I need to calm down a little, I suspect,"

The magistrate took a moment to collect his thoughts, and then nodded. "The people seem extremely dedicated to him. He seems noble enough, as a man. Infuriatingly so. Nevertheless, there were many who also chose to fight on my side in the struggle. That suggests that his ideals do not appeal to all. I do not know how this could help, considering it would be no more than ten percent who seem not to be under his spell. This feels like I have poked a dragon with a stick, to test it's resolve, and the dragon bit back, Prime Minister,"
Lu Zihang zi lingluan (24)
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Cao Chao
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Post by Cao Chao »

VoShay wrote:"We would be overjoyed to contibute all of our forces to secure Sai, and take it from the treacherous Ying Huhai and Li Peng." He said, still obwing. "We will happily serve the true Qin. We only desire a route to connect our forces here with those in Hann and Changsha. Soon we will hold all thep rovinces on the Western and Southern border, and we will be able to assist His Majesty in retaking all of China."
"A messenger will arrive in Yong very soon with the full details of the support you will provide to retake the Imperial Capital of Xianyang," stated the Supreme Commander, nodding his head. "Although do not be so quick to judge Li Peng," he said cryptically. "For further plans after we take Xianyang, we shall iron it out in a conference to be held after we rebuild the Imperial Capital."

He turned and gestured to a soldier, telling him to inform the King that all was ready. "His Highness will be here shortly," he announced, as he stepped over to the side, flanked by Wei Rong.
Kymvir Raemiz
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Post by Kymvir Raemiz »

ZhangCo wrote: Liao Qian took the wine, and glared at it for a moment before taking a long sip from it. "I'm sorry. I'm not used to getting my ass kicked like that. I need to calm down a little, I suspect,"

The magistrate took a moment to collect his thoughts, and then nodded. "The people seem extremely dedicated to him. He seems noble enough, as a man. Infuriatingly so. Nevertheless, there were many who also chose to fight on my side in the struggle. That suggests that his ideals do not appeal to all. I do not know how this could help, considering it would be no more than ten percent who seem not to be under his spell. This feels like I have poked a dragon with a stick, to test it's resolve, and the dragon bit back, Prime Minister,"
As Liao Qian had spoken to Meng Yi, he had been led to Fusu's Audience hall, where the presence of the Prime Minister allowed him to be swiftly admitted into the presence of the King of Qin.

Ying Fusu looked up as Yi and Qian entered and a faint frown passed over his face. "Prime Minister, you are welcome. Magistrate Qian, I assume you have come to report on your . . . exploits in Hanzhong?"
Cao Chao wrote: "A messenger will arrive in Yong very soon with the full details of the support you will provide to retake the Imperial Capital of Xianyang," stated the Supreme Commander, nodding his head. "Although do not be so quick to judge Li Peng," he said cryptically. "For further plans after we take Xianyang, we shall iron it out in a conference to be held after we rebuild the Imperial Capital."

He turned and gestured to a soldier, telling him to inform the King that all was ready. "His Highness will be here shortly," he announced, as he stepped over to the side, flanked by Wei Rong.
Brother Lao was kept waiting almost a half hour before a door opened at the far end of the hall and a file of soldiers entered the room. Behind them came Ying Fusu, resplendant in fine robes that seemed a bit out of place in the spartan audience hall of Nanzheng.

Fusu crossed the room, mounted a small dias and took a seat on several cushions and then turned to regard the visitors without speaking.
Cao Chao
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Post by Cao Chao »

Meng Tian turned and kneeled with one knee upon the floor. Bowing his head down, he spoke. "Your Highness, I present the leader of the Brotherhood of Xiyue, Lao Wang Zi and his compatriots - Commander Bo, formerly one of my subordinates on the northern frontier and the warrior, Ma Xiong."
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Post by UMCorian »

Ma Xiong, who had fallen silent while his lord and the Supreme Commander chatted, looked to the King as he entered. He slowly went down onto his knees, and placed his forehead to the floor as the man entered. Once the gesture was over, he stood once more and spoke in his soft, childish voice.

Fuyin: "It is my life's honor to stand in your presence, Great King. May Heaven smile upon you - the true Son of the Qin."
"He who masters both order and chaos will inherit the world."
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Post by VoShay »

Lao followed suit, and spoke, head bowed. " I am honored as well, to meet the only man in China brave enough to ask the First Emperor to show kindness and mercy. We will do all in our power to put you back on the throne that belongs to you."
Guan Yin She

Excerpts about Fine American Products- Twinkies: There is something about eating a Twinkie that just lets the world know you're not too keen on self-respect. Maybe it's because under "expiration date" Hostess just prints "LOL."
Zhao Ren
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Post by Zhao Ren »

Bo Shuai, well aware of who Ying Fusu was, made a humble bow to the new King of Qin. Though he had served under Meng Tian, he had never had the honor of speaking to the young Prince before, and it was evident he was proud to do so now "I am graced to be able to speak to you, King of Qin" With that Bo Shuai then bowed, remaining silent for the time being
Mei Ji (梅吉), the Flying General (飛將軍)
90*-69-33-72*-41 Aid III, Dash II, Discipline II, Military Administrator I, Wall II

GM NPCs: Empy Yi, Xiao He (蕭何), Tian Rong (田荣)

"The common people pray for rain, healthy children, and a summer that never ends. It is no matter to them if the high lords play their game of thrones, so long as they are left in peace. They never are."
Kymvir Raemiz
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Post by Kymvir Raemiz »

King Ying Fusu's eyes shifted back and forth as the three men spoke, though his eyes narrowed when he saw that Lao only bowed his head.

"So you wish to aid Us in taking Xianyang. That is an honorable intention, and we thank you for showing true loyalty to the Kingdom of Qin. Your master's rise to power in Yong was swift, and such initiative and resolve is welcome in a servant to our Crown."

Ying Fusu leaned forward, "So when will your master travel to see me in person so I may grant him a title in person?"
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Post by VoShay »

Lao remained kneeling (as he had followed suit and copied fuyin) with his head still bowed so he looked nowhere near the imperial personage, and spoke quietly but audibly. "Mi'lady Rui Jiao Jin has fallen ill, Your Majesty, and is not the true leader of our organization. I head the Brotherhood of Xiyue, Your Majesty, and the Chancelor Daisuke Aramaki runs the 'Benevolent Prefecture of Yong Mei Liang.' Rui Jiao Jin is a figure for all who wish to do good in this land to rally behind. Any title is befitting of Daisuke, or any number of those who fight in the field for your and Lady Rui's glory. Lady Rui, if you require, however, could be troubled to make the journey in a few months, when she has recovered. She is very ill but recooperating, and has several docters attending her. She is currently in seclusion." He spoke confidently and candidly, never once contradicting the king, but politely informing him of her health and gender in the only graceful way he could imagine. "I also, though greatly honored by the motivation behind it, deserve nor desire no title, Your Majesty. I am a simple man with base instincts and few morals, seeking to put better people into power. My motivation is little more then to be needed and listened to by my betters in morality and leadership, for I serve with much more flair and ability as a diplomat and strategist."
Guan Yin She

Excerpts about Fine American Products- Twinkies: There is something about eating a Twinkie that just lets the world know you're not too keen on self-respect. Maybe it's because under "expiration date" Hostess just prints "LOL."