January 206 Personal Turns

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Re: January 206 Personal Turns

Post by jinx »

Zhuang Ming 74-19-64-73-67
Base Stats: 74-19-64-73-67
City Location: Yue

You improve your Command by 3
Search For NPC.44% chance of success of finding and recruiting an officer. ROLL REQUIRED.
You build Provincial Bond in Yue and gain 25 Bond.

You recruit 347(50) soldiers

NPC Personal Army Actions:
Li Zhang drills your Personal Army, which gains 30 morale.
Bing Wu searches For NPCs.15% chance of success of finding and recruiting an officer. ROLL REQUIRED.

You govern 1 villages and collect 50 gold.

For NPC Li Zhang, swap out Scribe I for Rally I.
For NPC Bing Wu, swap out Volley I for Instructor I.
Zhuang Ming (25)
Civil Administrator II, Diplomat II, Military Administrator II, Politician II
163 gold

Li Zhang(25) 53-80-45-25-83
Bing Wu(17) 53-88-53-46-65

Last Ver
Sun Ming(20)
Civil Administrator II, Cover I, Diplomat II, Discipline, Military Administrator II, Politician II, Scribe, Trainer, Wall
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Location: Wu Province

Re: January 206 Personal Turns

Post by Wokimo »

Pang Zhou 65-94-47-20-61
Base Stats: 65-84-47-20-61
City Location:

You study Challenge. You have advanced 1/3rd of the way towards the next level.
You build Provincial Bond in Wu and gain 12 Bond.

Your Impressive Might gains you 24 Provincial Influence in Wu
Remember, Provincial Influence cannot exceed 100.

You govern 1 villages and collect 50 gold.
Pang Zhou (30) 65 – 101* - 49* – 22* – 63*
Challenge II, Haste II, Jianshu II, Pierce II, Raid II
Location: Wu (1 Village and 23 Provincial Influence)

Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free! You are a pirate!
King Tao
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Re: January 206 Personal Turns

Post by King Tao »

Caius Secundus Plublius 83-84-49-32-19
Base Stats: 83-81-49-32-19
City Location: Qi

You improve your Command by 2
Search For NPC.11% chance of success of finding and recruiting an officer. ROLL REQUIRED.
Caius Secundus Plublius patrols. ROLL REQUIRED.

You conscript 504(10) soldiers

NPC Personal Army Actions:
Leonidas searches For NPCs.22% chance of success of finding and recruiting an officer. ROLL REQUIRED.
Kronus drills your Personal Army, which gains 30 morale.
Last edited by King Tao on Sun Aug 15, 2010 3:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Kung Fang 78-71-35-68-28 Charge 2, Cover 2, Encourage 1, Raid 1, Support 2, Volley 1, Wall 1

Kung Xian

[02:36] <TGC> I never thought I'd ever say that but, thanks, KT.
Posts: 257
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Re: January 206 Personal Turns

Post by Wolfsheart »

Yi Song 69-22-90-70-50
Base Stats: 69-22-90-70-50
City Location: Qi

You improve your Command by 3
Search For NPC.23% chance of success of finding and recruiting an officer. ROLL REQUIRED.

You recruit 257(50) soldiers
Yi Song styled Tenghe (B.239) 86-22-92-76-50, Confuse II, Decoy II, Engineer I, Public Planner II, Spy II, Volley II

Also: Han Guang, and Liu Bang?!
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Re: January 206 Personal Turns

Post by Sweet_Ayame »

Jian Suyin 36-62-48-80-89
Base Stats: 36-062-48-80-89
City Location: Zhao

You improve your Intelligence by 4
Search For NPC.27% chance of success of finding and recruiting an officer. ROLL REQUIRED.
Jian Suyin patrols. ROLL REQUIRED.
Jiao Suyin, 18
Civil Administrator II, Diplomat II, Jianshu II, Politician II, Propagandist II, Saboteur
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Re: January 206 Personal Turns

Post by krowthen »

Guan Sho 41-24-92-82-40
Base Stats: 41-24-88-82-40
City Location: Qi

You study Scribe. You have advanced 1/4th of the way towards the next level.
You build Provincial Bond in Qi and gain 8 Bond.
You construct wonderful things, and earn 32 gold.

You recruit 163(50) soldiers
Last edited by krowthen on Sun Aug 15, 2010 3:05 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Guan Sho,23 Male
District Manager of Bayang, Qi Province
Stats: 45-24-108*-82-40
Skills: Civil Administrator II, Engineer II, Public Planner II, Decoy II, Scribe III
Location: Jiaoxi
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Re: January 206 Personal Turns

Post by Zeren »

Hua Fang 53-88-14-74-57
Base Stats: 53-82-14-74-57
City Location: Yong

You study Qiangshu. You have advanced 1/4th of the way towards the next level.
Hua Fang patrols. ROLL REQUIRED.
You hunt and kill and maim for weeks. Your trophies net you 17 gold.

You conscript 528(10) soldiers
Hua Fang (26) 53-88*-20-74-57
Qiangshu III, Jianshu II, Challenge II, Intimidate II
Posts: 162
Joined: Fri Aug 08, 2008 9:12 pm
Location: Jibei

Re: January 206 Personal Turns

Post by Jablis »

Liao Zun 56-27-69-72-71
Base Stats: 56-27-69-72-71
City Location: Jibei

You improve your Judgement by 3
You build Provincial Bond in Jibei and gain 23 Bond.
You construct wonderful things, and earn 14 gold.

You recruit 239(50) soldiers

You govern 1 villages and collect 50 gold.
Last edited by Jablis on Sun Aug 15, 2010 3:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Liao Zun(27) 56-42-69-72-71 Artisan, Civil Administrator II, Diplomat II, Engineer, Politician II, Public Planner II
Posts: 266
Joined: Thu May 12, 2005 6:30 pm

Re: January 206 Personal Turns

Post by Georgie »

Zhen Ya 44-70-50-52-82
Base Stats: 44-70-50-52-82
City Location: Yangcheng

You study Diplomat. You have advanced 1/4th of the way towards the next level.
Search For NPC.37% chance of success of finding and recruiting an officer. ROLL REQUIRED.
You build Provincial Bond in Chu and gain 28 Bond.

Your Dazzling Charisma gains you 21 Provincial Influence in Chu
Remember, Provincial Influence cannot exceed 100.

NPC Personal Army Actions:
Bi Yin forages and nets you 13 gold.
Kang Tugu forages and nets you 16 gold.

For NPC Bi Yin, swap out Decoy I for Instructor I.
For NPC Kang Tugu, swap out Military Administrator I for Jianshu I.
Last edited by Georgie on Mon Aug 16, 2010 8:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Lady Zhen Ya (27) 44-70-50-52-82 Civil Administrator I, Diplomat III, Gongshu II, Politician II, Saboteur II in Hann
Posts: 174
Joined: Sat Jul 26, 2008 10:17 pm

Re: January 206 Personal Turns

Post by VincentStClaire »

Kiran Ashok 48-16-90-82-45
Base Stats: 48-16-90-82-45
City Location: Qi

You study Engineer. You have advanced 1/4th of the way towards the next level.
You build Provincial Bond in Qi and gain 9 Bond.
You are creating a +3 Intelligence Book. 0 months remaining.

No Personal Army Action

NPC Personal Army Actions:
Guan Ce searches For NPCs.15% chance of success of finding and recruiting an officer. ROLL REQUIRED.

Exchanging Guan Ce's Saboteur I for Civil Administrator I.
Last edited by VincentStClaire on Sun Aug 15, 2010 5:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Kiran Ashok
Civil Administrator II, Engineer II, Doctor I, Public Planner II, Propagandist I, Scribe II