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Re: Jibei Provincial Roleplay
Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 2:27 pm
by Xiang Zhuang
((I'm leaving all banquet stuff to Shi Tong!))
Chen Ping wrote:At midday, three riders appeared in the outskirts of Donga. They quickly approached the city gates, and upon arrival, their lead rider dismounted to address the gate guards.
"I am Cao Cao, from Pengcheng. General Fang Ai invited me to speak with him. Please direct me to him."
From his satchel he withdrew a bamboo scroll bearing the signature of the general.
A guard recognized the signature, and after sending a runner in advance, escorted the trio toward the city administration complex. When they arrived, the structure seemed to be under repair. A messenger came out from the inside--the runner from before--and informed the guard that the General was at the stable just to the east of the complex, and would meet them there. From there, the group traveled over that direction, where a group of soldiers seemed to be in training.
The head of the force, a larger man who sat upon a horse wearing full battle regalia, soon turned to the incoming group. He dismounted, and leaving his horse with a lieutenant, walked over. "I am General Fang," he said as he walked. He stopped a distance away, giving a slight salute, and said, "You are Cao Cao, then? I was surprised to hear that you were here; I did not expect a visit so soon. If you want, we can stable your horses here and speak inside. Until that construction finishes, I've commandeered this stable for my own private use."
Re: Jibei Provincial Roleplay
Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 3:32 pm
by Jablis
Shi Tong wrote:The guard accepted the man's invitation and gave it a quick look over. Seeing that everything was in order, the guard motioned for the man to follow him to the veranda selected for the conference. As they walked to the location, the guard listened to the visitors words and in response, laughed.
"Master Liao, I do not know what sort of banquets you have attended in the past, but I do not think you have to fear for your life with my master. Truly, if he wanted you dead, why waste the time to invite you here and kill you, sullying his name in the process, when he could just order men like myself to take your territory by force, and claim it to be the will of the Heavens to do so?"
The guard gave out another laugh before he continued.
"Truly, some interesting banquets you must have attended..."
"You mean like he did here in Donga...though i must admit, Gi Hai was a monster. What says Shi Tong is any better?"
Re: Jibei Provincial Roleplay
Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 4:39 pm
by Shi Tong
Fi Sheng wrote:Ran had only just acquired a village to call his own and already he was asked to attend a banquet with the most important people in Jibei. He couldn't believe how quick he was rising in the ranks of fame and renown.
He approached the location in Donga that the letter originated from and tapped a guard on the shoulder. "My name is Fi Ran, I have an invitation for a banquet from Lord Shi Tong".
The guard, having been daydreaming at his post, was so startled by the tap on his shoulder that he nearly reached for his weapon immediately to cut his assailant down, only to finally calm down quick enough to realize that the man who had tapped his shoulder was another of his lord's guests. Offering a quick bow, hoping that the man wouldn't say anything about his daydreaming spell, he spoke.
"Of course, of course. I'll just need to see your invitation, please."
Jablis wrote:"You mean like he did here in Donga...though i must admit, Gi Hai was a monster. What says Shi Tong is any better?"
The guard let the comment from the village leader slide. No need to shed blood at the moment, anyway. Instead he chuckled slightly as the pair finally arrived to a seating arrangement placed upon a veranda in the building, overlooking the city of Donga. There were five seats, one head obviously reserved for Shi Tong, and four seats along the sides, apparently for the individuals that had been invited to the arrangement.
"Jiaodong has little complaints. No rumors of corruption or savagery that says otherwise. I assume that he hopes to bring about the same resolution to Jibei. But hey, I'm just a soldier who follows orders. Please, sit, enjoy a drink and food while the other guests arrive."
Re: Jibei Provincial Roleplay
Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 5:14 pm
by Fi Sheng
Shi Tong
Ran holds out his invitation and nods to the guard. "Nice to see that the guards here are all relaxed these days". He joked to the guards clear lack of sleep.
"At any rate sir, I do not intend to use this weapon in my possession but it is important to me so I would request to be allowed entry with it". He then took a short pause. "If you require a second opinion then inform lord Liao Zun. He will tell you that I am not one to start a fight for nothing....especially when there are armed guards all around". He laughed again at the last sentiment.
Re: Jibei Provincial Roleplay
Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 5:24 pm
by Shi Tong
Fi Sheng wrote:Ran holds out his invitation and nods to the guard. "Nice to see that the guards here are all relaxed these days". He joked to the guards clear lack of sleep.
"At any rate sir, I do not intend to use this weapon in my possession but it is important to me so I would request to be allowed entry with it". He then took a short pause. "If you require a second opinion then inform lord Liao Zun. He will tell you that I am not one to start a fight for nothing....especially when there are armed guards all around". He laughed again at the last sentiment.
The guard grimaced slightly at the mention of relaxed. Taking hold of the invitation, he gives it a look over, satisfied with the authenticity of the document. At the mention of the man's weapon, the guard shook his head slightly and spoke.
"We do not partake in a policy of removing weapon's from someone's possession. However, and though you may feel this an unnecessary threat, I must forewarn you not to make any sudden moves for your weapon while in the presence of the Prefect. He is not someone who will... tolerate... such a thing."
Motioning for the man to follow and assuming that he did, the pair would make their way to the veranda location where Liao Zun was already waiting. After a short period of walking, they arrived at the destination, whereupon the guard bowed slightly and spoke.
"I believe you mentioned that you were already acquainted with the guest Liao Zun. Please partake in food and drink and enjoy conversation with each other as we await the arrival of the other guests."
Re: Jibei Provincial Roleplay
Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 5:32 pm
by Fi Sheng
Jablis & Shi Tong
Ran nodded as he was brought to his acquaintance. "Master Liao Zun it's good to see you again. How's life been treating ya'?".
Re: Jibei Provincial Roleplay
Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 7:52 pm
by Jablis
Fi Sheng wrote:Jablis & Shi Tong
Ran nodded as he was brought to his acquaintance. "Master Liao Zun it's good to see you again. How's life been treating ya'?".
Brooding at his thwarted plans, Liao Zun snapped back to reality at Fi Ran's voice. "Ah, Young Fi Ran, I hear you've gotten yourself a nice village." Zun says while lifting his head to great his friend. "I wonder what this meeting is about. Not sure if I should drown my sorrows in some of this wine or keep my wits about me. Are you treating your people well?"
Re: Jibei Provincial Roleplay
Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 8:01 pm
by Fi Sheng
He smiled. "Yes the village is nice and the people have taken to me already. As for me treating them? I have already offered my services to them and have been helping in their cultivation and commerce. They have told me that they could do no better in their eyes".
He looks round the area and sees nothing of great note in his own accord. "How's your village coming along and what else have you occupied yourself with since we last met?".
Re: Jibei Provincial Roleplay
Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 8:15 pm
by Jablis
Fi Sheng wrote:Jablis
He smiled. "Yes the village is nice and the people have taken to me already. As for me treating them? I have already offered my services to them and have been helping in their cultivation and commerce. They have told me that they could do no better in their eyes".
He looks round the area and sees nothing of great note in his own accord. "How's your village coming along and what else have you occupied yourself with since we last met?".
"I've been busying myself with meeting with the Governors here in Jibei...all seems a waste of time now. They're either dead or on the run. Who knows maybe I'll run into Lengkui Chang some day. He was a good man."
Re: Jibei Provincial Roleplay
Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 8:20 pm
by Fi Sheng
Fi Sheng nods his head in agreement. "Yes, many honorable lords have been hacked down and murdered recently. I can only hope that this Shi Tong has some sort of positive agenda to propose to us here".