"The Supreme Commander knew well the fire that he was playing with and need to keep the cultists muzzled," replied Guan Ying, "And he has attempted to do so, trying to juggle the delicate balance between relying upon their manpower and using the Qin's own strength. Ultimately, the Qin that he tried to rebuild from the chaos the fratricide was too weak to withstand the arrogant ambitions of cultists. But alas, it is useless to lament what could have been . . ."Taishi Ci wrote:"I am sorry to hear that... It seems that the power of the Qin was more delicate than Meng Tian had imagined. And if the sons of the First Emperor are missing, then..." He paused to let the idea sink in. "Well, at least we are holding out here for now. Unfortunately, I seem to no longer have any safe borders. But our attack on Huhai continues."
"It was unfortunate that Commander Meng had to rely on the cultists to gain a foothold. If only things had been different... Anyway, who else has managed to escape? Do you know if any of the army remains?"
"I believe that certain individuals have been able to escape capture or have been released," continued the former silk merchant. "There has been word that the Wei Quan, Hua Jianying, even Meng Yi were able to escape capture. Of the others, I know little . . ."