Jin Kai's Audience Hall - Xiangguo

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Big Grizzy
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Post by Big Grizzy »

Wu Bei growled deep in his throat. Jin Kai turned to Wu Bei and held his hand out to silence him. He shook his head as he brought his attention back to Xiong Xushou.

"Fei Lak is no barbarian, nor is he oppressive, Master Xiong. Quite to the contrary, he is a member of the village of my birth, and fought against the crazed barbarian leader Li Lang for many months now. I am not a member of his coalition, but I would prefer you did not defame a man whom I call friend."

"Have you yet spoken to a representative of the King of Zhao? Do you know his aims? I know nothing of him nor the King of Chu, thus I can not comment on whether this rebellion was wise or noble. I simply know that it has happened and has made a rapidly degrading situation in our country worse."

"Peace and stability are noble aims, aims to which I aspire, but it seems as if those striving for them are causing them to be made out of reach. Does not your own seizure of Xiangguo, cause more tension in the region?"
Jin Sui (23)

"Jin Kai have already gain the thrust of the population in Changshan!!!"
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Post by Xushou »

Xiong Xushou smiled thinly, his suspicions confirmed. With a gesture to calm the men, he replied, "I do not mean to insult you, master Jin; only, you should be aware that your goals are not matched by the man you call friend. I have met with him personally, and that meeting was filled with veiled threats and concessions of his desire to rule the land. I cannot agree with a man whose aim is only to further his own glory."

With a little shrug, the young prefect shifted again in his seat. He paid little heed to the two men that Jin Kai had brought with him, as neither spoke, but his guards watched all of them with equal contempt. "I have yet to be 'graced' by word from the king of Zhao, either written or spoken. The people fear that his great armies will soon march on the north, and such a move will not make matters better," he sighed.

"Perhaps my actions have done little to return stability to my beloved home, but overthrowing a tyrant is rarely a peaceful act. The former prefect of this city was concerned only with his own standing," Xushou went on. "Such men are not capable of returning peace to our people. If I have caused tension, master Jin, it is a temporary thing, and a necessary evil."

"I would hope you have not come all this way to insult me, and I have spoken under this assumption," Xiong Xushou continued more firmly. His guards seemed to tense, as if the words were tantamount to a command to prepare for conflict. "If you believe I am unworthy of the cause that I profess, then be out with it. You have not been allowed to come this far only to waste my time."
Big Grizzy
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Post by Big Grizzy »

Jin Kai returned the Prefect's tight-lipped smile.

"I am indeed aware our aims are different, Master Xiong. Why else do you think I would leave Yan while there was still a barbarian presence? Lak is a man of smooth words but little foresight. He turned his eyes outside of Yan before it was secure and it has cost him dearly."

Zhang Mai leaned over and whispered into Jin Kai's ear.

"My guess is that you have heard of the rebellion at Ji, when Kung Xian attempted to hand over the city? The populace, led by Ki Pan, rose up, and threw Kung Xian out of the city. Zhang Mai foresaw that this could happen and had me warn Lak of it. Lak does not understand the will of the people, and thus his hold on Yan has slipped."

"My aim in coming here was to make secure the new home that my men and I have found in Kuailang. I have not come to insult you Lord Prefect. I merely wished to see if you were as the others I have spoken to, who wish to extend their influences over their province and beyond at the cost of the people they claim to serve. The will of the people is my paramount concern, and they wish for peace and stability."
Jin Sui (23)

"Jin Kai have already gain the thrust of the population in Changshan!!!"
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Post by Xushou »

"Then, master Jin Kai, we have a common aim," Xiong Xushou replied with a slight nod. "I have no desire for the people of Changshan to suffer. If the other lands of the former Qin empire are suffering, it is no concern of mine until the people of Changshan receive the peace and stability they desire."

"If I am successful in my aims here in Changshan, I will be content to leave it at that," the young prefect went on. "And if I am to be successful here in Changshan, my focus will have to be here - not eying the surrounding lands like the wolves who claim lordship over many of the other lands."

"It is not my place to force my will upon you," Xushou sighed. "If the people of Kuailang will benefit from your leadership, I would be a counter-productive fool to attempt to oust you. But if your words prove untrue, and your aims prove the same as so many others, then I shall do what I must. The people must come first."
Big Grizzy
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Post by Big Grizzy »

Jin Kai broke into a big smile. "Indeed, Master Xiong, our positions as leaders mean nothing if the people are not safe and happy."

Zhang Mai leaned in to speak to Jin Kai's ear alone. Jin Kai rolled his eyes at what was said. "Ah, ever the practical one. My brother says that I should get some kind of assurance that you are not the same as the others who only claim to wish peace for their province. It does make sense that one should think of that, as even one such as Fei Lak has broken that trust."

His head sank, as the thought obviously weighed heavily on him. "So many claim to work for the peace of the people, yet none seem to work together. How do you plan to secure the peace of Changshan when you have aggressors on all sides?"
Jin Sui (23)

"Jin Kai have already gain the thrust of the population in Changshan!!!"
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Post by Xushou »

"That is a difficult question to answer, as you yourself must know," Xiong Xushou replied easily. With a little shrug, he went on, "I had intended to secure an alliance with the lord of Yan, but his recent actions have proven such a move would not be in the best interest of my people."

With a sigh, the young prefect considered his past meetings with Fei Lak and his subordinates, the most recent of which had been very displeasing. "Lord Fei seeks to attack the city of Quni, and I fear his power has grown too great for such an action to be prevented," Xushou grumbled. "There are others in Changshan who seek the same stability as I do, and I have sought them out in hopes that cooperation will grow amongst us. If we are to have peace, we cannot spend our time struggling amongst ourselves."

"As for Wu Chen, my agents suggest he claims a desire for peace, as well," Xushou said, though it was obvious from his tone that he was doubtful. "If such is the case, he may be convinced not to spill blood needlessly if our goals are made plain to him. If peace is not his true desire, then I fear his forces have grown too powerful to be stopped by myself alone."

"What of yourself, master Jin? You claim, as well, to desire peace and stability in Changshan. To what lengths will you go to secure that peace?"
Big Grizzy
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Post by Big Grizzy »

Zhang Mai stepped forward to field this question. His voice was smooth and dignified, but cold and logical at the same time. "One must think many steps ahead, but take only one. We have only just arrived in Changshan, so any military action on our part would be looked upon poorly by the people. To that end we will make secure Kuailang, then converse with the other magistrates as we are you about making secure the province at large. We approached you first because we heard you have had dealings with Fei Lak, but we will make sure to get the opinions of the other magistrates on the situation. To explain all the variants beyond that would take more time that we are willing to spend here."

Jin Kai looked at Zhang Mai and smiled. "It would be like detailing one's strategy in Go."
Jin Sui (23)

"Jin Kai have already gain the thrust of the population in Changshan!!!"
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Post by Xushou »

"Ah, but to compare the efforts of many lords seeking a common goal to a competitive game is not an entirely accurate description of affairs," Xiong Xushou replied smoothly. That not-quite-friendly smile still hung from his lips as he leaned forward in his seat. "You seek assurance that I am no miser nor tyrant; it would be a great disrespect not to give assurance of your own."

"I have no cause to move against you," the young prefect continued. "For as long as you and your men have held Kuailang, few have spoken out against you. However, your own history with the lord Prefect of Shanggu leave doubts in my mind. If he chose to march his armies into this province, I would be forced to stand against him. His own actions in Yan have proven that he has no business in Changshan."

"I pray that you will think on this. Friend or foe, lord Fei will not receive a warm welcome to these lands," Xushou sighed. "And your own standing amongst the people will suffer if you side with him, if such events come to pass."
Big Grizzy
Posts: 455
Joined: Mon Jul 07, 2008 6:29 pm

Post by Big Grizzy »

Jin Kai seemed to grow smaller at the prospect. "That would be a burden I must bear. To be forced to chose between a friend and the will of the people is not an easy thing. If he moves into Changshan without first making safe the people of Yan, I can't help him. I have warned him against this many times. If he will not listen to his old tutor now, then he is lost and war is unavoidable. I fear the coming months will not be pleasant ones."

Jin Kai bowed to the Prefect. "This assurance I give to you: If Fei Lak marches on Changshan before securing the whole of Yan, I will not and cannot give him aid. If this happens, send word to me and I will march with you. My force is small and ill equipped, but I will do what I can to prevent the chaos."
Jin Sui (23)

"Jin Kai have already gain the thrust of the population in Changshan!!!"
Posts: 170
Joined: Fri Jul 18, 2008 3:02 pm

Post by Xushou »

"Very well," replied Xiong Xushou, rising from his seat. His guards seemed to tense for a moment, but they relaxed when the young prefect gave a slight bow in return. "Then, for now, you have earned my trust. It is not right for a man to seek dominion over other lands when he cannot even bring peace to his own."

Resuming his seat, Xushou gave a little shrug, "I would have been more likely to accept Fei Lak's wish for an alliance had he not included threat of invasion. I was appalled when his general, Ma Dieu, came to me and informed me of the prefect's decision to march on Quni despite this most recent bout of turmoil in Yan."

"Should Fei Lak go forward with that plan, I will be forced to act against him - for the good of the people of Changshan," the young man repeated adamantly. "I fear that his reckless acts will leave the province weakened and ripe for conquest by Zhao. I hope that our desire for peace will sway Wu Chen. If it does not, he will have shown his true colors as well."

"I, too, fear the coming months will not be pleasant. I hope that, together, we few who truly stand for the people will be able to lead them through these difficult times."