Wu Chen's Audience Hall - Handan

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Kuai Wei
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Post by Kuai Wei »

Ashikaga wrote:The guards looked to each other and searched the unnamed man, after they had removed anything they deemed weapon-like, they did not open the gates, instead the captain looked at the man for a while and said, "All seems to be in order except for you name, once provided the king will hear what ever your message for him is."

They had done this so many times per day that warriors, messengers, and peasants all were just the same, search name, escort, etc.
"Kuai Wei," said Kuai softly. Wei added on, "May I inquire as to why you request the names of your visitors? I mean, my name has yet to even spread past the province of Jibei, so..."
Xiong Shou
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Post by Wokimo »

Ashikaga wrote:Wu Chen leaned his head back and smiled devilishly, His prominence had finally be realized, and so, he was gaining the respect he deserved in the north. These connections were exactly the kind he needed, men who came to him of their own accord, would more likely stay loyal. He nodded and stood up to looki at them, "Yes, brilliant! You have my full blessing on your endeavor, however I pose a question for you, do you take the city in my name, to allow me to directly rule over it as I do Julu, or do you seek to establish yourself as a lord in my name?"

Wu Chen stroked his beard, feeling more powerful with each passing day, he could finally bring peace to the north and overthrow the tyranny of the Qin.
This question could be a veritable mine field for the noble but he was calm and collected now, his confidence having risen in the wake of Wu Chen's apparent delight.

"To serve you directly would be like bathing in the spring sunshine after the thawing of the winter snows, to be Prefect in my own right would be to follow in the footsteps of my forefathers. Either option would be a great honour for one such as myself, but perhaps given my experience in the region and public standing, it would be best that I rule the city in your name." he said reverently. "However, as my King, the decision should be yours."

Yes, that last bit was a nice touch. He had informed the King of his prefered result but never suggested for a moment that he was the over-ambitious type.
Pang Zhou (30) 65 – 101* - 49* – 22* – 63*
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Zhang Kui
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Post by Zhang Kui »

Ashikaga wrote:"No, I have not rebelled against my lord for my own gain, I felt he had abandoned us here in Zhao, he refused to acknowledge what he accomplished here. I felt I could carry on our rebellion more efficiently if I had the freedom to operate of my own free will. I do not just wish to conquer lands, but I wish to pacify the land and sow the seeds of peace. I will build schools and roads, cities and villages. The people will experience a prosperity never known to this land. However I cannot gain these things without first acquiring the tools and means by which to do so. Hence the reason I invited you here." Wu Chen felt confindent and true in what he said. He had a singular goal and ambition, and would do what he needed to to accomplish it.
"Lofty," muttered Zhang Kui thoughtfully. He looked about the hall for a long moment, considering the words of Zhao's king. With a nod, he went on, "But admirable. Still, I do not see why I have been summoned here. My men and I, we are little more than barbarians and raiders to your people. I have spent nearly three decades pillaging the northern countryside."

"Yet now, when the lands of your people are in turmoil, even barbarians are called upon by lords and kings to return peace," Xuanlong mused. "Since summer's end, I have ridden throughout Changshan, Zhao, and Yin, answering the calls of those who would seek my service, but why should I swear the lives of my men away to you?"

"If peace in the north is truly your desire, why then do you seek armies and warriors to flock to your banner, except to protect you from the wrath of your former master? What lords of the north do you fear will disturb the peace you seek?"
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Post by Ashikaga »

Kuai Wei!

The captain was slightly shocked by the man's response. He was unsure of the custom in Jibei, but in Zhao, you do not allow a nameless wonderer into the halls of kings. It was possible he could be a known criminal or officer from another army. Any number of things, but something as simple as a name was very important. Especially in accepting guest for the king.

Not wishing to insult the man the captain said, "Custom, simply custom."

With that, the captain began to escort the man to the king. When he was in the presence of the king he announced his guest, "My king, a certain Kuai Wei has arrived to see you."

Wu Chen nodded and gestured for the man to approach and say his peace.


Wu Chen nodded, however he was slightly disappointed for he could only take one course of action with the man before him if that was to be the case. He thought for a moment and replied back, "I see, then you do not only seek a means to your own power. As you may know, Prefect Lu Ying has invaded Jibei at my consent. When the province is subdued, she would become Duke in Jibei. As such, should you establish yourself independently there, you would have to find another means of expansion outside of the province for I have commanded that she take all of it. You would therefore have to be subservient to her, who would be subservient to me. That is only a small portion of it, since you would have no means by which to expand if you were to serve me as a vassal also. Should you, however, turn the province over to my direct control, I would make you one of my chief ministers. When I take another province, you could then serve as a vassal to me, should conditions permit."

Wu Chen stopped, perhaps his train of thought would have been confusing since there was so much to say. He stared at his guest and said, "I am sorry, stop me if I have confused you on any points."

Zhang Kui

Wu Chen realized that this man would not be persuaded by the lofty ideals that drew most, or the chance for fame and glory. He was simply getting to the point, continuously questioning till he heard what he wanted to hear.

With a sigh, Wu Chen again answered another of his prying questions. "Peace cannot be achieved on a grand scale if entire provinces are left to their own devices by small incompetent governors and rulers. It is necessary for a powerful force like my own, to unite all the peoples and resources of the north into one powerful force, which I can use to spread our prosperity to the other lands, washing away the final vestiges of Qin Tyranny. Most lords and governors will not simply submit their cities and lives to a man without some show of force or dominance. It is unfortunate, but the reality of the situation, and so I need fierce warriors and skilled commanders to fight in my crusade. Men such as yourself, especially in the northern provinces."
"When you enter the theater, please walk to the end of the row filling in all available seats. Stopping in the middle is distinctly unpatriotic"
- Sam the Eagle

Luanti Maodun, Bandit in Changshan
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Post by Radical Dreamer »

It was at this point that Hua Gao perked back up and reentered the conversation. "Forgive me, my King, if I speak out of place but might I suggest something?"

Stepping back onto the carpet with all-due humbleness, the meek minister bowed before continuing. "The city of Donga is unique among Jibei. It stands at a crossroads between Jiaodong and Qi, two provinces with very strong leaders. I assume my lord has heard of Tian Dan? The man is very entrenched in Qi and to not guard against him could hamper the lady Lu's northern expansions. The land of Yan is ripe for the taking and my own assignment is to subdue Wei and Changshan."

"If Xingzhe were to be given a vassalage in Donga, he would be a seemingly independent buffer between Tian Dan and Zhao. In reality, he would swear fidelity to you, my lord, and be as the lips protecting the teeth. This is, however, only the trifling counsel of an unseated noble who is without merit. The decision must be yours, my King."
Kubali Dun 90*-76-35-68-23
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Post by Wokimo »

Cai Xingzhe considered this new suggestion by the king and found it was largely adequate, if not what he had initially envisioned for himself. Wu Chen held a great deal of power and when swimming in the stream it was easier to follow the quick stream than swim against it. As he finished mulling it over, he began to nod slowly.

"So you wish me to take the city for you and govern it until such time as General Lu has subdued the rest of the province. Then I should leave the city to the General's care and aid you in expanding into other regions, where I might have the chance to govern that province for you. Is that what you are suggesting, your majesty?" he said and didn't bother to hide his enthusiasm. "If so then I whole-heartedly agree to such a generous offer."

((Call me crazy but i like doing KTs. :) ))
Pang Zhou (30) 65 – 101* - 49* – 22* – 63*
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Location: Wu (1 Village and 23 Provincial Influence)

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Brother Dun
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Post by Brother Dun »

Ashikaga wrote:The king was pleased his entertainment and food was sufficient to his guest. He had to make sure the man felt welcome and comfortable. "Yes, there are several things I wish to ask of and about you. First and foremost, would you care to be known as one of the greatest ministers in the land?"

He posed this great question to start the real conversation, feeling it a very good starting point for his line of questioning.
Huo Xing paused a moment and considered the King's question. He would love to be known as a great man, but he preferred to keep himself, and his work secret... "Honestly, Great King, the answer would be yes and no. I would not mind being well known, but I would prefer what it is that I actually do remain a secret. I prefer to work with the shadows, twisting them, using them to my advantages. What else would you like to know?"
Zu Yanghei zì 智盜 'Zhì​dào​' (Knowledge Thief)
Zhang Kui
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Post by Zhang Kui »

Ashikaga wrote:With a sigh, Wu Chen again answered another of his prying questions. "Peace cannot be achieved on a grand scale if entire provinces are left to their own devices by small incompetent governors and rulers. It is necessary for a powerful force like my own, to unite all the peoples and resources of the north into one powerful force, which I can use to spread our prosperity to the other lands, washing away the final vestiges of Qin Tyranny. Most lords and governors will not simply submit their cities and lives to a man without some show of force or dominance. It is unfortunate, but the reality of the situation, and so I need fierce warriors and skilled commanders to fight in my crusade. Men such as yourself, especially in the northern provinces."
"To create peace, you will destroy," Xuanlong mused as he considered the king's words. It was much the same everywhere he had been. With the fall of Qin, ambitious men had risen across the land, and most had the same goal. A faint smile appeared on the normally gruff features of Zhang Kui, as he recalled his visit to the south. Not all wished to burn the land and start anew.

His expression hardened again as he dismissed the memory and brought his mind back to the matter at hand. It was more difficult than he would have liked, but his thoughts swiftly enough returned from beauty to brawn.

"Very well, King of Zhao," Zhang Kui sighed. "You have made your point, and now I believe I see your intentions and ambitions more clearly. All that is left is for you to make your offer to me."
Lurking Tyranny
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Post by Lurking Tyranny »

Near the end of September a messenger from the lands of Chu arrived at Julu with a scroll from the court of King Chen Sheng.
Scoll Contents wrote:For the slitted eyes of Wu Chen,

Your treachery against the rebellion and your rightful King of Chu has brought down the wrath of the heavens and they have demanded blood be paid. Since you are not here to pay it, it shall be paid with the lives of your family. All have been rounded up and await the order of King Chen. Your children, wife, father, and relatives. All will pay for your actions.

King Chen being forgiving and merciful however has deemed that they shall live, provided you deliver yourself and the seals of your army and the domains in Zhao to your proper King of Chu.

Minister of Faults Hu
Fan Zeng, Prime Minister of Chu

Player Character
Gu Hama of Ba

Liu Bang then asked Han Xin, who had served under Xiang Yu but was driven out, "what is Xiang Yu's weakness? Is there a way to defeat him?" Han Xin calmly replied, "No, Xiang Yu himself is invincible, he is destined to be king."
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Post by Ashikaga »


Wu Chen raised an eyebrow at both men. He was intrigued by what Hua Gao had said and totally confused by Cai. He shook his head and looked over to Cai, "No, you misinterpret me. I was suggesting you rule the city directly under my supervision (my city), however in light of this new news than I am to reconsider. I will offer you a bonus of 200 gold for the city if you should take it, and then relinquish it to Prefect Lu, then come to Zhao and prepare for you role as a governor in my kingdom. After some time I would put you in charge of a city outside of Zhao. What say you?"

(Do My KTs!)

Brother Dun

Wu Chen nodded taking in the information and changing gear with his train of thought. Taking a moment to consider his next question, Wu Chen paused. He thought of one and continued. "You prefer the shadows, orchestrating the greatest plots in the darkest secrecy. Interesting, perhaps then I should ask how would you like to help to forge the greatest kingdom the north has ever seen?"

Wu Chen thought this next question would appeal to him.

Zhang Kui

Wu Chen smiled, he finally could get to the point. "For now, I will place you as a colonel in my force for the campaign north. Afterwards when I open a new vassal there, you will be granted a higher title for the northern campaign as a total. I will also give you 50 gold as a signing bonus and will always be open to gifting you with items should you be deserving."


The messenger was sent back with the following message,
Minister of Faults Hu,

Your king is as cruel and tyrannical as I believed him to be. I have offered peace in this situation, but he would only respond with a despicably cowardly response? Let it be known that the wrath of Wu Chen will be upon him in every way should he carry out this foul deed. His actions will be known across the land, and even more men will flock to my banner in response to his cruelty.

I carry on the rebellion with great speed in the north. If he was truly a man of ideals he would recognize what I am doing against the Qin here and have at least a mild appreciation for it.

Should he return my family to me, I shall conduct myself in a manner most hospitable towards my former king and seek to aid him in what capacity I can.

Wu Chen,
King of Zhao
"When you enter the theater, please walk to the end of the row filling in all available seats. Stopping in the middle is distinctly unpatriotic"
- Sam the Eagle

Luanti Maodun, Bandit in Changshan