Rui Jiao Jin's Audience Hall - Haozhi

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Location: "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."---John 8:32

Post by Zhudi »

Daisuke Aramaki walked through the entrance to the doors of the Audience Hall. He said to the presiding minister on duty, "I am here to report directly to Prefect Rui Jiao Jin on the success of our pacification of the city of Chencang. I have some business to discuss with her concerning its administration."

He paused as he turned around and motioned to the warrior standing behind him. "This is the General Dai Mu, commander of Yicheng's Security forces and head of the forces that seized the city of Chencang. I would like to introduce him to Prefect Rui Jiao Jin." He looked expectantly at the minister and awaited his answer.
Ma Zhudi, Guardian of the South

Also portraying...
Sha Zukang (61), Changsha's Chief Foreign Minister
"We will do the business at any cost...through whatever means available. One inch of the territory is more valuable than the life of our people. We will never concede on that."
Jin Mei
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Post by Jin Mei »

“Yes, of course, sir.” The minister replied as Aramaki made his announcement. He nodded and bowed as the General was introduced, making it clear that he had understood what was asked of him. It took but a minute for him to return with Prefect Rui Jiao Jin. “Daisuke Aramaki together with General Dai Mu.” The minister announced as Rui Jiao Jin came to a stop before them.
“I’m very pleased to see you again, Aramaki. I’m glad I find you well.” She said, bowing deeply to him. “General,” She said, turning to the man standing next to Aramaki.”How may I help you both today?” She bowed again and smiled.
Zhao Ren wrote:Bo Shuai smirked as Rui Jiaojin complimented his talents. It seemed as though she were trying quite hard to recruit him now. Perhaps it was the way she tried to seem sincere, even if she really was. Regardless, Jiaojin then answered his question. So that was why Lao Wangzi had made her his champion, she had been his pupil. Bo Shuai's smirk widened at the thought. It seemed as though she had a bit to learn still, or perhaps that Lao Wangzi wasn't as great a teacher he made himself out to be. What changed Bo Shuai's rather definite opinion on leaving Haozhi, however, was the conviction with which this woman spoke. Truly, misguided, ignorant, and deceitful, or not, Bo Shuai had to admit he at least admired Rui Jiaojin's tenacity. Perhaps there might be some hope for Jiaojin yet. As she concluded, Bo Shuai paused, only managing to emit a grunt "Hmm" Thinking it over, he looked away from Jiaojin
"I see... and I do suppose you must be speaking the truth, otherwise you would not be the ruler of Haozhi..." Bo Shuai then looked back to Rui Jiaojin, scrutinizing the lady of Haozhi. After a few quiet moments, he then answered her question "Yes, I do suppose so. And no, please, it is quite fine" He frowned in distaste, though. Water? Disgusting thing. Adding tea leaves to it was the only way to make it drinkable. He then continued "I do suppose there is one last question..." He paused, considering it over "Do you truly think you are fit to rule over China, to be the representative of the Brotherhood, to take all the good and all the bad that may come forth? And do you truly wish to be Lao Wangzi's servant? His representative to China?" With that, Bo Shuai awaited her response, knowing that her response would be key in his decision on whether or not to carry through with his plans
Rui Jiao Jin sighed as she heard Bo Shuai’s question. She was growing tired of the interrogation. Nevertheless, she would do her best to explain herself to this man. It seemed that no matter what she said, he grew less pleased and presented her with more interrogative questions. It had been quite a while since the last time someone had questioned her like this.

Her servant brought over a steaming cup of hot water, and she took that moment to assess what her reply would be.She was quiet for a few more moments before she spoke again. “Well…” She spoke slowly and carefully. “I think I shall answer your question backwards. You see…I think you are quite mistaken, Bo Shuai. I may be considered a student, pupil, or disciple of Brother Lao… but none of these things are the same as pet and slave. Brother Lao Wangzi is a powerful and educated man. He has worked endlessly and will not stop until he has achieved his goal of reunifying China. However, he is not a leader. He would never be fit at the head of an empire. He is meant for the shadows. He is best when he convinces men to listen, to try, and to be more than they currently are. And as such, even a man like that needs a leader. Now… do not assume that I have declared myself as this leader. I never said I was destined to be Empress of anything. Perhaps I have said that the Brotherhood and anyone within it is destined for greatness, but in all honesty, Master Bo… I merely lead. These people and previous people I have met, for whatever desire or reason they assume, follow me. It is said by many people that I have a gift, and, whether or not you agree with me, I intend to use it. Just as you brilliantly lead men on the battlefield, I lead here. Would it not be shameful for a man to ignore his natural born talents? We would be disgracing our fellow man if we did not utilize our own strengths. Am I better than any of the other leaders attempting to gain power over this land? I do not know. Am I the best, as some have said? I truly cannot say. But I can and I do know one thing- I will lead any who choose to follow on the path that I know is right in my heart, in my mind, in my very soul; and I will lead those men until the day that I die. I swear that upon my very soul.” She took a breath, her eyes burning with a fire not seen before. This was what she had to say, and this man could take it or leave it. She could tell no lies. This is what she believed and in her heart she knew it to be true.

“And if….” She continued, her voice quiet, yet strong and solemn.”Someday, the place where I sit is upon the Dragon Throne watching over a unified China, and all those who followed me, who made this possible, bow before me in respect- then, then will I know I deserve to be Empress. Then, I will be the best person in China to lead it. For only the worthy will succeed, only those with the determination and drive to achieve, will sit upon that throne. And it is on the willful backs of my friends and followers that I will have become that person.” She was silent, her posture erect and her face painted with a look of satisfaction and confidence. The passion and tenacity in her voice buzzed in the air a few seconds after she stopped speaking. In a span of mere minutes, the inexperienced, timid, and insecure young girl who had sprung up in unabashed unprofessionalism sat before him undaunted, ardent, and determined.
Yen Ai wrote:
Jin Mei wrote:"Of course, you may." The guard said in a friendly manner. "Anyone is allowed an audience with our Prefect." Obviously in a happy mood, the guards lead the way towards the main room. "Prefect Jin is just inside here." He said as he pulled the grand doors open. "Enjoy your visit." He said, turning to run back to the main gate.
Inside the hall, Rui Jiao Jin could be seen sitting at her desk, tossing a tattered rubber ball against the floor with one hand as she scribbled furiously on some parchment paper with the other. Upon hearing the crack of the doors being opened, she looked up.

"Ah, good day to you my visitors." She said, standing to greet them. "I am sure you are tired from your travels. Please, have a seat." She motioned to a couple chairs at one of her dining tables. "Would you care for anything to eat or drink while we talk of business? I am delighted you have shown an interest in assisting my cause."
Tan's eyebrows raised as he was let in without being disarmed or being asked to leave his guards behind, which was a problem he was almost expecting to have. His first thought was one of relief, but the next one was one of concern. This person didn't seem to give much attention to their own security. It didn't matter what kind of security you had inside. Just being in the presence of one who beared weapons was problem enough.

Tan raised his hand in a stopping motion and shook his head, declining the offer to seat. "Traveling is our life. We are fine, thank you." Though Qiao Mi did look a little weary, but from something other that travel it seemed. However, Tan did notice her fatigue a little, then added, "Though some tea for the little lady here would be all right." Mi smiled at Tan in appreciation.

"Let me get a couple things straight: One, I am a mercenary. I choose my own battles and I may assist you in a battle or two depending on what you can offer. Keeping an army running isn't free after all." Tan glanced at Mi for a moment, as if trying to watch her for some reason. "Two, and I mean no offense by this, I truly do not care what your 'cause' is. My loyalty is to my client and nothing more. You could plan on plunging China into a dark era to satisfy a vice, and it would not matter."

Tan pulled out a small cloth from a pocket at hit the back of his head, causing the glass ball in his eye socket to pop out. He caught it and began cleaning it while continuing. "That being said, If you have need for a little extra troops in an upcoming conflict, I'm the one to go to for that. I only ask for payment upon completion of my contract, not before, and not if the effort is a failure. So you lose nothing if for whatever reason the job cannot be completed." He popped the orb back into it's placed and blinked a couple times. Qiao Mi looked uneasy.
Rui Jiao Jin watched and listend as the man talked. Mercenaries… “Ah…” She began, leaning forward. “Yes, I understand your requests, and I believe we will have much use for your skills in this kingdom. Of course, you are not expected to join, and we will provide you with whatever you need, provided we get what we need. Your job will be to assist in the unification of Hann, you will be working directly under Feng Wei (Ironfist). Once you finish there, we will pay you what we agree upon is reasonable. This shall probably be a three to six month contract. Now, what is your price?” She leaned back, waiting for him to answer.
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Location: "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."---John 8:32

Post by Zhudi »

Jin Mei wrote:“Yes, of course, sir.” The minister replied as Aramaki made his announcement. He nodded and bowed as the General was introduced, making it clear that he had understood what was asked of him. It took but a minute for him to return with Prefect Rui Jiao Jin. “Daisuke Aramaki together with General Dai Mu.” The minister announced as Rui Jiao Jin came to a stop before them.
“I’m very pleased to see you again, Aramaki. I’m glad I find you well.” She said, bowing deeply to him. “General,” She said, turning to the man standing next to Aramaki.”How may I help you both today?” She bowed again and smiled.
Daisuke Aramkai smiled as Prefect Jin greeted him. "I am happy to say that my campaign to incorporate the city of Chencang into our kingdom has been completely successful. Now that we have a second city, it is time that we discuss my role in the kingdom. But before we attend to such matters, let me introduce you to General Dai Mu, the commander who led our troops to a glorious victory at Chencang."

He motioned to Dai Mu. "He has served my administration well in Yicheng as the commander of the Yicheng Security forces, but since our political futures have intertwined, my dear Rui Jin, and I have joined your kingdom, the future of General Dai Mu has yet to be determined. I now introduce him to you so that you may discuss with him your goals, so that you may convince him yourself of the virtues of your rule."

On that note, Aramaki steps aside and invites Dai Mu to come forward to speak.
Ma Zhudi, Guardian of the South

Also portraying...
Sha Zukang (61), Changsha's Chief Foreign Minister
"We will do the business at any cost...through whatever means available. One inch of the territory is more valuable than the life of our people. We will never concede on that."
Zi You de
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Post by Zi You de »

Dai Mu stepped forwards. He was dressed in his post battle garb consisting of a battle cut maroon garb over his pale green shirt and a rather plain pair of tan trousers. His dark hair was, as personal norm, tied with a red piece of cloth toward the back of his head. He had not shaved in a few days if not longer, giving a rather thick shadow upon his face, though it had not quite become a beard by common understanding. His boots, of a tan color as well, though well stained from travel and battle, squeaked as he moved forwards. His belt fit him snugly across his waist, especially as his thumbs were comfortably resting there.

"Prefect." He said with the slightest of nods and a smirk. He took a quick look at Aramaki and then looked back upon the Prefect. "Daisuke has spoken well of you." He said, curtly as he glanced over the Prefect.
Dai Mu Male, 27
Challenge I, Charge III, Gongshu II, Maraud II, Qiangshu III

"Zi You de has the best stat line ever. : P "
Yen Ai
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Post by Yen Ai »

Jin Mei wrote:Rui Jiao Jin watched and listend as the man talked. Mercenaries… “Ah…” She began, leaning forward. “Yes, I understand your requests, and I believe we will have much use for your skills in this kingdom. Of course, you are not expected to join, and we will provide you with whatever you need, provided we get what we need. Your job will be to assist in the unification of Hann, you will be working directly under Feng Wei (Ironfist). Once you finish there, we will pay you what we agree upon is reasonable. This shall probably be a three to six month contract. Now, what is your price?” She leaned back, waiting for him to answer.
Tan sighed a little. What was with these people and their assumptions? No matter. He wouldn't make a issue out of it. Mi looked a little dissapointed at the fact that she recieved no tea, but didn't voice her impression that she just recieved.

"Perhaps you are used to reckless people just waltzing on in and pledging service without even understanding what they're getting into." He folded his arms. "I however have my doubts. I've heard that you are a good person, but I've also heard less than admirable things as well. Now, I will not judge you based on that, unlike what I'm sure some people do."

"Feng Wei..." He frowned, the name sounding familiar. Where had he heard that now? Oh right.. from that one- "Isn't he a part of that 'brotherhood' cult that everyone keeps fawning over?" Though his words suggested otherwise, He didn't actually think ill of it. It was simply his way of speaking which unfortunately rubbed people the wrong way.

"Three to six months? I'm not conracting for campaigns. Two months is the most. Besides which, why would you want to do that? You would hire a group of which you know little about for an extended period of time? Forgive me if that sounds a little naive to me." Again, his lack of subtlety was likely to get him into trouble, but that depended on the temperment of whoever he was speaking to.

Qiao Mi cleared her throat a little. "Generally we ask for payment depending on what land we seize for the client. Normally most would ask us that we bring a village or town to heel for them. Or two if in the same province. Battles are a bit trickier in price. As we feel we should only be payed according to performance and what duties we are given. Obviously, being in the support layer would entail less payment than being in the vanguard. And so on and so forth."
Chen Tan zi 穸的旦 Xīdedàn
Age:30 Stats:80-81-51-71-45
Skills:Aid III, Cover II, Jianshu II, Charge II, Pierce.
NPC: Qiao Mi 60-65-86-60-61 Engineer II, Maraud I, Gongshu I, Faze I, Raid I, Rally I, Discipline I

"Remember, there is no 'I' in 'team'"
"Maybe so, sir. But there is a 'M' and an 'E'"
Zhao Ren
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Post by Zhao Ren »

Jin Mei wrote:I am merely doing my job!
As Rui Jiaojin concluded, Bo Shuai smirked. He then nodded his head and spoke "I see. That pleases me. A very suitable response, if I must say so, Lady Rui. Perhaps I shall serve you yet. However... I must have time to decide whether I shall or not. I shall, however, aid you and the Brotherhood in seizing the city of Feiqiu" With a bow, Bo Shuai concluded "With your leave, Magistrate Rui" Assuming he was granted permission, Bo Shuai then left
Mei Ji (梅吉), the Flying General (飛將軍)
90*-69-33-72*-41 Aid III, Dash II, Discipline II, Military Administrator I, Wall II

GM NPCs: Empy Yi, Xiao He (蕭何), Tian Rong (田荣)

"The common people pray for rain, healthy children, and a summer that never ends. It is no matter to them if the high lords play their game of thrones, so long as they are left in peace. They never are."
Chen Mi
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Post by Chen Mi »

Approaching the entrance to the hall, I peered at the guards flanking the entrance. Unarmed as I was, there was no reason they would stop me since I was carrying the letter that was sent to me by the prefect of this land.

"Long life to the Prefect, may she live a thousand years,"I cried out to the guards, "I am here to declare my allegiance to Prefect Jin's kingdom. I wish to speak to her or one of her representatives. Here in my hand is the letter sent to me by members of her secretarial staff."

Obviously the letter was penned by another person's hand as the characters in the letter's body did not match that of the signature. Most likely it was written by her scribe and signed by the prefect, as is the common practice in this day and age. The letter promised me many things; the position as Chief Engineer of the Realm, the formation of a elite crossbowman force within the framework of the kingdom's army, free guest passes to the company Pleasure Dome...etc. As long as the things promised to me in this letter are actually given to me, my loyalties can be assured.

Silently I stood by and waited the guard's response.
Name: Chen Mi
Age: 17
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Post by VoShay »

The guard nodded, and directed him to a nearby servant, who took him to his new dormitory. He met a man at the door with a bald head and a goatee, grinning. "I am Brother Lao Wangzi, and I am one of those who work with the Prefect. It is good of you to have joined us here. Have you any questions, or can we get to work?"
Guan Yin She

Excerpts about Fine American Products- Twinkies: There is something about eating a Twinkie that just lets the world know you're not too keen on self-respect. Maybe it's because under "expiration date" Hostess just prints "LOL."
Jin Mei
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Post by Jin Mei »

Zi You de wrote:Dai Mu stepped forwards. He was dressed in his post battle garb consisting of a battle cut maroon garb over his pale green shirt and a rather plain pair of tan trousers. His dark hair was, as personal norm, tied with a red piece of cloth toward the back of his head. He had not shaved in a few days if not longer, giving a rather thick shadow upon his face, though it had not quite become a beard by common understanding. His boots, of a tan color as well, though well stained from travel and battle, squeaked as he moved forwards. His belt fit him snugly across his waist, especially as his thumbs were comfortably resting there.

"Prefect." He said with the slightest of nods and a smirk. He took a quick look at Aramaki and then looked back upon the Prefect. "Daisuke has spoken well of you." He said, curtly as he glanced over the Prefect.
"Yes, of course, Master Daisuke." She said, smiling. "And a hearty congratulations to you, Master Dai Mu. You proved to be a valuable asset in our invasion on Chencang. Master Daisuke has also spoken wondrous things of you, and your actions prove his words. I'm glad you are working with us. Now, what is it that you would like to ask of me specifically? I would be glad to speak with you of anything... most especially of your place in this kingdom." She bowed graciously, her bright eyes flashing at him.
Yen Ai
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Post by Yen Ai »

((Normally I'd chide someone who does this, but I'm in a forgiving mood. So... Poof! RP is no more. You may ignore it with my blessing. :P ))
Chen Tan zi 穸的旦 Xīdedàn
Age:30 Stats:80-81-51-71-45
Skills:Aid III, Cover II, Jianshu II, Charge II, Pierce.
NPC: Qiao Mi 60-65-86-60-61 Engineer II, Maraud I, Gongshu I, Faze I, Raid I, Rally I, Discipline I

"Remember, there is no 'I' in 'team'"
"Maybe so, sir. But there is a 'M' and an 'E'"