Rui Jiao Jin's Audience Hall - Haozhi

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Jin Mei
Posts: 137
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Post by Jin Mei »

Zhao Ren wrote:Early one August morn, the sound of a mass of infantry, all marching in step could be heard resounding down the main street of Haozhi. It must have surely been an impressive sight, with all the troops uniformed in black leather, their spears polished to a sheen, and their banners flying in the wind. The banners, black as the night, bore a few simple characters in white, "锋队" (Forward Squad). As the troops arrived before the audience hall, the man at the fore stopped.

He, by almost anyone's opinion, was a rather handsome individual. His flowing black hair held back in a ponytail. He wore a taupe jacket with a grey floral pattern on the back, the collar lined with black fur. Underneath this, he wore black pants. At his side was an ornate blade, held in a black sheath with a gold design running down it. Holding up his hand, he then spoke, his voice booming yet clear all the same

Instantly, the troops stopped their march, snapping their heels as they came to a halt. His army taken care of, the commander then approached one of the guards and saluted "Greetings and good day, I am Bo Shuai, commander of the Forward Squad. As promised, I have come to serve the new leader of Haozhi, in accordance to the Brotherhood's wishes. I have brought with me four hundred men, all adequately trained in the art of warfare. Now, I request to speak to the new ruler" With that, Bo Shuai awaited the guard's response
Indeed, such an impressive sight could only stun the guards who were attending the gate. They faltered a moment, overwhelmed by what was before them, and it took them a second before they were able to speak to the man. A new sense of pride and joy for their city swept over them. "Of course." They began, bowing deep in respect to the master. "We are happy to let an officer such as yourself attend an audience with our prefect." He bowed again, duly impressed by the mans presence. "If you please, the main audience hall is right down this way."

Heading down the corridor that lead to the main audience hall, the guard marched with as much discipline and form as he could muster, not wanting to disappoint such an austere individual. They arrived shortly in front of Rui Jiao Jin's desk. "Bo Shuai, commander of the Forward Squad and member of the Brotherhood!" The guard announced in a loud, clear voice. The young lady sat reverently in her chair, scribbling on some papers, seemingly unaware of the man's presence, or the guards' for that matter. After a quiet grunt from the guard, she looked up, startled.

"Oh. Oh!" She said quietly, jumping to her feet. Placing her pen down on top of her papers, she regained her posture and took a moment to straighten out her dress robes. A smile spread from her lips as she made her way around the desk to greet the man. "Yes... Greetings, Master Bo Shuai. My name is Rui Jiao Jin, but you may call me Jin if you prefer. I am glad that you have made it here so promptly. My transfer to Haozhi was made only recently." She said happily as she held out her hand to him. "I must say, your assembly of men is quite impressive. It will be a sight to see them out in the field. Now, is there anything that you would like before we get down to business? Perhaps something to drink?"

"You may take a seat right here, if you'd like." She said, motioning to the chair in front of her desk. "I'm sure you would enjoy a moment to relax."

Yen Ai wrote:"But Tan... Weren't we going to-"

"Nothing is certain yet. If nothing else comes up, we will. Don't worry about it."

Chen Tan and Qiao Mi were slowly walking up to the gate. Tan was a little wary about this visit considering how pointless and annoying the last one had been. Still, he wouldn't judge prematurely.

Tan had eight guards with him this time, two of them were by Qiao Mi while the remaining six shadowed Tan. He had left the remainder of his troops behind though, not wanting to be slowed down by them. "Shall we then?" Qiao Mi nodded in response.

They approached the gate, stopping in front of the guards. Mi spoke up, "We recieved a letter from your leader, asking to see us. May we see her?"

((Sorry, not my best, but my mind is elsewhere.))
"Of course, you may." The guard said in a friendly manner. "Anyone is allowed an audience with our Prefect." Obviously in a happy mood, the guards lead the way towards the main room. "Prefect Jin is just inside here." He said as he pulled the grand doors open. "Enjoy your visit." He said, turning to run back to the main gate.

Inside the hall, Rui Jiao Jin could be seen sitting at her desk, tossing a tattered rubber ball against the floor with one hand as she scribbled furiously on some parchment paper with the other. Upon hearing the crack of the doors being opened, she looked up.

"Ah, good day to you my visitors." She said, standing to greet them. "I am sure you are tired from your travels. Please, have a seat." She motioned to a couple chairs at one of her dining tables. "Would you care for anything to eat or drink while we talk of business? I am delighted you have shown an interest in assisting my cause."
Zhao Ren
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Post by Zhao Ren »

With a small bow, Bo Shuai followed after the guard, quite content at his conduct towards him. Following in step after the guard, Bo Shuai bowed before the Magistrate after being introduced. As he looked up, however, he noticed that... she hadn't realized that she had a guest at all. Definitely a perfect way to make a good first impression. Scoffing quietly, he waited for her to react. Unsurprisingly, she jumped to her feet as she noticed him and the guard.

Rui Jiaojin. Bo Shuai's eyes narrowed immediately upon hearing the name. So this was the woman Lao Wangzi had in mind? In some ways, it didn't surprise Bo Shuai at all. She did seem quite perfect for that man's plans. Now to judge her personality. Bo Shuai listened intently to her words, watching all of her gestures. As she concluded, Bo Shuai replied
"And you may call me Junhu, if you prefer. And no, but thank you, I am not thirsty at the moment, though if you wish, you may drink, of course" Offering a small smile, he then sat down

"So, Magistrate Rui, please, tell me about yourself. Unfortunately, I know very little about you. Merely that you were the Magistrate of Songxi... and a woman" Bo Shuai paused a moment, considering his words "But never did he say how beautiful you appeared, if I may note such. Regardless, I pray, tell me about yourself. It would please me to know about my future mistress" His choice of words done, he smirked, waiting for Rui Jiaojin's response
Mei Ji (梅吉), the Flying General (飛將軍)
90*-69-33-72*-41 Aid III, Dash II, Discipline II, Military Administrator I, Wall II

GM NPCs: Empy Yi, Xiao He (蕭何), Tian Rong (田荣)

"The common people pray for rain, healthy children, and a summer that never ends. It is no matter to them if the high lords play their game of thrones, so long as they are left in peace. They never are."
Jin Mei
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Post by Jin Mei »

"Yes, of course, if that is what you wish." She replied with a courteous bow. "Where shall I start?" She asked aloud as she turned to sit in the chair opposite him. She sat gracefully, her hands on her knees and her knees pushed together with the fabric of her green dress robes reaching all the way down to the floor.

The light in the room shone very brightly through the window as the shades were being pulled. The reflection of such brilliance played off of Jin's face that if one had not noticed before, they would certainly notice the scintillating purple of her eyes now and the similar but subtle tint that her short hair had.

"I suppose it is best if I speak from the beginning." She noted, reflecting within to find the right choice of words.
"Well... I was orphaned as a child in the small town of Songxi. For several years I survived as a petty thief and con artist. As a young child living off of the streets, I was invisible to many people. Because of that, I was exposed to the cruelty of the law, and I was able to see the cold hearts of those whose job it is to care for people like me. It occured to me then that this world was a dark place. Cruel and unjust to those who are worthy of respect. When I was nine, Brother Lao found me and took me in. He told me that I had gifts, and that with these gifts I could change the world. Ever since then, he has been training and teaching me to become a better person- to become the light that this land needs." As she stopped, she sighed, her mind racing with what else to say.
"Earler this year, I become the Magistrate of Songxi, the town I spent many years begging in. I took it upon myself to clean up that lowly town, and now there are prospects of making it into a beautiful city." She smiled, her heart pounding in her ears. She hoped that this would please him.

"I do hope this will suffice." She said, one hand moving up to cup her neck. "Now... I have told you all about me. I would be equally delighted to learn about Master Bo Shuai." [/i]
Zhao Ren
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Post by Zhao Ren »

"What an interesting childhood" Bo Shuai remarked, carefully taking note of her choice of words. It was rather interesting indeed. Why would Lao Wangzi take in a thief to become the Empress? Why her, of all people? Surely a respectable position as the ruler of China deserved better than one with such a tainted background... He then realized how quiet he was being and spoke up again "I am sure it must be quite odd, having to move away from your home town and all" Nodding his head, he considered her speech once again. A con artist... interesting...

Blinking, Bo Shuai looked back to Rui Jiaojin as she asked to know about him. With a nod, he then replied
"Hmm. If it would please you, I shall speak then. I am the son of Bo Xiao, a native of Yong and a Qin official under the command of Meng Tian. I was trained during my youth to be like my father, though I was to focus on military strategy primarily, as such was more desired at the time. Alongside my father, I fought the Xiongnu invaders that wished to pillage the lands of Zhao and Dai. Two years ago, my father resigned from service, leaving me in charge, and for two years I led his men. The men assembled before your hall are remnants of those soldiers. We left the services of the Qin upon the start of the civil war that has overtaken the land"

Pausing a moment, he then changed the subject "So, Lady Rui, do tell me. How did a thief happen to rise not only to the position of Magistrate of Songxi, but now to the ruler of Haozhi as well? I do believe you left out how you got the men of those cities to accept you as their leader, and such intrigues me quite a bit" As he awaited her response, he continued to take mental notes, ranging from her posture, her hesitance, and her choice of words. All of these could tell Bo Shuai who this woman was, and how he should approach her...
Mei Ji (梅吉), the Flying General (飛將軍)
90*-69-33-72*-41 Aid III, Dash II, Discipline II, Military Administrator I, Wall II

GM NPCs: Empy Yi, Xiao He (蕭何), Tian Rong (田荣)

"The common people pray for rain, healthy children, and a summer that never ends. It is no matter to them if the high lords play their game of thrones, so long as they are left in peace. They never are."
Jin Mei
Posts: 137
Joined: Wed Aug 17, 2005 3:10 am

Post by Jin Mei »

Rui Jao Jin nodded as she listend to Bo Shuai speak. "Again, that is quite impressive. You certainly are quite the officer then. I am very pleased you have joined Brother Lao and I in our cause. I'm sure there will be many great things for you here." She tried to sound as sincere as possible, wanting to make a good impression. She would disappoint both herself and her master if she did not please this officer.

"Ah, yes... that is a good question." She said, straightening up in her seat. This man is quite the interrogator, she thought to herself as she prepared another explanation.

"As I mentioned, Brother Lao took me in when I was just a young child. When he spoke of my 'gifts,' he was, of course, referring to my charm and my wit. He believed that I would one day make a great leader, because of this he spent many years fashioning me into the woman I am today. He has taught me many things about leadership and diplomacy. In my efforts to please him, I believe I have done well." She spoke slowly, trying to create a sufficient explanation without tripping over herself.

"As for my rise in position, I have never thought that my stature as a woman or as a former 'thief' made any difference. I was only a thief for 3 or 4 years of my life before Brother Lao took me in and taught me better... Being a woman has given me some difficulties in the past, but I have never been denied once I have been given the chance to work and prove myself as a leader. I have a very strong belief in our cause; I know we are destined to succeed. Yes, the men in these cities may have seemed a little cautious at first, but once they allowed me to work for them and show them my efforts, they did not doubt that I have skill." She took a breathe and leaned forward, her hands in fists upon her knees. "I do not mean to sound arrogant or egotistical, but I believe whole heartedly that this land should be governed for the people; the corrupt should not be allowed to spread their darkness over the land. That is why I have succeeded. My perseverence, along with the help of the Brotherhood, have made it possible for me to come this far."

Jin sighed and sat back again in her chair. It took her but a moment to realize how tense she had become. Her hands were fisted white upon her lap, and she quickly relaxed them to let the blood flow in again. Her hands tingled and she stared at them for a second before looking up.
"I..." She said, clearing her throat. "Is there anything else you wish to know about me before you join, Master Bo Shuai?"

Smiling, she motioned to a servant standing nearby. "If you do not mind, I think I will have a glass of water." She said apologetically. "Are you sure you do not want anything?"

"Ah well," She continued, still smiling. "I hope you have found me sufficient as the ruler of Haozhi and pleasant as company." She said, waiting for him to speak.
Zhao Ren
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Post by Zhao Ren »

Bo Shuai smirked as Rui Jiaojin complimented his talents. It seemed as though she were trying quite hard to recruit him now. Perhaps it was the way she tried to seem sincere, even if she really was. Regardless, Jiaojin then answered his question. So that was why Lao Wangzi had made her his champion, she had been his pupil. Bo Shuai's smirk widened at the thought. It seemed as though she had a bit to learn still, or perhaps that Lao Wangzi wasn't as great a teacher he made himself out to be. What changed Bo Shuai's rather definite opinion on leaving Haozhi, however, was the conviction with which this woman spoke. Truly, misguided, ignorant, and deceitful, or not, Bo Shuai had to admit he at least admired Rui Jiaojin's tenacity. Perhaps there might be some hope for Jiaojin yet. As she concluded, Bo Shuai paused, only managing to emit a grunt "Hmm" Thinking it over, he looked away from Jiaojin

"I see... and I do suppose you must be speaking the truth, otherwise you would not be the ruler of Haozhi..." Bo Shuai then looked back to Rui Jiaojin, scrutinizing the lady of Haozhi. After a few quiet moments, he then answered her question "Yes, I do suppose so. And no, please, it is quite fine" He frowned in distaste, though. Water? Disgusting thing. Adding tea leaves to it was the only way to make it drinkable. He then continued "I do suppose there is one last question..." He paused, considering it over "Do you truly think you are fit to rule over China, to be the representative of the Brotherhood, to take all the good and all the bad that may come forth? And do you truly wish to be Lao Wangzi's servant? His representative to China?" With that, Bo Shuai awaited her response, knowing that her response would be key in his decision on whether or not to carry through with his plans
Mei Ji (梅吉), the Flying General (飛將軍)
90*-69-33-72*-41 Aid III, Dash II, Discipline II, Military Administrator I, Wall II

GM NPCs: Empy Yi, Xiao He (蕭何), Tian Rong (田荣)

"The common people pray for rain, healthy children, and a summer that never ends. It is no matter to them if the high lords play their game of thrones, so long as they are left in peace. They never are."
Bedder Danu
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Post by Bedder Danu »

A rather tall man approached. He held a halberd in his hand and was wearing bronze armor. A scar seemed to originate from the left side of his mouth and traveled far along his cheek. He approached the guards and took a piece of parchment out of a small pouch. He handed it to the guards, and it read:

I am Lu Tzu, current owner of Longzhi. I have come to pay my respects to the new ruler of Haozhi.
Yen Ai
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Post by Yen Ai »

Jin Mei wrote:"Of course, you may." The guard said in a friendly manner. "Anyone is allowed an audience with our Prefect." Obviously in a happy mood, the guards lead the way towards the main room. "Prefect Jin is just inside here." He said as he pulled the grand doors open. "Enjoy your visit." He said, turning to run back to the main gate.

Inside the hall, Rui Jiao Jin could be seen sitting at her desk, tossing a tattered rubber ball against the floor with one hand as she scribbled furiously on some parchment paper with the other. Upon hearing the crack of the doors being opened, she looked up.

"Ah, good day to you my visitors." She said, standing to greet them. "I am sure you are tired from your travels. Please, have a seat." She motioned to a couple chairs at one of her dining tables. "Would you care for anything to eat or drink while we talk of business? I am delighted you have shown an interest in assisting my cause."
Tan's eyebrows raised as he was let in without being disarmed or being asked to leave his guards behind, which was a problem he was almost expecting to have. His first thought was one of relief, but the next one was one of concern. This person didn't seem to give much attention to their own security. It didn't matter what kind of security you had inside. Just being in the presence of one who beared weapons was problem enough.

Tan raised his hand in a stopping motion and shook his head, declining the offer to seat. "Traveling is our life. We are fine, thank you." Though Qiao Mi did look a little weary, but from something other that travel it seemed. However, Tan did notice her fatigue a little, then added, "Though some tea for the little lady here would be all right." Mi smiled at Tan in appreciation.

"Let me get a couple things straight: One, I am a mercenary. I choose my own battles and I may assist you in a battle or two depending on what you can offer. Keeping an army running isn't free after all." Tan glanced at Mi for a moment, as if trying to watch her for some reason. "Two, and I mean no offense by this, I truly do not care what your 'cause' is. My loyalty is to my client and nothing more. You could plan on plunging China into a dark era to satisfy a vice, and it would not matter."

Tan pulled out a small cloth from a pocket at hit the back of his head, causing the glass ball in his eye socket to pop out. He caught it and began cleaning it while continuing. "That being said, If you have need for a little extra troops in an upcoming conflict, I'm the one to go to for that. I only ask for payment upon completion of my contract, not before, and not if the effort is a failure. So you lose nothing if for whatever reason the job cannot be completed." He popped the orb back into it's placed and blinked a couple times. Qiao Mi looked uneasy.
Chen Tan zi 穸的旦 Xīdedàn
Age:30 Stats:80-81-51-71-45
Skills:Aid III, Cover II, Jianshu II, Charge II, Pierce.
NPC: Qiao Mi 60-65-86-60-61 Engineer II, Maraud I, Gongshu I, Faze I, Raid I, Rally I, Discipline I

"Remember, there is no 'I' in 'team'"
"Maybe so, sir. But there is a 'M' and an 'E'"
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Post by VoShay »


The guard bowed, and lead him not to Rui Jiao Jin, but to Lao Wang Zi. He chuckled, and bowed. "Lu Tzu, my old friend. Come to join us here? I'll be sure to introduce you to our new liege when we have time, for now, we march to war! Let me take you into the inner chambers for the war council..."

[Bederdanu is accepted into Haozhi! Post OI!]
Guan Yin She

Excerpts about Fine American Products- Twinkies: There is something about eating a Twinkie that just lets the world know you're not too keen on self-respect. Maybe it's because under "expiration date" Hostess just prints "LOL."
Bedder Danu
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Post by Bedder Danu »

VoShay wrote:Bedderdanu-

The guard bowed, and lead him not to Rui Jiao Jin, but to Lao Wang Zi. He chuckled, and bowed. "Lu Tzu, my old friend. Come to join us here? I'll be sure to introduce you to our new liege when we have time, for now, we march to war! Let me take you into the inner chambers for the war council..."

[Bederdanu is accepted into Haozhi! Post OI!]
Lu Tzu bowed to his old friend, he was ready to serve.