Ying Fusu's Audience Hall - Nanzheng

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Cao Chao
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Post by Cao Chao »

Adranis wrote:She nodded, continuing to shake her head. "I've heard of the abundance of forces there, fighting for the land in their foolish aggression and ambition..." The young woman frowned as well, seeing the same look on her Uncle's face. The world was so complicated, and the land was torn apart - it would only get worse as the months went on. "Perhaps it was too bold for me to make a prediction for the future...but nonetheless I wish to believe the best for you - reasoning..."

Qiao Lin just stopped there, choosing not to elaborate on something she did not really know about anymore. Events were happening quickly, and she was simply a bystander that had no part in it. After taking another long sip of tea, she asked quietly, her voice full of concern, "Is there anything that I can do to help you, Uncle? I know I cannot match others, but..." She chuckled. "After my visit to my hometown, I am at a crossroads."
"Aside from Hann, Yan was the weakest of the seven great states of the Warring States Period," he said, shaking his head in disgust. "It was only when Yue Yi was alive that Yan dared do anything. During the days when the First Emperor was still alive, the only real resistance they put up was the attempted assassination by Jing Ke. Your adopted father quickly put them out of their misery, while Li Xin captured and executed Prince Dan."

"Whatever they're trying to do up in the far northeastern corner of the Middle Kingdom is really not all that important to us in the bowels of the region within the passes," continued Meng Tian with a low sigh. "I am more worried about the traitors in Luoyang. Their recent campaign against Bashang should be successful. What is worse perhaps is Chen She and whoever else wishes to rebel."

"I dunno," replied the general truthfully. "My hands are tied up in the steady recruitment and training of soldiers for the upcoming northern campaign. I know that is not your forte. Brother Yi might have more use of your services."
Little Goober
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Post by Adranis »

Qiao Lin nodded solemnly. "I understand...of course, the idiots in Yan are the least of your worries in comparison to the activities of the scum in Henan..." She had never heard the general sound so tired or remotely worried. Similarly enough, she had always been this way about Wang Ben, and it was only fitting that she was worried about Meng Tian, as the confidence and dazzling prowess of his abilities had always been able to shine through despite all that had happened to him. "Clouded corrupt minds of the uneducated as well as the rest...if only the truths could be realized...justice would be served."

Rebellion...such was a common theme amongst everyone, as they were vying for the territories of the Middle Kingdom to raise their own prominence, to collect fame and fortune. Perhaps it was because the young woman, only 21 years of age, had already despised immense wealth because of its undertones - being that she grew up with it, unhappy and eventually hurt. "I wish to help you, my family, and the rightful heir as much as I can. However, I do not know how I could do that just yet..."

She paused - she wasn't ready to pledge allegiance yet, her independence getting the best of her - and her voice got quieter. "I suppose that my stubborn independence that you know so well has gotten the best of me. But Uncle, while I have revisited Wei, I rediscovered an old friend. I do not know his plans yet, but I also wish to return to him...for now..."
Qiao Lin (21)
Deride III, Diplomat II, Envelop I, Politician II, Propagandist II, Public Planner II, Spy I
Items: Book of Rites (Int+4)

V2: 1 dead, 1 retired, 1 inactive.

<XuQuan> I would be a good houseboy since I don't like wearing clothes.

<Flawed> TEAM FLAWED - We're Wrong, and We Know it, so Screw you.

* Dreamer|Lernen sucks off to rp with no one.
Cao Chao
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Location: That which is unknown and unseen always commands the greatest fear.

Post by Cao Chao »

Adranis wrote:Qiao Lin nodded solemnly. "I understand...of course, the idiots in Yan are the least of your worries in comparison to the activities of the scum in Henan..." She had never heard the general sound so tired or remotely worried. Similarly enough, she had always been this way about Wang Ben, and it was only fitting that she was worried about Meng Tian, as the confidence and dazzling prowess of his abilities had always been able to shine through despite all that had happened to him. "Clouded corrupt minds of the uneducated as well as the rest...if only the truths could be realized...justice would be served."

Rebellion...such was a common theme amongst everyone, as they were vying for the territories of the Middle Kingdom to raise their own prominence, to collect fame and fortune. Perhaps it was because the young woman, only 21 years of age, had already despised immense wealth because of its undertones - being that she grew up with it, unhappy and eventually hurt. "I wish to help you, my family, and the rightful heir as much as I can. However, I do not know how I could do that just yet..."

She paused - she wasn't ready to pledge allegiance yet, her independence getting the best of her - and her voice got quieter. "I suppose that my stubborn independence that you know so well has gotten the best of me. But Uncle, while I have revisited Wei, I rediscovered an old friend. I do not know his plans yet, but I also wish to return to him...for now..."
"Justice? What is justice in this world," replied Meng Tian, shaking his head. "There is no justice. Humanity cannot for the love of itself mete out justice without the process being tainted by the corruption that is innate within humanity. All the justice we have in the world is a perversion of what it was meant to be . . ."

"Go do what you must, Xiao Qiao, but be true to your heart and your convictions," stated Meng Tian, patting her paternally on the head. "You don't need to worry about me or Meng Yi or His Highness. We will be fine. Your wings have hardened and matured. Go out and do what you will. No one will blame you." He hugged her warmly, before relinquishing her and allowing her to leave.
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Post by ann »

Charlemagne wrote:((No sweat. I was hating on Cao Chao for it anyway.))

Ning bowed his head and lowered himself to his knees beside Meng Yi. Taking in a deep breath himself, the old man nodded. "I am inclined to agree with you, Minister. My days remaining upon the earth are not many, but I would have gladly put off my business until tomorrow, had I known I would be interrupting you."

The summer sun was warm on Li Ning's skin, and the garden was peaceful enough. Lingering for a long moment in silence, Li Ning finally smiled and opened his eyes. "I would be glad to revisit when the rain clouds have gathered overhead, if you would prefer it, my lord."

CC's Edit: But I'm the President of your fan club! :(
Meng Yi smiled and said, "You are not interupting me at all. Indeed I am glad that you enjoy my little garden. "

After a moment he continued, "We need not wait for the rain. I am, indeed, quite anxious to hear of your scribing abilities. Please, tell me something of your history?"

As he finished speaking the attendant returned followed by to servants carrying a small, low table and a tea service. When the table was arranged, Meng Yi said, "Please, this is a special blend which reminds me of more distant places. I hope you enjoy it." The attendant poured tea and, bowing, backed away.
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Post by Charlemagne »

ann wrote:Meng Yi smiled and said, "You are not interupting me at all. Indeed I am glad that you enjoy my little garden. "

After a moment he continued, "We need not wait for the rain. I am, indeed, quite anxious to hear of your scribing abilities. Please, tell me something of your history?"

As he finished speaking the attendant returned followed by to servants carrying a small, low table and a tea service. When the table was arranged, Meng Yi said, "Please, this is a special blend which reminds me of more distant places. I hope you enjoy it." The attendant poured tea and, bowing, backed away.
Li Ning thought for a moment, as he inhaled the vapors from the tea. "Indeed. And more distant times, as well." The man sipped lightly and set his cup down. Breathing deeply, he gave Meng Yi a weak smile. "I wish there was something glamorous to tell, in fact, but there is not. I was hired as a courier at a young age, and in the storefront, I would write out messages as they were dictated by illiterate men. As I grew older, and my talents in caligraphy blosomed, I became a scribe in the local magistrates office in Chu." The man paused a moment and thought about how to continue without seeming too emotional.

Finally collecting his thoughts, he nodded. "Married, one son. A happy life, to be told. Then my son went to serve in the armies of Qin, and was slain. My wife, in grief, took her own life, and I, soldiered on as best I could. Once things became dark for my profession," and he looked up at Meng Yi, knowing he didn't need to elaborate, "I lost my job, and was sent on my way. For years I had nothing but a worn shack and rainwater with which to grow simple vegetables and drink. I was depressed, and didn't care to have more than that."

Sipping his tea again, and clearing some of the mist from his eyes, he smiled. "I was recently visited by a young confucian, who encouraged me to pick my pen back up and try my way in life, for however much longer it lasts. But, unfortunately, I have no resources with which to buy supplies, and thus, I am here at your mercy. I don't need to make any huge profits, just a simple commission with which to resume my practice."

Setting his now empty cup down, Li Ning felt old, mostly for having told the story. But Meng Yi had been polite, and he had little worry of his reactions.
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Post by ann »

Meng Yi listened to Li Ning's story with interest. He had indeed suffered during his lifetime but, Yi reflected, did not seem to rail against his place in the world. As he listened he sipped his own tea and thought about how much he himself had lost in loyal service. Not his life, in fact, but he had lost much. But, this was the nature of service.

When Li Ning completed his story, Meng Yi said, "A confucian did you say? They are not so numerous as they once were." He paused for a moment and then said, "I think you must know that my Master was not in agreement with much of policy which created the dark times for your profession. It is my hope that when he is restored that many things will change."

"But all great changes are made up of small actions and today I would like to begin by rebuilding my lost library. I am most interested in a book which would tell of laws and decisionmaking in courts of law. Can you scribe such a book for me? How long are you willing to spend?"
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Location: Oh Ricky, you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind, Hey Ricky!

Post by Charlemagne »

Ning thinked to himself for a while and then nodded. "I am sure that I could do it, sir. Depending on which book, if it is a classic, or if you are looking for something original, I'd venture that I could have it to you by the end of next season." He thought for a moment longer and then nodded. "Indeed. If you could afford me some coin with which to procure supplies, as well as a good understanding of exactly what you are looking for, I suppose I would have it before the first snows."

Shifting lightly on his cushion, and finishing the last drops of his tea, Ning was careful not to seem to anxious, nor to get his hopes up entirely. Noting that it could do no harm to say so, he added, "Indeed, it is known that your lord is not responsible for the dark times, but I shall share with men like minded to myself, that he is striving to restore the light."
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Location: Leader of Team Coke!

Post by ann »

Meng Yi nodded as his visitor spoke. After a moment's thought he said, "I remember a work called the Han Feizi. It was quite useful and instructive. I wonder if you could produce this work? In three months? How much would it cost to produce such an item?"
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Post by Imaginos »

Some time had passed since Shi Jian left the gates of Nanzheng when his advisor Yan Guang returned to address the guard. He dismounted and bowed, leaving his only weapon, an intricately designed hand crossbow, hooked to the saddle of his horse.

Master guardsman, I have returned in place of my friend. He was... unfortunately unable to come due to some other commitments. Would it be possible for me to meet with someone and discuss some type of arrangement of our group's services? Danli has managed to recruit a small number of troops willing to fight for his Majesty's cause.
Shi Jian zi Danli, 27
Aid, Charge, Dash, Discipline II, Envelop II, Jianshu, Military Administrator III, Rupture
Posts: 74
Joined: Fri Apr 07, 2006 5:12 pm

Post by ZhangCo »

An annoyed look on his face, Liao Qian limped up to the gates of Nanzheng, almost furious at the events that had unfolded in the previous month. He thoroughly expected to be on the winning side of the fight, but the people of Hanzhong had become too stupidly dependant on a so-called 'honourable' ruler. Perhaps even blinded by his anger, the magistrate inclined his head shortly to the head guard.

"Liao Qian here, sirs. I am here to meet with the Great King or one of his advisors, to discuss matters involving the city of Nanzhong. Would you allow me through, please?"
Lu Zihang zi lingluan (24)
Confuse II, Decoy I, Doctor, Jeer I, Military Administrator II, Poison II, Public Planner I

She Ou (78) 76-75-32-58-42, Discipline I, Inspire I, Jeer I, Propagandist I, Rupture I, Wall II