Public Dueling!

OOC Thread, General Roleplay, Tavern, Public Dueling

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Li Dao Wen
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Post by Li Dao Wen »

Agreed. :D then I'd lose again surely. LOL

I never thought, I never would have thought judgment would affect duels this much..
Shang Yu, strategist and miser


Xun Jiang the Black Ogre, King of Yan
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Post by Seewichai »

Dao Wen just 2 words for you and me....

We Sucks! :lol:

Maybe I crashparty in yours and JB's ongoing RP. JB and I are travelling together, take it as I went to the loo to do a big one while your pc and JB's pc were talking. K?
Qian Yen (千眼) (26) 60-71*-89*-65-50 | Confuse II, Gongshu II, Poison II, Spy II

Li Dao Wen
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Post by Li Dao Wen »

Sure thing! :wink: But lets have that duel some other time oookies?? I'm tired of losing for goodness sake! X.X
Shang Yu, strategist and miser


Xun Jiang the Black Ogre, King of Yan
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Post by Seewichai »

I think we should keep off OOC from this thread. My last post, probably some consolidation, maybe your PC and mine are like Yan Liang and Wen Chou of RTK. :D

Ok I already crash landed in your RP with JB. We continue from there.
Qian Yen (千眼) (26) 60-71*-89*-65-50 | Confuse II, Gongshu II, Poison II, Spy II

Xiang Zhuang
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Post by Xiang Zhuang »

Duel between Fu Guan and Xūnyan Hú! (aka "The Most Epic and Bizarre Duel Ever")

Now including role-play! Well, only this one time, but really something this amazing needs it.

Bout 1:

Fu Guan and Xūnyan Hú both walked onto the Practice Dueling Arena stage. Any onlooker could see that Fu Guan was definitely the stronger of the two involved, and naturally, the favorite. Xūnyan Hú wasn't about to concede the fight, though. They opened up in traditional fashion: Fu Guan slung a stone at Xūnyan Hú and hit him in the leg. Xūnyan Hú returned fire with one of his daggers and was able to just catch Fu Guan in the shoulder, despite Guan's best attempts to dodge the projectile. They rushed in at one another and exchanged a blow a piece. Seeing an opening, Guan swung his axe down and dug it deep into the side of Xūnyan Hú, tearing the flesh and leaving his opponent bleeding. But before he could pry his weapon from the other man's side, he felt a sharp pain in the side of his thigh. Xūnyan Hú's weapon had found it's mark. They both moved to create some distance between the two of them, trying to recover from their injuries before making another run.

Round 1:
Fu Guan HP: 90 Might: 90
Xūnyan Hú HP: 63 Might: 63

Fu Guan lands the attack.(8)
Fu Guan fails to deflect Xūnyan Hú's attack.
Xūnyan Hú lands the attack.(4)

Round 2:
Fu Guan HP: 86 Might: 90
Xūnyan Hú HP: 55 Might: 63

Fu Guan lands the attack.(6)
Xūnyan Hú lands the attack.(5)

Round 3:
Fu Guan HP: 81 Might: 90
Xūnyan Hú HP: 49 Might: 63

Fu Guan unleashes a critical blow!
Xūnyan Hú injured during attack - reducing might by 9
Fu Guan lands the attack.(9)
Xūnyan Hú unleashes a critical blow!
Fu Guan injured during attack - reducing might by 8
Xūnyan Hú blinds Fu Guan!
Xūnyan Hú lands the attack.(8)

End of Bout 1:
Fu Guan HP: 73 Might: 82
Xūnyan Hú HP: 40 Might: 54

Bout 2:

With some distance between the two, both attempted to hit the other again with a projectile. Fu Guan was able to deflect the knife that Xūnyan Hú threw, but was distracted enough that his slung rock flew wildly to the side. They found themselves once again caught in a melee. Guan got the better of his opponent and caught him in the left arm. In response, Xūnyan Hú grabbed a handful of dirt from under his feet and launched it into the eyes of his adversary, successfully blinding him, if only temporarily. He was able to knock Guan onto the ground with a well-placed kick, and followed it up by planting his sword into the abdomen of Fu Guan. Guan shrieked in pain, and was able to knock Xūnyan Hú and his weapon free from him.

Round 1:
Fu Guan HP: 73 Might: 82
Xūnyan Hú HP: 40 Might: 54

Fu Guan fails to hit with the attack!
Fu Guan deflects Xūnyan Hú's attack.
Xūnyan Hú fails to hit with the attack!

Round 2:
Fu Guan HP: 73 Might: 82
Xūnyan Hú HP: 40 Might: 54

Fu Guan lands the attack.(6)
Xūnyan Hú blinds Fu Guan!
Xūnyan Hú lands the attack.(4)

Round 3:
Fu Guan HP: 69 Might: 82
Xūnyan Hú HP: 34 Might: 54

Fu Guan fails to hit with the attack!
Xūnyan Hú unleashes a critical blow!
Fu Guan injured during attack - reducing might by 8
Xūnyan Hú attempts to blind Fu Guan, but fails!
Xūnyan Hú lands the attack.(8)

End of Bout 2:
Fu Guan HP: 61 Might: 74
Xūnyan Hú HP: 34 Might: 54

Bout 3:

Still suffering from the previous wound, Guan's attempt to hit Xūnyan Hú with his sling flew wildly. Despite his condition, he was almost able to dodge Xūnyan Hú's knife, which just knicked him on the arm. Xūnyan Hú moved to close the gap, but Guan was waiting for him. With his axe, he aimed to try and finish off the duel right there and then by going for the throat, but Xūnyan Hú was too dexterous for him. Not too dexterous enough to avoid the entire blow, though, as he was caught in the left arm again. Guan's effort threw him off-balance, and Xūnyan Hú was able to take advantage, landing a massive blow across the wounded warrior's right arm. Fu Guan attempted another massive blow, but again was only able to cause moderate damage to his opponent. Xūnyan Hú, meanwhile, had gathered up some more dirt and blinded his opponent again. He threw a forearm forward and knocked the helpless man backwards, giving Xūnyan Hú the advantage.

Round 1:
Fu Guan HP: 61 Might: 74
Xūnyan Hú HP: 34 Might: 54

Fu Guan fails to hit with the attack!
Fu Guan fails to deflect Xūnyan Hú's attack.
Xūnyan Hú lands the attack.(4)

Round 2:
Fu Guan HP: 57 Might: 74
Xūnyan Hú HP: 34 Might: 54

Fu Guan attempts to land a crippling strike on Xūnyan Hú!
Fu Guan's crippling strike fails to land.
Fu Guan lands the attack.(7)
Xūnyan Hú unleashes a critical blow!
Xūnyan Hú lands the attack.(8)

Round 3:
Fu Guan HP: 49 Might: 74
Xūnyan Hú HP: 27 Might: 54

Fu Guan attempts to land a crippling strike on Xūnyan Hú!
Fu Guan's crippling strike fails to land.
Fu Guan lands the attack.(5)
Xūnyan Hú blinds Fu Guan!
Xūnyan Hú lands the attack.(4)

End of Bout 3:
Fu Guan HP: 45 Might: 74
Xūnyan Hú HP: 22 Might: 54

Bout 4:

With Fu Guan still in disarray, Xūnyan Hú hoped to follow up with another dagger strike! However, the knife flew out of his hand wildly, perhaps because of the dirt still stuck to his hands. Xūnyan Hú charged forward, but Guan pulled him down to the ground. Stuck in a grapple, Xūnyan Hú again resorted to his best weapon: the earth. With dirt in his eyes, Fu Guan didn't see Xūnyan Hú punch him in the face, sending him spiraling backwards.

Round 1:
Fu Guan HP: 45 Might: 74
Xūnyan Hú HP: 22 Might: 54

Fu Guan fails to hit with the attack!
Xūnyan Hú fails to hit with the attack!

Round 2:
Fu Guan HP: 45 Might: 74
Xūnyan Hú HP: 22 Might: 54

Fu Guan attempts to land a crippling strike on Xūnyan Hú!
Fu Guan's crippling strike fails to land.
Fu Guan fails to hit with the attack!
Xūnyan Hú blinds Fu Guan!
Xūnyan Hú lands the attack.(6)

Round 3:
Fu Guan HP: 39 Might: 74
Xūnyan Hú HP: 22 Might: 54

Fu Guan attempts to land a crippling strike on Xūnyan Hú!
Fu Guan's crippling strike fails to land.
Fu Guan fails to hit with the attack!
Xūnyan Hú lands the attack.(5)

End of Bout 4:
Fu Guan HP: 34 Might: 74
Xūnyan Hú HP: 22 Might: 54

Bout 5:

Fu Guan reached for his sling once more, but again his aim was wild. Xūnyan Hú laughed at the pitiful attempt, saying, "You can't hit what you can't see! Or could you hit me even if you could?" Guan became enraged, which gave Xūnyan Hú an opening for his latest throwing knife, which hit Guan in the chest, pommel-first. Closing the distance, Xūnyan Hú was able to parry Guan's attack easily and returned his stroke with one of his own, hitting at his injured leg once more. In preparation for the bout, Xūnyan Hú had gathered up another handful of dirt and once again blinded his opponent! Furious, Fu Guan swung wildly with his axe. Despite the odds, he connected to the injured side of Xūnyan Hú, knocking him over. Ever resourceful, Xūnyan Hú scrapped his hands along the ground and again blinded his opponent. His sword hit Guan on the arm and knocked him over. Xūnyan Hú had managed to bridge the gap between the abilities of the two men, but both had sustained injuries. The victor was still very much up in the air.

Round 1:
Fu Guan HP: 34 Might: 74
Xūnyan Hú HP: 22 Might: 54

Fu Guan fails to hit with the attack!
Xūnyan Hú attempts to taunt Fu Guan.
Xūnyan Hú succeeds!
Xūnyan Hú lands the attack.(5)

Round 2:
Fu Guan HP: 29 Might: 68
Xūnyan Hú HP: 22 Might: 54

Fu Guan fails to hit with the attack!
Xūnyan Hú blinds Fu Guan!
Xūnyan Hú lands the attack.(6)

Round 3:
Fu Guan HP: 23 Might: 68
Xūnyan Hú HP: 22 Might: 54

Fu Guan attempts to land a crippling strike on Xūnyan Hú!
Fu Guan's crippling strike fails to land.
Fu Guan lands the attack.(6)
Xūnyan Hú blinds Fu Guan!
Xūnyan Hú lands the attack.(5)

End of Bout 5:
Fu Guan HP: 18 Might: 68
Xūnyan Hú HP: 16 Might: 54

Bout 6:

Momentum had fully organized behind Xūnyan Hú now, and both men knew it. Still trying to recover his eyesight, Guan slung another stone at his adversary. His hopes went up when he saw that the rock flew true. However, what he gained in accuracy he lost in power, and Xūnyan Hú caught the rock in his hand. With a howl, Xūnyan Hú yelled back, "I'll make sure to keep this for my rock collection!" Before Guan had time to collect himself from this insult, he was hit again with another dagger, this one in his forearm. Guan was a mess of fury and desperation. He made a gallant effort to tear down the charging Xūnyan Hú, but he did not even come close to connecting. Instead, Xūnyan Hú thrust his sword deep into Fu Guan's abdomen once more, as he had fallen prone onto his axe from his carry-through. Such a blow would have killed a normal man (or Fu Guan, in this case, if this were a real duel), but Fu Guan would not give up. Despite his situation, he punched at Xūnyan Hú and tried to knock him off of him. Xūnyan Hú pulled his sword loose and, with one final thrust, penetrated Fu Guan's stomach once more, causing him to lose consciousness. He removed his sword, and seeing that the man no longer had any fight left in him, moved away from the body and did his best to stand.

Round 1:
Fu Guan HP: 18 Might: 68
Xūnyan Hú HP: 16 Might: 54

Fu Guan fails to hit with the attack!
Xūnyan Hú attempts to taunt Fu Guan.
Xūnyan Hú succeeds!
Xūnyan Hú lands the attack.(5)

Round 2:
Fu Guan HP: 13 Might: 62
Xūnyan Hú HP: 16 Might: 54

Fu Guan attempts to land a crippling strike on Xūnyan Hú!
Fu Guan's crippling strike fails to land.
Fu Guan fails to hit with the attack!
Xūnyan Hú unleashes a critical blow!
Fu Guan injured during attack - reducing might by 9
Checking to see if Officer 2 dies
OFFICER 2 DIES ((But not really, cause this is a practice duel, eh?))
Xūnyan Hú blinds Fu Guan!
Xūnyan Hú lands the attack.(9)

Round 3:
Fu Guan HP: 4 Might: 53
Xūnyan Hú HP: 16 Might: 54

Fu Guan attempts to land a crippling strike on Xūnyan Hú!
Fu Guan's crippling strike fails to land.
Fu Guan lands the attack.(2)
Xūnyan Hú unleashes a critical blow!
Fu Guan injured during attack - reducing might by 12
Checking to see if Officer 2 dies
Officer 2 still alive!
Xūnyan Hú blinds Fu Guan!
Xūnyan Hú lands the attack.(12)
Xūnyan Hú wins!

End of Bout 6:
Fu Guan HP: -8 Might: 41
Xūnyan Hú HP: 14 Might: 54

Xūnyan Hú is victorious!

Notes: Yikes! This is the craziest duel I've ever run. Not only did Xunyan Hu get 4 crit-injuries, he also got 2 successful Taunts, which did a total of 49 points of Might damage to Fu Guan over the course of the duel. That's nearly statistically impossible. Basically Xunyan Hu kept Fu Guan blinded through most of the duel so Fu Guan couldn't use his massive Might advantage to put this away early, and from there Xunyan Hu was able to whittle away at Fu Guan's HP and tactic him to death.
Fáng Ai (防哀) hao Aishī (皚獅, White Lion), Duke of Yan (Yan Gong)
Dash I, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Smith II, Trainer II, Wall II

Sim Turn Length Analysis - Last Updated 4.06
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Post by Seewichai »

/me stares at the monitor blankly... blinking... blinking....

Oh man, Han Shao what did you do? :shock:
Qian Yen (千眼) (26) 60-71*-89*-65-50 | Confuse II, Gongshu II, Poison II, Spy II

Han Shao
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Post by Han Shao »

...That was epic!
Xūnyan Hú (纁眼 狐) 'The Crimson-Eyed Fox'
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Beware the fox, duelists!
Doc Strange
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Post by Doc Strange »

Liang Wei (40)
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Xiang Zhuang
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Post by Xiang Zhuang »

Duel between Jiang Bao and Murong Ba!

Bout 1:

Round 1:
Jiang Bao HP: 71 Might: 71
Murong Ba HP: 104 Might: 104

Jiang Bao lands the attack.(5)
Murong Ba fails to hit with the attack!

Round 2:
Jiang Bao HP: 71 Might: 71
Murong Ba HP: 99 Might: 104

Jiang Bao lands the attack.(6)
Murong Ba lands the attack.(10)

Round 3:
Jiang Bao HP: 61 Might: 71
Murong Ba HP: 93 Might: 104

Jiang Bao fails to hit with the attack!
Murong Ba fails to hit with the attack!

End of Bout 1:
Jiang Bao HP: 61 Might: 71
Murong Ba HP: 93 Might: 104

Bout 2:

Round 1:
Jiang Bao HP: 61 Might: 71
Murong Ba HP: 93 Might: 104

Jiang Bao attempts a dual shot at Murong Ba.
Jiang Bao's dual shot on Murong Ba fails.
Jiang Bao lands the attack.(5)
Murong Ba fails to hit with the attack!

Round 2:
Jiang Bao HP: 61 Might: 71
Murong Ba HP: 88 Might: 104

Jiang Bao disarms Murong Ba!!
Jiang Bao lands the attack.(6)
Murong Ba lands the attack.(6)

Round 3:
Jiang Bao HP: 55 Might: 71
Murong Ba HP: 82 Might: 97

Jiang Bao disarms Murong Ba!!
Murong Ba attempts to trip Jiang Bao!
Murong Ba fails to trip Jiang Bao!
Jiang Bao lands the attack.(6)
Murong Ba lands the attack.(6)

End of Bout 2:
Jiang Bao HP: 49 Might: 71
Murong Ba HP: 76 Might: 97

Bout 3:

Round 1:
Jiang Bao HP: 49 Might: 71
Murong Ba HP: 76 Might: 97

Jiang Bao lands the attack.(6)
Murong Ba lands the attack.(9)

Round 2:
Jiang Bao HP: 40 Might: 71
Murong Ba HP: 70 Might: 97

Jiang Bao lands the attack.(7)
Murong Ba lands the attack.(6)

Round 3:
Jiang Bao HP: 34 Might: 71
Murong Ba HP: 63 Might: 97

Jiang Bao lands the attack.(5)
Murong Ba lands the attack.(7)

End of Bout 3:
Jiang Bao HP: 27 Might: 71
Murong Ba HP: 58 Might: 97

Bout 4:

Round 1:
Jiang Bao HP: 27 Might: 71
Murong Ba HP: 58 Might: 97

Jiang Bao attempts a dual shot at Murong Ba.
Jiang Bao shoots twice!
Jiang Bao lands the attack.(13)
Murong Ba lands the attack.(7)

Round 2:
Jiang Bao HP: 20 Might: 71
Murong Ba HP: 45 Might: 97

Jiang Bao lands the attack.(8)
Murong Ba lands the attack.(8)

Round 3:
Jiang Bao HP: 12 Might: 71
Murong Ba HP: 37 Might: 97

Jiang Bao lands the attack.(6)
Murong Ba lands the attack.(8)

End of Bout 4:
Jiang Bao HP: 4 Might: 71
Murong Ba HP: 31 Might: 97

Bout 5:

Round 1:
Jiang Bao HP: 4 Might: 71
Murong Ba HP: 31 Might: 97

Jiang Bao attempts a dual shot at Murong Ba.
Jiang Bao shoots twice!
Jiang Bao lands the attack.(15)
Murong Ba fails to hit with the attack!

Round 2:
Jiang Bao HP: 4 Might: 71
Murong Ba HP: 16 Might: 97

Jiang Bao lands the attack.(7)
Murong Ba lands the attack.(6)
Murong Ba wins!

End of Bout 5:
Jiang Bao HP: -2 Might: 71
Murong Ba HP: 9 Might: 97

Murong Ba is victorious!

No more duels for XZ tonight.
Fáng Ai (防哀) hao Aishī (皚獅, White Lion), Duke of Yan (Yan Gong)
Dash I, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Smith II, Trainer II, Wall II

Sim Turn Length Analysis - Last Updated 4.06
Posts: 420
Joined: Mon Jul 07, 2008 1:15 am

Post by Seewichai »

Wah~~~~ dual shots so scary~~~~ Imagine a 100ish war almost pimped by a 70 ish war!

Lucky disarm is only meant for weapon. I would shivers if there is such disarm amour or disarm helmet. :lol:

Thanks XZ for the duel.
Last edited by Seewichai on Wed Jul 16, 2008 2:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
Qian Yen (千眼) (26) 60-71*-89*-65-50 | Confuse II, Gongshu II, Poison II, Spy II

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