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Post by Trendkill »

The Amber Experience:

Ultimately, Amber focuses on a dysfunctional family that is somehow at the center of a cosmic war between many powers. You play as one of the many princes and princesses of Amber, or a member of the Court of Chaos, No-one trusts anyone, everyone appears to be ready to backstab anyone else (often literally), and everyone seems genuinely interested in only one thing: himself or herself.

In this respect, the Amber universe could perhaps be best described as a philosophical, metaphysical, magical, mystical, fantasy soap opera. It has all those things, all wrapped around a cast of characters who are conniving, paranoid, dysfunctional, and often heartless.

All of the princes and princesses of Amber have super-human strength and regenerative capabilities. For example, two of them were able to pick up a car that had gone into a ditch and place it back on the road, and one was able to regenerate his eyes after they had been burned out.

The Pattern and the Logrus

At the two poles of existence are the symbols of Order and Chaos—The Pattern and The Logrus. Each takes the form of a maze or labyrinth which, when negotiated, gives a person the ability to walk in shadow—across the different possible universes. Whereas the Pattern is a static, two-dimensional maze, the Logrus can be described as a shifting, three-dimensional obstacle course.

The Trumps

Nearly all of Corwin's relatives carry a deck of Tarot cards, with a key alteration: each family member is on one of the Trumps. Each Trump, when concentrated upon by another family member, allows instant communication across the dimensions, and if both parties are willing, instant travel. Traveling in this way requires trust—placing oneself temporarily at the mercy of the non-traveling host.

Order vs. Chaos

In the Merlin cycle, strife continues in Amber and the Courts of Chaos, but the focus seems to be on a timeless battle between the superpowers of Order and Chaos, the Unicorn and the Serpent. All the while, the implication seems to be that there is really little difference between Order and Chaos; both are ways we describe such things. Of further significance is that both Oberon and Dworkin came from the Courts of Chaos, then created the Pattern. Therefore, the foundations of archetypal order (the Pattern) were born of archetypal chaos (the Logrus).

I am currently in need of a few GM's who, after learning the very easy system and background, can assist me in running the site. I am currently allowing people to view what I have thus far. I have many NPC's to post, in addition to alot of other info, however, with a little help, could get going within a month or two.
Last edited by Trendkill on Sun Jul 15, 2007 11:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Shadow »

Got nothing to do? Read some comics at:
Xun Shang (22) 77-20-83-74-18
Aid II, Decoy II, Confuse II, Military Administrator II, Volley II

* Dreamer actually liked Sherman.
<Dreamer> That guy was badass.
<Dreamer> If Lee would have been more like him, we could have won. :<
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Post by OneEyedDrgn »

January, 508

For as long as I can remember, this continent has been dominated by the barbarian tribes. My Father told me that long ago, the Romans dominated this country, that the land was civilized, but that this suzerainty ended as quickly as it had begun. The first King of Italy, a Goth by the name of Odoacer, came to power well before I was born, and I imagine that the Goths will rule this country long after I have gone from this world. I had hoped that their power would be broken when the Emperor in Constantinople sent Theodoric to kill Odoacer, but their grip has only grown stronger in successive years.

As bleak as it seems here in the former lands Roman Empire, it seems that it grows worse in other lands.

Gaul, once our most celebrated conquest and the place that spawned our Empire, has become the lands of the Franks. There are a number of kings and warlords in that place, but the most powerful of them is Clovis, being both the leader of the Salian Franks and the vanquisher of his most powerful rival, Alaric II, just last year. His control is not yet complete, and may not be complete for several years, but it would take a sudden shift in the tribes to topple him from his place of power.

In Britain, one of the last of our conquests, the locals have found themselves facing one of the darkest tribes to ever grace that island. We had thought that the Britons were vicious, and we even feared the vicious tribes to their north, but the Saxons and the Angles are something different. They came in boats across, desiring land and wealth and finding plunder and war the only ways to receive that. They came swiftly and aggressively, slaughtering the coastal settlements of that land and driving them north.

Then, something checked their advancement. Gwythur, a Briton warlord, rose up at the head of an army and fought a great battle with the Angles and Saxons, killing their champions and driving them back to the shore. A peace was secured, and that following summer, Gwythur began to settle his conquered lands for a proper administration. He seems at peace, and he seems to trust the invaders, but anyone with any knowledge of those people knows that a betrayal of that peace, a second invasion, will come some day in the future.

The ferocity of the Saxons and the Angles is unsurprising to me. They are descendents of the Norse, that race of men that dominates the icy waters and can strike anywhere that is near the sea. Rumors, and I am sad to admit that's all the kind of news that we get from those lands, have told us of a power struggle, of the death of the previous king, and the rise of a successor called Hroðulf, and the brave men that have already sworn their oath to him.

Yes, things look dark. I fear for the future of my people, and I fear that these lands, the lands that my ancestors made so great, have finally become barbarian.

- Lucius Magnus Publius
This is Sim Europa, a sim that isn't based on China! It looks like it can be succesful, if there are just more members. Ruler sign ups, normal sign ups, and a duel tournament are all open. So come and have fun in Europe!
Liang Zhuwen, 28, Male, Chaotic Neutral
Stats: 50-92-36-31-80
Skills: Assemble II, Challenge II, Diplomat, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Yueshu II
Zhuwen's Theme
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Post by DotN »

In case some of you out there were wondering, "What happened to "The Eight Princes?" Well, it died, but it is being revived, and you can help take part. The rules, which had been a complete set, are being modified, and new formulas are being developed, but the process to revive shouldn't take too long. So if you would like to help, come to the new site at and join in on the, um, "fun"
Zhuge Ze 22
70* -23 -100* -87 -38
Skills: Aid I, Confuse II, Decoy I, Deride I, Entangle I, Jeer II
Items: In Times of War {book} (+5 com), Book of Piety (+6 int)
Gong Gong
Posts: 416
Joined: Fri Jun 24, 2005 2:00 pm

Post by Gong Gong »

It had been 20 years since the land of Stolar had been united by Antony Fortinbras. The people had been relieved of a time of great chaos. It took many years to finally rebuild all the cities that had been plagued by war, but under the rulership of Fortinbras, the cities were back on their feet before scheduled. All the people loved him, and the land prospered.

But one wizard, twisted in the mind and heart, had read about the other four kings that had onced ruled the land. It had been a long time since those four had ruled the land, and he had always wondered in the back of his mind, who would be the better ruler between all of them? So he studied countless spells and books in order to bring them back. It took him many years, but finally he had the spell down.

Finally, one by one, he summoned up the four kings of the past. Solis Sital, Jacques Francois, Quan Shi, and Hayashi Soto. The wizard then summoned up another spell to give each lord one piece of land. He also granted each king their five best generals they ever had. The wizard then ascended the mountains, where he could finally see all the lords begin the entaglement.

Fortinbras had no idea what was happening. He had heard rumors of this wizards attempt, but he thought it was impossible to do such a thing. Fortinbras knew he had to prove himself once again, he knew that not everyone would be happy. But this time he could make sure everyone knew that he was the best king of them all. Little did he know that other such warlords would also rise up to claim their supremacy. The wizard was excited at this development and was getting a better show than he was expecting.

And so begins the struggle between Fortinbras, The Four Kings, and rival warlords.....

War for Virtue is a good Sim that isn't about ROTK, it has just opened with the Character sign-ups and even Ruler sign-ups open.. So take a look and join, also Enjoy.
Gong Fugui (龚富贵) zi Laoshan (老山), male (60)
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Skills: Civil Administrator III, Diplomat I, Engineer III, Politician I, Propagandist I, Saboteur I
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Location: Somewhere In Ji Province...

Post by KDS »

Last edited by KDS on Mon Oct 29, 2007 7:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Gong Gong
Posts: 416
Joined: Fri Jun 24, 2005 2:00 pm

Post by Gong Gong »

I'm reviving Tears of Heaven, but instead of being based on a video game (Jade Empire), it is now based on the Chinese film Curse of the Golden Flower.

Curse of an Empire, it's in the early days with still a lot to do. I would much like some help with certain matters (mainly the rules, map and some formulas), would be much appreciated..
Gong Fugui (龚富贵) zi Laoshan (老山), male (60)
49 - 48 - 70 - 92 - 64
Skills: Civil Administrator III, Diplomat I, Engineer III, Politician I, Propagandist I, Saboteur I
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Location: Somewhere In Ji Province...

Post by KDS »

KDS wrote:Knowing the current status of the simming community as a whole I’ve been preparing, tucked away in my little corner of the world, for the darkness. For I am the Light Bringer, the Saviour of all Simmers and I shall lead all isms in a glorious new age with peace, prosperity, and no more spambots… again!

Yeah, I should have gone to drama school. But instead, I’ve created a simulation. No ordinary run of the mill one, either. You see… it’s mine. No forumer, no proboards, no noonhost, not even simdomain. She’s all mine and she’s bought and paid for. Now I told myself as I forked over the money for this operation, because she was rather expensive, that I would see this through. I would not waste what I had bought. And now, she’s nearing completion.

A New World

I give you A New World, a medieval simulation set during the War of the Roses period in the British Isles. The majority of the sim will remain a secret until game start but I will reveal certain developments that should tide over your hungry eyes. First, there are over seventy distinct provinces that are invadable, as well as the foreign powers that be that keep their eyes on the prize. Second, there is no such thing as a Kingdom Turn in A New World. And third, the idea of feudalism in this simulation has been well developed and literally, the British Isles rest in the hands of players as a whole, and not just the few that call themselves “rulers.”

Now then, the forum itself will remain mostly hidden from players until game day. This is done purposefully so that rules, formula, and even the minor particulars of a forum are leaked to the public. But, enjoy the discussion thread, our irc room, and maybe, if you have a desire to do more for Mother England, perhaps serve as a Knight in His Majesty’s Staff. The choice is yours. Make it a good one. God Save the King!

Now announcing with the twenty-fifth user registered, all the boards on the forum are open. Rules can now be read and ruler signups shall begin shortly. Don't miss this opportunity to revel in the Medieval spotlight. :)
Posts: 123
Joined: Tue Apr 18, 2006 1:39 am

Post by DotN »

Now that this sim is beginning to stall, and the new version is being developed, do you seem to have more time? I think you do.

The Eight Princes is the perfect thing to fill the void. Like this sim, it is getting geared up for a new version (2 to be exact) but it is closer to re-opening and the beginning of version 2. However, the rules still need to be updated, and older members haven't flocked back as quickly as this admin would've hoped, so there is plenty of room for new members.

The sign-up rules have just been finished, and you can at least come and check out the system which will be used for version 2. It is bigger and better (I know, cliche)

So, if this long rant has caught your attention. Come visit us and join, or at least check us out at:

And if you're interested in our history, here's the link to version 1 of the sim, and most of the old rules:

The Eight Princes Version 1
Upon reading this, you're probably wondering about our progress thus far (or not, I'm not a psychic) Well, we've just finished revamping the sign-up system and we've opened a test-sign-up thread where you can get a feel for the new system. Also; well, this only really applies to staff, but the formulas for sign-up and npc creation have been translated into programs which can be downloaded and run on basically any computer. This will be the same for all the formulas. So as far as staffing goes, the non-roleplay part should be rather simple.

Come check us out:

Gong Gong
Posts: 416
Joined: Fri Jun 24, 2005 2:00 pm

Post by Gong Gong »


This is a truely great sim for those who like/love Mortal Kombat, play as your favourite character or create your own.. Though the member count is low, it has the potential to go far..
Gong Fugui (龚富贵) zi Laoshan (老山), male (60)
49 - 48 - 70 - 92 - 64
Skills: Civil Administrator III, Diplomat I, Engineer III, Politician I, Propagandist I, Saboteur I