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Lao Kong
Not a ruler!
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Post by Lao Kong »

Official Advertisement wrote:Three Kingdoms Reborn

Join the epic adventure

Three Kingdoms Reborn is the first roleplay simulation game made by Conquest Games group. Enter China, after the fall of the great Han Dynasty. The land has been thrown into chaos. Corrupt officials have assailed the court, barbarians plague the lands to the South, and Rebels have captured the provinces of the North. It is in times of chaos, that brave men and women are called upon, to make a name for themselves, and restore the land to it's former glory.

Join the adventure, take control of your officer, and forge your destiny in the turbulent lands of China. Join in the Quests to advance the storyline and gain fame and notoriety. Make your character a past, control the present, and forge them a future, in a game where the only limits to what you can do is the extent of your imagination(and some rules...).

The game is currently in development stages, and the pre-game is in full swing. Quests are going on that users can join in on to determine the fate of the land, and more will be springing up all the time. Rewards from Quests for both individual players and kingdoms will carry over into the final release of TKR. The game is currently being run in all roleplay, while the rules for the statistics are being completed. Read the Sign-Up and Skills rules in the Game Rules forum, and then Sign-Up your character in the Sign-Up sub-forum.

Participate in Out of Character Discussion

We have a large amount of Out of Character discussion forums for players to enjoy.

Debate and Discussion ~ Debate the topics that arise in the world around us with others and show your skill of articulation and knowledge of events.
History ~ Discuss history, from battles, to people, to anything you can think of. Even create your own Interactive History and re-write history by the decisions of the Audience.
Drunkard's Tavern ~ Make small and fun games to play with the members of the forum. Create a Stage Show, and show off your creativity and presentation skills. Make a more complex game of your own in the Tavern Upstairs. Join the Duel Center, and Duel in a variety of different ways.
Gamer Haven ~ Discuss other games that you play, online, console, etc. with other game enthusiasts. Join our newly forged Conquest Games alliance on Cyber Nations, and chat with other CN players.
Tech Talk ~ Discuss all manner of technical things from cars to computers to lighting to whatever, you name it.
Foreign Discussion ~ Do you speak another language than English, and would like a place to chat in your native language. Well here we allow discussion in all languages, and if you're the first to request your language, you may even become the moderator of your language topics.

Feel free to suggest all other manner of Discussion forums, and they will happily be considered!

Join the Staff

The Staff system of Three Kingdoms Reborn has been worked on with an eye for growth. We divide our staff into a series of committees, from Enforcement, to Processing, to History, to Artists, to Support, and others. A great staff is necessary to run any game, and we need your help to get this game on track and keep it up and running, so apply now in the Call To Arms forum, to join the few, the proud, the staff!

Who knows, one day you may end up in charge of a large group of people.....

When you join

When you come to the forums, you will see a Guests forum before you log-in. If you have any questions before registering an account, feel free to ask them there. After you join, you will be able to view the Game Rules, and will receive a Welcome PM from our Official Welcome Account. Read the PM, sign-up your character, and get to playing and talking to your heart's content.

Our vision

Currently we have paid hosting, our own purchased domain,, and a licensed copy of vBulletin software. We also have an account on Google AdSense and AdWords to be used in the future for advertisement. Conquest Games aspires to become a great simulation game, have multiple expansion games, and branch out into other venues of gaming possibilities. But all of this depends on you, the members, to join and further the game, and to make it as great as it one day can be.

Hope to see you over there soon!

To the forum this is being advertised on:

We at Conquest Games - Three Kingdoms Reborn, believe in reciprocal advertisement. So every place we advertise our game, will be advertised likewise back on our forums, in our Advertisements section(a whole forum, easy to see). If you have an Official Advertisement, feel free to send it to the contact provided at the end of this post, and our Official Advertiser will add that in for your site. If not, they will look around and sum up your site as best they are able when linking to it. If this has been posted where it should not have been, please contact Lucifer on the forums provided in the link, and the situation will be resolved. Thank you, and have a great day!

Chris(Lucifer) - Project Leader
Zach(Sun Shang Hao) - TKR Coordinator/Roleplay Administrator
Jeff(Bassoon Boy) - TKR Coordinator
(Gustave) - Head of Enforcement
Harley(Lao Kong) - Official Advertiser

PM me (Lao Kong) on Warlords or conquest if you need to speak with me.
Lao Yongrui, Age 20 Male
Charge II, Envelop II, Military Admin I, Scout II, Smith I, Wall II
Lu Kuang

Post by Lu Kuang »

A game based on managing a nation in the current era. Manage its affairs, economy and military, discuss diplomacy in the United Nations, etc. Many nations are still available, including: Russia, France, Britain, Germany, Japan, South Korea and Italy.
Posts: 856
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Post by Mogwai »

In a recent email from Pandora, the internet radio site that is super cool.
Hi, it's Tim from Pandora,

I'm writing today to ask for your help. The survival of Pandora and all of Internet radio is in jeopardy because of a recent decision by the Copyright Royalty Board in Washington, DC to almost triple the licensing fees for Internet radio sites like Pandora. The new royalty rates are irrationally high, more than four times what satellite radio pays and broadcast radio doesn't pay these at all. Left unchanged, these new royalties will kill every Internet radio site, including Pandora.

In response to these new and unfair fees, we have formed the SaveNetRadio Coalition, a group that includes listeners, artists, labels and webcasters. I hope that you will consider joining us.

Please sign our petition urging your Congressional representative to act to save Internet radio: ... id=9631541

Please feel free to forward this link/email to your friends - the more petitioners we can get, the better.

Understand that we are fully supportive of paying royalties to the artists whose music we play, and have done so since our inception. As a former touring musician myself, I'm no stranger to the challenges facing working musicians. The issue we have with the recent ruling is that it puts the cost of streaming far out of the range of ANY webcaster's business potential.

I hope you'll take just a few minutes to sign our petition - it WILL make a difference. As a young industry, we do not have the lobbying power of the RIAA. You, our listeners, are by far our biggest and most influential allies.

As always, and now more than ever, thank you for your support.
Definitely help out if you can. Save internet radio!
Xu Fu
Posts: 372
Joined: Wed Jun 15, 2005 9:21 pm

Post by Xu Fu »

This is - a RTK XI style. I'm Xu Daofu.
Xu Fu (27) 78 - 87* - 42 - 65 - 60
Charge II, Civil Administrator I, Faze II, Instructor I, Military Administrator I, Qiang Shu II, Raid II
Provincial Influence 44, Provincial Bond 86
Posts: 186
Joined: Thu Apr 06, 2006 5:17 pm
Location: "I keep telling you, that orphanage attacked me!"

Post by YoungBoy »

Game downloads including Rotk 1, 2, 3 and 4 for the PC!
Deng Xu, 22
Civil Administrator I, Entrench II, Public Planner III, Trainer III, Volley I
Posts: 362
Joined: Sun Apr 23, 2006 7:13 pm
Location: Moe moe kyun~

Post by OneEyedDrgn »

It is the year 500, exactly 100 years after the unification of the realm by Atos Soi II during the War for Unification period. The Emperor during his rule established proper laws and ethics that are required to balance and sustain peace and growth of the realm and the people. He administered division of the lands into provinces and regions and passed a series of major reforms to ensure a lasting stability. He stressed on great education and learning of science and art and cultural movements in peace. Atos Soi II the Emperor then disbanded his Empire and left the Atos Continent to settle in another domain located in another dimension in the world made possible by the powers of the Celestial Orb. The Emperor died in the year 432, thirty two years after unifying the realm.

A vital period known as the Evolution came in the year 444. The time for the seven deities that watch over the realm of Wu Gong to leave was decided. Being so close to the realm and their chosen ones before, the gods became distant and finally left, and with their departure the realm became weak, lifeless and the chosen ones lost their powers. Concerned at the dark and decaying realm created by the great god Wu Gong who is still in deep slumber, Heaven decided to allow humankind to restore their world and granted them the powers of the elements. The realm was infused with new life and special individuals were selected from birth and were granted the powers and talents to control and manipulate the elements of the world. With this new found power, humanity rose from the abyss and civilization returned and improved. With the elements human found new sources of great natural energy and from then tools were created to promote a higher standard of living. The rediscovery of high tech relics from a long lost civilization promoted development and advancement in science. Elemental generators and amplifiers are created to boost energy and production, while alchemy benefited warfare when gunpowder was materialized leading to moderate production of firearms like the pistols and muskets to big and heavy artilleries and explosives. Engines like steam engines were reintroduced to increase mechanical work as well. It was a period of renaissance.

Years passed and new powers and new forms of authority began to manifest. The rise of classical civilization and learning prompted philosophical advancement which eventually led to enlightenment and new reformations. Influence and power of clans rose distinctively and the time of social upheaval, political intrigue, and nearly constant military conflict engulfs the realm. The elements are concentrated and prioritized in warfare as the struggle became worse and chosen ones would once again wield their powers for war. It is now a period known as the Evolutionary Period and war has begun.
And yay, RoWG: VI has started! This game is now focusing on clan wars, and ruler sign ups are available as of now. Before, the game focused on the seven deities which granted special powers to each Chosen. This game is now focusing on special powers called elements. There are 7 different element powers; Fire, Water, Ice, Wind, Lightning, Earth, and Dark. Each element will help you form your stragedies needed to win your battles as an individual, or in clan wars.

It's a really great sim, and the staff there are really active and dedicated. So join now at!
Liang Zhuwen, 28, Male, Chaotic Neutral
Stats: 50-92-36-31-80
Skills: Assemble II, Challenge II, Diplomat, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Yueshu II
Zhuwen's Theme
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Location: hiding

Post by Bisquik »

OneEyedDrgn wrote:
It is the year 500, exactly 100 years after the unification of the realm by Atos Soi II during the War for Unification period. The Emperor during his rule established proper laws and ethics that are required to balance and sustain peace and growth of the realm and the people. He administered division of the lands into provinces and regions and passed a series of major reforms to ensure a lasting stability. He stressed on great education and learning of science and art and cultural movements in peace. Atos Soi II the Emperor then disbanded his Empire and left the Atos Continent to settle in another domain located in another dimension in the world made possible by the powers of the Celestial Orb. The Emperor died in the year 432, thirty two years after unifying the realm.

A vital period known as the Evolution came in the year 444. The time for the seven deities that watch over the realm of Wu Gong to leave was decided. Being so close to the realm and their chosen ones before, the gods became distant and finally left, and with their departure the realm became weak, lifeless and the chosen ones lost their powers. Concerned at the dark and decaying realm created by the great god Wu Gong who is still in deep slumber, Heaven decided to allow humankind to restore their world and granted them the powers of the elements. The realm was infused with new life and special individuals were selected from birth and were granted the powers and talents to control and manipulate the elements of the world. With this new found power, humanity rose from the abyss and civilization returned and improved. With the elements human found new sources of great natural energy and from then tools were created to promote a higher standard of living. The rediscovery of high tech relics from a long lost civilization promoted development and advancement in science. Elemental generators and amplifiers are created to boost energy and production, while alchemy benefited warfare when gunpowder was materialized leading to moderate production of firearms like the pistols and muskets to big and heavy artilleries and explosives. Engines like steam engines were reintroduced to increase mechanical work as well. It was a period of renaissance.

Years passed and new powers and new forms of authority began to manifest. The rise of classical civilization and learning prompted philosophical advancement which eventually led to enlightenment and new reformations. Influence and power of clans rose distinctively and the time of social upheaval, political intrigue, and nearly constant military conflict engulfs the realm. The elements are concentrated and prioritized in warfare as the struggle became worse and chosen ones would once again wield their powers for war. It is now a period known as the Evolutionary Period and war has begun.
And yay, RoWG: VI has started! This game is now focusing on clan wars, and ruler sign ups are available as of now. Before, the game focused on the seven deities which granted special powers to each Chosen. This game is now focusing on special powers called elements. There are 7 different element powers; Fire, Water, Ice, Wind, Lightning, Earth, and Dark. Each element will help you form your stragedies needed to win your battles as an individual, or in clan wars.

It's a really great sim, and the staff there are really active and dedicated. So join now at!
you mean RoWG 4 not 6 OED :D
*anyway, yeah, RoWG is why I've never been active... sorry. :? just popping in cause I needed to check something on my PC.*
Name: Shi Ai
Age: 27
Starting Gold: 100
Command: 89
Might: 91
Intellect: 52
Judgement: 46
Charm: 28
Skills: FlankII, HorsemanshipI, Reactive DefenseIII, WedgeI, QiangshuII
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Location: Moe moe kyun~

Post by OneEyedDrgn »

This is the sim, pretty much revived from the popular RoTK: A New Era. The rules are very similar to ANE, and very similar to RoTK X. For people who quit ANE because it died out, you should check this out.
Liang Zhuwen, 28, Male, Chaotic Neutral
Stats: 50-92-36-31-80
Skills: Assemble II, Challenge II, Diplomat, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Yueshu II
Zhuwen's Theme
Posts: 362
Joined: Sun Apr 23, 2006 7:13 pm
Location: Moe moe kyun~

Post by OneEyedDrgn » ... 755e954b05

Alright dudes, ROTK: Era of Chaos has now moved to simdomain, since noonhost was laggy and all. That is the link up there. ^_^
Liang Zhuwen, 28, Male, Chaotic Neutral
Stats: 50-92-36-31-80
Skills: Assemble II, Challenge II, Diplomat, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Yueshu II
Zhuwen's Theme
Posts: 345
Joined: Sun Feb 12, 2006 8:21 pm
Location: Tyrion is way cooler than you. Trust me.

Post by nurgles_herald »

OneEyedDrgn wrote: ... 755e954b05

Alright dudes, ROTK: Era of Chaos has now moved to simdomain, since noonhost was laggy and all. That is the link up there. ^_^
A slightly less character-y link:
Yang Yinong (54)
Aid II, Escort II, Scout II, Envelop II