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Post by OneEyedDrgn »

Ever wondered how it would be like to live in a zombie infested city like Resident Evil? Ever wondered how you would survive the danger? Well you can start RPing it at
Liang Zhuwen, 28, Male, Chaotic Neutral
Stats: 50-92-36-31-80
Skills: Assemble II, Challenge II, Diplomat, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Yueshu II
Zhuwen's Theme
Lao Kong
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Post by Lao Kong »

For a unique Late-Han experience, visit Three Kingdoms Reborn, where there is an urgent need for staffers. If you have the experience and the free time, please come visit us! You will not be required to quit any other forums you use, either!

This forum is set in the Later Han. However, none of the historical character's are used, for a unique experience. Join today!
Lao Yongrui, Age 20 Male
Charge II, Envelop II, Military Admin I, Scout II, Smith I, Wall II
Wu Jian Mian
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Post by Wu Jian Mian »

Me and some of friends are putting together a suit of armor probably around something that might of come out of the Han dynasty. It'll probably be fictional, but carry mostly Han and Qin influences.
And i was wondering if anyone knows any sites which have instructions on how to build armor, has pics of chinese armor, or information on chinese armor?
Name: Wu Jing
District Manager of Bashang In Sai
Age: 25
Starting Gold: 527
97- 61 - 54 - 79 - 18
Cover II, Military Administrator III, Scout I, Instructor I, Wall III
Methods of the Minister of War (Com+3)
The 36 Stratagems (Com+3)
Qing Lie(48) 73-84-60-48-53 Wall II, Confuse II, Dash I, Poison I
Wu Jian Mian
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Post by Wu Jian Mian »

These are some links and sites for Chinese armor/war attire over the different dynasties, that my friends have found. Just some ones if anyone is interested in Chinese armor of course. ... =4254&PN=1 (Click on "Construction of Chinese Mountain Pattern Armor)

Still if anyone knows any links concerning this stuff, it'd be greatly appreciated.[/url]
Name: Wu Jing
District Manager of Bashang In Sai
Age: 25
Starting Gold: 527
97- 61 - 54 - 79 - 18
Cover II, Military Administrator III, Scout I, Instructor I, Wall III
Methods of the Minister of War (Com+3)
The 36 Stratagems (Com+3)
Qing Lie(48) 73-84-60-48-53 Wall II, Confuse II, Dash I, Poison I
Lao Kong
Not a ruler!
Posts: 284
Joined: Sat Nov 11, 2006 9:57 am

Post by Lao Kong »

Okay, I've created a new sim based on Fullmetal Alchemist. The Alchemical Soul is set 2 years after the last episode of FMA. I just started up, so I need some help with the forum! Staffers wanted!
Lao Yongrui, Age 20 Male
Charge II, Envelop II, Military Admin I, Scout II, Smith I, Wall II
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Post by Mogwai »

In light of President's Day, here are two hilarious videos about two famous presidents, and they are videos you should've already seen and worshipped religiously. If not, do so now.


Washington Video

JFK Video
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Post by OneEyedDrgn »

Ever wonder what it's like being a Super Hero? The link takes you to a Superhero sim! You can become strong like Superman, fast like Flash, or you can make up your own powers! Oh and tell Sted if you got the link from be, because I want more skills :P
Liang Zhuwen, 28, Male, Chaotic Neutral
Stats: 50-92-36-31-80
Skills: Assemble II, Challenge II, Diplomat, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Yueshu II
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Post by Trendkill »

"The Spice must flow." Sim Dune is fully active and welcoming new players. The GM's have been working diligently to create an elaborate world to explore, or conquer. War-mongers and socialites are equally as important in this highly political game.
New Recruit
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Joined: Wed Nov 22, 2006 12:34 am

Post by minami »

Exactly thirty years have passed since the "Age of the Warring Races" era. As expected many things have changed in this ever evolving realm of Wu Gong. The days of Zoda and his conquest to destroy humanity is over. The days of great kingdoms like the Kilual, Peacekeeper and Deng Yu are kingdoms that have existed and died in the past but will remain significant in our history. After the disappearance of so many great forces during those period, new forces emerged while others revived marking the birth of a new saga.

Atos Flameberg Shi was the first child of Xiao Leimray and the late Atos Soi. He was a great man of virtue and benevolence, a young noble who would have thousands of loyal followers who are willing to die for his cause. Not chosen by the seven deities, he still managed to rise in power and gathering his family inheritance, his family members and loyal followers he led them away from the fallen capital Atos and settled at the unmanaged island of Neo. His charm won him the city of Shokubutsu and within the same peaceful year the lord less city of Haseyo willingly accepted him with open arms as their protector. Spring ended when he took command of his new home and when winter greeted them, Atos Flameberg Shi was already a famous name known far and wide. His fame gathered him famous people to aid his cause and with the Wisdom Inova beside him, Atos Flameberg rose to prominence. The Hotate clan was awed by the virtue he has shown and in the new spring, the greatest noble clan in the realm became their vassal. The clan leader, Hotate Hyan was named Duke for his loyalty to the Atos family and with their combined strength, Wisdom Inova’s guidance, the loyalty of his heroes honored as ‘Primes’ and the blessing of the people, the Dancing-Leaf Country was formed. As king, he changed his name to Atos Soi II, in remembrance and honor to his father.

In the year 369, there was a family dispute between the new king and his step-brother, the adopted son of Atos Soi and the younger brother of the two siblings. The sibling rivalry and dispute was too much to bear and the chosen one of Sa the Liquid Snake took things into his own hands. The Duke Atos Iceberg Shim was just about to murder the king when the Sword of A Thousand Fates would shine and warned the king about the threat. Failing in his murder plot the Duke gathered his supporters and executed a coup d’état resulting in his departure and the birth of a new kingdom known as the Shadowy-Leaf Country with the Capital Atos city as his new capital. Atos Iceberg Shim was a shrewd man and allying himself with the bitter enemies of Dancing-Leaf Country, his information and knowledge on the country placed Dancing-Leaf at risk of danger. In autumn of the same year Dancing-Leaf was attacked by the powerful forces of Dark-Cloud kingdom and led by the ferocious and power hungry Drakonis, Dancing-Leaf entered a chaotic period of war. Drakonis and his dragoons were powerful and with soldiers numbering twice the size of the defenders, they inflicted heavy damage to the country. The Primes fought and became heroes and many died as heroes as well. With the remaining Primes, the Hotate Clan and the loyal inhuman warriors joining together with the weaker Atos, they managed to strike a victory and ended the war. Drakonis was defeated and with his vassal the Black-Jade country unable to provide more supplies of gold and food, Drakonis returned home but remained as the biggest threat to the Dancing-Leaf Country. With Atos Iceberg Shim they held constant propagandas that were all against Atos Soi II and the country. Skirmishes were never ending as Drakonis continued to attack whenever possible. The Hotate clan led an evolution and turned the city of Yosaga into a fort-city, serving as the country’s frontline defense and defended the country ever since.

Allied with the reformed Northern-Lights Country or formerly known as the Beidungguo kingdom, Dancing-Leaf Country enjoyed the mutual benefit of trade. Through Northern-Lights Country they found two new allies, the young but brave Red-Earth Country and the sophisticated Blue-Earth Country. They enjoyed their alliance for a few good years until Blue-Earth Country showed signs of greed. They broke the alliance and attacked the blooming city of Haseyo. Dancing-Leaf Country defended and won the battle and soundly defeated, Blue-Earth Country apologized and paid for their loses in terms of gold and swear allegiance. However the relation between the two countries has deteriorated even worse when Blue-Earth invaded Dancing-Leaf Country when a chance is given. They were defiant in their pledge and were clever in using diplomacy to avoid further harm in their reputation and they are even better in giving excuses and reasons for their invasions. Despite the constant enemy attacks, Dancing-Leaf Country continued to grow, the king led the country with the help of his able royal family members, his great and famous Primes, the loyal and noble clans and his loyal subjects. They were loyal to their allies and their allies benefited from their assistance. When the Shadowy-Leaf Country attacked Red-Earth, the Red-Earth Country was weakened despite their grand victory. Atos Soi II donated gold and food to his ally showing his concern and support. And when Northern-Lights were attacked by the Sand Country, Dancing-Leaf reinforced them and helped repel the valiant Sand Country. Dancing-Leaf country became popular and the world sees them as an honorable and respectable nation.

Years passed and the country maintained their stability and reputation, but how far can this peace and successful era last? Will there be new, great chosen ones, great inhuman people who are worthy as heroes in the country or will chaos and strife and a dark-age spawn from Dancing-Leaf? And now the legend begins...
A fantastic sim based on its own admin great ideas. It has well developed duel system and dedicated admin. You can play as a chosen one or inhuman monster in the Dancing-Leaf country. Chosen ones are any normal human that is chosen by the deity to represent them in the realm. They posses some of the deity strength and is considered to be man among men. There are many types of chosen you can pick to be, either The Dragoons of Gelap (dragon chosen), Phoenix Warriors of Feng Hua (phoenix chosen), The Protector of Kung Pao (turtle chosen), The Wise Men of Ming Chung (owl chosen), The Assassin of Sa (Snake Chosen), The Wolf Warrior of Lang (wolf chosen), The Healer of Tera (unicorn chosen). You can even be an inhuman monster. Inhuman monster are creatures that half human and half something else. They can be either half-lion, a man with 3 eyes, or 6 hands or anything that's not normal human ussually are and have some extraordinary magical skill.

This is a fantastic fighting RPG, those who likes quests and battles would certainly like this sim systems and its plenty quests. You can apply numerous battle strategies and fighting skills combinations. For those who are thirsty for more adventures and fights will find heaven here!

Join up the fun, boys and girls!.

Realm Of Wu Gong
Minami Kyojiro, 23, Male
Enrage II, Raid II, Qiangshu I
Items: Black Dragon Spear (+8 Spear), Dark Armor (+3 armor)
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Post by OneEyedDrgn » ... obisunrise

It's a Naruto RPG sim. It has PTs, Rulers, and KTs unlike the other sims which are RP based. You really don't have to know the story of Naruto, the game takes place differently.
Liang Zhuwen, 28, Male, Chaotic Neutral
Stats: 50-92-36-31-80
Skills: Assemble II, Challenge II, Diplomat, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Yueshu II
Zhuwen's Theme