I know how to get the PC version of the game to work on old, unsupported Geforce cards (although I have no idea if it works for unsupported ATI cards so don't ask). You just have to put up with a crappy frame rate though but as long as your processor and RAM can handle it (My Celeron can handle it at a pretty nice frame rate when I turn the graphic sliders to 25-30%. Although I tend to overclock mine so it ends up at about 2.8Ghz instead of 2.6Ghz.) then you should be able to play it at the lowest settings.Cai wrote:Were you forced to buy some sort of bundle pack? I want to purchase a 360, but I just want the system (the pro version) without the crappy games I'll never play to save money.
It actually doesn't cost all that much to upgrade your PC to play Oblivion. these are the cheapest places I know:
Oveclockers great store that is within walking distance of my college. I don't know if they do overseas orders though.
Newegg cheap (compared to UK prices) online store in the US. Except for the processors which are about the same price you'll get in the UK (Give or take a few US$)