Book Discussion

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Post by KDS »

Memoirs of a Geisha was an excellent novel and turned into a movie for its worth.

I must say that I did feel bad for Saiyuri. But then again, as I've read up on... many of the things in the novel were... exaggerated.
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Post by Galagros »

I finished Cartomancy by Michael Stackpole a few weeks back, it was waaay better than the first book. Hope the third book is out early next year.
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Post by Shi Zhi Mi »

Galagros wrote:My favorites are/were Syrio Forel, Aeron Greyjoy, Tormund Giantsbane, Brynden Tully, Dacey Mormont, Bronn, Kevan Lannister, Shagga son of Dolf, Donal Noye, Dollorous Edd Tollet, Yoren, Salladhor Saan, Davos Seaworth, Jaime Lannister, Ilyn Payne, Thoros of Myr, and Jaqen H'ghar.

The others are cool too, but I liked those the best. :wink:
I was disappointed in the Feast of Crows book. It was ok but nothing of substance. Perhaps it is because all of my favorite characters are in the next book but, to be honest, I thought Feast of Crows was nothing more then a place setting for the next book.
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Post by Galagros »

Well, I think that was mainly because it had little to do with the events that had already taken place. I wish he would have mentioned Dorne a little more in the previous books. I liked AFFC, not so much as the others, but it was still enjoyable.
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Post by Xiu »

Books, b ooks... well, I tend to read mainly high fantasty or modern fantasy but... here's a list of some of my favorite authors and books.

Sharon Shinn - these are in many ways light romantic fantasies.
ShapeChangers Wife and Summer's at Castle Auburn, Wrapt in Crystal, and her new series of the Twelve Houses among others.

Elizabeth Moon - The Deed of Paksennarion
This is very classic high fantasy.

Guy Gaveriel Kay - The Fionvarr Tapestry
This series was very, very good. I still have some other books of his on my to be read list, but these especially if you are into Arthur are very good.

Robin McKinley - The Blue Sword & The Hero and the Crown. Again, very nice young fantasy, and different enough from most fantasy to hold interest.

Patricia Briggs - Steal the Dragon, When Demon's Walk, Moon-Called
The first two are fantasy the third modern fantasy. All have a good bit of humor in them and are fun stories to read.

Katherine Kerr - Deverry novels
These have a Celtic flavor to them but are set in their own world. The style and method of writing is quite different in the first books than most books I have read.

Holly Lisle - The Secret Texts, Sympathy for the Devil, the Rose Sea, Hunting the Corrigan's Blood.
She also infuses quite a bit of humor into her writing. And for all of those inspiring writers out there, I encourage you to look over her website since she does put a lot of advice up on how, what, why and the pitfalls :)

Jim Butcher - Harry Dresden and his new series Codex Alcara
These are well worth reading, the Dresden books the more humorous while Codex has an appealing young hero growing up.

Paula Volsky - Illusion and The Wolf of Winter
I've read her other books, but I think of hers these two are my favorites.
Both are highly descriptive and for the Wolf of Winter, you have a very sympathetic and likeable villain.

Hmmm, that's all off the top of my head for now.

I need to slog through my too be read books one day... I think there is around 10+ waiting now.
Zhou Xifeng, 15, female

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Post by Kymvir Raemiz »

Gavriel's best book was Tigana. Song for Arbonne was good too. I was a little tired of Arthur knockoffs when I read the Fionvarr tapestry, but I remember thinking it was decent.

Katherine Kerr's books are neat, and McKinley was solid.

If you want a fantastic quick read fantasy series, David Eddings Belgariad will never go wrong. His characters are fun.

And Raymond E Feist is a terrific writer. I loved his original four, and didn't think he could beat them, but his Dark Queen series may have passed them in my estimation.

I'm lining up all the Anne McCaffrey books to re-read right now, since I haven't looked at them in about ten years now. I remember thinking they were great, and I hope they hold up now. A lot of books - The Sword of Shanarra, C.S. Friedman's books, to name a few - really sucked when I went back and read them.

I was nicely surprised that the Elfstones of Shanara were still good, considering the abysmal writing and storyline contained in the Sword of Shanara.
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Post by Galagros »

Hmm, seems I forgot to mention a book I read a few months ago in here. It was called The Secret Sacrament by Sylvia Brown. I set my expectations low because I only read it to make someone happy, but it turned out to be a good read. I couldn't predict it at all. :)
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Post by Xiu »

I enjoyed Anne McCaffrey's Dragonrider and Crystal Singer books. I also read all of the Tower books. Used to get one of her books in hard cover every x-mas. I didn't get the same enjoyment after Renegades, but I suppose everything grows stale after a while.

The Shannara series was fun, but I do think that is geared in some ways more for the teenagers.

One of Patricia McKillips that I go back to is Fool's Run. One day I shall find a copy of my own... for now I steal it from my library.

One that's currently on my to be read list is Jennifer Fallon's Wolfblade. I'm saving it until after I finish Narnia (though I may have to read something in between to further expunge my mind!).

Narnia... I probably would have adored at about 8.
Zhou Xifeng, 15, female

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Post by Shi Zhi Mi »

Hmm...listing of favorite authors eh?

George R.R. Martin's Songs of Fire and Ice Series: Uber good. It gets Shi's two eyes recommendation!

Guy Gavriel Kay: I own Tigana and found it an interesting read. Almost as if you take fantasy and drop it on Italy. I am reading the Fionwarr Tapestry right now and am finding it...too juvenile for my tastes. One eye for this guy.

R. Scott Bakkar: His Warrior Prophet series reminds me heavily of George R.R. Martin's Songs series but set in a Middle Eastern themed area thick with religious fanactism and barbarians. Two eyes for this guy!

JRRT: Nuff said. Two eyes for this guy

Jim Butcher: Xiu said it best. I love the Dresden series and you just feel for Harry Dresden and every setback he takes make you wince. On a side note SciFi is cranking out a series called The Dresden Files. Look forward to it for I am. Two eyes here as well.

Robin McKinnley: Not bad. I remember reading her when I was in grade school. Solid like Kym said. One eye

Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman: The Dragonlance Chronicle and Legend series are what rebirthed fantasy for me. I love it and love going back to it. Two eyes here. Their Deathgate Cycle series is just as good. Zifnab for the win!
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Liu Bei(43) 90-40-63-62-80
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Post by Naurek »

I started reading the Chronicles of Narnia a few months ago, and though I finished a few of the books, I couldn't finish them all. They were a little "hokey" for me. I remember when I was 9 years old, I read the Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe and loved it. When I read it recently, I was left with a sense of lacking.

A book I would recommend, mostly because I always recommend it, is Anne Rand's "Atlas Shrugged". I like it for two reasons. First, it is based around a railroad, which is the industry I am in, and therefore I like it. :) Secondly, it is something I can closely relate with. There is a strong sense that there are two people in this world, those who work hard in order to produce and to gain, and those who feed off the workers, insulting them while at the same time depending on them. While I think this book is very black and white, meaning that the characters in the story are either workers or moochers, it does ring true in society. Though I would say that everyone has the worker inside them as well as the moocher. We all at times look at the "other guy" and wonder why they have so much, while we have so little. We also have all had an experience where we have worked hard, and have been insulted by others while at the same time used by them in order to help them.
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