Baocen Peng dispatches his Sixth Field Army to join four armies combining under Marquis Ma Dieu himself in a Provincial Invasion of Li Jiacheng's holdings in Jiujiang! Xiang Yu dispatches a supply unit under Miao Qu to support that Provincial Invasion
Army Name: Sixth Field Army
Origin: Nanyang Province
Target: Li Jiancheng's Holdings in Jiujiang
Commander: General Dong Xiong 66-69-57-49-65 Aid I, Diplomat I, Escort I, Propagandist II, Trainer II
Subcommander: District Manager Suo Qian 82-78-31-50-40 Escort II, Instructor II, Maraud II, Military_Admin II, Sortie II
Subcommander: General Jiangkan Tai 69-55-50-50-59 Dash I, Poison II, Saboteur I, Smith II, Sortie I
Subcommander: Lt. General Duo Dai 60-67-48-48-67 Aid II, Inspire II, Military_Admin I, Rally I, Saboteur I, Volley I
Soldiers: 19591(39.154403)
Location: Jiujiang
Army Name: Vanguard
Target: Provincial invation against Li Jiacheng holdings in Jiuliang (with Xiang Yu and Taishi Ci)
Soldiers: 19000(80.000000)
Armaments: 947 leather, 4504 bronze
Commander: Ma Dieu [Marquis]110*-91*-40-86-26Discipline II, Instructor II, Rupture II, Sortie II, Wall II Sword (Melee, Mgt+4), Black Ogre's Dragon Head (Helmet, +3 Mgt, Unequip), Armor of the Sun (Armor +7 Mgt), Purging Rebels from the land (Book +7 Com), Sima Fa (Book, +4 Com), Horse (Speed +3)
Equipping [+5000 max troops, +25% Civil Development, +25% Recruitment]
Subcommander: Jing Yun [Magistrate] 68-93-21-82-44 Faze II, Instructor II, Intimidate II, Propagandist II, Raid II Helmet (+3 Might) , Armor (+2 Might), Axe (+4 Might) [+5000 max troops, +25% Civil Development, +25% Recruitment]
Fei Lai [General] 74-17-99*-79*-54 Civil_Admin II, Confuse II, Diplomat II, Jeer II, Scribe III Horse (+3 Speed), Book (+7 Int), Book (+7Jud) [+2000 max troops, +10% Recruitment]
Location: Jiujiang
Army Name: Imperial Army
Soldiers: 18049(82.000000)
Armaments: 1170 spears, 770 crossbows, 853 siege, 2852 horses
Commander: Tai Ju Li [District Manager] 43-40-86-54-91 Civil_Admin I, Confuse III, Diplomat II, Doctor I, Politician I, Propagandist I, Public_Planner II, Scribe II, Horse (+1 Speed) [+5000 max troops, +25% Civil Development, +25% Recruitment]
Subcommander: Ying Yu [District Manager] 18-77*-31-87*-80, Civil Administrator II, Cover II, Escort II, Politician II, Rally II, Trainer I Book 1 (Jud +3), Book 2 (Jud +2), Billhook (+4 Mgt) [+5000 max troops, +25% Civil Development, +25% Recruitment]
Location: Jiujiang
Army Name: Jiujiang Rearguard
Commander: Guan Huang [General] 20-110*-21-86-59 Challenge I, Faze I, Gongshu I, Instructor I, Jianshu II, Politician II, Qiangshu I, Raid I, Saboteur II, Yueshu II Ogre's Mask (Mgt +7), Iron Cuirass (Mgt+3 Armor), Ogre's Axe (Mgt +6 Axe), Ogre's Claw (Mgt +1 Billhook), Crossbow, Zhèn (?) (+2 Attack, +2 Defense) [+2000 max troops, +10% Recruitment]
Subcommander: He Ro [Magistrate] 41-36-60-62-93 Assemble II, Doctor, Entrench II, Haste II, Inspire II, Rally II [+5000 max troops, +25% Civil Development, +25% Recruitment]
Soldiers: 6670(63.000000)
Location: Jiujiang
Army Name: Huainan Rearguard
Commander: Huo Zhi Kai [General] 48-90*-27-50-65 Faze III, Gongshu II, Jianshu III, Qiangshu I, Spy I, Yueshu I, Yingzi [Sword] (Melee, Mgt+7), Heiyè [Horse] (Spd+5, Atk+1) [+2000 max troops, +10% Recruitment]
Soldiers: 4000(63.000000)
From the Yangcheng Garrison
Commander: Miao Qu 74-66-59-62-44 Assemble I, Charge I, Delay I, Engineer I, Haste I, Intimidate I, Volley I
10000 (67)
This battle will be run by Zhao Ren! Please post a combined force posting.
Melee Layer:
Commander: Ma Dieu [Marquis] 110*-91*-40-86-26Discipline II, Instructor II, Rupture II, Sortie II, Wall II Sword (Melee, Mgt+4), Black Ogre's Dragon Head (Helmet, +3 Mgt), Armor of the Sun (Armor +7 Mgt), Purging Rebels from the land (Book +7 Com), Fire Stratagem (Book, +7 Com) Horse (Speed +3), Sima Fa (Book, +4 Com, Unequip) [+5000 max troops, +25% Civil Development, +25% Recruitment] Subcommander: Jing Yun [Magistrate] 68-93-21-82-44 Faze II, Instructor II, Intimidate II, Propagandist II, Raid II Helmet (+3 Might) , Armor (+2 Might), Axe (+4 Might) [+5000 max troops, +25% Civil Development, +25% Recruitment] Subcommander: Guan Huang [General] 20-110*-21-86-59 Challenge I, Faze I, Gongshu I, Instructor I, Jianshu II, Politician II, Qiangshu I, Raid I, Saboteur II, Yueshu II Ogre's Mask (Mgt +7), Iron Cuirass (Mgt+3 Armor), Ogre's Axe (Mgt +6 Axe), Ogre's Claw (Mgt +1 Billhook), Crossbow, Zhèn (震) (+2 Attack, +2 Defense) [+2000 max troops, +10% Recruitment] Subcommander: Huo Zhi Kai [General] 48-90*-27-50-65 Faze III, Gongshu II, Jianshu III, Qiangshu I, Spy I, Yueshu I, Yǐngzi [Sword] (Melee, Mgt+7), Hēiyè [Horse] (Spd+5, Atk+1) [+2000 max troops, +10% Recruitment] Subcommander: Duo Dai [General] 60-67-48-48-67 Aid II, Inspire II, Military_Admin I, Rally I, Saboteur I, Volley I [+2000 max troops, +10% Recruitment]
Support Layer:
Support Commander: Fei Lai [General] 74-17-99*-79*-54 Civil_Admin II, Confuse II, Diplomat II, Jeer II, Scribe III Horse (+3 Speed), Book (+7 Int), Book (+7Jud) [+2000 max troops, +10% Recruitment] Subcommander: Tai Ju Li [District Manager] 43-40-86-54-91 Civil_Admin I, Confuse III, Diplomat II, Doctor I, Politician I, Propagandist I, Public_Planner II, Scribe II, Horse (+1 Speed) [+5000 max troops, +25% Civil Development, +25% Recruitment] Subcommander: Ying Yu [District Manager] 18-77*-31-87*-80, Civil Administrator II, Cover II, Escort II, Politician II, Rally II, Trainer I Book 1 (Jud +3), Book 2 (Jud +2), Billhook (+4 Mgt) [+5000 max troops, +25% Civil Development, +25% Recruitment] Subcommander: He Ro [Magistrate] 41-36-60-62-93 Assemble II, Doctor, Entrench II, Haste II, Inspire II, Rally II [+5000 max troops, +25% Civil Development, +25% Recruitment] Subcommander: Suo Qian [District Manager] 82-78-31-50-40 Escort II, Instructor II, Maraud II, Military_Admin II, Sortie II [+5000 max troops, +25% Civil Development, +25% Recruitment]
Supply Line:
Subcommander: Miao Qu 74-66-59-62-44 Assemble I, Charge I, Delay I, Engineer I, Haste I, Intimidate I, Volley I Subcommander: General Jiangkan Tai 69-55-50-50-59 Dash I, Poison II, Saboteur I, Smith II, Sortie I Subcommander: General Dong Xiong 66-69-57-49-65 Aid I, Diplomat I, Escort I, Propagandist II, Trainer II
"The common people pray for rain, healthy children, and a summer that never ends. It is no matter to them if the high lords play their game of thrones, so long as they are left in peace. They never are."