April 206 Personal Turns

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Re: April 206 Personal Turns

Post by Belial »

Guan Huang 20-94-15-86-60
Base Stats: 20-94-15-86-60
I am moving from Changsha to Linjiang

You improve your Might by 1
Search For NPC.49% chance of success of finding and recruiting an officer. ROLL REQUIRED.
Guan Huang patrols. ROLL REQUIRED.

No Personal Army Action

NPC Personal Army Actions:
Tie Chu drills your Personal Army.
Zhu Fang conscripts 312(10) soldiers

You govern 1 villages and collect 50 gold.

Your drilling efforts improve your army Morale by 30.
You started with 1632(10) soldiers, and ended with 1944(40).
Starring As:
The Hero of Xianyang, The Incorruptible Lu Chen, and the Glorious Emperor Kang!
Posts: 85
Joined: Wed Sep 17, 2008 1:34 pm

Re: April 206 Personal Turns

Post by YoungBoi »

Zhang Kai 31-92-76-29-51
Base Stats: 31-92-76-29-51
I am currently in Jiaodong

You study Smith. You have advanced 1/4th of the way towards the next level.
You spent 34 gold, and are creating a set of Throwing Knives. You have completed construction!
You hunt and kill and maim for weeks. Your trophies net you 28 gold.

Character Equipment Changing:
Equipping Horse (+1 Speed)
Last edited by YoungBoi on Thu Sep 02, 2010 6:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Zhang Kai;31-104*-76-29-51
Age: 48
Smith III, Engineer II, Escort II, Yueshu II, Doctor, Jianshu, Public Planner
Items: Hammer (Axe, +3 Might), Helmet (+3 Might), Armor (+3 Might), Horse (+1 Speed)
New Recruit
Posts: 25
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2010 10:04 pm

Re: April 206 Personal Turns

Post by Zhang »

Zhang Liao: 80-75-47-52-57
Base Stats: 80-75-47-52-57
I am moving from Chu to Zhao

You study Smith. You have advanced 2/4th of the way towards the next level.
You spent 42 gold, and are creating a +1 Mig Dagger (Throwing Knives). You have completed construction!
You construct wonderful things, and earn 36 gold.

You conscript 450(10) soldiers

Character Equipment Changing:
Equipping Spear +2 Might
You started with 297(50) soldiers, and ended with 747(26).
Zhang Liao
Charge II, Dash II, Qiangshu II, Raid II, Smith III, Trainer
http://simwarlords.net/forum/viewtopic. ... 60#p160560
Lurking Tyranny
The Florentine Admin
The Florentine Admin
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Location: "When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground."

Re: April 206 Personal Turns

Post by Lurking Tyranny »

Gu Hama of Ba 36-69-77-39-84
Base Stats: 36-66-77-39-84
I am currently in Nanyang

You study Decoy. You have learned the skill!
Recruiting Ou Ling. 48% chance of success. ROLL REQUIRED.
You hunt and kill and maim for weeks. Your trophies net you 24 gold.

You drill your Personal Army. See end of post for effect.

NPC Personal Army Actions:
Junren Ru conscripts 474(10) soldiers
Jianjai Shuzhi searches For NPCs.20% chance of success of finding and recruiting an officer. ROLL REQUIRED.
Qugi Ru forages and nets you 12 gold.

You govern 1 villages and collect 50 gold.

Character Equipment Changing:
Equipping Set of Javelins (Ranged)
Your drilling efforts improve your army Morale by 30.
You started with 1319(71) soldiers, and ended with 1793(85).
Fan Zeng, Prime Minister of Chu

Player Character
Gu Hama of Ba

Liu Bang then asked Han Xin, who had served under Xiang Yu but was driven out, "what is Xiang Yu's weakness? Is there a way to defeat him?" Han Xin calmly replied, "No, Xiang Yu himself is invincible, he is destined to be king."
Radical Dreamer
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Re: April 206 Personal Turns

Post by Radical Dreamer »

Ying Ranzhen 83-19-65-71-41
Base Stats: 83-19-65-71-41
I am currently in Hann

You study Military Admin. You have advanced 1/4th of the way towards the next level.
Search For NPC. 44% chance of success of finding and recruiting an officer. ROLL REQUIRED.
You build Provincial Bond in Hann and gain 17 Bond.
Last edited by Radical Dreamer on Sat Sep 04, 2010 7:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Kubali Dun 90*-76-35-68-23
Aid II, Qiangshu II, Sortie III*, Military Administrator II, Discipline II, Dash I
Posts: 815
Joined: Sun May 22, 2005 4:49 pm

Re: April 206 Personal Turns

Post by AaronH229 »

Dai Wu 77-14-52-49-79
Base Stats: 77-14-52-49-79
I am currently in Yin

You improve your Intelligence by 4
Recruiting Ou Ling. 66% chance of success. ROLL REQUIRED.
You build Provincial Bond in Yin and gain 28 Bond.

Your Dazzling Charisma gains you 20 Provincial Influence in Yin
Remember, Provincial Influence cannot exceed 100.

You govern a town named He Nei and collect 92 gold and 558(30) soldiers.

Character Equipment Changing:
Gold Accounting
You started with 558(30) soldiers, and ended with 1116(30).
Posts: 916
Joined: Sun Feb 05, 2006 1:46 am
Location: That's right Phailak. Dash III. Suck it.

Re: April 206 Personal Turns

Post by Kern »

Tian Rui 41-93-42-62-66
Base Stats: 41-92-42-62-66
I am currently in Sai

You study Challenge. You have learned the skill!
Search For NPC.21% chance of success of finding and recruiting an officer. ROLL REQUIRED.
You spent 70 gold, and are creating a +2 Mig Javelin. You have completed construction!

You conscript 558(10) soldiers

You govern a town named Anling and collect 93 gold and 205(30) soldiers.

You started with 763(15) soldiers, and ended with 1526(15).

Character Equipment Changing:
Equipping Javelins
Last edited by Kern on Sat Sep 04, 2010 9:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Zu Shi (24) 112-85*-37-90-22 Aid II, Dash III, Discipline I, Entangle I, Instructor II, Trainer II, Wall II
Posts: 462
Joined: Tue Apr 18, 2006 3:19 pm
Location: Burning.

Re: April 206 Personal Turns

Post by areon »

Pei Jia 59-31-72-79-50
Base Stats: 59-31-72-79-50
I am currently in Changsha

You study Civil Administrator. You have advanced 1/4th of the way towards the next level.
You build Provincial Bond in Changsha and gain 10 Bond.
You spent 309 gold, and are creating a +5 Judgement Book. 4 months remaining.

Character Equipment Changing:
PA is being integrated into Deng Yue's kingdom.
Last edited by areon on Fri Sep 03, 2010 12:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
Pei Jia

If the egg's shell does not break, the chick will die without being born. We are the chick; the egg is the world. If the world's shell does not break, we will die without being born. Smash the world's shell! For the revolution of the world!
Infernal Dragon
Posts: 96
Joined: Sun Aug 15, 2010 8:07 pm

Re: April 206 Personal Turns

Post by Infernal Dragon »

Xunnufashi 48-79-60-31-87
Base Stats: 48-75-60-31-84
I am currently in Jiaodong

You study Diplomat. You have advanced 1/4th of the way towards the next level.
You build Provincial Bond in Jiaodong and gain 29 Bond.
Xunnufashi patrols. ROLL REQUIRED.
Xunnüfashi (纁女法师)
Stats: 48-79-60-36-87
Skills: Challenge II, Diplomat III, Gongshu I, Jianshu I, Politician II
Follower: Yue Tie 69-61-36-70-71 Delay 1, Maraud 1, Pierce 1, Politician 2, Scribe 1, Smith 1
Officer Info
Posts: 745
Joined: Sun Mar 06, 2005 6:53 pm

Re: April 206 Personal Turns

Post by Crim »

Xiang Jun 37-84-32-77-64
Base Stats: 37-81-32-77-62
I am currently in Chu

You study Qiangshu. You have advanced 2/3rd of the way towards the next level.
You build Provincial Bond in Chu and gain 13 Bond.
Xiang Jun patrols. ROLL REQUIRED.
Your Impressive Might gains you 21 Military Influence.
Remember, Military Influence cannot exceed 100.
Xiang Jun, 18
Challenge I, Gongshu I, Intimidate II, Jianshu II, Qiangshu II, Smith II, Yueshu II
Items: Xiang Yu's Old Sword (+2 Might), Leather Cuirass (+1 Might), Imperial Tally (+2 Cha, Jewelry), Crossbow (Ranged), Zao Xing's Axe (+1 Might, unequipped), Zao Xing's Armor (+1 Might, unequipped), Horse (Speed +1)
NPC Follower: Jin Mei Liao (Female); 20; 34-22-61-72-89; Assemble I, Civil Admin I, Doctor I, Haste I, Inspire I
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