April 206 Personal Turns

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Re: April 206 Personal Turns

Post by Phailak »

Fei Lai 61-17-90-72-54
Base Stats: 61-17-90-72-54
I am moving from Qi to Jibei

You study Scribe. You have advanced 1/4th of the way towards the next level.
Recruiting Cesheng Pin;55-60-63-64-54/Assemble I, Confuse II, Politician I, Spy I (Jiaoxi). 58% chance of success. ROLL REQUIRED.
You spent 463 gold, and are creating a +7 Intelligence Book. 1 months remaining.

You drill your Personal Army. See end of post for effect.

NPC Personal Army Actions:
Ding Ji 42-75-33-42-33 Cover I, Jianshu I, Rupture I conscripts 450(10) soldiers

Your drilling efforts improve your army Morale by 12.
You started with 924(49) soldiers, and ended with 1374(48).
Jiang Chao
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Re: April 206 Personal Turns

Post by Jiang Chao »

Lu Shu 62-19-78-23-85
Base Stats: 62-19-78-23-85
I am currently in Huainan

You study Politician. You have advanced 4/4th of the way towards the next level.
Search For NPC.28% chance of success of finding and recruiting an officer. ROLL REQUIRED.
Lu Shu patrols. ROLL REQUIRED.

Your Dazzling Charisma gains you 21 Provincial Influence in Huainan
Remember, Provincial Influence cannot exceed 100.

You govern a town named Yutai and collect 35 gold and 310(30) soldiers.

You started with 1164(30) soldiers, and ended with 1474(30).

Lu Shu retracts his title of District Manager
Huang Ning. 28
Military Administrator II, Discipline II, Sortie II, Rupture II, Delay II, Entrench

Very Dead Guy Lu Shu, 23
Deride II, Diplomat II, Politician III, Rally II
Posts: 393
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Re: April 206 Personal Turns

Post by lutai »

Ma Rai 60-80-49-64-71
Base Stats: 60-80-49-64-71
I am currently in Chang Shan

You study Scout. You have advanced 1/3rd of the way towards the next level.
Search For NPC.21% chance of success of finding and recruiting an officer. ROLL REQUIRED.

You recruit 251(50) soldiers

You started with 0(0) soldiers, and ended with 251(50).
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Re: April 206 Personal Turns

Post by Mogwai »

Sun Cai 76-39-62-85-19
Base Stats: 76-39-62-85-19
I am currently in Yong

You study Civil Administrator. You have advanced 1/4th of the way towards the next level.
Search For NPC. 28% chance of success of finding and recruiting an officer. ROLL REQUIRED.

You attempt to seize Chencang by Charging the City Leaders with Corruption. Influence: 97 Bond: 30 ROLL REQUIRED

NPC Personal Army Actions:
Ri Lue drills your Personal Army.

You govern a town named Yincheng and collect 185 gold and 551(30) soldiers.
You govern 1 villages and collect 50 gold.

Your drilling efforts improve your army Morale by 30.
You started with 1653(30) soldiers, and ended with 2204(60).
Unchained Phoenix
Posts: 685
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Post by Unchained Phoenix »

Puyang Shuang 60-45-88-43-60
Base Stats: 60-45-88-43-60
I am currently in Huainan

You improve your Intelligence by 2
You spent 1799 gold, and are creating a +10 Intelligence Book. 1 months remaining.
You construct wonderful things, and earn 31 gold.

NPC Personal Army Actions:
Yuan Man does nothing.

You govern 2 villages and collect 100 gold.

You started with 972(55) soldiers, and ended with 972(55).
Puyang Shuang (19) 60-45-114*-43-80*
Aid II, Confuse I, Decoy I, Deride II, Entangle I, Jeer I, Scout II, Scribe II
7986 (100) Troops

Followers: Hua Gongming, Yuan Man
Posts: 461
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Re: April 206 Personal Turns

Post by KongFau »

Wu Zenmi 79-15-91-79-17
Base Stats: 79-15-91-79-17
I am currently in Wu

You study Confuse. You have learned the skill!
You hunt and kill and maim for weeks. Your trophies net you 18 gold.
You construct wonderful things, and earn 50 gold.
Wu Zenmi (35+1) 85-15-98*-91-24* Aid II, Artisan I, Confuse I, Cover II, Engineer I, Entangle II, Haste I, Scout II, Scribe I, Trainer I, Volley II
Equipped*: Strategies and Seasons Book(+3 Int), Terrains and Tactics Book(+3 Int), Wingyi Horse(+5 Speed), Jewelry Jade Rooster Idol (+1 Int, +1 Cha), Silver Moon Patterned Robe(+3 Cha), Silver Moon Patterned Headwear(+3 Cha)
Posts: 315
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Location: Cringe capital of Memory lane

Re: April 206 Personal Turns

Post by TGC »

Niu Penghu 71-49-55-91-53
Base Stats: 71-49-55-91-53
I am currently in Qi

You study Civil Admin. You have advanced 1/3rd of the way towards the next level.
Niu Penghu patrols. ROLL REQUIRED.
You construct wonderful things, and earn 18 gold.
XM sent me; he said "Stop asking me if I have a blog or podcast. I have no idea who you are."
Xiao Gau
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Re: April 206 Personal Turns

Post by Xiao Gau »

Zang Kai 78-85-30-40-36
Base Stats: 78-82-30-40-36
I am currently in Changshan

You study Maraud. You have advanced 1/4th of the way towards the next level.
Search For NPC.13% chance of success of finding and recruiting an officer. ROLL REQUIRED.
Zang Kai patrols. ROLL REQUIRED.

No Personal Army Action

NPC Personal Army Actions:
Lou Tan conscripts 492(10) soldiers
Xie Diao does nothing.

You govern 1 villages and collect 50 gold.

You started with 840(16) soldiers, and ended with 1332(14).
Ying, former Chu tracker and hunting dog
Co: 81 | M: 16 | I: 76 |J: 80* | Ch: 22
Skills: Confuse 2, Entangle 2, Poison 2, Saboteur 3, Scout 2, Spy
Tzar DwL
Posts: 67
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Re: April 206 Personal Turns

Post by Tzar DwL »

Qiao Sen 37-24-91-83-56
Base Stats: 37-22-82-80-56
I am currently in Yan

You study Civil Administrator . You have advanced 1/4th of the way towards the next level.
You build Provincial Bond in Yan and gain 14 Bond.

No Personal Army Action
Qiao Sen zi Dazai | Bio
|| 37-24*-91*-91*-56 || Civil Administrator III, Doctor I, Engineer I, Politician I, Propagandist II, Public Planner II
Posts: 439
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Re: April 206 Personal Turns

Post by bain_nick »

Si Ari Lei 40-50-54-80-77
Base Stats: 40-50-54-80-77
I am currently in Yan

You study Diplomat. You have advanced 1/4th of the way towards the next level.
Search For NPC.47% chance of success of finding and recruiting an officer. ROLL REQUIRED.
Si Ari Lei patrols. ROLL REQUIRED.

Your Impressive Judgement gains you 20 Provincial Influence in Yan
Remember, Provincial Influence cannot exceed 100.

NPC Personal Army Actions:
Si Ari Shou-Tao searches For NPCs.23% chance of success of finding and recruiting an officer. ROLL REQUIRED.
Si Ari Lei 45-50-58-80-81, Civil Administrator II, Diplomat III, Engineer II, Politician II, Public Planner II

Deceased V4 Character: Baofu YaoYan
V3 Character: Xiao-Niao Min
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