Changshan Provincial Roleplay

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Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Post by lutai »

The Man who has no mercy

After weeks of traveling to Xuwu,Ma Rai arrived to Xuwu to only find out from surviving soldiers and villagers that Ma Liang had fled from Xuwu which left Ma Rai without any other trace of his half brothers whereabouts.He soon left Xuwu and started to walk on the road where he started to get information there, he got good information from a traveling merchant coming from the city of Quni.Where he was told that Ma Liang was last seen there and was heard to be trying for the position as the new ruler of the city of Quni, Rai quickly made his way to the city to only hope he could get to see Ma Liang."Brother, must be trying to get revenge for our eldest's death and so he must be driven by anger to kill the foolish bandits..hehehe this will bold well for me to start my own army as my older brother before me". with a evil grin upon his face he continued to Quni as he plots his rise to power through his brothers power.
Last edited by lutai on Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
Lurking Tyranny
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Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Post by Lurking Tyranny »

jonny duck wrote:Ma Liang sat alone in the small room. The remnants of his army had fled across the plains. None of the men had been recruited by him, yet it was a case of follow or be left out in the wilderness. They had at last come to a small group of disused buildings, the inhabitants long since fled or died. The soldiers had found rooms for themselves while Liang sat in thought.

"I only have one card left to play dear brother. Less than a week has passed since we sat and talked of our ambitions. Now, because of me, you lie dead. What is their left to lose now. I have but one chance left, I shall have to take it and move swiftly. If that fails, then what is there left for me on this earth."

Several Days Later

Ma Liang entered the city of Quni. With little time to lose, he made his way to the Audiance Hall of the Governor. As he approached the guards he spoke to them.

"Excuse me, I am Ma Liang, until recently the administrator of Xuwu. I request an Audience with the Governor of this city if he is available."
The governors hall was a long building of stone and wood that stretched out into a vast hall easily sixty feet long which led at its end to a widening circle where a cushioned throne sat on a slightly raised dais. It was here that Bā Kàng sat. He abandoned normal protocol and watched from across the chamber as these new supplicants entered and requested an audience with him. His soldiers lined the length of the hall, for the most part leaning against the walls and sharpening their swords and axes. One or two even laughed at the politeness of Ma Liang.

Bā Kàng himself was surrounded by young women who ranged a broad spectrum of ages and fawned on him. They were dressed in silks and all were at least somewhat attractive. Two women were massaging the governor's bare feet, a foot each. He seemed reluctant to move from his chair.

"Bring the guests forward!" Bā Kàng bellowed across the hall and two of his soldiers began escorting the Ma's down the length of the hallway. With a bored glance at his guest, the rough Bā Kàng began speaking, his voice sly and mocking "'ve come to seek a true warriors advice, have you? Xuxu was a fine town. Now I hear it is ash in the wind."

Kàng was not overly large, but he had a lean build and his heavily scarred face indicated he was not a stranger to combat. His reputation had been made by seizing Quni in a bloody battle three years ago. In truth he was not much different from the Red Mask gang, except that he now had a seat of power and held onto it with a tyrannical and often bloody hand.
Fan Zeng, Prime Minister of Chu

Player Character
Gu Hama of Ba

Liu Bang then asked Han Xin, who had served under Xiang Yu but was driven out, "what is Xiang Yu's weakness? Is there a way to defeat him?" Han Xin calmly replied, "No, Xiang Yu himself is invincible, he is destined to be king."
Jun Shan
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Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Post by Jun Shan »

He rode through Jibei with little break even after the sun had set. He arrived at an encampment of army tents just outside the border of Changshan. Dismounting his horse he handed the reins over to one of the men who was standing ready outside of a large tent in the center of the camp.

"The men will be glad to see you arrived safely, some were begining to think something had happened." the man spoke with a rough voice that rasped through a wound on his throat that had long since healed though not without leaving a permanent effect on his speech.

Jun simply nodded patting the man on the shoulder softly looking out over the encampment. "I had hoped for more men..." This time the grisled officer nodded. "As had I, but we received word that more men will join when able. If not we shall simply recruit as we go." He rasped.

"I don't care if we have only ten men, this country has forgotten that the price of their rebellion has been payed for with the blood of honest men." Jun's face hardened. "It is time they repayed their debt."
Jun Shan
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Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Post by Jun Shan »

*Hours Later*

As he concentrated on writing a reply to the letter he received just before leaving Qi he was disturbed by a commotion outside in the camp, setting down his brush he rose and strode from the tent where he was met by the officer who simply pointed to the horizon which was lit up a dull red and orange light.

Every man in the camp knew what it was, years of war had taught them the sight of a town burning well. Jun could feel his heart lift with the thought of bloodshed, but his inner revelry was broken by a dry voice. "Word is spreading that a barbarian by the name of Zang Kai has set the town of Xuwu ablaze."

He grinned darkly he could almost hear the heavens singing for him. "Gather the men... We plan on washing this land in blood, and what better way to do that than beside a demon..." The officer grinned himself and began to bark orders and the camp became a near riot of movement as the men expertly broke camp and prepared to make the journey into Changshan.
jonny duck
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Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Post by jonny duck »

"Xuwu was a fine town, but like all things they can be rebuilt. As for seeking advice about a true warrior, it is comforting to see that while a man of intellect was fighting bandits, the real warriors were staying safetly behind their walls."

Liang struggled to keep the hint of mockery from his voice. He despised this man, and all men like him. How such a man had ever gained a throne and how he could be removed from it deeply troubled him.

"Still, I did not come here to make more enemies. Governor Ba, I came to ask for your aid in defeating this bandit menace. Although we suffered a defeat, they sustained heavy casulties. If you were to strike now then they would be crushed before they can gain the strength to challenge even your rule."
Ma Liang (27)
Confuse, Instructor, Military Administrator II, Rally II, Volley II
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Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Post by lutai »

After hours of walking he finally arrived to the city of Quni, he approached the gate which was seemed to be under to protection of guards.Not wanting to cause any trouble today, so he decided that he would talk with the guards instead of killing them as he would of usually have done."Guards, I would wish to speak with a man named Ma Liang I am his kin as you see". He spoke with no emotion as his eyes had only rage and death in them.
Lurking Tyranny
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Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Post by Lurking Tyranny »

jonny duck wrote:"Xuwu was a fine town, but like all things they can be rebuilt. As for seeking advice about a true warrior, it is comforting to see that while a man of intellect was fighting bandits, the real warriors were staying safetly behind their walls."

Liang struggled to keep the hint of mockery from his voice. He despised this man, and all men like him. How such a man had ever gained a throne and how he could be removed from it deeply troubled him.

"Still, I did not come here to make more enemies. Governor Ba, I came to ask for your aid in defeating this bandit menace. Although we suffered a defeat, they sustained heavy casulties. If you were to strike now then they would be crushed before they can gain the strength to challenge even your rule."
Bā Kàng snorted and then kicked one of his feet, throwing the girl who had been massaging it backwards and to the ground. She whimpered softly and curled into a fetal position. The other girl had the sense to stop massaging his other foot and backed away. The governor sprung out of his cushioned throne and to his feet.

"Watch your tongue!" The former bandit lord and now tyrant snarled. One hand fiddled along the half of the large axe that he had leaning against the side of the throne. He took the weapon in his hands and grinned at Ma Liang. "If I thought you were a foolish man, I'd think you were trying to insult me. But I know since you are still alive after your failures that you are not."

"Why should I help you in defeating these bandits? They have done nothing to my city and if they have killed peasants and a few merchants, what do I care?" He shrugged his shoulders. "They have shown no interest in holding much land. I suspect they will not long linger in this region, but move on to plunder nearby Yan or Jibei."

"And if they did come to challenge my rule... " The man took a single step forward and looked down with a sneer on the girl in curled up on the ground, whimpering. He swung the axe up over his head and then brought it down savagely on the poor peasant girl. Her blood splashed out and a few drops hit the ruler of Quni's face. "They will die."

The girls blood began to pool about the hall's floor and a few of the other women huddled near Bā Kàng's throne trying to keep quiet. Kàng's soldiers however seemed dulled to that kind of violence and a few even laughed.
After hours of walking he finally arrived to the city of Quni, he approached the gate which was seemed to be under to protection of guards.Not wanting to cause any trouble today, so he decided that he would talk with the guards instead of killing them as he would of usually have done."Guards, I would wish to speak with a man named Ma Liang I am his kin as you see". He spoke with no emotion as his eyes had only rage and death in them.
The soldiers looked the man up and down and one of them shrugged his shoulders. "What do you want me to do about it? You are more then welcome to go in and see him, but he is speaking with the boss right now." One of the other soldiers then chimed in "From the laughter inside, you might want to wait outside until after he's done speaking with the boss."
Fan Zeng, Prime Minister of Chu

Player Character
Gu Hama of Ba

Liu Bang then asked Han Xin, who had served under Xiang Yu but was driven out, "what is Xiang Yu's weakness? Is there a way to defeat him?" Han Xin calmly replied, "No, Xiang Yu himself is invincible, he is destined to be king."
jonny duck
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Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Post by jonny duck »

Liang held up his hands, trying to remain passive despite the wanton violence and murder before him. Inwardly he raged at such behavior but outwardly he was as calm as a lake.

"I meant no offense by my words Governor Ba, I can see now that you are as powerful as the rumors foretold. I simply came to inform you of what had taken place, and that if you had any intention of catching the bandits at their weakest then now would be the time, while they nurse their wounded and try to find replacements for the men we killed. I shall pray that you are right and that they move on into a more profitable region."

Liang bowed, keeping his eyes firmly on the axe blade lest it be tempted to greeting his exposed neck, and left, assuming he was no longer required by the tyrant.
Ma Liang (27)
Confuse, Instructor, Military Administrator II, Rally II, Volley II
Xuwu, Changshan
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Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Post by lutai »

Lurking Tyranny wrote:
jonny duck wrote:"Xuwu was a fine town, but like all things they can be rebuilt. As for seeking advice about a true warrior, it is comforting to see that while a man of intellect was fighting bandits, the real warriors were staying safetly behind their walls."

Liang struggled to keep the hint of mockery from his voice. He despised this man, and all men like him. How such a man had ever gained a throne and how he could be removed from it deeply troubled him.

"Still, I did not come here to make more enemies. Governor Ba, I came to ask for your aid in defeating this bandit menace. Although we suffered a defeat, they sustained heavy casulties. If you were to strike now then they would be crushed before they can gain the strength to challenge even your rule."
Bā Kàng snorted and then kicked one of his feet, throwing the girl who had been massaging it backwards and to the ground. She whimpered softly and curled into a fetal position. The other girl had the sense to stop massaging his other foot and backed away. The governor sprung out of his cushioned throne and to his feet.

"Watch your tongue!" The former bandit lord and now tyrant snarled. One hand fiddled along the half of the large axe that he had leaning against the side of the throne. He took the weapon in his hands and grinned at Ma Liang. "If I thought you were a foolish man, I'd think you were trying to insult me. But I know since you are still alive after your failures that you are not."

"Why should I help you in defeating these bandits? They have done nothing to my city and if they have killed peasants and a few merchants, what do I care?" He shrugged his shoulders. "They have shown no interest in holding much land. I suspect they will not long linger in this region, but move on to plunder nearby Yan or Jibei."

"And if they did come to challenge my rule... " The man took a single step forward and looked down with a sneer on the girl in curled up on the ground, whimpering. He swung the axe up over his head and then brought it down savagely on the poor peasant girl. Her blood splashed out and a few drops hit the ruler of Quni's face. "They will die."

The girls blood began to pool about the hall's floor and a few of the other women huddled near Bā Kàng's throne trying to keep quiet. Kàng's soldiers however seemed dulled to that kind of violence and a few even laughed.
After hours of walking he finally arrived to the city of Quni, he approached the gate which was seemed to be under to protection of guards.Not wanting to cause any trouble today, so he decided that he would talk with the guards instead of killing them as he would of usually have done."Guards, I would wish to speak with a man named Ma Liang I am his kin as you see". He spoke with no emotion as his eyes had only rage and death in them.
The soldiers looked the man up and down and one of them shrugged his shoulders. "What do you want me to do about it? You are more then welcome to go in and see him, but he is speaking with the boss right now." One of the other soldiers then chimed in "From the laughter inside, you might want to wait outside until after he's done speaking with the boss."

Rai's right eyebrow went up, and started to get a little angry but smiled."Fine, but don't keep me waiting I really detest waiting on someone it gets me in a murderous mood....but don't worry I shall not do any thing rash sense I want to see your boss heheh! from what I here he pays his men well".Ma Rai looked back and saw a rock not to far from him he walked towards the rock, and decided to sit on top of the rock just watching the guards like a hawk would its prey.
Lurking Tyranny
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Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Post by Lurking Tyranny »

Ma Liang and Ma Rui wrote:Liang held up his hands, trying to remain passive despite the wanton violence and murder before him. Inwardly he raged at such behavior but outwardly he was as calm as a lake.

"I meant no offense by my words Governor Ba, I can see now that you are as powerful as the rumors foretold. I simply came to inform you of what had taken place, and that if you had any intention of catching the bandits at their weakest then now would be the time, while they nurse their wounded and try to find replacements for the men we killed. I shall pray that you are right and that they move on into a more profitable region."

Liang bowed, keeping his eyes firmly on the axe blade lest it be tempted to greeting his exposed neck, and left, assuming he was no longer required by the tyrant.
Bā Kàng flipped the axe in his grasp so it's blood splattered head was over his shoulder, dripping the gore behind him. "Good, good." The governor then considered Ma Liang more fully as he idly tapped the corpse of the peasant girl with his bare foot. "I shall keep this in mind. The red mask's haven't brought me any tribute after all, so maybe I will deal with them as you want. Weave a network of patrols to catch them if they raid too close to my territory.. " he mused allowed and then grinned confident that his plan would work.

"Go now and if you want to visit me again, next time bring a gift Ma Liang." He then waved Ma Liang off. Outside Ma Liang would meet with Ma Rui, who was trying to restrain his violent urges.
Fan Zeng, Prime Minister of Chu

Player Character
Gu Hama of Ba

Liu Bang then asked Han Xin, who had served under Xiang Yu but was driven out, "what is Xiang Yu's weakness? Is there a way to defeat him?" Han Xin calmly replied, "No, Xiang Yu himself is invincible, he is destined to be king."
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