Lengkui shrugs, "Yu Zhang just doesn't want things to change. The nobles love him, the beauracrats love him. The people groan under his taxes, but he doesn't care much about that. I understand there is a coming storm, and I am trying to prepare the people."Jablis wrote:"Governor Lengkui, it is a pleasure to meet you. It is true, what Yu Zhang told me; you are a man of the people. It is refreshing to see a man in such high standing, willing to help out those around him." Zun bowed cordially. "I run a village here in Jibei and while it is not yet to the point of such constructions, I do hope that one day I can use my engineering skills to make it as prosperous as your Pingyuan." Liao Zun looked over at the construction site briefly while trying to choose his words carefully. "The matter I came to talk to you about is the unification and solidification of Jibei. It seems to me that it's just a matter of time before armies march from Chu to seize surrounding provinces, including Jibei. I was worried about the people in my village and was hoping to form a unified front. Yu Zhang of Boyang, whom I met with last month seems to think that everything is fine and there is no cause for alarm. I was wondering what you thought on the matter."
Lengkui turned to the mill, "Though if Xiang Yu comes with fire and sword, there will be little that I can do. He has ravaged Qi before. I'm afraid good Liao, that you will find little cooperation here in Jibei. Yu Zhang thinks I am a fool for catering to the people, and he and Gi Hai of Donga hate each other with a passion. They are so similar to one another that they cannot get along."
"Still, I should ask, what do you propose?"