Changshan Provincial Roleplay

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Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Post by lutai »

Day 4-A warriors test of Will and determination

After the orders Shensun gave yesterday, and the last recruitment of ninety-two men.Which gave his army size of four-hundred and ninety-two men, which he had under his control.It was day four for and his men yet again wake up from a long needed sleep from yesterday,Shensun got up from his tent and thought about what to do for the beginning of his day.He gave a big yawn and started to get dressed, after a few seconds he was dressed and ready to address his soldiers.He decided it was a great idea to leave this village for now and head to his brothers town, so he planned to send a messenger ahead with a letter saying that he and his army will be arriving to Xuwu in awhile.

His soldiers decided to clean up camp and gather the weapons and supply's, after about 23 minutes the army was ready leave the village.Some men who lived in the village hugged their loved ones good bye, after that they quickly came back to the group Shensun looked at the sky as the sun was shining ever bright he smiled and hopped on his horse.He put his arm forward,"Men!..March! to the town of Xuwu we go".The army of men marched forward on the road that lead to the town of Xuwu many children were seen smiling looking upon their faces looking at their fathers,and brothers marching on and they were very proud.The women prayed for their love return as fear of their death hanging over them like a large rock.

"(I pray that this war shall turn out to be in our favor,...heavens please guide us!)",Shenmu thought to himself while looking back at his men.
jonny duck
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Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Post by jonny duck »

Laing's scouts warned him of an approaching force. Taking a guard of handpicked men, he stood on the walls above the gatehouse, staring out onto the plain.

"The men are assembled and ready Governor Ma, shall I have them bar the gates?" His new lieutenant stood at his shoulder, ready to lead the men.

"Have a hundred of them stand outside the city, if I know my brother this will be him."

On the plains below, Liang rode his horse forward, recognising his brother on sight.

"I see you have come to help your little brother, are these men yours?"
Ma Liang (27)
Confuse, Instructor, Military Administrator II, Rally II, Volley II
Xuwu, Changshan
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Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Post by lutai »

jonny duck wrote:Laing's scouts warned him of an approaching force. Taking a guard of handpicked men, he stood on the walls above the gatehouse, staring out onto the plain.

"The men are assembled and ready Governor Ma, shall I have them bar the gates?" His new lieutenant stood at his shoulder, ready to lead the men.

"Have a hundred of them stand outside the city, if I know my brother this will be him."

On the plains below, Liang rode his horse forward, recognising his brother on sight.

"I see you have come to help your little brother, are these men yours?"
Shensun's forces arrived and after seeing his brother on the plains, he ordered his army to be on standby as he rode his horse towards his little brother."Yes these men here I mine, and they are here to lend you support and for now my forces are under your service until I am able to manage a kingdom of my own.So until then I am in your command".
jonny duck
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Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Post by jonny duck »

"Ha, I doubt your men would let me lead them, they will remain under your command. However, you are more than welcome to billet them in Xuwu, that way they will be to hand if they are ever needed. There are many farms around here with many strong arms to recruit. Come, let us drink and talk inside."

Liang turned his mount and led his men back into the city.
Ma Liang (27)
Confuse, Instructor, Military Administrator II, Rally II, Volley II
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Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Post by lutai »

jonny duck wrote:"Ha, I doubt your men would let me lead them, they will remain under your command. However, you are more than welcome to billet them in Xuwu, that way they will be to hand if they are ever needed. There are many farms around here with many strong arms to recruit. Come, let us drink and talk inside."

Liang turned his mount and led his men back into the city.

Shensun also turned in his mount, and led his men into Xuwu.

Shensun was amazed at the town, it was very busy and looked like a very nice place to live.Shensun followed his brother,"brother this is a nice town you have.I am amazed to see that you've raised your city so well heha".He said while being impressed by his brothers achievements.
jonny duck
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Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Post by jonny duck »

"Haha, this is no city dear brother, although compared to Dai this place is wonderful. The people here live a happy life, or so I hope. There is no end of willing volunteers for my army and soon the tithes they pay ought to buy some better arms for my men."

Liang led them to a stable block. In reality it was little more than a hut with wooden stalls for the horses. There were no cavalry in the town so they had no need for them except for the Governors small pony and the few messengers that he used. Dismounting, a stable hand took the pony and one came forth to do likewise for his brother.

"Come, I shall show you this small abode of mine. My quarters are near the centre, just a small building used for administration and greeting people. I cannot express how grateful I am to have you working with me, although you inherited the might of our father, it seems I developed the intellect of our mother, or what I can scarce remember of her. Already I have a man of some worth following me, an able man but no General. Still, I hope that in time more will flock to us."
Ma Liang (27)
Confuse, Instructor, Military Administrator II, Rally II, Volley II
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Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Post by lutai »

jonny duck wrote:"Haha, this is no city dear brother, although compared to Dai this place is wonderful. The people here live a happy life, or so I hope. There is no end of willing volunteers for my army and soon the tithes they pay ought to buy some better arms for my men."

Liang led them to a stable block. In reality it was little more than a hut with wooden stalls for the horses. There were no cavalry in the town so they had no need for them except for the Governors small pony and the few messengers that he used. Dismounting, a stable hand took the pony and one came forth to do likewise for his brother.

"Come, I shall show you this small abode of mine. My quarters are near the centre, just a small building used for administration and greeting people. I cannot express how grateful I am to have you working with me, although you inherited the might of our father, it seems I developed the intellect of our mother, or what I can scarce remember of her. Already I have a man of some worth following me, an able man but no General. Still, I hope that in time more will flock to us."
Shensun couldn't hardly remember their parents, nor did he want to remember them he always had a feeling of anger and hatred towards them for abandoning him and his brother for no apparent reason.Shensun was surprised to here that his little brother found a follower."Hmm, so you have found someone to be in your service that is nice.It won't be too long till I get my own followers, to help command my troops and help run my kingdom haha".Shensun was happy that he and his brother could talk again, because soon in the later future they would probably haft to part ways once more.
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Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Post by lutai »

Day 5-A warriors test of Will and determination-Part 2

A scout from Ma Shensun's army, ran quickly and approached Shensun at Xuwu he looked very worn out and tired he seemed to have something important to tell his lord.

(Messenger):"My lord...huff huff..I have news that huff huff..that Zang Kai's army is on their way right now to Xuwu my lord you must tell lord Ma Liang about this".

Ma Shensun nodded and ordered the messenger to get some rest, he then told his men to prepare to go on the defensive and prepare for upcoming battle as he on the other hand went to his brother quarters to tell him the urgent news.Shensun entered his brothers quarters."Ma Liang!,Zang Kai's forces are heading towards Xuwu we must prepare for defense!."
jonny duck
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Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Post by jonny duck »

Liang was sat at his desk, his thoughts deep in the administrative heart of Xuwu. Upon hearing the door open he looked up.

"So they have marched at last. I thought this day would come but hoped it would not be this soon. Very well. War has come upon us and we have no option but to fight. To run here would be to sacrifice our dreams and hard work for naught. Find me a scout on a swift mount and order the captains to report to the mess hall, I shall hold a meeting there."

Before his brother could depart, he set aside his papers and stood. There was a small window overlooking a garden. Despite the ground of the northlands, the garden flourished and he gazed out over it.

"Brother, you are older than I, you are the elder of the family. Your way with men is unrivaled here, yet please allow me to dictate the strategy of this battle. I shall need you with the men at the front. You were always the warrior in our family and I shall need your skill and arm where it can be used best. There is little to say before this battle, yet if we win we shall have much to discuss. I shall join you in the mess hall shortly."

With that said and off his mind, he returned to his desk and scribbled a quick note, stamping it with his seal before giving it to the messenger to carry.
Ma Liang (27)
Confuse, Instructor, Military Administrator II, Rally II, Volley II
Xuwu, Changshan
jonny duck
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Re: Changshan Provincial Roleplay

Post by jonny duck »

Ma Liang sat alone in the small room. The remnants of his army had fled across the plains. None of the men had been recruited by him, yet it was a case of follow or be left out in the wilderness. They had at last come to a small group of disused buildings, the inhabitants long since fled or died. The soldiers had found rooms for themselves while Liang sat in thought.

"I only have one card left to play dear brother. Less than a week has passed since we sat and talked of our ambitions. Now, because of me, you lie dead. What is their left to lose now. I have but one chance left, I shall have to take it and move swiftly. If that fails, then what is there left for me on this earth."

Several Days Later

Ma Liang entered the city of Quni. With little time to lose, he made his way to the Audiance Hall of the Governor. As he approached the guards he spoke to them.

"Excuse me, I am Ma Liang, until recently the administrator of Xuwu. I request an Audience with the Governor of this city if he is available."
Ma Liang (27)
Confuse, Instructor, Military Administrator II, Rally II, Volley II
Xuwu, Changshan
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