Chu Provincial Roleplay

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Re: Chu Provincial Roleplay

Post by Cao Chao »

Radical Dreamer wrote:"I remember the Battle of Julu, Master Ji Bu. It was the first action I had seen as a lieutenant; I commanded a small archer company in the Great King's army. I did not take part in the sacking of Xianyang, though. I wish I could have done more, but my age and physique prevented it. I can only hope that the Great King can find a place for me now that I've returned from assignment in the former Qin lands." Ranzhen sighed. "There is no end to the need for talented people like you, Master, but for low-ranking commanders there is the possibility for us to fall through the cracks."
"Well shape up then," replied Ji Bu with a sneer, shaking his head. "Everyone starts off as nobodies . . . It is what they make do with what they do with the opportunities that present themselves that get you places." Feeling a bit soiled by the experience of talking with the man, Ji Bu didn't even deign to say farewell before stalking off.
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Re: Chu Provincial Roleplay

Post by Seewichai »

Qian Yen patronises Xia Mo like a younger sister, and allows her to shake Qian Yen like a broken doll. Qian Yen sighed again.... sometimes she is wondering whether the brother-sister relationship among them had become real. In the sense of sibling rivalries, where Qian Yen taking the big sister role.

“Don’t worry Xia Mo, the horses breeding program is simply to generate more gold and Po Huai will be the one in charge of this. No one is going to be a farmer and we don’t leave the mountain to do farming. Unfortunately, I had request for a house and double as our base have yet gone through with the authority in Chu.” Qian Yen gently released herself from Xia Mo’s clutches and patted her on the hand. “If possible, I need everyone here to gather as many miscreants; we will go raiding to supplement our expenses.”
Qian Yen (千眼) (26) 60-71*-89*-65-50 | Confuse II, Gongshu II, Poison II, Spy II

Jin Shi
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Re: Chu Provincial Roleplay

Post by Jin Shi »

Rue Goung wrote: Jang smiled and nodded his head to Ma Su as he spoke. his words were true, to be a fighter or a soldier rather, you have to get use to atrocities. after all was itself is an atrocity. to say you cant stand to commit or to order such things would most likely depict you as one not fit for such a life. Jang didn't like the act of such things, but he was a soldier and a general through and through. he followed loyal as he was ordered to do such and he would do it again if ordered so.

"hmm go on a expedition huh? i think i would enjoy that. im not much of a Calvary man sens i fought in the rank and file of the infantry most of my time but im always open to learn and experience new things that could help me become a better general."

just then Ma su and the thugs started to banter back and forth. once ma su stood to his feet jang smiled and lowered his head. perhaps this man just liked to fight? if that was the case him and the king should get along famously. looking up once more jang stood to his feet. he was not an imposing man, under his robes his body was well maintained and muscular. but he was not large nor was he intimidating. he was just skilled. but from his look with his robes and not a scratch of army on him except for his bracers. looking around there was only a few of them and if his training and battle experience taught him anything it was numbers dont mean much if you know what your doing. Jang looked back over to ma su and nodded his head and awaited the hulking man to make the first move.
Ma Su was readying himself, his smile widening, as the head thug threw a jug at his head and ran off, the others following their fearless leader in hot pursuit. Su dodged the jug, and was about to take off after them when the barmaid rushed out and pushed Su back.

"It's ok, it's ok, don't cause anymore trouble please!"

Severely disappointed, Su looked visibly sad. He turned to Jang and said

"I'm sorry my friend, it seems we missed our chance. Maybe another time?"

He took the barmaid's arm gently and put it at her side.

"Thank you for all your help, little lady."

He sat back down and started tapping his fingers on the table.

"So Jang, what do you want to do with your life?"

He asked matter of factly. He felt slightly embarassed he wasn't allowed to beat up the ruffians, and wanted to shift the focus of this meeting on to Jang.
Ma Su, 22 | Bio
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Re: Chu Provincial Roleplay

Post by Kakirot83 »

OneEyedDrgn wrote:Again, the woman went off to a rambling Zhuwen could not fully comprehend. The only message he was able to understand from Tai's words was that she was spontaneous, and this was something he could relate to with her.

"Oho, then it seems we both might be kindred souls," Zhuwen said rubbing his chin. "Nothing really makes me 'tick.' I don't live for anything besides enjoying this life I have. Maybe except for meeting beautiful women I guess. Why waste time working for all this power and glory people seem to want these days? They'll be gone soon enough. Empires crumble, people are forgotten, some may remember your name but in the end they don't care and go on with their lives. So why not just live to enjoy life? You know what my style name is?"

He paused there for a moment, and a small frown formed in his face, realizing the mistake he had made.

"...Actually, I haven't even given you my given name huh? How rude of me, not to introduce myself to a beautiful lady. It's Liang Zhuwen, though you can call me whatever you want. I think I like King of Blood better actually. Anyway, my style name is Hedeng (Breeze). I go around this land with no sense of direction, doing whatever I can to just pass the time and enjoy life. Longest time I stayed in one place was with Xiang Yu's forces, left after the guy stopped conquering and I got bored."

Zhuwen cocked his head to look at Tai. There was a moment of silence, as Zhuwen considered something in his mind.

"You know, if you're like me, how 'bout we travel together some? You know, breathe life together and all that stuff."

Normally, Zhuwen wouldn't give such an offer. Staying too long with a woman and committing himself sounded awful. But there was something about Tai that Zhuwen liked... surprisingly in a platonic way.
Tai like the name. Hedeng. It fit him well. Plus blood was ascent only aided by the breeze. She smiled at his question, wondering what he was thinking. At least he seemed to understand some of what she was saying. That was definately a start.

"I like that idea, my King of Blood. Perhaps we shall both be like the breeze for a time. At least till we find somewhere of interest." She stopped talking for a moment, breathing in his scent once more. "Tai wonders if the King fo Blood might lead troops again in the future? Does such a thing appeal to you?"
Tai Ju Li, 43-42*-104*-55*-91, Civil Administrator, Confuse III, Diplomat III, Doctor, Scribe II, Politician, Propagandist, Public Planner II
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Re: Chu Provincial Roleplay

Post by OneEyedDrgn »

Patricoo wrote:((Late replyyy!!!! I got distracted by some other need-not-be-named sim!))
Rui offered a polite smile and some cheerful laughter, though she tried to be subtle in getting some partial cover behind the door. Quite an overly forward fellow this one was! "Well... aren't you a helpful man! I am quite busy working right now but maybe you can do me a favor? There is a gardner other side of town and I wanted to collect some flowers but now I'm just afraid I'll not be able finish in time to meet him." She wore her best 'sad' face, allowing the strapping young man to catch the obvious hint of a distressed damsel.
Zhuwen rubbed his chin as he made arched an eyebrow and kept his smile. If there was one thing Zhuwen was knowledgeable in, it was women, and this one seemed to know how to use her charms to sway people in her favor. Hearing that this girl was building her reputation in the area, Zhuwen had to wonder if she had some ambitions for the near future. It would be interesting to see what she could do.

"Well, alright then," Zhuwen replied, not much caring about the fact that he was quite possibly being used. "But you'll make it worth my time right? Good, then I'll be gone for a little while, let's have a chat after I come back Lady Cai."

And without waiting for a reply, Zhuwen left the front of Cai Rui's house. He sought the place the she tasked him to find, asking the locals. When he found the gardener, he collected a wide variety of flowers paying for them, and soon returned to Cai's house. The trip took quite a while, but Zhuwen wasn't in any hurry. He never was. Knocking at the door, he called out to her.

"Back with your request, Lady Cai!"
Kakirot83 wrote: Tai like the name. Hedeng. It fit him well. Plus blood was ascent only aided by the breeze. She smiled at his question, wondering what he was thinking. At least he seemed to understand some of what she was saying. That was definately a start.

"I like that idea, my King of Blood. Perhaps we shall both be like the breeze for a time. At least till we find somewhere of interest." She stopped talking for a moment, breathing in his scent once more. "Tai wonders if the King fo Blood might lead troops again in the future? Does such a thing appeal to you?"
"Leading troops? I dunno, sounds cool I guess, though I didn't do much of it back when I served Xiang Yu," replied Zhuwen. "Only made it far as lieutenant, and that was near the end of my service. If I'm going to lead an army though... I'd want an army of women," he said with a loud laugh. "Although... Seeing women hacked to pieces wouldn't be a pretty sight now, would it?"

The two walked on for a while longer, the quiet forest only being interrupted by the chirping of birds once in a while. Zhuwen's eyes glanced over to Tai every once in a awhile, a few temptations to touch "some areas" rising. But Zhuwen refrained from doing so, even though he guessed Tai wouldn't care much, from what he could make of her. He stopped at one point, leaning down and picking a white flower.

"Hmm... Can I try putting this in your head?" Zhuwen asked. "This is sort of a rare one you only see in winter."
Liang Zhuwen, 28, Male, Chaotic Neutral
Stats: 50-92-36-31-80
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Re: Chu Provincial Roleplay

Post by Kakirot83 »

OneEyedDrgn wrote:"Leading troops? I dunno, sounds cool I guess, though I didn't do much of it back when I served Xiang Yu," replied Zhuwen. "Only made it far as lieutenant, and that was near the end of my service. If I'm going to lead an army though... I'd want an army of women," he said with a loud laugh. "Although... Seeing women hacked to pieces wouldn't be a pretty sight now, would it?"

The two walked on for a while longer, the quiet forest only being interrupted by the chirping of birds once in a while. Zhuwen's eyes glanced over to Tai every once in a awhile, a few temptations to touch "some areas" rising. But Zhuwen refrained from doing so, even though he guessed Tai wouldn't care much, from what he could make of her. He stopped at one point, leaning down and picking a white flower.

"Hmm... Can I try putting this in your head?" Zhuwen asked. "This is sort of a rare one you only see in winter."
She smiled the idea of an army of women. It seemed that he really did have a one track mind. She didn't mind it though, it only made the red about him darken. It comforted her some.

"You may put that in my hair if you wish, though I haven't really had much white in my life." She smiled at Zhuwen, almost innocently. "If it would please the King of Blood, then I will gladly wear it."

She mused to herself, that he almost had a sweet side to him as well. It probably helped with his success with the ladies he encountered, and Tai couldn't help but feel it was sincere in some ways. She wondered what it was, that had drawn her to this man. Was he something more than he seemed? Could he be more than he was? Perhaps motivated the right ways, he could be. It was an odd thought though, to think of what would truly motivate him to do such.

"If my King of Blood wishes it, for such a sincere and heartfelt gift, he may be allowed to steal a kiss, if he so desires." She stared at him, not joking at all. "As long as he realizes that he shall get no blood tonight, from sweet innocent, Tai."

She smiled wryly at him, wondering how he might take such an offer.
Tai Ju Li, 43-42*-104*-55*-91, Civil Administrator, Confuse III, Diplomat III, Doctor, Scribe II, Politician, Propagandist, Public Planner II
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Re: Chu Provincial Roleplay

Post by Splash »

[暗兵] - The Shadows

Silently leaned up against the pillars(though on a different one now) with his arms crossed and his left hand gripping his trusty blade, Shan Dian watched and listened as the other members of The Shadows conversed with each other. Although he was staring at nothing in particular, he could not help but find himself turning back towards the main group to stare at them for what was being conversed. Finally, he felt as though it was his time to speak and with a muffled yet loud voice, the Flash Assassin spoke. "Hmmph, farming is for the weak." Even if it came down to his cold lifeless body, no one would be able to get him to farm, no one.

"You sure we should be requesting property through the Chu government? I say we give the house to the shorty use as a front so that he can breed in public while we operate in the shadows. We won't make much money if the god damn government raids our base." Although Shan Dian's glare wasn't focused on anyone in particular, it was obvious his questions were directed at Qian Yen, the only person in the group who could give the Flash Assassin any sort of orders.
Shǎn Diàn 閃電
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Re: Chu Provincial Roleplay

Post by Materazzi15 »

Jin Shi wrote:
Mat the Histrionic

Ma Su had always considered Ziyang as a little brother, at least a great friend, and even though they had had such a close relationship, Su still did not feel comfortable talking with someone outside his family about things of this nature. He subconsciously thought that if Ziyang would not agree to this, as he did not last time, that he would never be able to trust him. But it seemed that things had now come full circle.

No doubt he was pleased and impressed by the zeal Ziyang showed, saying the words with determination and a tinge of pride it seemed to Su. Su also began to cut into his palm as Ziyang did, maintaining his stony expression, his eyes alit by the candle's flame. The glint that his own knife gave off would reveal nothing of note written on it or done to it, but its history traced back far into the past, further than Ziyang's most likely. It had been in the Ma family beyond written record, and had killed more men and sealed more oaths than could be recounted. Its beauty lay in its simplicity, to be sure.

As Ziyang finished his oath, Su replied with a voice that seemed to emerge from the very depths, heard up to now only by those who faced immediate death at Su's hands during battle

"The blood that now flows from our hands signifies our eternal devotion to each other's lives and promise to be allied always. I, Ma Su of Wei, son of Ma Zhao, recognize Zhou Yuan Ziyang as a brother, and we will now and always, uphold, protect and safeguard this immutable bond. Our minds and souls are now one, and an offense against one of us is an offense against both. Let our enemies be put down with great brutality should they try to challenge this most holy of fellowships."

In a flash Su's blade cut a diagonal line of crimson across his hand, the blood trailing along the length of his arm. Sheathing his knife in turn, Su did not seem fazed at all by the cut, having borne a countless number of gashes and bruises in the past. His left hand free, he grabbed Ziyang's hand and clasped their two bloodied palms together. He continued

"Let the gods remember that it was this day that Ma Su and Zhou Yuan Ziyang became the same man. The same man, with the same purpose, forged in a time of chaos and uncertainty. Let this bond be one that sets the world right once more."

As Ma Su finished his oath, he pulled Ziyang towards him, their hands still clasped together, probably crushing Ziyang's due to Su's intensity, and hugged him for a few moments. As they parted, their hands were still held together, as Ma Su said

"And it is done."

His stony expression softened, and he smiled. He was very pleased, probably the happiest he'd been in the past few months, if not the past few years.

"We will speak on the matter in the morning. Tonight we shall drink, rest, and muse."

As Ma Su and Ziyang grasped hands, sealing their oath, Ziyang felt a rush of pride fill his body, as they embraced a very manly embrace, the feelings only intensified. He knew nought why he had been putting of this moment for now all was done he felt his life now had more purpose, he was no longer living just for himself. As Ma smiled and exclaimed that tonight would be spent celebrating and musing over old times Ziyang nodded in agreement, perhaps it was the stinging pain in his hand but just now he found his desire to hear Su’s private business lessen. Carefully wrapping the already bloodied white silk hankerchief around his hand, Ziyang sought to stem the flow of blood now the sacred oath had been sealed. He tied two corners together before taking a long sip from the wine glass he had been presented with earlier, positively finishing its contents. Setting the empty cup on the wooden balcony Ziyang spoke in agreement to Su’s plan:

“Indeed, tonight we shall celebrate our oath, for to talk business before toasting our new life can only lead to bad things. I do believe that you and I have a lot to catch up on as well. Before I hear another of your stories I would very much like to hear about the imperial court. What is it like in the council chamber? Is there anyone there whom you would consider a hero of the age? And on the flip side is there any total morons there whom would be better suited cleaning the floors rather than creating policies?”

Ziyang smiled at Ma, his expression clearly indicated that he was extremely interested on the matter. He had read some pamphlets on a number of those in the imperial court and although he had some, rough, biased background information on certain officers nothing was better than a firsthand account. Since his rise to power Zhou had also held a very keen interest in all things to do with the hegemon king Xiang Yu. An unmatched warrior and a sublime general on the battlefield, it could be said that Zhou saw Xiang as something of a role model. He had achieved so much and Ziyang could not help but respect him, his one wish in life was to meet Xiang on the battlefield, and trounce him. Masterminding a massacre of Yu’s forces would not only stroke the young farmers son’s growing ego, it would cement him a place in history and confirm that all his years studying were well spent. Of course Zhou would utter none of these ambitions to his oath brother, not before testing the water; this was the motivation behind his next line of questioning:

“You know, they say, back in Wei, that Xiang Yu is seven feet tall. They say that on the battlefield his war cry resembles the roar of a tiger, and that under his watchful gaze his armies sweep all others aside, as if Heaven itself was blowing the opposition soldiers of the battlefield. Can you confirm this brother Ma? Or are the gossips in Wei far off on their assumptions of the man?”

There seemed to be a fire building up in Ziyang’s eyes as he spoke, a mix of admiration and jealousy building up in his breast. As the words rolled of his tongue a strong gust of winds blew from the heavens straight through him. Shivering slightly Zhou pulled his black robes tightly around him, though his eyes did not leave Ma’s.
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Re: Chu Provincial Roleplay

Post by jiangbao »

[暗兵] - The Shadows

"What in blazes is farmville. Smallville I have heard before. And horses does not equate to farming. Do you ride on farm produces? No right? Imagine you sitting on a big fat carrot and saying Hi HO silver. Do you think that carrot is going to go anywhere? And for the first time I do agree, you can always work behind the shop, no one would know. The smell would give you cover and profits can be channeled thru other means to make it legitimate." Po Huai said.
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Re: Chu Provincial Roleplay

Post by OneEyedDrgn »

Kakirot83 wrote: She smiled the idea of an army of women. It seemed that he really did have a one track mind. She didn't mind it though, it only made the red about him darken. It comforted her some.

"You may put that in my hair if you wish, though I haven't really had much white in my life." She smiled at Zhuwen, almost innocently. "If it would please the King of Blood, then I will gladly wear it."

She mused to herself, that he almost had a sweet side to him as well. It probably helped with his success with the ladies he encountered, and Tai couldn't help but feel it was sincere in some ways. She wondered what it was, that had drawn her to this man. Was he something more than he seemed? Could he be more than he was? Perhaps motivated the right ways, he could be. It was an odd thought though, to think of what would truly motivate him to do such.

"If my King of Blood wishes it, for such a sincere and heartfelt gift, he may be allowed to steal a kiss, if he so desires." She stared at him, not joking at all. "As long as he realizes that he shall get no blood tonight, from sweet innocent, Tai."

She smiled wryly at him, wondering how he might take such an offer.
"Heh, thanks," Zhuwen said with a satisfied grin, gently moving some strands of Tai's hair. Breaking the stem of the flower with his finger, he placed the flower on the right side of her head as gently as he had moved her hair. After finishing his work, Zhuwen took a step back from Tai and once again eyed her from top to bottom. From what his face showed, the man seemed pleased with the result.

"Didn't think you could look any more gorgeous, but I think you look just ravishing with the flower. I think the white brings out more uniqueness from your clothes. Don't know about all the colors inside of us you mentioning, but physically, I think some white suits you just fine."

It was then that Tai would offer something that brought a small surprise to Zhuwen. That surprised face quickly changed to an amused one, unlike the many other women he had interacted with before, Zhuwen realized he wouldn't be able to read Tai as effectively. At least not for a while. The prospect of not being able to "take" Tai surprisingly did not disappoint Zhuwen.

"Well alright, if you're going to offer. Just give me a sign if you want to quit, cause' it isn't going to be a quick one like a mother and a son."

And with that, Zhuwen lightly grabbed Tai's chin with his hand and moved his face slowly to her's, slowly just in case Tai wished to back out. If she did not, he planted a kiss, and if Tai did not indicate any displeasure, he would do it for a full five seconds or so. Normally, he would do much more vulgar actions like using his tongue, but Zhuwen refrained from doing so with Tai. He wanted to please the girl much more than the average. When Zhuwen released Tai, he looked at he with a face that seemed to ask, "How was it?"
Liang Zhuwen, 28, Male, Chaotic Neutral
Stats: 50-92-36-31-80
Skills: Assemble II, Challenge II, Diplomat, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Yueshu II
Zhuwen's Theme
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