Free Officers

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Tiger Mask
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Re: Free Officers

Post by Tiger Mask »

Su Jingyu - The 'Gentleman' of Yangcheng!


Name: Su Jingyu zi Wanhuo
Date of Birth: 243 BC (37)
Rank: N/A
Province: Yue

Starting Stats: 36-59-23-81-75
Stats Without Items: 36-59-23-83-75
Stats With Items: 36-59-23-83-75

Skills: Civil Administrator II, Entrench I, Haste I, Politician II, Propagandist II, Saboteur II


Mount -
Hat -
Robes -
Weapon -
Book One -
Book Two -
Jewelry -

Gold History
[+100] Sign Up

Total: 100



Name: Fan Dang zi Tongzhi
Date of Birth: 232 BC (26)

Starting Stats: 60-78-55-28-62
Stats Without Items: 60-78-55-28-62
Stats With Items: 60-78-55-28-62

Skills: Assemble I, Cover I, Decoy I, Scribe I, Trainer I, Volley I, Yueshu I

Turn History

January 206: Su Jingyu increases Judgement. (+2 Judgement)
Last edited by Tiger Mask on Fri Aug 20, 2010 9:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Su Jingyu (243) zi Wanhuo
Civil Administrator II, Entrench I, Haste I, Politician II, Propagandist II, Saboteur II
Currently Residing in Yangcheng, Yue Province

FOLLOWER: Fan Dang zi Tongshi (232)
Assemble I, Cover I, Decoy I, Scribe I, Trainer I, Volley I, Yueshu I
Posts: 613
Joined: Sat Jun 11, 2005 4:15 pm
Location: You are beyond ugly

Re: Free Officers

Post by Zeren »

Name: Hua Fang
Age: 26
Rank: None
Current Whereabouts: Yong Province

Starting Stats: 53-82-14-74-57
Stats Without Items: 53-82-14-74-57
Stats With Items: 53-88-14-74-57

Skills: Challenge II, Intimidate II, Jianshu II, Qiangshu III


Mount - Crashing Thunder (+3 Attack, +1 Speed)
Hat - Dragon Helm (+5 Might)
Robes -
Weapon - Billhook (+1 Might), Spear (+1 Might, unequipped), Sword (+1 Might, unequipped)
Book One -
Book Two -
Jewelry -

Item History:
4 BP in Items at Sign Up = Crashing Thunder (+3 Attack, +1 Speed), Dragon Helm (+5 Might), Billhook (+1 Might), Spear (+1 Might)
Sword (+1 Might) acquired here, February 206

Gold History
[+100] Sign Up
[+17] PT Hunting, January 206 (117)
[-100] Bad Event, January 206 (17)
[+17] PT Hunting, February 206 (34)
[+17] PT Hunting, March 206 (51)
[+111] Town Income, March 206 (162)
[+17] PT Hunting, April 206 (179)
[+111] Town Income, April 206 (290)

Total: 290

Current Personal Army: 1802(21)

PT History:

You study Qiangshu. You have advanced 1/4th of the way towards the next level.
Hua Fang patrols. Bad Event. -100 gold.
You hunt and kill and maim for weeks. Your trophies net you 17 gold.
You conscript 528(10) soldiers

You study Qiangshu. You have advanced 1/4th of the way towards the next level.
Hua Fang patrols. ROLL REQUIRED.
You hunt and kill and maim for weeks. Your trophies net you 17 gold.
You conscript 528(10) soldiers

You study Qiangshu. You have advanced 1/4th of the way towards the next level.
Hua Fang patrols. ROLL REQUIRED.
You hunt and kill and maim for weeks. Your trophies net you 17 gold.
You govern a town named Longzhi and collect 111 gold and 265(30) soldiers.

You study Qiangshu. You have advanced 1/4th of the way towards the next level.
Hua Fang patrols. ROLL REQUIRED.
You hunt and kill and maim for weeks. Your trophies net you 17 gold.
You recruit 216(50) soldiers
You govern a town named Longzhi and collect 111 gold and 265(30) soldiers.
Last edited by Zeren on Thu Sep 02, 2010 12:10 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Hua Fang (26) 53-88*-20-74-57
Qiangshu III, Jianshu II, Challenge II, Intimidate II
New Recruit
Posts: 12
Joined: Mon Aug 11, 2008 3:36 am

Re: Free Officers

Post by tashisan »

Name: Julius Marius
Age: 17
Location: Qi

Original Stats: 37-71-80-72-43
Current Base Stats: 37-71-80-72-43
Current Stats with Items: 37-74*-82*-72-43

Skills: Civil Administrator II (0/100), Engineer II (0/100), Escort II (0/100), Public Planner II (0/100), Yueshu II (0/100)

Item Slots:
Weapon: Billhook (+3 Might)
Book: Book of History (+2 Int)

Unequipped Items:

Stat Experience:
Command: 0/100
Might: 0/100
Intelligence: 0/100
Judgement: 0/100
Charm: 0/100

Experience History:

Gold: 100

Gold History: +100 gold from start

Personal Army: none

Personal Army History:

Followers: none
Julius Marius zi Chihu 37-74*-82*-72-43 l Civil Administrator II, Engineer II, Escort II, Public Planner II, Yueshu II
Posts: 94
Joined: Tue Jul 15, 2008 12:14 am

Re: Free Officers

Post by Dartagnan »

Current Stats-

Zhao Ning(39) 75-103*-22-53-53
Base Stats: 75-89-22-53-53
Skills: Gongshu I, Qiangshu II, Raid II, Challenge II, Yueshu I
Items: +7 Might Helmet, +7 Might Armor
Gold: 100
City Location: Wei

Starting Stats
Zhao Ning(39) 75-83-22-53-53
Skills: Skills: Gongshu I, Qiangshu II, Raid II, Challenge II, Yueshu I

Gold History:
+100 Gold For Sign Up
+20 Gold for hunting Jan 206
+21 Gold for hunting March 206
Current = 141

Personal Development History:
+2 Might Jan 206
+2 Might Feb 206
+2 Might March 206

Skill Action History:

Personal Army History:
Conscripted 582(10) Soldiers Jan 206
Conscripted 594(10) Soldiers Feb 206
Drilled +30 March 206

Current status = 1176(40)

Bio: Born into poverty he was a simple farmer with his family. Teaching himself the ways of war he was renowned around his province for being one of the strongest men. His family not wanting to be involved in the war lived in peace. However due to the raging war his parents were taken from him and his field and crops were burned to the ground. Keeping the promise to his parents he denied many officer requests. One day he came home to see food on the table as he looked for his wife he had seen her long beautiful hair was no longer a part of her. Having sold it to barely even afford enough simple rice for them to make it through the day he begged for her forgiveness for his stubbornness of keeping the promise and even though it pained him he broke the promise and joined the Qin military.

A servant of the Qin he joined at a early age showing immense power and skill he was put under the command of Cheng Dang as a foot soldier seeing his potential on the battle field he was offered promotion, but turned it down saying he would rather die by his own actions then force them on innocent allied soldiers.

He was given his own private unit famously known as "The wolves of Qin" It consisted of only men who volunteered to be in the unit, they would assist Zhao in what were essentially suicide missions with little to no chance of survival.

After the war he went back and lived in peace with his wife. However during her studying she overheard about a assassination plot on her husband. She ran to tell him, but it was to late she was caught and sold into slavery. Zhao was told about her being abducted. Feeling that it was his fault for not being able to protect her he joined the military again in the hopes of finding her or at least ending his pain and suffering.

He immediately went back into the service of his good friend of Cheng Dang going back to his old ways of offering to go on suicide missions. He and his commander were ordered to burn the capitol to the ground so that the invading army would not be able to use the resources. He refused and left Cheng Dang's army. However on his way back he saw people running from Chen She's army as they slaughtered the fleeing people. He defended them til they got free and noticed Cheng Dang hadn't started the fire but instead defended it. He charged through the field and regrouped with Cheng Dang holding off the army along with what little was left. He held out with his allies til Zhang Han showed up and fended off the remaining soldiers.

Zhang Han took much of the credit and while Cheng Dang left Zhao stayed hoping to find his wife. To no avail he left and heard of Cheng Dang's rise in power. Wanting to serve someone who would be willing to fight for the people he hurried to his old allies side.

Last edited by Dartagnan on Sat Aug 28, 2010 3:24 am, edited 6 times in total.
Zhao Ning Zhao Ning(39) 75-106*-22-53-53 Skills: Gongshu I, Qiangshu II, Raid II, Challenge II, Yueshu I
New Recruit
Posts: 5
Joined: Mon Aug 16, 2010 3:53 pm

Re: Free Officers

Post by x_x »


Name: Liang Qi
Sex: Female
Age: 18
Location: Hann

Original Stats: 20-87-18-83-59
Current Base Stats: 20-87-18-83-59
Current Stats with Items: 20-89*-18-83-59

Skills: Challenge I, Intimidate II, Jianshu II, Propagandist II, Sabetour II, Qiangshu II

Item Slots:
Horse: Horse (+1 ATK)
Weapon: Billhook (+1 Might); Throwing Knives (+1 Might)

Unequipped Items: Spear (+1 Might)

Stat Experience:
Command: 0/100
Might: 0/100
Intelligence: 0/100
Judgement: 0/100
Charm: 0/100

Experience History (PTs):
Turn 1: You study Challenge. You have learned the skill!
You build Provincial Bond in Hann and gain 12 Bond.
Liang Qi patrols. ROLL REQUIRED. Sucess! The old man ends up being something of a nuisance, eating far more than necessary, walking in on your baths, and insulting your friends and guests, costing you 25 gold and 5 Provincial Bond in your current location.

Your Impressive Might gains you 22 Provincial Influence in Hann
Remember, Provincial Influence cannot exceed 100.

Gold: 75
+100 from sign-up
-25 from a patrol

Hann Provincial Influence: 7
Hann Provincial Bond: 22

Followers: none

PT Format
Liang Qi 20-89-18-83-59
Base Stats: 20-87-18-83-59
City Location: Han

You study Challenge. You have learned the skill!
You build Provincial Bond in Han and gain 12 Bond.
Liang Qi patrols. ROLL REQUIRED.

You conscript 534(10) soldiers
Last edited by x_x on Wed Aug 18, 2010 5:06 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Liang Qi (18)
Intimidate II, Jianshu II, Propagandist II, Sabetour II, Qiangshu II
New Recruit
Posts: 34
Joined: Mon Oct 20, 2008 10:33 pm

Re: Free Officers

Post by Wolf »


Cheng Zhen, 24
Starting Stats: 69-19-69-72-64
Stats: 72-19-69-80-64
Stats w/ Items: 72-19-69-80-64

Stat Exp:
Comm: + 3
Judge: + 3 + 3 + 2

Starting Skills: Disipline II, Confuse II, Politician II, Volley II, Jeer II
Learned Skills:
Skills: Disipline II, Confuse II, Politician II, Volley II, Jeer II

Skill Exp:

Location: Dai
Providencial Influence: 60
NPC Providencial Bond: 76
Properties: 2 Villages (Baotou, Ulanqab)

Influence Gain: +19 + 19 + 20 + 19 + 20 + 19 + 19 + 20

Yong Dai(78) 47-71-52-54-74 Instructor II, Maraud II, Jeer I, Qiangshu I, Charge I, Faze I
Er Ti (26) 72-69-54-40-50 Charge II, Dash I, Escort I, Yueshu I
Jiang E 69-69-64-45-64/Confuse 1, Decoy 1, Entangle 1, Jianshu 1, Pierce 1, Scribe 1, Wall 1

Personal Army:
1389(88) Unequipped

Gold: 412
100 + 50 + 50 + 100 + 100 + 12
(Starting + Village + Village + Village (x2) + Village (x2) + Search)

Next PT:
Cheng Zhen 69-19-69-80-64
Base Stats: 69-19-69-80-64
I am currently in Dai

You improve your Command by 3
Search For NPC.47% chance of success of finding and recruiting an officer. ROLL REQUIRED.
You build Provincial Bond in Dai and gain 19 Bond.

Your Impressive Judgement gains you 20 Provincial Influence in Dai
Remember, Provincial Influence cannot exceed 100.

NPC Personal Army Actions:
Yong Dai conscripts 426(10) soldiers
Er Ti drills your Personal Army.
Jiang E forages and nets you 13 gold.

You govern 2 villages and collect 100 gold.

Your drilling efforts improve your army Morale by 30.
You started with 963(79) soldiers, and ended with 1389(88).
Last edited by Wolf on Wed Sep 15, 2010 3:31 pm, edited 8 times in total.
Name: Cheng Zhen
Age: 24
Gold: 150
Confuse II, Politician II, Volley II, Discipline II, Jeer II
New Recruit
Posts: 34
Joined: Tue Jul 15, 2008 10:37 am

Re: Free Officers

Post by RLC »

Current Info:
Rue Ren;45-20-97-78-47/Doctor I, Engineer II, Jeer II, Poison II, Public Planer II, Scribe II
Age 22

Horse: None
Head: None
Body: None
Weapon: None
Book: War and Peace(Int+3)
Book: None
Jewelry: None

Starting Info:
Rue Ren;45-20-91-78-47/Doctor I, Engineer II, Jeer II, Poison II, Public Planer II, Scribe II
Age 22
100 gold

Gold History:
+100 at Sign Up
-100 For Crafting Intelligence Book(+3)
+32 From Construct Jan 206
+53 from March 206

Personal Development History:
+1 Int From Training Jan 206
+1 Int From Training Feb 206
+1 Int from Training March 206

Skill Action History:
Crafting Intelligence Book (+3Int) 2 Months, 1 Remaining. Jan 206
Finished Crafting Int Book. Feb 206

Personal Army: 546(50)
Recruited 182(50) soldiers Jan 206
Recruited 182(50) soldiers Feb 206
Recruited 182(50) soldiers Mar 206
Last edited by RLC on Wed Sep 01, 2010 1:46 am, edited 4 times in total.
Zhang Tzu
Posts: 106
Joined: Wed May 25, 2005 8:01 am

Re: Free Officers

Post by Zhang Tzu »

Name: Zhang Tzu
Age: 23
Gold: 163
Location: Chu

Command: 58
Might: 94
Intellect: 20
Judgment: 25
Charm: 75

Challenge II, Charge II, Intimidate I, Gongshu II, Jianshu II,Smith I, Yueshu II

Stat Exp:

Feb 206, +6 Judgement
Mar 206, +4 Command

Skill Exp:

Jan 206, learned Smith I



Gold history:

Total: 163

100 gold start
+19 gold Feb 206 hunt
-15 gold Feb 206 patrol event
+50 gold Feb 206 patrol event
+19 gold Mar 206 hunt

PT Actions:

January 206: Study Smith I, complete
Feb 206: Patrol, +5 Provincial bond in Chu, +50 gold; +19 gold hunt
Mar 206: train Command +4; Improve influence in Chu, +24; hunt, +19 gold

Provincial Bond:

Chu 5

Provincial Influence:

Chu 24
Last edited by Zhang Tzu on Sat Aug 28, 2010 2:48 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Zhang Tzu 58-94-20-25-75
Challenge II, Charge II, Intimidate I, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Smith I, Yueshu II
Items: None
Gold: 163
Posts: 79
Joined: Tue Nov 18, 2008 5:29 pm
Location: Jiaoxi

Re: Free Officers

Post by gavnor »

Name: Vahn Trung Huu
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Location: Liang
Base Stats: 82-66-47-69-54
Equiped Stats: 82-67*-47-69-56*
Skills: Aid II, Sortie II, Wall II, Envelop II

Head: Goosefeather Helm (+1 Might, +2 Charisma)

100 | Starting Gold
150 | +50 January 206 PT, 1 Village
200 | +50 February 206 PT, 1 Village
0 | -200 April 206, Armaments Pi Spears(800), Leather Armor(800) (Market Approved)
77 | +77 April 206 PT, 1 Village, 2x Foraging
154 | +77 May 206 PT, 1 Village, 2x Foraging
288 | +134 July 206 PT, 2 Villages, 3x Foraging
168 | -120 July 206 PT Patrol Action
425 | +257 August 206 PT, 2 Villages, 3x Foraging, 1x Hunting, 1xTown
0 | -425 January 205, Armaments Horses(1700) Confirmed
57 | +57 January 205 PT, 1x Hunting, 3x Foraging
111 | +54 February 205 PT, 1x Hunting, 3x Foraging
164 | +53 March 205 PT, 1x Hunting 3x Foraging (Pending Confirmation)

Provincial Bond:
Jiaoxi - 22

Provincial Influence:
Jiaoxi - 0

Cangying Mingqing(49) 57-57-52-62-73 Doctor II, Jeer I, Public Planner I, Scout I, Poison I, Faze I, Envelop I
Si Bu(76) 83-56-43-44-61 Assemble II, Rupture II, Faze I, Entrench I, Engineer I
Suo Chi (16) 62-68-71-63-43 Artisan I, Confuse I, Jeer I, Poison I, Spy I
(EX!) Xun Jie;90-64-65-82-53/Jianshu I, Rally I, Sortie II, Volley II
(retired)Louqiandang Xiahou 54-64-62-51-66/Artisan 1, Discipline 1, Escort 1, Gongshu 1, Scribe 1, Smith 1, Spy 1, Wall 1
(retired)Neng She (54) 68-56-71-50-66 Confuse I, Instructor I, Maurad I, Wall I

Personal Army:
3144(100) 800 spears, 0 halberds, 0 javelins, 0 bows, 0 crossbows, 0 siege engines, 800 leather armors, 0 bronze armors, 1700 horses, 0 chariots
Last edited by gavnor on Mon Apr 11, 2011 4:56 pm, edited 34 times in total.
V4 Vahn Trung Huu (28) | 82-67*-47-69-54*
| Aid II, Sortie II, Wall II, Envelop II | Items: Goosefeather Helm (+1 Might, +2 Charisma)
V3 Vahn Trung Huu (25) | 98*-83*-30-83-44 | Discipline II, Aid II, Sortie III, Wall II
Not-so-new recruit
Posts: 43
Joined: Sun Jul 13, 2008 8:32 pm

Re: Free Officers

Post by Oni-Chan »

Kun Ma 40-68-32-90-67
Base Stats: 40-68-32-90-67
I am currently in Dai

You improve your Judgement by 2
Search For NPC.50% chance of success of finding and recruiting an officer. ROLL REQUIRED.
Kun Ma patrols. ROLL REQUIRED.

You conscript 408(10) soldiers

NPC Personal Army Actions:
Bian Zang drills your Personal Army.
Shan Huangfu searches For NPCs.22% chance of success of finding and recruiting an officer. ROLL REQUIRED.

Your drilling efforts improve your army Morale by 30.
You started with 408(10) soldiers, and ended with 816(40).
Name: Kun Ma Age: 24 40-68-32-88-67
Skills: Civil Administrator II, Cover II, Politician II, Volley II, Trainer II
Post Reply