January 206 Personal Turns

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Zhao Ren
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Re: January 206 Personal Turns

Post by Zhao Ren »

Lin Quan 69-30-51-64-82
Base Stats: 69-30-51-64-82
City Location: Zhao

You improve your Charisma by 2
Search For NPC.41% chance of success of finding and recruiting an officer. ROLL REQUIRED.
You build Provincial Bond in Zhao and gain 28 Bond.

Your Dazzling Charisma gains you 21 Provincial Influence in Zhao
Remember, Provincial Influence cannot exceed 100.

NPC Personal Army Actions:
Xuhu conscripts 534(10) soldiers
Guo Yan searches For NPCs.18% chance of success of finding and recruiting an officer. ROLL REQUIRED.

You govern 1 villages and collect 50 gold.

For NPC Xuhu, swap out Public Planner I for Intimidate I.
For NPC Guo Yan, swap out Charge I for Public Planner I.
Mei Ji (梅吉), the Flying General (飛將軍)
90*-69-33-72*-41 Aid III, Dash II, Discipline II, Military Administrator I, Wall II

GM NPCs: Empy Yi, Xiao He (蕭何), Tian Rong (田荣)

"The common people pray for rain, healthy children, and a summer that never ends. It is no matter to them if the high lords play their game of thrones, so long as they are left in peace. They never are."
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Re: January 206 Personal Turns

Post by Seewichai »

Nalan Yuchun 60-71-76-65-50
Base Stats: 60-68-69-65-50
City Location: Chu

You improve your Intelligence by 3
You hunt and kill and maim for weeks. Your trophies net you 25 gold.

Your Sharp Intelligence gains you 19 Provincial Influence in Chu
Remember, Provincial Influence cannot exceed 100.
Qian Yen (千眼) (26) 60-71*-89*-65-50 | Confuse II, Gongshu II, Poison II, Spy II

Zhou Kahn
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Re: January 206 Personal Turns

Post by Zhou Kahn »

Mai Zu 51-75-75-75-56
Base Stats: 51-75-75-75-56
City Location: Moving to Qi

You study Artisan. You have advanced 1/3rd of the way towards the next level.
Mai Zu patrols. ROLL REQUIRED.
You construct wonderful things, and earn 93 gold.

No Personal Army Action
Mai Zu
Stats: 51-75-75-75-56
Skills: Artisan II, Civil Administrator II, Engineer II, Scribe III, Smith II, Trainer II
Mai Zu's Shop of Wonder
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Location: Yan

Re: January 206 Personal Turns

Post by Meia »

Ding Yi 76-66-47-74-50
Base Stats: 76-66-47-74-50
City Location: Yan

You improve your Might by 3
Search For NPC.25% chance of success of finding and recruiting an officer. ROLL REQUIRED.
You build Provincial Bond in Yan and gain 10 Bond.

You govern 1 villages and collect 50 gold.
Lady Ding Yi--丁 怡 age 25, the (EX!) PC ^_^v and future Queen of Yan
Civil Administrator II, Discipline 3, Gongshu I, Military Administrator I, Propagandist 3*, Public Planner I, Sortie II, Wall I, Yueshu I
Equipment: none
785 gold
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Re: January 206 Personal Turns

Post by Bonaparte »

Deng Yue 49-46-50-78-71
Base Stats: 49-46-50-78-71
City Location: Chang Sha

You improve your Charisma by 3
You build Provincial Bond in Chang Sha and gain 26 Bond.

Your Impressive Judgement gains you 20 Provincial Influence in Chang Sha
Remember, Provincial Influence cannot exceed 100.

You govern a town named Guiyang and collect 140 gold and 294(10) soldiers.

Character Equipment Changing:
Equipping Horse (+1 Speed)
Last edited by Bonaparte on Sun Aug 15, 2010 10:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
Deng Yue, 40
Military Administrator II, Civil Administrator II, Diplomat II, Politician II
Items: Horse (+1 Speed, E), Ring of Changsha (+3 Charisma, E)
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Re: January 206 Personal Turns

Post by Mogwai »

Sun Cai 76-39-55-83-19
Base Stats: 76-39-55-83-19
City Location: Yong

You improve your Judgement by 2.
Search For NPC. 28% chance of success of finding and recruiting an officer. ROLL REQUIRED.

Your Impressive Judgement gains you 21 Provincial Influence in Yong.

You govern a town named Yincheng and collect 181 gold and 551(10) soldiers.

Rank Declared: Magistrate (-50 gold, see link in sig for accurate gold history, or click http://simwarlords.net/forum/viewtopic. ... 43#p148143)
Last edited by Mogwai on Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:30 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Wild Wolf
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Re: January 206 Personal Turns

Post by Wild Wolf »

Tie Niangzi 51-92-35-27-83
Base Stats: 51-86-35-27-83
City Location: Yan

You study Jianshu. You have advanced 1/4th of the way towards the next level.
Tie Niangzi patrols. ROLL REQUIRED.
You hunt and kill and maim for weeks. Your trophies net you 21 gold.

Tie Niangzi moves from Jiaodong to Yan
Tiě Niángzi (铁娘子) zi Pòjiàn (破剑) of the Southern Coast, born in 230 BC
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Re: January 206 Personal Turns

Post by nstroud »

Huang Fu 79-35-46-79-40
Base Stats: 79-35-46-79-40
City Location: Di

You improve your Might by 5
Search For NPC.36% chance of success of finding and recruiting an officer. ROLL REQUIRED.
You build Provincial Bond in Di and gain 11 Bond.

Your Impressive Judgement gains you 20 Provincial Influence in Di
Remember, Provincial Influence cannot exceed 100.

You govern a town named Qingcheng and collect 172 gold and 573(10) soldiers

Huang Fu claims the title of District Manager.

Huang Fu pays the associated household costs -30 gold
Prefect Huang Fu
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Re: January 206 Personal Turns

Post by Agon07 »

Zhu Lizhi 70-22-54-68-73
Base Stats: 70-22-54-68-73
City Location: Yin

You improve your Judgement by 3
Search For NPC.43% chance of success of finding and recruiting an officer. ROLL REQUIRED.
You build Provincial Bond in Yin and gain 27 Bond.

Your Dazzling Charisma gains you 18 Provincial Influence in Yin
Remember, Provincial Influence cannot exceed 100.

NPC Personal Army Actions:
Ai Mei conscripts 516(10) soldiers
Li Ling searches For NPCs.25% chance of success of finding and recruiting an officer. ROLL REQUIRED.

You govern 1 villages and collect 50 gold.

For Ai Mei id like to swap out saboteur I for Smith I
and for Li Ling i would like to swap out Sortie I for Artisan
Zhu Lizhi(15); 80-26-54-81-73/Civil Administrator II, Cover I, Discipline I, Diplomat II, Military Administrator II, Politician II
Follower:Ai Mei(16); 50-86-43-47-65/Trainer II, Intimidate I, Jianshu I, Smith I, Rally I, Deride I, Charge I
Li Ling(17); 58-56-59-76-41/Artisan I, Propagandist II, Cover I, Discipline I, Scribe I
Xia Jingsu (63) 45-62-74-54-69 Assemble II, Haste, Jeer, Volley II
Rong Ying;78-49-72-66-57/Diplomat II, Poison I, Scout II, Volley I
Posts: 461
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Re: January 206 Personal Turns

Post by KongFau »

Wu Zenmi 79-15-91-79-17
Base Stats: 79-15-91-79-17
City Location: Linjiang

You study Scribe. You have learned the skill!
Wu Zenmi patrols. ROLL REQUIRED.
You hunt and kill and maim for weeks. Your trophies net you 18 gold.
Wu Zenmi (35+1) 85-15-98*-91-24* Aid II, Artisan I, Confuse I, Cover II, Engineer I, Entangle II, Haste I, Scout II, Scribe I, Trainer I, Volley II
Equipped*: Strategies and Seasons Book(+3 Int), Terrains and Tactics Book(+3 Int), Wingyi Horse(+5 Speed), Jewelry Jade Rooster Idol (+1 Int, +1 Cha), Silver Moon Patterned Robe(+3 Cha), Silver Moon Patterned Headwear(+3 Cha)