Free Officers

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New Recruit
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Joined: Sat Aug 14, 2010 6:39 am

Re: Free Officers

Post by micey »

Character Information:
Name: Zhang Yao zi Wenjie
Rank: Village Chief (+500 Max Troops, 0 gold/month)
Title: "Yang Xiao Jiang"

Gender: Male
Age 25
Political Alignment: Pro-Han
Political Affiliation: None
Provincial Influence: 60 in Yong
Provincial Bond: 97 in Yong
Stat and Skill Information:
Current Stats: 80-21-51-52-79
Base Stats: 80-21-51-52-79
Starting Stats: 80-21-51-52-79
Current Skills: Aid II, Deride II, Diplomat II, Discipline II, Military Administrator II, Politician I
Starting Skills: Aid II, Deride II, Diplomat II, Discipline II, Military Administrator II

Stat History: None
Skill History:
Jan 206: Learnt Politician I
Feb 206: Learning Diplomat III (1 of 4)
Mar 206: Learning Diplomat III (2 of 4)
Apr 206: Learning Diplomat III (3 of 4)

Gold and Item Information:
Horse: None
Head: None
Body: None
Weapon: None
Book: None
Book: None
Jewelry: None

Gold History:
[100]+100 gold at Sign Up
[150]+050 gold from Village in Jan 206
[200]+050 gold from Village in Feb 206
[300]+100 gold from Village in Mar 206
[400]+100 gold from Village in Apr 206
Provincial Influence and Provincial Bond History:
20 Provincial Influence (Yong Province) at Startup
20 Provincial Influence (Yong Province) gained in Mar 206
20 Provincial Influence (Yong Province) gained in Apr 206

22 Provincial Bond (Yong Province) gained in Jan 206
25 Provincial Bond (Yong Province) gained in Feb 206
25 Provincial Bond (Yong Province) gained in Mar 206
25 Provincial Bond (Yong Province) gained in Apr 206
Personal Army and Follower Information:
Location: Yong Province - Village 89
Personal Army: 1642(73) soldiers
Armaments: None
Dian Shen (77) 51-74-36-78-53 Inspire II, Jianshu I, Politician II (Original Follower)
Chong Zhenhu (54) 63-72-53-56-48 Politician I, Raid I, Sortie I, Trainer I, Wall I
Dia Duan (38) 59-73-49-70-65 Haste I, Instructor I, Intimidate I, Poison I, Politician I, Scout I, Sortie I, Wall I

Personal Army and Follower History:
Dian Shen joins at Startup
Chong Zhenhu joins in Jan 206.
Dia Duan joins in Feb 206.
383(50) recruited in Jan 206.
383(50) recruited in Feb 206.
438(10) conscripted in Mar 206.
438(10) conscripted in Apr 206.
Personal Turn History:
Jan 206
Zhang Yao 80-21-51-52-79
Base Stats: 80-21-51-52-79
City Location: Yong
You study Politician. You have learned the skill!
You build Provincial Bond in Yong and gain 22 Bond.
Zhang Yao patrols. Patrol: Success! "A two-headed boar is born on your lands, and the priests of a local temple declare it is a divine message from heaven that . . .A great disease will fall upon you unless you bathe in a sacred marsh. Do You?"
You recruit 383(50) soldiers
NPC Personal Army Actions:
Dian Shen searches For NPCs.46% chance of success of finding and recruiting an officer. NPC Search: Success! You recruit: Chong Zhenhu (54) 63-72-53-56-48 Politician I, Raid I, Sortie I, Trainer I, Wall I
You govern 1 villages and collect 50 gold.
For NPC Dian Shen, swap out Doctor I for Jianshu I.

Feb 206
Zhang Yao 80-21-51-52-79
Base Stats: 80-21-51-52-79
I am currently in Yong
You study Diplomat. You have advanced 1/4th of the way towards the next level.
Recruiting Dia Duan. 66% chance of success. You successfully recruit Dia Duan!
You build Provincial Bond in Yong and gain 25 Bond.
You recruit 383(50) soldiers
NPC Personal Army Actions:
Dian Shen searches For NPCs.26% chance of success of finding and recruiting an officer. Dian Shen’s search fails.
Chong Zhenhu drills your Personal Army.
You govern 1 villages and collect 50 gold.
Your drilling efforts improve your army Morale by 30.
You started with 383(50) soldiers, and ended with 766(80).
Zhang Yao declares the rank of Chief. (+500 Max Troops, 0 gold/month)

Mar 206
Zhang Yao 80-21-51-52-79
Base Stats: 80-21-51-52-79
I am currently in Yong
You study Diplomat. You have advanced 1/4th of the way towards the next level.
You build Provincial Bond in Yong and gain 25 Bond.
Your Aura of Command gains you 20 Provincial Influence in Yong
Remember, Provincial Influence cannot exceed 100.
NPC Personal Army Actions:
Dian Shen searches For NPCs.26% chance of success of finding and recruiting an officer. Dian Shen’s search fails.
Dia Duan conscripts 438(10) soldiers
You govern 2 villages and collect 100 gold.
You started with 766(80) soldiers, and ended with 1204(55).

Apr 206
Zhang Yao 80-21-51-52-79
Base Stats: 80-21-51-52-79
I am currently in Yong
You study Diplomat III. You have advanced 1/4th of the way towards the next level.
Recruiting Dong Xie. 66% chance of success. Recruitment fails!
You build Provincial Bond in Yong and gain 25 Bond.
Your Aura of Command gains you 20 Provincial Influence in Yong
Remember, Provincial Influence cannot exceed 100.
NPC Personal Army Actions:
Dian Shen searches For NPCs.26% chance of success of finding and recruiting an officer. Dian Shen’s search fails.
Chong Zhenhu drills your Personal Army.
Dia Duan conscripts 438(10) soldiers
You govern 2 villages and collect 100 gold.
Your drilling efforts improve your army Morale by 30.
You started with 1204(55) soldiers, and ended with 1642(73).
Last edited by micey on Tue Sep 07, 2010 1:08 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Zhang Yao (25) 80-21-51-52-79
Aid II, Deride II, Diplomat II, Discipline II, Military Administrator II, Politician I
Xu Fu
Posts: 372
Joined: Wed Jun 15, 2005 9:21 pm

Re: Free Officers

Post by Xu Fu »

Name: Xu Fu
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Gold: 1514
Stats: 78 - 87* - 42 - 65 - 60

Beginning stats: 78 - 82 - 42 - 48 - 60
Modifications: 0 - 5 - 0 - 0 - 0
Modified stats: 78 - 87* - 42 - 65 - 60

Skills: Civil Administrator I, Charge II, Faze II, Instructor I, Military Administrator I, Qiang Shu II, Raid II

Horse: Black Horse and Mane(Spd+3)
Armor: Iron Cuirass +3 Might
Weapon Melee: Spear +2 Might
Weapon Ranged: Set of Javelins (purchased)

Stat Training:
Command: 00/100
Might: 00/100
Intellect: 00/100
Judgement: 00/100 [14]
Charm: 00/100

Skill Training:
April: Military Administrator Learned!
July: Qiangshu III 1/4
August: Civil Administrator Learned!
September: Qiangshu III 2/4
October: Qiangshu III 3/4

Provincial Influence:
Jibei: 66

Provincial Bond:
Jibei: 98

Zan Lun (36) 30 - 66 - 80 - 60 - 60
Deride I, Doctor I, Politician I, Civil Administrator I, Sortie I, Cover I, Public Planner I

Zhuang Lu 85-83-64-66-58 Assemble I, Challenge I, Discipline I, Entangle I, Military Administrator I, Poison II, Scribe I

Kuan Gangmang 68-68-58-59-50 Delay II, Gongshu I, Pierce I, Raid II

Qiang An 58-46-64-50-74 Charge I, Gongshu I, Raid II, Saboteur I.

Personal Army:
4,718 (100)

Gold Hisory:
[600] Starting Gold
[150] - 450 Purchase Horse (Spd+3) - 450 gold
[187] +37 January personal turn
[012] - 175 Purchase a set of javalins
[062] +50 Control of 1 village (118)
[162] +100 Govern 2 villages (118,117)
[277] +100 govern2 villages (118,117) +15 Forage
[577] +300 battle of Boyang
[677] +100 govern 2 villages June
[877] +200 govern 4 villages July
[1175] +298 Govern 4 villages and town
[1514] +339 Govern town and 4 villages and hunt september pt
[1954] +440 govern town and 4 villages and hunt, forage October pt

Personal Turn:
You improve your Judgement by 4
You hunt and kill and maim for weeks. Your trophies net you 22 gold.
You conscript 522(10) soldiers
Zan Lun forages and nets you 15 gold.
Xu Fu - Confirmed. You find and recruit (EX!) Zhuang Lu 85-83-64-66-58 Assemble I, Challenge I, Discipline I, Entangle I, Military Administrator I, Poison II, Scribe I
Conscript 522 train +30 P. Influence +22, Jud. +4
March: Bond 12, Jud. +3

April PT:
You study Military Administrator. You have learned the skill!
You build Provincial Bond in Jibei and gain 12 Bond.
Zan Lun drills your Personal Army.
Zhuang Lu conscripts 498(10) soldiers
You govern 2 villages and collect 100 gold.
Your drilling efforts improve your army Morale by 30.
You started with 1044(40) soldiers, and ended with 1542(60).
May PT:
You improve your Judgement by 3
You build Provincial Bond in Jibei and gain 12 Bond.
You conscript 574(10) soldiers
NPC Personal Army Actions:
Zan Lun forages and nets you 15 gold.
Zhuang Lu drills your Personal Army.
You govern 2 villages and collect 100 gold.
Your drilling efforts improve your army Morale by 30.
You started with 1542(60) soldiers, and ended with 2116(76).
June PT
You improve your Judgement by 3
You build Provincial Bond in Jibei and gain 12 Bond.
Zhuang Lu recruits 313(50) soldiers
You govern 2 villages and collect 100 gold.
Your drilling efforts improve your army Morale by 30.
You started with 1764(40) soldiers, and ended with 2077(72).
July PT
You study Qiangshu. You have advanced 1/4th of the way towards the next level. You build Provincial Bond in Jibei and gain 12 Bond.
Zhuang Lu recruits 313(50) soldiers
You govern 4 villages and collect 200 gold.
Your drilling efforts improve your army Morale by 28.
You started with 2077(72) soldiers, and ended with 2390(97).
August PT 206
Learned Civil administrator, Recruited Kuan Gangmang, +12 Provinial bond,
Recruited 864 troops, +298 gold 4 villages and town Waizhan
September PT 206
Study Qiang Shu 2/4 way, recruited 781 troops, +339 gold 4 villages, town, and hunt
Recruited Qiang An;58-46-64-50-74/Charge I, Gongshu I, Raid II, Saboteur I.
October PT 206
Study Qiang Shu 3/4 way, recruited 254 (50)troops +429 (30) from town +440 gold from town hunt and forage owning 4 villages
Last edited by Xu Fu on Wed Dec 22, 2010 11:07 am, edited 17 times in total.
Xu Fu (27) 78 - 87* - 42 - 65 - 60
Charge II, Civil Administrator I, Faze II, Instructor I, Military Administrator I, Qiang Shu II, Raid II
Provincial Influence 44, Provincial Bond 86
Posts: 74
Joined: Fri Apr 07, 2006 5:12 pm

Re: Free Officers

Post by ZhangCo »

Character Information:
Name: Lu Zihang zi lingluan
Rank: None
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Political Alignment: Unknown
Political Affiliation: None
Stat and Skill Information:
Current Stats: 73-20-86-70-30
Base Stats: 73-20-86-70-30
Starting Stats: 73-20-86-70-30
Skills: Confuse II, Decoy I, Doctor, Jeer I, Military Administrator II, Poison II, Public Planner I

Stat History: None
Skill History: None

Gold and Item Information:
Gold: 100
Horse: None
Head: None
Body: None
Weapon: None
Book: None
Book: None
Jewelry: None

Gold and Item History:
+100 gold at Sign Up
Personal Army and Follower Information:
Location: Wei
Personal Army: None
Armaments: None
Followers: She Ou (78) 76-75-32-58-42, Discipline I, Inspire I, Jeer I, Propagandist I, Rupture I, Wall II

Personal Army and Follower History: None
Lu Zihang zi lingluan (24)
Confuse II, Decoy I, Doctor, Jeer I, Military Administrator II, Poison II, Public Planner I

She Ou (78) 76-75-32-58-42, Discipline I, Inspire I, Jeer I, Propagandist I, Rupture I, Wall II
Posts: 84
Joined: Thu Apr 06, 2006 6:01 pm

Re: Free Officers

Post by Kyin »

Name: An Lin
Age: 36
Gender: M
Stats: 70-78-59-81-42
Skills: Faze II, Instructor II, Intimidate II, Maraud I, Military Administrator II, Raid I, Saboteur II, Yueshu I
Gold: 588
Location: Jibei

Item Slots:

Item History:

Gold History:
+ 100 -Sign Up
+122- Governing Youwen (May 206)
+122- Governing Youwen (June 206)
+122- Governing Youwen (July 206)
+122- Governing Youwen (August 206)

Skill History
Jan 206- Learned Maraud I
April 206- Learned Yueshu I

Prov. Influence/NPC Bond History [Current: -2/-2]
August 206- -2 Influence & Bond for accepting bandits into PA.

Personal Army History [Current: 4724(87)]
Jan 206- Recruited 302 (50) soldiers
Feb 206- Recruited 302 (50) soldiers
Feb 206- Xiren Kan drills PA by 30.
Mar 206- Conscripted 518 (10) soldiers
Mar 206- Xiren Kan drills PA by 30.
April 206- Conscripted 518 (10) soldiers
April 206- Xiren Kan Drills PA by 30
May 206- Received 420(30) solders from Youwen.
June 206- Conscripted 540 (10) solders
June 206- Xiren Kan Drills PA by 21
June 206- Received 420 (30) solders from Youwen
July 206- Recruited 302(50) solders
July 206- Received 420 solders from Youwen
July 206- Xiren Kan Drills PA by 17
August 206- Conscripted 562 (10) soldiers
August 206- Xiren Kan Drills PA by 13
August 206- Received 420 (30) solders from Youwen
August 206- +1000 (5) bandits accepted to PA.

Stat History
Feb 206- +4 to intelligence
Mar 206- +4 to intelligence
May 206- +3 to Might
June 206- +3 to Might
July 206- +4 to intelligence
August 206- +3 to intelligence

Xiren Kan (28) 52-62-61-62-70 Deride, Faze, Maraud, Rupture, Saboteur, Yueshu
Last edited by Kyin on Tue Nov 09, 2010 5:49 pm, edited 11 times in total.
An Lin (36)
Faze II, Instructor II, Intimidate II, Maraud I, Military Administrator II, Raid I, Saboteur II, Yueshu I
Not-so-new recruit
Posts: 44
Joined: Wed Aug 11, 2010 6:10 pm

Re: Free Officers

Post by upgraded627 »

Character Information:
Name: Li Xiaolong
Rank: None
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Political Alignment: Unknown
Political Affiliation: None
Stat and Skill Information:
Current Stats: 72-81-31-50-56
Base Stats: 72-81-31-50-56
Starting Stats: 72-81-21-50-56
Skills: Charge II, Faze II, Jianshu III, Raid II, Smith II

Stat History:
Intelligence: +10
+5 (Sept. 206 PT)
+5 (Oct. 206 PT)

Skill History:
Charge II: Sign-Up
Faze II: Sign-Up
Faze III: 1/4 (Studied Dec. 206)
Jianshu II: Sign-Up
Jianshu III: 4/4 (Studied Jan.-April. 206)
Raid II: Sign-Up
Smith II: 4/8
-Studied May 206-August 206

Gold and Item Information:
Gold: 2250
Horse: None
Head: None
Body: None
Weapon: None
Book: None
Book: None
Jewelry: None

Gold History:
+100 [100]Jan. 206 Sign-Up
+17 [117] Jan. 206 PT Hunting
+309 [426] April 206 MP Raiding
+439 [865] May 206 MP Raiding
+493 [1358] June 206 MP Raiding
+230 [1588] July 206 MP Raiding
+13 [1601] July 206 PT Hin Kixuan forages
+560 [2161] August 206 MP Raiding
+17 [2178] August 206 PT Hunt
+12 [2190] August 206 PT Tsui Quan forages
+13 [2203] August 206 PT Hin Kixuan forages
+12 [2215] August 206 PT Peng Xiahoudian forages
+200 [2415] August 206 CP Recieve payment from Zhefu
+998 [3413] September 206 MP Sacking of Changyi
-1801 [1612] September 206 PT Crafting Sword (+10 Mgt) (4 months remaining)
+13 [1625] September 206 PT Hin Kixuan forages
+13 [1638] October 206 PT Hin Kixuan forages
+12 [1650] October 206 PT Peng Xiahoudian forages
+600 [2250] December 206 MP Receive Payment from Ma Dieu
+13 [2263] December 206 PT Hin Kixuan forages
+12 [2275] December 206 PT Peng Xiahoudian forages
2275 Gold

Item HIstory:
September 206 PT
Started crafting Sword (+10 Mgt), -1801 gold, 2 months remaining
Personal Army and Follower Information:
Location: Jiujiang
Personal Army: 2674 (67)
Armaments: None
Tsui Quan(16) 78-67-57-59-59 Delay II, Diplomat I, Escort I, Artisan I, Intimidate I, Sortie I, Wall I
Tsui Yu (16) 57-87-50-50-64 Diplomat II, Gongshu I, Discipline I, Qiangshu I, Jianshu I
Hin Kixuan (16) 62-50-74-58-73 Challenge I, Gongshu I, Haste I, Maraud I, Smith II
Peng Xiahoudian (16) 69-53-68-51-66 Civil Admin II, Decoy II, Delay I, Intimidate I, Rupture I

Personal Army History:
2674 (67)

Jan. 206 PT
Tsui Yu conscripts 522(10) soldiers
You drill your Personal Army, which gains 30 morale.

Feb. 206 PT
Tsui Yu conscripts 522(10) soldiers
Your drilling efforts improve your army Morale by 30.

Mar. 206 PT
Tsui Yu conscripts 522(10) soldiers
Your drilling efforts improve your army Morale by 30.

April 206. PT
Tsui Yu conscripts 522 (10) soldiers
Tsui Quan drills your Personal Army.
Your drilling efforts improve your army Morale by 30.

May 206 PT
Tsui Yu conscripts 522(10) soldiers
Your drilling efforts improve your army Morale by 30.
You started with 2085(85) soldiers, and ended with 2607(100).

June 206 PT
Tsui Yu conscripts 522(10) soldiers
Your drilling efforts improve your army Morale by 19.
You started with 2607(100) soldiers, and ended with 3129(100).

July 206 PT
Tsui Yu conscripts 522(10) soldiers
Your drilling efforts improve your army Morale by 18.
You started with 3129(100) soldiers, and ended with 3651(100).

August 206 PT
Tsui Yu conscripts 522(10) soldiers
Your drilling efforts improve your army Morale by 19.
You started with 3651(100) soldiers, and ended with 4173(100).

September 206 MP
Sacking of Changyi
Aftermath: 4173 (90)

September 206 PT
Tsui Yu conscripts 522(10) soldiers
Your drilling efforts improve your army Morale by 17.
You started with 4173(90) soldiers, and ended with 4695(98).

October 206 PT
Tsui Yu conscrpits 522 (10)
Your drilling efforts impove your army Morale by 17.
You started with 4695 (98), and ended with 5217 (100).

November 206 MP
Participated in Bloodshed at the Border Fort
Started with 5217 (100), and ended with 2152 (43).

December 206 PT
Your drilling efforts improve your army Morale by 30.
You started with 2152(43) soldiers, and ended with 2674(67).

Follower History:
Jan. 206 (Sign-Up):
Tsui Quan (16) 78-67-57-59-59 Aid I, Artisan I, Delay II, Escort I, Intimidate I, Sortie I, Wall I
Tsui Yu (16) 57-87-50-50-64 Diplomat II, Discipline I, Gongshu I, Jianshu I, Qiangshu I
Feb. 206 Search
Tsui Quan finds and recruits:
Hin Kixuan (16) 62-50-74-58-73/Challenge I, Gongshu I, Haste I, Maraud I, Smith II
July 206 Search
Peng Xiahoudian (16) 69-53-68-51-66 Civil Admin II, Decoy II, Delay I, Intimidate I, Rupture I
Last edited by upgraded627 on Mon Feb 07, 2011 3:40 pm, edited 21 times in total.
Li Xiaolong (16)
Charge II, Faze II, Jianshu III, Raid II, Smith II
Tsui Quan (16) 78-67-57-59-59 Delay II, Diplomat I, Escort I, Artisan I, Intimidate I, Sortie I, Wall I
Tsui Yu (16) 57-87-50-50-64 Diplomat II, Gongshu I, Discipline I, Qiangshu I, Jianshu I
Hin Kixuan (16) 62-50-74-58-73 Challenge I, Gongshu I, Haste I, Maraud I, Smith II
Peng Xiahoudian (16) 69-53-68-51-66 Civil Admin II, Decoy II, Delay I, Intimidate I, Rupture I
Posts: 187
Joined: Mon Jul 21, 2008 10:46 am

Re: Free Officers

Post by Made »

Guang Kai, 22, 700 Gold
Decoy, Deride, Diplomat II, Military Administrator, Poison, Politician, Rally
20 Military Influence in the court of Xiang Yu

Chicen Xiahou(22) 45-77-48-78-51 Trainer II, Entangle II, Poison I, Raid I
Guang Kai, 22
Decoy, Deride, Diplomat II, Military Administrator, Poison, Politician, Rally
100 Military Influence in the court of Xiang Yu
98 Provincial Bond in Chu

Chicen Xiahou(22) 45-79*-48-78-51 Trainer II, Entangle II, Poison I, Raid I
Not-so-new recruit
Posts: 47
Joined: Sat Aug 14, 2010 12:47 pm

Re: Free Officers

Post by TheCavalier »

Name: Tong Hanli (The Hundred Span General)
Age: 27
Starting Gold: 100
Command: 75
Might: 21
Intellect: 74
Judgement: 45
Charm: 68

Public Planner X2 Diplomat X1, Politican X2 Scout X2, Decoy X1 Scribe X1

Follower: Ding Zuan(76) 66-80-63-59-37 Smith II, Raid I, Scribe I, Civil Administrator I, Cover I

Village: ChangSha
Tong Hanli, The Hundred Span General (27) 75-21-74-47-68
Public Planner II, Diplomat I, Politican II, Scout II, Decoy I, Scribe II

Follower: Ding Zuan(76) 66-80-63-59-37 Smith II, Raid I, Jianshu I, Civil Administrator I, Cover I
Posts: 137
Joined: Wed Oct 11, 2006 6:54 am

Re: Free Officers

Post by jinx »

Not accepting recruitment letters at the moment

Zhuang Ming (25)
Civil Administrator II, Diplomat II, Military Administrator II, Politician II
623 gold

Gold History:
[100] Starting Gold
[100+63=163] Turn 1: Govern 1 village + Li Zhang forage
[163+50=213] Turn 2: Govern 1 village
[213+50=263] Turn 3: Govern 1 village
[263+100=363] Turn 4: Govern 2 villages
[363+150=513] Turn 5: Govern 3 villages
[513-20=493] Turn 5: General Household cost
[493+150=643] Turn 6: Govern 3 villages
[643-20=623] Turn 6: General Household cost

Rank & Upkeep:
General (Declared in May 206 PT)
Chief (Declared in Feb 206 PT)
20 Upkeep/mth

Stat / Skill History:
Turn 1: +3 Command
Turn 2: +3 Judgement
Turn 3: +2 Judgement
Turn 4: +2 Judgement
Turn 5: +2 Command
Turn 6: +2 Command

Li Zhang(25) 53-80-45-25-83 Cover I, Faze I, Maraud I, Qiangshu I, Rally I, Saboteur I, Wall I
Bing Wu(17) 53-88-53-46-65 Assemble I, Challenge I, Envelop I, Faze I, Instructor I, Intimidate I, Qiangshu I, Smith I
Hutong Ben;67-62-59-64-48/Aid I, Doctor I, Entangle I, Pierce I, Politician I, Sortie I
Fe Sugongsun;62-53-59-56-58/Aid I, Dash I, Jeer I, Qiangshu I, Raid I, Rally I, Saboteur I, Scribe I

Personal Army:
Turn 1: Recruit 347(50) + Drill(30) = 347(80)
Turn 2: Recruit 358(50) + Drill(30) = 705(95)
Turn 3: Recruit 224(50) + Drill(30) = 929(100)
Turn 4: Recruit 224(50) = 1153(90)
Turn 5: Recruit 224(50) = 1377(83)
Turn 6: Recruit 365(50) + Drill(30) = 1742(100)

Territory and Influence:
79 Provincial Influence in Yue
100 Provincial Bond in Yue
Village 96, 129, 130 in Yue
Jan 206 PT wrote:Zhuang Ming 74-19-64-73-67
Base Stats: 74-19-64-73-67
City Location: Yue

You improve your Command by 3
Search For NPC.44% chance of success of finding and recruiting an officer. ROLL REQUIRED.
You build Provincial Bond in Yue and gain 25 Bond.

You recruit 347(50) soldiers

NPC Personal Army Actions:
Li Zhang forages and nets you 13 gold.
Bing Wu searches For NPCs.15% chance of success of finding and recruiting an officer. ROLL REQUIRED.

You govern 1 villages and collect 50 gold.

For NPC Li Zhang, swap out Scribe I for Rally I.
For NPC Bing Wu, swap out Volley I for Instructor I.
Feb 206 PT wrote: ... 89#p149489
Zhuang Ming 77-19-64-73-67
Base Stats: 77-19-64-73-67
I am currently in Yue

You improve your Judgement by 3
Search For NPC.44% chance of success of finding and recruiting an officer. ROLL REQUIRED.
You build Provincial Bond in Yue and gain 25 Bond.

You recruit 358(50) soldiers

NPC Personal Army Actions:
Li Zhang drills your Personal Army.
Bing Wu searches For NPCs.15% chance of success of finding and recruiting an officer. ROLL REQUIRED.

You govern 1 villages and collect 50 gold.

Your drilling efforts improve your army Morale by 30.
You started with 347(80) soldiers, and ended with 705(95).
Zhuang Ming declares rank of Chief, pays no upkeep!
March 206 PT wrote: ... 75#p151875
Zhuang Ming 77-19-64-76-67
Base Stats: 77-19-64-76-67
I am currently in Yue

You improve your Judgement by 2
Recruiting (EX!) Zhuang Lu. 62% chance of success. ROLL REQUIRED.
You build Provincial Bond in Yue and gain 25 Bond.

Your Aura of Command gains you 19 Provincial Influence in Yue
Remember, Provincial Influence cannot exceed 100.

NPC Personal Army Actions:
Li Zhang drills your Personal Army.
Bing Wu recruits 224(50) soldiers

You govern 1 villages and collect 50 gold.

Your drilling efforts improve your army Morale by 30.
You started with 705(95) soldiers, and ended with 929(114).
Apr 206 PT wrote:Zhuang Ming 77-19-64-78-67
Base Stats: 77-19-64-78-67
I am currently in Yue

You improve your Judgement by 2
Recruiting (EX!) Zhuang Lu. 62% chance of success. ROLL REQUIRED.
You build Provincial Bond in Yue and gain 25 Bond.

Your Impressive Judgement gains you 20 Provincial Influence in Yue
Remember, Provincial Influence cannot exceed 100.

NPC Personal Army Actions:
Li Zhang does nothing.
Bing Wu recruits 224(50) soldiers

You govern 2 villages and collect 100 gold.

You started with 929(100) soldiers, and ended with 1153(90).
May 206 PT wrote:Zhuang Ming 77-19-64-80-67
Base Stats: 77-19-64-80-67
I am currently in Yue

You improve your Command by 2
Recruiting Yue Lun. 62% chance of success. ROLL REQUIRED.
Zhuang Ming patrols. ROLL REQUIRED.

Your Impressive Judgement gains you 20 Provincial Influence in Yue
Remember, Provincial Influence cannot exceed 100.

NPC Personal Army Actions:
Li Zhang does nothing.
Bing Wu recruits 224(50) soldiers

You govern 3 villages and collect 150 gold.

Character Equipment Changing:
Declaring rank of General

Household costs: 20/mth
Gold Calc: 363 - 20 = 343
You started with 1153(90) soldiers, and ended with 1377(83).
June 206 PT wrote:Zhuang Ming 79-19-64-80-67
Base Stats: 79-19-64-80-67
I am currently in Yue

You improve your Command by 2
Recruiting Ye Xiong. 62% chance of success. ROLL REQUIRED.
Zhuang Ming patrols. ROLL REQUIRED.

You recruit 365(50) soldiers

NPC Personal Army Actions:
Li Zhang drills your Personal Army.
Bing Wu searches For NPCs.15% chance of success of finding and recruiting an officer. ROLL REQUIRED.

You govern 3 villages and collect 150 gold.

Character Equipment Changing:
Household costs (General): 20/mth
Gold Calc: 493 - 20 = 473
Your drilling efforts improve your army Morale by 30.
You started with 1377(83) soldiers, and ended with 1742(106).
July 206 wrote:Zhuang Ming 81-19-64-80-67
Base Stats: 81-19-64-80-67
I am currently in Yue

You improve your Judgement by 2
Search For NPC.47% chance of success of finding and recruiting an officer. ROLL REQUIRED.
Zhuang Ming patrols. ROLL REQUIRED.

You recruit 372(50) soldiers

NPC Personal Army Actions:
Li Zhang forages and nets you 13 gold.
Bing Wu forages and nets you 14 gold.
Hutong Ben forages and nets you 12 gold.
Fe Sugongsun forages and nets you 11 gold.

Character Equipment Changing:
Household costs (General): 20/mth
Gold Calc: 623 - 20 = 603

You started with 1742(100) soldiers, and ended with 2114(91).
Last edited by jinx on Fri Oct 08, 2010 2:52 pm, edited 15 times in total.
Zhuang Ming (25)
Civil Administrator II, Diplomat II, Military Administrator II, Politician II
163 gold

Li Zhang(25) 53-80-45-25-83
Bing Wu(17) 53-88-53-46-65

Last Ver
Sun Ming(20)
Civil Administrator II, Cover I, Diplomat II, Discipline, Military Administrator II, Politician II, Scribe, Trainer, Wall
New Recruit
Posts: 9
Joined: Sat Aug 14, 2010 8:45 pm

Re: Free Officers

Post by LoyalistGuardian »

Cai Meng 40-40-59-68*-90*
Base Stats: 40-40-59-61-83
Skills: Civil Administrator II, Diplomacy II, Engineer II, Politician II,
Gold: 100

Items: "How to Appraise Stuff and Tell its not Fake" (+7 Judgement, Book), "Glory of Xianyang" (+7 Charm, Jewelry)

Currently in Sai Province.
Available for Hire.
Cai Meng, 22 40-40-59-68*-90*
Skills: Civil Administrator II, Diplomat II, Engineer II, Politician II,
Items: "How to Appraise Stuff and Tell it's not Fake" (+7 Judgement, Book), "Glory of Xianyang" (+7 Charm, Jewelry)
Jin Mei
Posts: 137
Joined: Wed Aug 17, 2005 3:10 am

Re: Free Officers

Post by Jin Mei »


Name: Gao Mei Ling
Age: 21

Base Stats
Command: 38
Might: 17
Intellect: 87
Judgement: 82
Charm: 42

Civil Administrator x2, Engineer x2, Jeer x2, Public Planner x2, Scribe x2

Starting Gold: 100



Provincial Bond:
8 Bond (January PT)

January PT
Gao Mei Ling 38-17-87-82-42
Base Stats: 38-17-87-82-42
City Location: Qi
You improve your Intelligence by 2
Search For NPC.27% chance of success of finding and recruiting an officer. ROLL REQUIRED.
You build Provincial Bond in Qi and gain 8 Bond.
You recruit 156(50) soldiers
You govern 1 villages and collect 50 gold.
Last edited by Jin Mei on Sun Aug 15, 2010 5:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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